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A Reckless Match

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Another winner from Kate Bateman! This book is delicious fun.
The Welsh Davies and the English Montgomeries have a feud that inspired Shakespeare. Long ago an exasperated king established a strip of boundary land with the demand that a member of each family meet each year at the spring equinox and shake hands in order to keep their shared claim. It didn't dull their love of antagonizing one another, but it did prevent full-out war.
In the spring of 1815, Maddie Montgomery waits on the bridge hoping that a Davies won't show and the boundary will become Montgomery land. They need an infusion of cash to make up for a bad investment that bankrupted the family, and she'd rather not marry the creepy local magistrate, Sir Mostyn Drake, as a remedy. But when handsome Gryffud Davies, home from the wars against Napoleon to take up the title, rides to meet her with the roguish charm that captured her long ago, Maddie can't resent that he renews the pact--and steals a kiss that makes her toes curl.
But then, quite by accident, the two discover a series of tunnels and proof that a smuggler's ring is using their shared land to move goods. They must put their feud on the back burner if they want to bring the thieves to justice, but that requires working together in close quarters--very close quarters, when they get trapped in the tunnels together and fear for their lives.
Bateman keeps things moving with lively action, but the banter and sizzle between Gryff and Maddie is always at the forefront. These two are simply adorable together. Gryff, for all his devilish charm, is a gentleman at the core, and though he's been toughened by his years of war, he's always had a soft spot for Maddie. And Maddie is a complete delight: loyal, level-headed, and warm-hearted, she prefers archaeological digs to ballroom flirtations and is more than a match for Gryff in wit, intelligence, and mutual attraction.
The change of heart from enemies to lovers is paced just right, the banter is amusing without being precious or self-indulgent, and the shivery moments are pulse-pounding without feeling overdone. One can only hope the rest of the series will be this good.

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The Montgomery and Davies clans have been feuding for centuries. Tired of the bloodshed King Henry issued a decree that established a no man's land between the estates and every year on the equinox a person from each family had to meet and shake hands. If one side failed to meet, the disputed land would revert to the other family. Madeline Montgomery was sure that the new Earl of Powys wasn't coming to the meeting and the land would be hers saving her from having to marry because her father had lost money. Her hopes are dashed when Gryff Davies appears at the bridge. Gryff and Maddie have been riling each other for their entire lives. This time they embark on an adventure together to rid the area of smugglers as Maddie tries to find a way to keep from marrying the dreadful Lord Moys. Great read. I recommend it.

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An enemies-to-lovers romance with Romeo and Juliet vibes, Kate Bateman’s A Reckless Match is a fun and exciting love story. The story centers around Gryff Davies and Maddie Montgomery, who are from feuding families that have been feuding for so long that they don’t even know how and why it began. Gryff has returned home and is adjusting to life as a titled man when he encounters Maddie for the first time in years. Maddie is trying to save her family from bankruptcy while avoiding an unwanted marriage to a much older and wealthy man. However, when the pair see each other again, the sparks fly.

Maddie and Gryff have been antagonizing each other since they were young children. As neighbors and enemies, they never ceased to play pranks on and tease one another. However, as adults their rivalry slowly turns into something more. When Maddie’s initial plan to save her family from ruin fails, and she and Gryff realize that smugglers are hiding goods on their shared land, Maddie and Gryff agree to a temporary truce while they work together to find the smugglers and bring them to justice. Will they find the smugglers? Can they resist their ever-growing feelings for each other? Will their families ever end the feud that threatens to tear them apart? Can Maddie save her family and home?

Maddie has such an adventurous spirit, and her passion for and knowledge of archeology is so interesting and helpful! She is intelligent and outspoken, and she possesses such strength. I love how she challenges Gryff, and she doesn’t relent. She is so determined to save her home and family, and she insists on being involved in protecting her land. She’s a dynamic and passionate person, which is why Gryff is so drawn to her.

Gryff is also fantastic! He is a charmer with a quick wit and a dashing personality, and I love how he teases and woos Maddie. However, he has been through a lot since he last saw Maddy. As a leader in the military, Gryff has experienced his fair share of danger, which is helpful when trying to find and detain the smugglers. Gryff and Maddie’s combined knowledge definitely sees them through some perilous situations, including cave explorations, explosions, and more.

The romance is so swoon-worthy, and the chemistry between Maddie and Gryff is off the charts!! This pair has been at odds since they were children, and I love the little anecdotes of their childhood and the trouble they got into. They have such a strong and long-lasting bond, even though neither wants to admit it. Caring for each other goes against all they’ve been taught. Their banter is witty, fun, antagonizing, and romantic, and there are as many cute and fun parts as there are romantic parts. I found myself laughing out loud at some of their conversations and antics and swooning at some of their tender and romantic moments.

The secondary characters are also intriguing, and I’m eager to see more of them in upcoming books in the series. Bateman definitely set up some potential future love stories between the Davies and the Montgomery’s, which should prove entertaining. Characters like Maddie’s aunts and many of the people who work for Gryff are other great additions to the story.

Kate Bateman is a fantastic storyteller, and this novel is no exception. It is an engrossing story full of adventure, intrigue, danger, and romance, and I can’t wait to read the next book in this new series! I’m so thankful to NetGalley, Kate Bateman, and St. Martin’s Press for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

Will post links closer to pub. date.

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Maddie Montgomery and Gryff Davies families have been at war with each other as far back as their families can ever remember. However, each year, by the King's order to keep their lands, they must meet up and shake hands. This year, however, that all goes awry. When Gryff thunders in to shake hands with the once tomboy Maddie, he is pleasantly shocked and surprised that he sees a beautiful woman in front of him and can't get her out of his mind. Maddie however, has more pressing business, with trying to come up with the funds to save their land after her father made some bad investments. After recruiting Gryff to help her with a project on their shared land that could potentially save her family and their lands, Gryff and Maddie find that they may be the ones to finally end the war between their families.

This was my first book by the author, Kate Bateman, but I absolutely had so much fun reading it. I loved the main characters and their chemistry together. I enjoyed the unique storyline and this was the first Historical Romance novel that I've read in a long time that has made me want to stay up late finishing it because I was having so much fun seeing how it all played out. I can't wait to read more in the series!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for my review and honest opinions.

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This was just a fun romp of a romance novel!! I loved the setup with the feuding families and the Benedict-and-Beatrice vibe between the two protagonists. The money woes and smuggler plot points added some nice depth and action to the story. Overall, I very much enjoyed this and am looking forward to the rest of this series.

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This book is really really cute. The witty banter is off the charts. Enemies to lovers is such a fun trope, and old family feuds just make it that much more fun! The setting is so beautiful. The set up is fun and interesting. The land debate is such an interesting set up! Gryff and Maddie are both great. Their chemistry is off the charts. Their grand adventures were riveting. The shocking plot twists were appropriately shocking. I feel like I chuckled throughout the whole story. This series is going to be awesome!

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A sweet romance that’s fun and adventurous. Loved the characters and the conflicts with each other and families.
I look forward to other books in this series when they come out

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Oh how I loved reading this story. What an adventure to read. Laugh out loud humour and enduring characters. Kate Bateman's books are a must read.

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I just love this !! It was such a refreshing and fun romance . I seriously couldn’t put it down. I loved Maddie & Gryff. Maddie is strong and passionate about archeology. She loves her family fiercely and is willing to sacrifice and endure for them. Gryff is coming into his title and adjusting to civilian life. Together they are chef’s kiss! A great read! Thank you for the opportunity!

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3.5 rounded up to 4 stars. There was a lot I enjoyed about this book, and I look forward to the others in the series. I received an advance copy to review, but my opinions are entirely my own. Thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the opportunity regardless.

I'm a bit wary of enemies to lovers stories honestly, sometimes the characters spend nearly the entire book being absolutely horrible to each other, only to suddenly 'see them in a different light' near the end and claim to have actually been in love the whole time, or some such rubbish. I don't care for it. But, I can totally work with the Romeo and Juliet/rival clans vibe, so there's definitely some overlap between the two. This felt more like 'worthy opponents to lovers' or something, which was a lot more fun and less angsty in my opinion.

I liked that it was two feuding families on the Welsh/English border, and that there was lots of opportunity for them to be thrust together despite their personal 'opposition' to each other. A couple of the future couples were set up well in this book without hijacking the story. And the heroine wasn't helpless which I appreciate. There were also some definite cute parts, and I laughed out loud quite a bit, especially in the beginning.

The drawbacks were that the pacing lagged at times, and it seemed like, (though I did not count), the heroine had three chapters from her perspective for every one that was told from the hero's. (I personally typically enjoy the perspectives from the heroes more, so this might be less of a drawback for others. And I did particularly enjoy the hero's in this book. Still, it didn't seem well balanced to me). The characters were generally likable, but the heroine was a bit daft at times especially near the end. And also near the end, the hero would seem like he'd come to realise his true feelings and desires regarding the heroine and might begin to take steps toward that or something, but then the next moment he would think or say something that made me realize he hadn't actually fully grasped the situation yet after all. And it happened multiple times. I felt like I kept starting to give him credit for catching on ahead of the game, and then having to take it away again. None of the issues were enormous, and may even be smoothed out before the final draft. But they interrupted my otherwise enjoyable reading experience.

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The Davies and Montgomerys have been feuding for centuries; it's even said that their families were the inspiration for Shakespeare's Capulets and Montagues. It's a history that Madeline Montgomery knows well. Ever since she was a child, Gryffud Davies has been pulling her hair and stealing her shawl. It doesn't surprise her at all to learn that her childhood tormentor has turned into a roguish rake. A rake whose magnetism draws her as surely as the moon draws the tides.

Exiled from London for participating in a duel, the newly-minted Earl of Powys is looking forward to resuming one of his favorite activities -- baiting Madeline Mongomery. But his Maddy has grown into a self-possessed woman in the years he's been gone and he can't help his attraction to her.

When a single misstep leaves them reliant on each other, will two enemies put down their swords and fall into each other's arms?


Kate Bateman is fast becoming one of my go-to authors. This book is utterly charming and fun, and my cheeks hurt from all of the smiling I did while reading it.

This is a wonderful enemies-to-lovers tale with a hint of childhood rivals mixed with the Mummy thrown in. I mean, Gryff would make an excellent Rick and Maddie is a pretty awesome Evie. There's tension and bickering but also mutual respect and gentleness. I absolutely adored that Maddie had been previously struck by lightning and that Gryff was a big ol' softie under his gruff and roguish exterior. There's some really lovely banter and the character voices are so funny and engaging.

The feuding families plot was well done and was very clearly based on the Hatfields and McCoys from the Appalachian region. Even the feud's beginnings are similar. ^_^ The secondary plot about the Montgomerys' diminished fortunes added to the tension and created an undercurrent of desperation in some of what Maddie did while their feud meant that she had to keep it hidden so the Davies' couldn't capitalize on her family's misfortunes.

My one quibble is that very late in the book there's a brief scene from someone else's head that I don't feel is necessary for the plot of THIS book. It's cute, but I feel like it should be part of a different book. But it didn't lessen my enjoyment too much.

In all, this is a great start of a series and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

Four and Half Stars rounded up to Five Stars

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="A Reckless Match (Ruthless Rivals, #1)" src="" /></a><a href="">A Reckless Match</a> by <a href="">Kate Bateman</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I don't care how much of a book slump I am in. I am always down for a Kate Bateman book. "A Reckless Match" follows two feuding families.<br />The reasons why they're feuding are not really clear but their dislike has been passed down to the kids and that's where the story begins.<br />Maddie and Gryff show up for their families annual "pledge of goodwill" meeting. The two of them have been enemies since they were kids and that hasn't changed.<br />Until they uncover a smuggling plot and team up to stop the smugglers. Soon the two enemies are sharing passionate kisses and spending nights together- all to bring the bad guys to justice of course.<br />Kate Bateman writes books with strong-willed heroines, swoon-worthy heros and a plot that just drives you to know more. This book is no different. <br />I enjoyed "A Reckless Match" immensely and cannot wait to read more about this feuding family.

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Gryffud (Gryff) Llewellyn Davies is the oldest son of the Davies family and they are Scottish. He is thought to be a rake especially since his return from the war. His dad died last year and he is taking a year to let loose and be bad. Until the duel and Prinny kicks him out of London.
Madeline (Maddie) Charlotte Montgomery is the only daughter of the Montgomery family, they are English. She has a love for Archeology. She loves to dig. She and Gryff have been at odds since they were children. Their families have been feuding for centuries over a pig or maybe a woman no one is sure. Someone from each family must meet at Spring Equinox at the divided bridge and shake hands. If they don't, they forfeit that strip of land to the other. They love to hate each other and try to figure ways to outdo the other.
Love the book and the author is amazing. The banter that was going on between the hero and the heroine was funny and witty. There was a lot going on smugglers, Morgan returning, and Maddie finds herself in trouble. There is also action, steam, and an attraction between the main characters.
I highly recommend this wonderful book. I am sure you will enjoy it.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Ruthless Rivals - Book 1
St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN-13: 978-1-25080-156-2
ISBN-10: 1-25080-156-7
September 2021
Historical Romance
England and Wales - 1815

For centuries a war between the Welsh Davies family and the English Montgomery family had existed. These were important families in the kingdom, so King Henry VII decreed a section of disputed land between the two family estates become a neutral territory. Neither family can claim or own it…unless one family fails to show up every year to shake hands in a continuing gesture of peace. Every year on the spring equinox, one member of each family meets on the bridge crossing the river threading through this shared but unclaimable land. If one family doesn't show up, they lose their claim to the contested land. Since the king's decree, the hate between the two families has become a game of rivalry and one-upmanship.
Madeline Montgomery waits on the bridge, but no Davies approaches. She is excited. If a Davies doesn't show up, her family will claim ownership of the territory. They need the strip of land as they are in a dire financial state. Only at the last minute does Gryff Llewellyn Davies arrive, severely disappointing Madeline. The provoking boy nemesis of her childhood, gone for four years, first with Napoleon's War and more recently with escapades in London, is the new earl. He remains as provocative as she remembers.

Gryff has always enjoyed poking his family's beautiful enemy, Maddie. He also calls her Cariad (darling). He knows his usage of both names irritates her and notices it still does. Somehow this makes his mind, unsettled since the war, fall into normality. She has always been a challenge and an enjoyable target for his games. Memories of his past encounters with her helped him survive the war. While he wants to get back to London, he looks forward to his encounters with Maddie.
The chance to upset Madeline is an irresistible draw for Gryff, but their mutual attraction soon takes them on some unforeseen adventures that lead to extreme danger. An even more uncontrollable danger is their mutual attraction. In A RECKLESS MATCH, the allure of reading about these likable but warring characters is irresistible and promises good reading for the future stories in the series.

Robin Lee

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I’ve come to love Kate Bateman as an author and love her books. “A Reckless Match” was just a delightful and witty read for me. It was hard to put the book down but alas I finished today. I thought Gryff and Maddie, although on total opposites ends of the family were very likeable characters. He in all his rakeness is a kind person and she is a strong and intelligent woman.

Due to family feuds, a pact was made to meet to shake on keeping the compromise between the families. After exchanging hands and a kiss, sparks begin to transpire between the two. This story has smugglers, brothers and other sub-characters that make this story all the more worth reading. I enjoyed the slowly sinking combativeness between the two and loved the rising attraction to romance. I recommend this read and am looking forward to reading others in this series.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review. All opinions in this review are my own.

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Ahhhhhhh this was just such a wonderful book and I just thoroughly enjoyed myself. I didn’t want to put this book down. I just fell in love with this wonderful story and it’s wonderful characters. I will most definitely be reading more stories from this wonderful author.

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A really delightful read. Loved both our leading characters - they are both such honorable young people. Felt the Romeo & Juliet vibe there, which was very cute. Gryff is a good man. Maddie is a strong woman. Their families have feuded forever...but there's always been a spark between these two! Add in brothers, a cousin, a sister and smugglers and you get a fabulous tale! Cheers to Ms. Bateman, she's got me looking forward to the next story!

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Very cute story! I enjoyed the book. I am looking forward re adding more books of their siblings and cousin.

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Loved this regency romance!

A regency enemies to lovers?? Yes, please! This is one of my favorite tropes, and author Kate Bateman does it so well, with lots of witty banter and steamy glances.

Maddie and Gryff are so adorable together, their familes are rival enemies and their arrogant animosity slowly changes to something else and it's adorable to watch. The plot of a smuggling scheme that they discover and handle together was enjoyable, but the focus is obviously on the romance, which I loved.

I also loved the side characters, I enjoy siblings from each main character falling for each other and that seems to be what the author is setting up to happen.

Can't wait to read the next regency romance novel in this series!

Thank you Netgalley for this ebook arc.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Maddie and Gryff's story. Their families have been in a rivalry for hundreds of years, they absolutely love hating each other. That is until smugglers threaten their life and land. I was really looking forward to this book and it surpassed my expectations. The love, rivalry, sweetness, intrigue, danger, and adventure all comes together to create a story that is thoroughly charming.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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