Member Reviews

‘It was time.’

One hot day in February, a local surfer named Ray Carlson is found dead in a house near Portsea on the coast in the Port Phillip area of Victoria. He has been murdered. The case is allocated to Detective Sergeant Zoe Mayer and her partner Charlie Shaw. Zoe Mayer has recently returned to work after a period of extended leave, and is accompanied by her service dog, a golden retriever named Harry.

While there is not a lot of evidence at the scene, there is enough information quickly available to point to a suspect who is duly arrested. But Zoe is not convinced. Is she right?

I could not put this novel down. It takes a while for Zoe’s backstory to unfold, and while it does the reader cannot really be sure about her instincts. Is this murder linked to other cases? And if it is, how and why? Can Zoe overcome the panic attacks she is still prone to? The tension is maintained throughout the novel: Zoe investigates on instinct, taking risks because time is critical and because she feels she needs to prove herself. She also runs into resistance from other police officers with vested interests in other cases. There are plenty of twists in this tale before what was, for me, a satisfying conclusion

I found Zoe a well-developed, multi-dimensional character and I really hope that this is the beginning of a new series featuring Zoe and Harry.

Note: My thanks to NetGalley and Text Publishing for providing me with a free electronic copy of this book for review purposes.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith

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I was very impressed with this novel set in Melbourne and the Victoria peninula.
Zoe Mayer is a detective newly returned to work after a work related trauma. By her side is her service dog, Harry, who helps Zoe manage her PTSD (assumption here as it is not actually stated). On her return she is investigating a new case of a stabbing that at face value appears to be a fairly black & white case. However, she soon finds that there are possible links to other stabbings in the area.
Is this Zoe's mind playing tricks on her, or is she onto something. Certainly her colleagues think her judgement is impaired.
I can highly recommend this book and look forward to more from this author.
Thanks you Netgalley and Text publishing for the opportunity to read this digital ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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DS Zoe Mayer has just returned to work after extended leave following a traumatic incident. She’s making steady progress and with her assistance service dog, golden Labrador Harry by her side feels ready to be back at work. However, she didn’t expect to be thrown straight into a murder investigation at a beachside town south of Melbourne. Luckily, she and her partner, Charlie Shaw find significant evidence pointing to a suspect and they quickly have him under lock and key even though he’s loudly proclaiming his innocence and claiming he was set up. Zoe is left wondering if it wasn’t all wrapped up just a bit too neatly.

Zoe makes for an interesting lead character. She’s still prone to panic attacks associated with her previous trauma, but she’s tough and has good instincts she’s not afraid to follow, even though her colleagues are doubtful of her theories. She does have a tendency to investigate on her own and run into dangerous situations without first calling for backup, something I hate seeing in police dramas. She and Harry make a great team, with Zoe always making sure he’s cared for and Harry sensing when she’s becoming anxious. The writing is clear and straightforward and the plot develops well as Zoe does some excellent sleuthing along with a new colleague. This is Simon Rowell’s debut fiction novel and hopefully the start of a new series featuring Zoe and Harry.

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Well, I’m sure I’m going to be in the minority on this one. Don’t get me wrong, I was entertained the entire time and had come up with some theories of my own and loved seeing the story play out. But…

I found quite a bit weird with the book. First of all, what’s the point of mentioning the heat wave? It didn’t add anything to the story, other than reminding readers of the fact that it is really hot every so often. Okay? It’s Australia… It was an element that I was confused about through the story. Second, the author had this weird gimmick where he would introduce a character at the beginning of the book by their first name and last name, and later on we would come across the character again by their first name and last name. I’m not sure if this is a cultural thing or what (I’m American and the writer is Australian), but it was really weird.

I felt this book was a solid 2.5 out of 5 stars. It was a great weekend read, as it wasn’t too long nor too short. The pace was great and it didn’t have a ton of filler in it, which I appreciate! The traumatic event was one that I wasn’t expecting and the big reveal had me on the edge of my seat! However, I felt some elements just fell flat and weren’t fully realized and I thought the writing was middle of the road at best.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review! This book is set to be published on August 3rd, 2021.

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Really enjoyed this book! It was the first one for me to read by this author and I can't wait to read more! The characters stick with you long after the book is over.

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The long game was a good read and had a great concept. The writing style was really good and that was the part i enjoyed most, along with the twists and turns along the way.

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I mostly liked this book. It’s about a woman who was traumatized on the job and is in search for a killer. The general premise was interesting. I absolutely loved Harry. He is my favorite character. It doesn’t hurt that he is a dog. I found the writing simple for my taste. It’s suitable for anyone who doesn’t like complicated language and imagery. There were definitely some intriguing twists along the way. It had a satisfying ending which I find necessary for thriller endings. I wasn’t too fond of the characterization. It felt a bit obvious and stereotypical. With that said, I absolutely loved how accurate the description of the effects of the triggers was.

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4.3 Stars

Detective Sergeant Zoe Meyers is back in action after a recovery break of 4 months. Her first day at work takes her to a crime scene in the sweltering heat of Melbourne. Accompanied by her loyal service dog, Harry, Zeo, works with her team to find the killer.
A small meeting with an investigative journalist leads her to examine a couple of past cases. And when her current case follows the same pattern, Zoe knows it’s all too neat. The killer isn’t the one the evidence points to. Her team is hesitant and doubtful. After all, Zoe is back from a break, and the case isn’t meaty enough for her.
But instincts are never wrong, and when Zoe starts digging for the truth, things become clear (or maybe not). Zoe isn’t the one to give up, and she’s vowed to get the killer behind the bars.
The Long Game sounds like a perfect police mystery, and in many ways, it is. The writing is neat, crisp, and steady. The plot flows well, though it seemed a little too easily tied up at the end. Zoe is assertive, methodical, and smart. She knows to trust her instincts and connect the dots. She’s also brave and capable.
However, Zoe is still recovering and gets panic attacks (hence the service dog) because of the previous case. Don’t worry, though. The details of the case are shared as flashbacks in the book. The last flashback is longer with all the information and comes at a crucial time. I skipped it, completed the book, and went back to read the flashback. Since it has no relation to the current case, this method worked great for me.
The book is standalone but has all elements of becoming a successful series. The relationship between Zoe and her dog is naturally woven into the story. We also see her dynamics with other police personnel. (There should be a mandatory nasty guy in the office, and we do have one here).
The case unfolds without too much drama. I enjoyed that my thoughts were almost always in sync with Zoe’s. I didn’t have to mutter about her not seeing what’s right in front of her. Zoe reminded me of Eve Dallas from the In Death Series by JD Robb. Eve has been here for a long time, and it’s natural to compare. Zoe can stand on her own and assert her identity if the author decides to turn this into a series.
Since I could finish it in two days, I added the extra 0.3 stars.
Overall, this is a good crime thriller to enjoy without stressing the grey cells. The Australian setting and police procedural were fun to read. I haven't read any until this book.
Thank you, NetGalley and Text Publishing, for the ARC.
#TheLongGame #NetGalley

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Detective Sergeant Zoe Mayer has just returned to work after an extended leave caused by a work situation which made her a local household name. Now joined by her service dog, Harry, her first day back at work brings her face-to-face with a murder victim and the case is hers to solve. What follows is a non-stop page turner in which you first think this case and then other cases have been solved only to have Zoe’s instinct piqued in such a way that you know there is more to these cases. Zoe’s dogged steps to track down the real murderer shows a female protagonist at her best! I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the opinions expressed are my own. #TheLongGame #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Thank you Netgalley and Text Publishing for the eARC.
Detective Zoe Meyer is back after four months leave from work recuperating from PTSD. She has been given a support dog, Harry, to help her cope and overcome the horrors of a attempted terror attack.
On her first day back she is immediately thrust into a murder by knife case. At first they believe they have the culprit, but she finds similarities with two other murders with the same MO. Her fellow officers think she's wrong and give her a hard time, intimating she's not ready to be back at work
Nevertheless she doesn't give up and keeps looking for clues and delving into the old murders.
I really liked her and love Harry, who immediately reacts when she has a panic attack and brings her back to earth. I also really liked the way she looked after Harry, making sure he's always kept cool, has plenty of water and walks. They are having a serious heat wave in and around Melbourne, which otherwise sounds like a great city.
The story is excellent and the ending has a terrific twist. I really liked the book and hope this is the start of a series. Definitely recommended!

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Excellent! Hoping to see more books about Homicide Detective Sergeant Zoe Mayer.
Zoe Mayer heads back to work after a 4-month leave, with Harry, a service dog by her side. First case back is pretty straight forward, but a conversation with a pod caster, who has some doubts about 2 other similar cases, makes Zoe think and dig a bit more. Researching on her own time things do seem to be connected, how will she convince her team, and who is responsible for the murder? At the same time you see a glimpse as to why she was on a 4 month leave, very well interwoven, at first I thought there had to be another book I missed but Simon Rowell very cleverly wove that part into this book.
Thank you NetGalley and Text Publishing for an early read of the excellent book in exchange for my opinion.

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This book is an excellent option for anyone who loves a good mystery and a satisfying twist. The main character, an Australian Police Officer with a complicated past, is someone likable from the start. Her relationship with her closest partner, a Labrador that acts as her support animal, is something to fall in love with. I found this book very engaging and I managed to finish it in two days as I couldn't put it down.

I'm not terribly familiar with Australian law and police culture, but it was an interesting inside perspective on crime solving and personal dynamics between co-workers. Each character had their own unique personality and you either liked or disliked them for valid reasons.

The crime itself was interesting. The book goes into it directly, and then expands as you read along. It was complex enough to keep you pulled in, with a couple of great plot twists that made for a satisfying ending. Some points I felt were a little unrealistic, but they weren't too extreme that it took you out of the story. The history of the main character and the reasoning for her peers to treat her differently because of it felt off, but still very enjoyable.

I definitely recommend for anyone into crime, thriller, and murder mystery!

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So this book was honestly pretty good! It has action, suspense a bit of thrill added in the mix!
I enjoyed the writing the most! It was done well. They story was very intriguing and held my attention!

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Good book!! Very interesting storyline! This book had intrigue, suspense, action, and like I said a great storyline!! It definitely had a good who done it! Lol there were plenty of twists and turns! Had me guessing throughout the whole book! I highly recommend reading this thriller!! Its well worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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