Cover Image: The Roughest Draft

The Roughest Draft

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The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley, Austin Siegemund-Broka is a perfect fit for readers who adore lighthearted, romantic stories about creative souls, writing, and second chances, and will delight in the witty banter and sizzling tension between two former collaborators forced to rekindle their partnership in a sun-kissed Florida setting.

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3.5 stars rounded up for rating. The cover is amazing! The story has a fun premise and time arc. However it was a bit slow for me and I didn't really connect with the characters at all.

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I love a good book about books! I was excited for this romance to be about two authors, and I also love a good second chance romance! Loved the tension and angst. I think this one would be such a good movie!

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I honestly wouldn't consider this a romance. It has emotional cheating which is an ick for me and these two main characters have NO chemistry. Like at all???

This entire book read like fan fiction and took way too long for me to finish.

It's a hard pass for me.

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One of Emily and Austin’s best. I loved their new venture into romance novels - this book is so real and raw and beautiful.

I struggled bit in the beginning - this is the type of romance book that relies on stunning dialogue and rich characterization. It starts heavy - with discord and hurt feelings and not a lot of typical playful banter and upbeat pacing.

It makes the story original and special BUT definitely a different take for this genre.

Nathan and Katrina felt so real to me - I absolutely loved their story.

A must read romance of 2022!

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The cover is what grabbed my attention and the title, i thought this was going to be such a fun read. but i struggled with just the first half.

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Love this vacation romance - the perfect beach read! Katrina and Nathan are cowriting partners who had a falling out. Now they need to put their feelings aside and complete the final book in their contract.

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This read a little like Beach Read to me, which I loved, so I'm here for it. More angsty, that's for sure, but I really enjoyed it.

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This is an intriguing book. The character dynamic is decently fun. I just think that it wasn't for me? I was looking for more of the parts especially in the middle but it didn't gave me that.

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This second-chance romance is not one I’d recommend. From the slime ball agent to the main characters who are emotionally-repressed and downright antagonistic and sometimes cruel to each other, there’s no time that I was rooting for them to reconnect. I don’t know anything about the authors, but couldn’t help feeling this was life imitating art…or vice versa…and that this is just a pretentious retelling of their own story.

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This was just the book that i needed right now. Great chemistry between the characters, with lots of intensity and unspoken angst. I loved the author sub-plot and the drive to communicate through their work.

Thanks Berkley, for the gifted advanced copy!

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Thank you, Berkley Publishing, for the gifted copy of the Roughest Draft {partner}

Genre: Romance
Trope: Second Chance
Format: 🎧📖
Pub Date: 1.25.2022
Star Rating: ☆

“...sometimes relationships don't die. They just don't grow. Kept from sunlight, from nourishment, they never flourish.”

While I think that the Roughest Draft started off strong and I was fell right into place with the story and the characters, it quickly dropped off for me. I couldn't get past the cheating element or Katrina's fiance being so cavalier about their relationship. It added such an upsetting element to the story that I ultimately decided to DNF as I couldn't find anything else to enjoy with the story.

As always, this is just one opinion and I know several people who loved this book, but it just wasn't for me! I recommend picking it up and giving it a try for yourself. I did try it out on audiobook and I enjoyed the narration so if that's for you, go for it!

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3 stars

I liked this one but wanted more backstory on the characters. The writing was elevated but the plot was very cerebral (in the characters heads) but I didn’t feel I understood the characters pasts or motivations well enough which left me feeling disconnected from the characters and bored by the plot. I did really enjoy the writing and premise but just wanted more from the delivery.

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“We've written the rough draft of our love together, the draft with loose ends, unfinished edges, mistakes every other page. But every writer knows there's magic in revision, where your work changes from a manuscript into a book. Where intentions, emotions, missed connections coalesce into something complete. It's where what you mean to say becomes what you have said. The characters deepen, the details shine, the prose sparkles. Suddenly, from nothing, you find your story.”

I just adore this book. It gave me similar vibes as beach read, so I think that would be the ideal reader for this book. I loved the fact that this book felt raw, it felt real, albeit a bit pretentious at times but that also somehow added to the charm? This book definitely is not you run of the mill cartoon romance book with smutty interior. Rather it is angsty without being too dramatic, and I overall just was so glad I went into it blind.

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This was such a lovely read! Despite having several books by these authors, this was the very first one I read by them. And it definitely did not disappoint. A solid story with great characters, and I found myself wanting to continue reading. Can highly recommend this!

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I had a blast reading this. It was pure entertainment! Great characters and tension. Easy in one sitting kinda read😆

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I wasn't sure how much I would enjoy this book, but I found it quite charming. Something about the writing process really makes people curious, and especially when it comes to tension between writing partners, this one was well done. I enjoyed the dynamics between these characters as well as the third wheel friend, so to speak, who was a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed this one.

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as much as I wanted to love this, I just didn't, It seemed too much like a wannabe emily henry book and it just did not work for me unfortunately

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I did not read this book before the audiobook was archived. But I plan to read it soon and purchased the ebook when it became available.

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This book was sooo good except for one glaring detail - the both characters emotionally cheat on their partners.

I honestly loved almost everything about this book. I loved the banter, the premise, the way the characters dealt with hidden emotions and grief, and the way they grew. I also liked their chemistry and their attraction and angst was very real.

What made it hard for me was the fact that to too for them was to root for their other relationships to fail. For one of the characters this didn’t feel as challenging since their partner did not come off as a caring person, but for the other character their partner was a caring and loving person and they suffered because of everything. I will concede that this is a realistic story and that it happens all the time, it was just hard to root for them since I had the feeling that this was a second chance romance.

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