Cover Image: Once Upon A Royal Summer

Once Upon A Royal Summer

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I received an arc of this title in exchange for an honest review. This book is absolutely adorable. I hope they eventually make it a movie on hallmark because it's that cute. Lacey works as a princess for a theme park where she happens to meet a real prince and gets to spend several days showing him and his daughter around the theme park where they fall in love. This is very much a fairytale romance book and it's worth the read. It's a quick read full of happy squeals and cute interactions. A dream come true.

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When an amusement park princess meets a real-life prince, there's a spark, but fairy tales don't come true, do they?

For one week, "Princess Sweet Pea" Lacey is the private tour guide for Prince Henry and his delightful daughter, Princess Rose. A magical time spent together, Henry and Rose could live life without the weight of royal duties as they are treated to an adventurous time by Lacey in the fantasy kingdom in a theme park. But all good things must come to an end, until an invitation to a royal ball!

The attraction felt real, an almost-kiss, and a trip to the kingdom of Bella-Moritz, complete with a borrowed dress from Lacey's "fairy godmother." But was it real, were the feelings mutual, and do commoners really meet a prince and have the Happy Ever After?

This sweet romance delivers on dreams coming true in a modern storybook tale, if only you believe in love, kindness, and possibilities.

**received an ARC from Netgalley**

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Once Upon A Royal Summer is such a sweet heartwarming read by Teri Wilson. The role reverse is wonderful in this book where real life Prince is going for “normal” and real life “normal” is playing Princess.

Lacey is a lovely character who enjoys her career as a fairytale theme park princess. What is not to like about this woman who enjoys making children feel special and bringing smiles to their faces. It takes someone special to make this more than just a job. The Henry is a single father who has much on his shoulders as crown prince but is such an amazing father too. You can’t help but want these two to find the Hallmark Happily-ever-after.

Perhaps some would say it is predictable with the usual obstacles in the way of the romance. It also has those unlikable personalities in the story too, such as Mark who the reader meets early in the story. “Happily-ever after” with love winning is always welcome in my reads. It is a story that will leave you with a smile on your face. The recipe is an added bonus which is one I haven’t heard of in a long time.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book is perfect for the Hallmark brand. It's a twist on a modern fairytale. Lacey plays a princess character at a popular theme park and truly loves her job, even if other people think it's childish. When Henry, a real crown-prince brings his daughter to the park posing as regular tourists, sparks fly. Lacey connects with his daughter Rose and their connection helped make this book feel authentic. Who doesn't love a happily ever after. I just wished the ending wasn't so rushed.

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Once Upon a Royal Summer by Teri Wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really enjoyed this super sweet story about finding love while staying true to yourself. Who doesn’t love a happily ever after💕

This book comes out on June 15th 2021. Thank you for the advance copy of the ebook and audiobook via #netgalley

#onceuponaroyalsummer #teriwilson #dreamscapemediahallmarkpublishing

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What else can you expect from a Hallmark book but the perfect romance. Oh man did this book provide that. Just absolutely splendid. I loved the characters and I loved the development. I truly loved that the queen becomes in essence the fairy godmother. And while I know what to expect of a Hallmark story, this one just was so enduring. Really a great read. One I will for sure talk up with patrons who are looking for a lovely romance. Thank you so very much for allowing me to read an advance copy.

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This a lovely story to get immersed in and enjoy watching a modern day romance unfold between a theme park princess and a real life prince. Prince Henry is on vacation in Florida with Rose, his young daughter, where they meet Lacey as "Princess Sweet Pea." Lacey's boss' boss' boss asks Princess Sweet Pea to show the VIPs around the park along with Ian, Henry's personal guard, for their time at the park. It is fun to watch the chemistry between Lacey and Rose and then Henry and Lacey bloom into a special friendship. Because Lacey lost her mom at an early age, she has devoted her life to making others happy for a little while and she can relate to the motherless child. So for a few days they spend quality time in the special make believe world of an amusement park. When Henry invites Lacey to visit his kingdom of Bella-Moritz on the French Riviera for a special festival, she cannot believe it. Her roommate and best friend even gets invited. But they are just friends, right? This is a sweet and delightful way to escape into a world of fairy tales where the heart makes decisions, not the head. Expect to smile a lot, especially at the charming ending.
I received a complimentary ARC from Hallmark Publishing and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine only.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.

I’ve read Teri Wilson once before, a while ago, and have always wanted to read more from her, so my interest was piqued by Once Upon a Royal Summer. While the Hallmark brand usually means you know what you’re getting, that’s not a bad thing, especially since sometimes you need a sweet comfort read, and this is very much that.

The premise is super-cute, playing into the childhood dreams many young girls have of playing princess and then finding oneself meeting and falling for a real-life prince. Lacey pretending to be a princess in the park is plays off the prince-pretending-to-be-a-regular-guy schtick Henry and his daughter play, and it works.

But I felt at times that the sugary-sweetness worked against it, as the book felt slow and lacking in real conflict or stakes. They got together, and then what? I feel like there’s a balance between having a compelling plot/conflict without resorting to being overly melodramatic, and this felt like a hit of a missed opportunity in that regard.

This is still very cute overall, and I still got enjoyment out of the characters, even if I felt some of the plotting and pacing left something to be desired. If you’re looking for a sweet escapist read to live out a Princess fantasy, I think you’ll enjoy this.

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I had so much fun reading this book! I always love Hallmark stories and I loved being able to have one in book form. I really loved the characters of Lacey and Henry. They were such feel good characters that you really rooted for the whole story. Lacey is one of those people that you aspire to be because she is just so good and kind. This story just makes you so happy to read. I would love to see this as a movie.

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This book was just my goodness. My heart is bursting from all the mushiness and glitter.
This book has just been placed on my best read list and it will be on yours as well. If you love all things princesses, being true to yourself and a dash of love.
Looking for something sweet, hilarious and super romantic then look no further because this is the book for you.
Thank you Netgalley for this amazing book and Ms.Wilson for this beautifully written masterpiece.

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TOO STINKING CUTE! Okay, so already I’m going to say this: I’m buying this book for my mama and I when it comes out. NO QUESTIONS ASKED (and my mom doesn’t usually read)! It is the perfect Hallmark and I would love to see it on the screen.

It seems completely flushed out, as in, the characters show development and they all go trough some sort of change by the ending. Is it a little unbelievable, duh. It’s a Hallmark about a theme park princess meeting and falling in love with an actual prince. But I promise it is super cute and that is really the only unbelievable aspect of the story.

I really loved the connection between Lacey and Rose and all the interactions wee get to see of them at the park. I am a sucker for the trope of grumpy guy falling for the sunshine girl and this has that! It has great friendships with Henry and his bodyguard Ian and with Lacey and her gal Ava (plays Little Red Riding Hood in the park). It was just fun to see these interaction and they were really sprinkled throughout. This books looks like it can have a spinoff about Ava and her love interest (I really hope it does) but so far it looks like a standalone.

You can definitely see where inspiration for the theme park was drawn from but I really like that the time was still taken to set the scene. The fairy tales in this park seem like less known stories so it was nice seeing how they made rides and foods to go alongside those stories. Overall, it was great. I am really excited for this one to release and I hope it does really well because Hallmark really outdid themselves on this one.

Review will go live 6/13/2021 on my blog and is live on goodreads already.

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If you love whimsical, light and happy Hallmark movies, then look no further, Once Upon a Royal Summer is definitely your next read. Teri Wilson captures a very cute story that's a super light and fun read.

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Thanks to Hallmark and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book. It was a fun, light read- perfect for vacation! If you are a Hallmark movie lover, then this book will suit you just fine! A theme park princess meets a real-life Prince Charming and they fall in love. Of course, there's a disapproving queen, a royal ball, and a castle!

In all honesty, I give this book 3/5 stars because there just wasn't enough conflict make it exciting. It was, however, a fun, predictable, easy summer read.

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Thank you, Hallmark Publishing and NetGalley, for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was so in the mood for such a royal romance story, and it came right on time!

This book is far one of my favorites: cozy, sweet, easy to read, and delightful. I will be the first to watch it if it ever made its way to the big screen! I really hope this book will become a sequel because I can’t get enough reading about the characters; they were so real and make you want to believe that fairy tales can happen!

I recommend this book to everyone who likes fairy tales and sweet romance. It was so enjoyable, and I can’t stress this enough!

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This was adorable. A perfectly lighthearted, fairytale romance--just like a Hallmark movie. It had a cinematic feel. Cute, fast-paced, charming, & happy.

I'll definitely recommend this publisher to friends who enjoy Hallmark movies.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Hallmark Publishing for an e-advanced reader copy of this book. I very much appreciate it.

I loved this book. It was an easy read and was so much fun. It was a perfect fairy tale that was so easy to get lost in, just like a Hallmark movie which is so appropriate for Hallmark Publishing. While I can't say this book is deep, this light story is a perfect summer escape which was completely what I was in the mood for. THANK YOU Teri Wilson. bb

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Such a sweet read. Of course, it was sort of cliche but it is the kind of book that is easy to read, easy to follow, and easy to get lost in.

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This was exactly what I was hoping for from a Hallmark romance! A real life prince falls for a theme park Princess equals perfect beach read. Sweet and charming while keeping my interest. Definitely enjoyable!

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*Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an early copy of this book for review, all opinions are my own*

For me this is a book to make you feel all hot and gummy inside, the book does exactly what it proposes, it tells us a love story between a prince and a theme park princess.
I found this story so sweet, besides being very quick to read and the author's writing is very nice to read also, making the story not boring at any moment.
This story is a cliché, so go into the book knowing this, but even so, I thought the author managed to get away from some unnecessary clichés and make the story unique in a way.
I really liked the book and recommend it if you want something fast, cute, and charming to read and fall in love with along with the characters!

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One Upon a Royal Summer is a sweet summer romance with a splash of royal fantasy and theme park festivity! A unique and clever story of a theme park princess falling for a real life prince. I found the story of Lacey and Henry to be sweet and predictable, which is what I want in a Hallmark romance! As I read this book, I could see it being a Hallmark movie. How fun if it becomes one! I liked how Lacey and Rose share a connection growing up with widowed fathers. Very sweet. I also liked the inclusion of showing a girl in a wheelchair and the kindness shown to her. 

If you like Hallmark movies and you’re looking for a very light-hearted, quick summer read, then you will enjoy this book for sure!

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