Member Reviews

Chasing Ghosts by Marc Hertzman was one of my favorite ghost books I've read this year. I loved that he didn't force you to believe in ghosts he let you come to your own opinion. I also liked how it was broken down into different sections. I recommend this book to anyone who loves history and the Paranormal. I also know some friends who would love this book. I will be reading more from Mr. Hertzman in the future.

Thank you, NetGalley for letting me read and give you my honest thoughts on the book.

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Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page. Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page. Wonderful! Passionately written and just felt like someone laid their heart on the page.

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DNF pg. 104

This book covers an interesting topic, but sadly for me right now, it's not keeping my attention. I find myself growing bored, doing other things, and even falling asleep at times. What I did read was informative and interesting but I am not in the right headspace to enjoy this book so I am DNFing it for now. I hope to come back to this in the future though.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Quirk Books as well as the author for this ARC in exchange for my unbiased opinion
#NetGalley #QuirkBooks #MarcHartzman
This was a very fun read! It’s a well researched and informative book that’s perfect for anyone who enjoys reading about the paranormal although not necessarily for those who believe in the paranormal. That’s one of my favorite subjects. I didn’t learn anything that I didn’t already know but I did enjoy the journey.
One thing that could be termed a little off-putting was the amount of debunking throughout the book. I don’t mind debunking at all but, it does get a little tiresome coming from a ghost book. At times, it felt like the author didn’t like his own subject. Still, this is a fun read filled with information that should please any ghost lover, regardless on where they stand on his beliefs.

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A Fascinating book on ghosts and the people who try to find them. The history of the supernatural in this book is really in depth, you can tell it was well researched. I found it a little difficult to follow on occasion based on the language and terminology, but overall a really enjoyable read whether you believe in ghosts or not.

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Very interesting true stories about ghost sightings and stories about the people. They are all quick stories so you can read one at a time or devour the book front to back.

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This book is everything for anyone interested in the supernatural.

If you are a fan of anything from most haunted to Supernatural this is a book you. Taking us through different stories of ghosts the concepts of them, this beautifully published book is most
Definitely a perfect gift for anyone even slightly interested in ghosts.

Brilliantly written, it’s a compelling and engaging read that you will struggle To put down.

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This book is well-researched and the historical examples are very interesting. I have decided to purchase this book, because I need it on my bookshelf!

A full review and photos are coming to my Instagram (@notebookofghosts) this November!

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An informative book about the supernatural in America and other places. From Medieval stories to contemporary to alleged supernatural interference with technology, this book is filled with many interesting stories and tales. If you have an interest in spiritualism and ghost hunting I think this book is for you. I knew many of these stories from the Buzzfeed Unsolved Series, but that didn't stop me from learning new things.

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If you’re interested in learning some supernatural history, then this book is for you! While I was familiar with a lot of the information covered in this book, I did learn some new things. I was also familiar with the rise of Spiritualism, but not to the extent that it’s covered here, so that was quite interesting to read about. I found that this was well researched and covered quite a bit of information that those new to diving into some of the history of the supernatural.

That said, I do think that this book is very dry and comes off as a textbook. There’s nothing wrong with that, but if this is something you’d like to avoid, then I recommend passing on this. Otherwise, I think it’s a great book that covers a lot of information and make great reads for those seasoned and new to all things paranormal.

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Like you can guess from the book title, this book is about a paranormal beings and events. As an entusiast of everything paranormal, I was eager to read this book and in the end I liked it. It definitely has it's flaws, but for those who are interested in such things it can be eye opening.

The author definitely did his job and gave us a lot of information, with dates, names and places, sometimes it was even too much, felt like info dump, but at the same time I learned a lot.

First part f the book took me some time to get into it, some parts were a little bit boring, but after some time I was hooked. There we can find the history of spiritualism and the famous spritualist and spiritualism entusiasts.

The middle part of the book was my favorite, because it was about the haunted places. Just the stories and witnesses reports without any debunking ( the way I like the most). My only wish is that this part was a little bit longer.

The final part of the book was more technical. I learned a lot about different devices and how they are used for ghost hunting, but at the same time it was quite boring, at least for me.

In the end , I think it is one of the best book about paranormal world investigation, that I have read in a long time. You should definitely try giving it a chance.

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First off, thank you so much to NetGalley and Quirk Books for the ARC! This book checked a lot of the boxes that fall squarely under my "This is my jam" column. History ☑ Ghosties ☑ Haunted Places ☑ Haunted People ☑ Spooky Vibes in general ☑☑☑ Being that it covers a lot of what I already love, there was a lot of info in here that I was already familiar with. This is not a bad thing, as it was still presented in a great way (and not every reader is going to be as well versed on the subject as me haha). I thoroughly enjoyed this book and it was a perfect choice for an October read!

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I liked it! There was nothing really all that new in here for me, but I think as an introduction to America's history and fascination with ghosts, it's a great start.

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. There was this story at the beginning about two orphans who made a pact to each other about what happened when they die. There was so much information in this book about that it is a bit much to take in. One of the things that made made me laugh was when they mentioned Beetlejuice and the Handbook for the Recently Deceased. I remember this movie from when I was growing up. They mentioned burial traditions from around the world. It did have me thinking about Purgatory. The question they put up is it real or not. They talk about having conversations with the dead. The pictures in this book were a bit strange and weird. There were a lot of mediums and spiritualists were talked about. There items that they talked about that can help communication with the other side. There was a list of famously haunted places.

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The perfect read for spooky season! History and the supernatural all wrapped into one fun and factual book.

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I've read a lot of books about ghosts, death, the afterlife, and the supernatural and this one isn't anything new, really, but I did enjoy the way it was presented. It was written really well and included some fun photographs I really enjoyed. While I personally didn't learn anything new in this book, it would be a great book for those just getting into the topic and a great learning tool.

Thank you to NetGalley, Quirk Books, and Marc Hartzman for the chance to review this advanced copy. Chasing Ghosts releases on September 28th.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

Marc Hartzman takes you through a supernatural history of America and all of the famous ghost stories. There are several stories he dives into including the famous Warrens who I was most excited to read about. While I knew most of of these ghost stories it was nice to read a retelling and this novel would make a nice addition to anyone's ghost story archive.

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Such a cool book! Ghosts are such a fascinating part of folklore and society. This book does a fantastic job of explaining humans' history with ghosts and answering questions I didn't even know I had.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great book, I didn't realise America was such a haunted place. The book was full of illustrations, very informative & definitely a coffee table worthy book

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This is a well researched and fun read. Whilst I was already familiar with a large amount of the information in the book (through reading books on the same topic and my own obsessive research), I still have to rate it highly. The writing flowed naturally making it very accessible and I love the use of photographs, newspaper articles and flyers to break up the text. I did genuinely find it enjoyable to read, and I think its a great starting point for those interested in ghosts and may not have read many books on them.

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