Member Reviews

4.5 stars

I absolutely loved this book and after not being a big fan of The Silent Patient, I was hesitant about how this book would go and I was clearly wrong. This book was right up my alley with creepy vibes throughout and heavy on the Greek mythology. I loved it and the writing. Definitely recommend!

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◘ A lot of misdirection seemed pointless and ineffective for the “big reveal”. And I personally didn’t even find any of the twists to be that exciting. ⁣
◘ I didn’t care for the ending whatsoever. Maybe because I didn’t like any of the characters. Not even the main one, Mariana. I just... didn’t. That simple. And it’s not like they were written to be unlikeable. [BTW Mariana you are a therapist, not a detective.]⁣
◘ Sorry not sorry, the Greek mythology and Tennyson references seemed to muddy up the story. I concentrated so much on those thinking they’d reveal something and it was for naught. ⁣

I’m keeping it at 3 stars even though it was more 2 stars. Basically because I really liked his writing style and I just can’t fault Alex too much because his debut novel kicked so much ass. But this was such a miss for me. I was bored almost the entire way and felt obligated to finish it just so see if it got any better. And it didn’t.

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This is the second book that I have listened to by Alex Michaelides, and once again, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it to be more interesting in general than The Silent Patient. This was probably because, once again, the author is focusing on psychotherapy, which is also my field, and I think that he has such a good grasp of the inner thoughts and struggles of a psychotherapist. He does seem to have a unique understanding of this field and once again, I found myself checking his background to see if he had ever worked in this field. To my surprise, he did not. He also weaves an interesting tale of mystery and family dynamics. My only complaint about the man character is her seemingly overdramatic focus on her dead husband. It is well explained, however, in that she had so few relationships with anyone, really until she met Sebastion. I appreciated the appearance of Theo, from The Silent Patient, in this book. The narrators, Kobna Holdbrook-Smith and Louise Brealey, did an amazing job of portraying the characters in the book. There is also a male narrator with a very deep and creepy voice that fits well for the male character, but I cannot find his name listed anywhere. I really found myself looking forward to listening and really curious as to who the murderer would turn out to be. At the last, I did figure it out, right before the author revealed the culprit, but that did not ruin the book for me. I would like to Thank Netgalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to preview this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had all of the dark academia tropes I love: Greek mythology and Greek philosophy references, a tightknit academic group, a slightly odd narrative, and of course, unexplained murder. This one was a bit different as it was told mostly through the point-of-view of Mariana Andros, a group therapist and former student of Cambridge University, which her niece that she partially raised and informally adopted with her late husband is currently attending.

When Mariana gets the call from her niece, Zoe, telling her that her friend has been brutally murdered and giving her information that leads her to Greek Tragedy professor, Edward Fosca, Mariana becomes determined to prove that Fosca is guilty. Edward Fosca is the leader of a small academic group that meets outside of class, a group entirely made up of female students, which he has dubbed The Maidens. The first victim of the murders is a member, and despite Fosca having an alibi, Mariana has no doubt that he is guilty. When a second victim is found to also be a member of The Maidens, Mariana only feels she has more reason to suspect him.

The narrative is compelling, deeply dark the whole way through. It felt very much like a psychological thriller especially as it was being told through the almost clinical but undoubtedly emotional perspective of Mariana, who is a psychotherapist. Darker and gripping (although admittedly at times hard to read) were the chapters told through the perspective of who we assume to be the girl's killer, whose perspective is similar to Mariana's in that it is also clinical, but lacks the empathy of Mariana, this narrator is clearly a cold person with a means to an end.

The ending was not something I expected on any level, which was incredibly satisfying. I had my suspicions about who was guilty and gripped onto little details that I thought proved myself and I ended up completely baffled. Most surprising was just how dark the twist ended up being, completely turning the entire narrative on its head and making me rethink everything. This was incredibly well-written and the story was executed to perfection.

The audiobook was great, I very much enjoyed both narrators, and the male narrator left me with chills after each chapter. Very compelling.

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Tense, uncomfortable, suspenseful, compulsive. I could not put this book down over the course of two days. I carried it everywhere I went, hoping for the chance to read a few more pages. Every time I thought I had it figured out, something happened to make me change my mind. Bravo to Michaelides for spinning together this story incorporating Greek mythology into this stunning tale!

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I read the Silent Patient and sadly I have the same feelings with The Maidens. I was able to figure out pretty much everything early on. Their was just this way that the author kept bringing up a couple of characters over and over again that just made things obvious. I didn’t hate this book, just like I didn’t hate The Silent Patient. I just wish I would have been guessing until the end. I will continue to read his books. They are very entertaining.

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First of all, the narration of this audiobook is wonderful! Both narrators are excellent and get five stars in narration. I just wanted to start off with that since I was given the audiobook version.

The story however is only 3 stars. I was expecting a lot following "The Silent Patient", and unfortunately this book did not match up to It was still a good read, but it wasn't nearly as intriguing. I wish there had been more of the backstory of Marianne to really bring the pieces all together at the end. It just felt like something was missing. I think the author writes well and keeps the story moving, I just wasn't completely happy with how this one was resolved. Overall, definitely still an enjoyable book, just not as good as I had hoped it would be after the previous book.

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The Maidens is a murder mystery mixed with Greek tragedy.

CW: grooming of a minor, brainwashing, suicidal ideations (mentioned), inappropriate sexual relationships mentioned (adult/underage child (also pedophilia?) as well as teacher/student)

It took me awhile to get into this book. The beginning seemed to drag on which wasn't something . I felt as though Mariana was a little unbelievable in her sleuthing and the fact that she was adamant about who the killer was. The ending was suspenseful and possibly one you won't see coming because of the copious red herrings.

The Greek mythology was a fun addition and I felt like it added to the plot and wasn't just there as a device.

I read and listened to this book. I enjoyed the narrators, they fit the characters and the enunciation was clear and well paced.

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An enjoyable narration of a well-written story. The characters were relatable and the writing excellent.

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The Maidens was by far one of my most anticipated books of the year. Dark academia, Greek mythology, and a murder mystery? Sign me up! Unfortunately, this novel wasn’t the slam dunk I was expecting it to be.

Things I liked: The audiobook narration performed by Louise Brealey was well done, she has a British accent and her voice is soothing and drew me in, enticing me to keep listening. There are several chapters narrated by the unknown killer, performed by Kobna Holdbrook-Smith, which were eerie and kept me guessing at his identity.

I was also intrigued by the story’s setting which takes place at Cambridge. The author expertly weaves an atmospheric narrative which made me feel as though I was at the college with these characters.

Unfortunately, there were several aspects of this book that I wasn’t a fan of. I understand that this is a mystery and the author is trying to confuse the reader but there were too many Red Herrings and unfinished plot points. To avoid spoilers, I won’t go into detail but there are two character storylines in particular that are so pointless, they could have been omitted from the novel altogether.

As for the main character, Mariana, she was a fine protagonist but I was bothered by how easy it was for her to insert herself into the police investigation of the murdered students. She’s a therapist but somehow this qualifies her to investigate and question possible suspects? I found this so implausible.

Although I didn’t enjoy this book, I’m still interested to read what this author writes next.

Thank you to Netgalley and Celadon Books for the advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book. I found the campus setting intriguing, and enjoyed the inclusion of Greek mythology. I also like how the book connected to THE SILENT PATIENT in subtle ways. This was one of my favorite reads of 2021 so far, and I really enjoyed both narrators. It was very difficult to walk away!

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Once I started this audiobook I didn't want to stop listening until I was finished - I was completely drawn in! I loved the Cambridge setting and the numerous references to Greek Mythology and Greek Tragedies. I didn't see the twist coming which is definitely a sign of a good thriller. Fans of The Silent Patient should definitely check out this one!

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Thank you Netgalley for this Audio-ARC in exchange for my honest feedback and review.

Marina is a therapist who holds group therapy sessions. She has experienced quite a lot of loss in her short life. When her niece, Zoe, calls in hysterics she go right back to the school that brought her to where her life is now. Determined to protect Zoe at all costs she sets out to find who is killing women in a group called The Maidens.

I could hardly stop listening to this audiobook. I simply devoured it in less than 2 days. I didn't see that end coming at all! I loved the connection to The Silent Patient. I believe I may have squealed a little. Alex Michaelides you are so talented you're quickly becoming my favorite author.

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The Maidens by Alex Michaelides
Thank you so much to @celadonbooks and @netgalley for allowing me to listen to this book early in exchange for an honest review. Most importantly thank you so much to the author @alex.michaelides for the opportunity to read this book at all.
I was approved for the ARC just yesterday and spent a large part of the last two days completely entranced by it. From the first page I felt an underlying sense of foreboding, which continued to build until culminating in an end worthy of the Gods themselves.

At the start we are introduced to our main character, Mariana, a group therapist still stunted by the loss of her husband a year earlier. When she receives a phone call from her distraught niece Zoe convinced not only that her friend Tara has been murdered but that she also knows just the the professor responsible for the act, Mariana jumps on a train and heads to her old university, to be at her niece's side..
Edward Fosca is a young, charismatic, Greek tragedy professor who has singled out five of his favorite female students and labeled them with the moniker, The Maidens; of which Tara was one. What ensues is an expertly woven tale of mythology, history, and mystery, that Mariana feels she must solve if she wants to prove that Edward Fosca is guilty.
You don't want to miss this sophomore novel. Coming to a bookstore near you on June 15th and available for pre-order now.

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To say that The Maiden was one of my most anticipated reads of the year would be an understatement. I really enjoyed The Silent Patient and this is coming from someone who is constantly disappointed by the thriller genre. Add the exciting writing style of Alex Michaelides with a twist of Greek mythology and you’ve got me sold.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the 5 star read I was hoping for. Don’t get me wrong, it was still enjoyable but it wasn’t the soul shattering, mind twisting story that I expected. Michaelides creates an amazing atmosphere and his writing is quite sophisticated and lovely. He also does that thing where every character introduced has an air of suspicion around them. The red herring he tried to throw might fool a lot of people but I expected this person to be involved in the murders from the beginning.

I will say that I didn’t expect a certain aspect and the influence of another character throughout the novel. I did figure out the whole thing before the big reveal, though.

Like I’ve mentioned before, I am not easily duped by thrillers so I’m sure that most people will enjoy this substantially more than I did. Michaelides enjoys using therapy as a device in his books so far and I do think it’s cool how he involves that. I also think it’s important how he used grooming to show the damage that can be done on young minds. Throughout the novel, there’s a lot of this being done and Mariana has to address this. As a therapist, she has to remind herself that the terrible things people do are often because of the horrors inflicted on them.

All in all, this was a darkly entertaining thriller that intertwines itself in Greek tragedies. The lush setting only adds to the atmosphere and will keep you reading until you’ve finished. Try to lower your expectations a bit from the hype and you’ll probably enjoy it immensely.

Thank you to Celadon and the author for the opportunity to read this novel. I will still continue to pick up the books Alex Michaelides puts out in the fire. That cover is absolutely gorgeous, as well.

Trigger warnings for grooming, self-harm, drugging, murder, unwanted sexual advances.

Blog and Bookstagram links to be added

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This was a fabulous book. It exceeded my expectations! I would love to recommend this book to anyone who loves a mystery wrapped in intellectual innuendos. The Greek mythology makes it historical yet interesting.. ENJOY!!!

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This author writes amazing books. His mystery, suspense-thrillers always have me on the edge of my seat.
So I was super excited about getting my hands on this one. I listened to the audiobook and the narrators were good. This had murder surrounded by many mysterious events and crazy disturbing side characters. Some really good stuff and then....... he just drops off with this _______ ending.
I did enjoy it. I did. But. What. Was. That? Really?
Thanks to Celadon Books via Netgalley

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Terrific book however a bit predictable. I am not one to guess who the killer is very easily however I did early on. It was just a feeling I had gotten. Even though I was right it didn't diminish how much I enjoyed the book. That twist at the end I didn't see coming!!

The narator was great, easy to follow along and well spoken.

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I am ambivalent writing this review because I understand why there are so many readers who loved it. Michaelides is an excellent mystery writer. So far he has produced two well thought out mysteries-replete with misdirection, credible presentation and surprise ending. He also keeps his audience shifting suspects and does some nice twists and turns.

For me I did not become hooked and absorbed from the get go alike I was in The Silent Patient. The Maidens is dryer, more cerebral yet retains the qualities of a good classic mystery. The Maidens does gain momentum, but it is further along. I like the use of the mythical gods and goddesses and the authors use of allegory in the story. Very effective. I also like the use of different mental health professionals as central characters in both books..

The plot takes place at Cambridge University where Edward Fosca, a debonair professor has a gaggle of beautiful female students who adore him-hence the title The Maidens who worship Demeter and Persephone. When one of the girls is savagely murdered -a student named Zoe persuades her aunt, Marianna to come to Cambridge and look into her friend's death. Fosca is the main suspect at which point there are pros and cons into thinking him the killer. Other girls are murdered as we gain momentum before we have resolution of learning who the murderer is.

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Absolutely enthralling! I started the audiobook while reading along with an ebook arc and I absolutely could not stop. It was everything I had hoped for coming off of Michaelides' debut novel The Silent Patient. He is 2 for 2 now! His way of storytelling and weaving characters together is brilliant.

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