Cover Image: The Roughest Draft

The Roughest Draft

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Roughest Draft was one of my highly anticipated releases of the year. I've read two of the authors' books in the past and loved them, and when I got major Emily Henry vibes from the cover and synopsis, I knew I needed to get my hands on it.

I loved the Florida setting. It captured the atmosphere I love so much, seeing as Florida will always be home to me. I also enjoyed the plot, and the writing.

My biggest problem is that I didn't love the characters. I wish they were a little more realistic and had more adult conversations. I also would've loved a little more steam!

Overall, if this is on your tbr, I recommend picking it up! I liked it, I just didn't love it as much as I thought I would.

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I love reading books with unique plotlines and The Roughest Draft was definitely unique! 💕 I loved seeing the process of two authors collaborating together once again after a past falling out. There was a lot of drama and longing - the book follows a slow-burn trope after all, and the execution of the theme was so perfectly done. Would definitely recommend it to my friends-enemies-lovers romance fans! 💜💫

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This book was the perfect blend of contemporary fiction and romance! I'm a sucker for stories about writers, so watching these two characters learn to work together again WHILE also falling in love...chef's kiss.

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Whew. If I'm honest I wasn't expecting much going into this book because the reviews weren't all that amazing but I was pleasantly surprised. This book is the definition of longing. Nathan and Katrina have wanted each other for years, you can tell that from page 1 and the much yearning. I did think the book would move a little faster if the two characters would actually communicate their feelings rather then write them into their books but I won't lie it defiantly made it more intense that way.
I really enjoyed reading it and loved seeing the creative process of two co authors writing a book and their craft and of course falling in love in the meantime.

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This book was like two people trying really hard to write in the literary style of Emily Henry or Mhairi McFarlane, but not quite achieving that goal. Essentially, two former writing partners have a mysterious falling out and are forced to reunite four years later, and eventually find that the spark between them never went out. It was reasonably entertaining but certainly not the best contemporary romance I've ever read. The ending was supremely cheesy and tried too hard to sound deep and intelligent.

Would I buy this in a store? No. Would I check it out from the library? Probably not if I had known what was in store. Good for fans of the reunited lovers trope.

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Oh my gosh this was the cutest, most romantic book ever. I adored both of the perspectives, the voice, and the premise of two writers who were once in love being forced to write their final book together. The tension was wonderful, the pacing fantastic, and the overall theme was actually really sweet and emotional. Five stars!

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I was really excited to read this one, but ended up finding it a bit disappointing. I feel like I didn't find Nathan and Katrina's bond compelling enough, and even though no infidelity technically happened, I still felt the way everything was handled made me root for them less. But the writing was charming and I love books about books. I would read another adult romance by these authors with a different plot.

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This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and I was really let down by it. It was going great for a while, but I was far into the book before any of the character's sexual tension was finally addressed and released. I was getting to a point where I said, "Ok, is this gonna happen or what?" It did, and that part was good. But, when we hit the part where the reason that they split and hated each other happened...I just didn't think their reason was valid or realistic. We're adults here, have a conversation. They were acting like love-sick teenagers making dumb decisions and then having a childish rivalry. Even after they reconciled, they still were doing it to each other. I wanted to throw it across the room. I felt that the story just wasn't there and was being forced. I also didn't really like either character so it was hard to want them to be together. The best character in this book was Harriet and she was in, like, 4 scenes. It just wasn't good for what it promised and I'm disappointed.

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i had such high hopes for this book based on 1.) how much i've loved this author duo's YA books in the past and 2.) how much i love a good second-chance romance, but ultimately i just could not bring myself to root for these characters. the writing felt a little self-indulgent at times, and the characters themselves just had no qualities that made me care about what happened to them. i actually put this book down about halfway through and returned to it a few weeks later in the hope that the plot would pick up and finally grab my interest, but unfortunately i just never was able to connect with these two and their romance.

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I absolutely picked this up because of the beach read/ people we meet on vacation comparisons and all in all i was definitely let down!

I should know better than to go in with such high expectations, it honestly is likely why I didn’t end up loving this story as much as others, so take this review with a grain of salt, something that did work for me could be your next favorite book and I think that’s wonderful!

Some things I liked about this story:
-the writing is beautiful!
-the setting is great, I loved the beach house and the Florida atmosphere.
-the back and forth between “then and now”.
-the book within a book vibe.
-the characters chemistry. I could feel the pull, even if I was mad at them about it.

Some things I didn’t love:
-the characters. One was forgettable and the other felt spineless…
-the emotional affairs, both then and now. I’m not about that life, this was a big pass for me.
-their is a fine line between banter and sniping at one another. One I love to read about, one is exhausting to read about. This landed on the wrong side of that line for me.

Overall, a very middle lane read for me. It took me a long time to get through, but when I was reading it I was definitely engaged and interested.. even if it was to yell at the characters! 😂 I think this one just wasn’t for me, but I can absolutely see how it could be someone else’s cup of tea!

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I honestly picked this up because the plot sounded vaguely reminiscent of Beach Read by Emily Henry (which I LOVED) but I was disappointed by the lack of moral compass by both characters. They were each in relationships but really walked the fine line of emotional cheating for me, which I wasn't into. Overall, it was an okay read and was enjoyable once we got the other relationships out of the way but it was hard to enjoy the first part of the book because of that element.

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This novel was not exactly what I was expecting, but I did find it very enjoyable. I really enjoy enemies to lovers romance, but this wasn't truly that. This novel was much more literary than I was expecting at first. The relationship between the main characters was complex and nuanced. The way the authors brought up their past and how it's affecting their present was creative and keeps the reader engaged with their story--wondering when the big reveal about their past will happen. For a more quiet, thoughtful romance, this was thoroughly enjoyable.

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LOVED...I usually get bored by hints to a previous time in the story but this one kept me hooked. I had to find out what the big incident was. It was a great build-up and a slow-burn second chance romance. I loved the characters being a writing duo just like the authors too!

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This was such an interesting read and totally different than their YA titles. It was complex and intriguing. I loved the alternating between the two characters and the flashbacks. The story they were writing was like the story itself.

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While the concept of this holds water, the execution is highly flawed. You can clearly feel the different authors paralleling the contents of the book, and it's not a positive reading experience.

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The Roughest Draft is about two ex-co-authors, forced to get back together to write another book after years apart. Knowing this contemporary romance is written by two co-authors that are actually married, as well, just made this synopsis all the more exciting. I couldn’t wait to read it and, damn. I wasn’t disappointed.
This dual perspective romance is told from Katrina and Nathan’s point of view. We meet Katrina, living in Los Angeles as the book starts with her fiancé/agent, not writing anymore since the incredibly overwhelming success of her first novel with Nathan, still struggling with figuring herself out. Then there’s Nathan, recently divorced, writing solo since his writing-split with Katrina but failing to find the same kind of success he’s had before.
While I adored both point of views, Katrina was my favorite character of the two. I loved getting to know her, I could deeply feel her imposter syndrom and her profound anxiety and the fact that she’s so afraid to put herself out there, again, just as well.
Nathan was a great character just as well. He’s a bit closed-off and has a very hard time communicating his feelings, choosing to write them all down and fictionalize them instead of sharing them with the world.. and the people that matter. I really liked seeing him grow as well.
The Roughest Draft is a romance. Knowing how the authors could write excellent chemistry in their YA books, I couldn’t wait to see what they could do with an adult romance and, oh, damn. Honestly, for me, in this story, the chemistry was off the charts. I’ve been reading adult romance every now and then, lately and I’ve never, ever fell for a romance as hard as I did, there. Deliciously slow-burned, filled with tensions from a complex, shared past, the feelings the authors manage to convey on page just made me shiver. It’s so intense, it’s intertwined between the characters’ feelings and the feelings they’re putting on page, in the story they’re currently writing and the two dimensions of it all is just brilliant.
Another thing I deeply appreciated here, is how despite all the deep feelings between the characters, they each were so respectful, in the past and the present, of the other’s complicated situation and it’s just. I loved this so much. Beware: this might feel like emotional cheating to some and I know it can bother some people!
Past and present are intertwined in this story, as we slowly figure out what happened between Katrina and Nathan in their first partnership and why it crumbled to ashes. I’m a huge fan of flashbacks and stories built between past and present, soooo this was one of my favorite things. Obviously.
The writing is beautiful, perfect at conveying all the emotions, making The Roughest Draft a book that will pull at your heartstrings until your heart aches, wanting more always. I know that, when I’ll get my finished copy in the mail, I will re-read some sentences over and over again and hell, probably the whole thing.

My favorite author duo did it again, winning me over with this excellent adult contemporary romance. I fell for the characters, their chemistry, the stunning prose and I immediately added this book to my favorites’ list and pre-ordered it. I hope you’ll do the same. 200% recommending this!

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This novel did not ring true to me. The characters and their past trouble and relationships were not fleshed out. I couldn't understand why Katrina would have stayed engaged for two years when their relationship did not seem genuine, believable or seem to have much going for it at all. The entire premise, of Katrina and Nathan not working together for four years because of feelings they couldn't share, seemed like a reach, given the details the reader is shown. And also, would two people in committed relationships (albeit at different times) both get pulled so easily from their spouse/partner? The chemistry between Nathan and Katrina didn't ring true to me either. There is not a lot a of depth to their feelings and relationship. The writing ruse, while clever and entertaining, wasn't enough for me to accept the strength of their feelings for/communications with each other. In fact, sometimes I felt like the writing premise was too much and the use of language to explain feelings and situations was excessive. This was not a bad novel to read but it was a little slow and because the relationships and emotions did not seem real, I don't think I will remember this book.

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Fun concept, but the execution was just ok for me. I felt like the main conflict was very predictable and the characters were fairly flat. It was enjoyable while I was reading it, but not memorable.

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I really enjoyed this one. It’s about two co-authors who hate each other, but are contractually obliged to write another book together after not speaking for four years. Why have they not spoken? You learn that through the course of the book with alternating timelines between present day and four years ago.

I thought the characters were great. And I love an enemies to lovers (and boy did they hate each other), but I don’t think I’ve ever read a friends-to-enemies-to lovers? So that was fun for me. Most of the negative reviews seem to be in regards to emotional cheating (which is not my fav), so if that’s not your jam, avoid this book!

Romance: 💜💜💜
Steam: ⭕️ (like one half scene)
Trope: friends-to-enemies-to-lovers, bad timing
TW: emotional cheating

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Berkeley for providing me a copy of this book for review! The Roughest Draft is out now.

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The Roughest Draft provides an interesting insight into the mind of writers with a fun and complex romance. But the conflict felt flat and overall, it isn’t a memorable read. This is a story that will remind a lot of readers of Beach Read by Emily Henry, but for me it didn’t provide the same dreamy escape.

Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka have a great writing style, and I like the parallel between them as co-authors and Katrina Freeling and Nathan Van Huysen in the book. However, I wish the protagonists had as much charm as their friends. The dialogue helps to develop their personalities, but some humour would have brought a memorable levity to the dynamic.

The book contains flashbacks that slowly reveal why and how Katrina and Nathan stopped writing and stopped talking. There were times where this was confusing, as the flashbacks are in the same setting as the present-day timeline. I think this is one of the reasons the book felt like it held the same tone from start to finish. Still, it’s paced nicely, and the romance progresses at a realistic rate.

Katrina and Nathan’s chemistry is a highlight in The Roughest Draft. Their forced proximity allows for tension and passion to build as they work together, and I enjoyed the window into their relationship and friends, writers, and more. Overall, an okay read!

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