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A Reckless Match

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Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this! As soon as I saw this described as enemies-to-lovers, I knew I wanted it. From the first page, it didn't disappoint, and I'm ready to binge the rest of the series once they're released.

My favorite thing about this was definitely the concept. I loved the idea of the two families feuding over the same purse of land, and it was done so well. It providing a legitimate reason for the hate between our characters, and kept things interesting. It also provided the perfect amount of tension, which I loved.

I've seen several other reviewers complain about Gryff, and while I understand this, he didn't bother me too much. There were a few times in which his thought processes startled me, but because I binged this in a day, I didn't have time to be bothered.

I loved his relationship with Maddie, and although I'm usually not a fan of the "I've loved you since we were kids" trope, I feel like this pulled it off well. I was expected more spice from this, and although I'm slightly disappointed by the lack of it, I still enjoyed this

If you're in the mood for an enemies-to-lovers historical romance, this is the perfect read for you!

Thanks to Kate Bateman and Netgalley for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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4.5 It Is The Conflict That Delights Stars
* * * * Spoiler Free-A Quick Review
I discovered Kate Bateman in 2019 and fell hard for her writing. She took me on a journey I was happy to go on. When I saw this was coming, I jumped on it.

Maddie Montgomery's family and Gryffud “Gryff” Davies', Earl of Powys family have been enemies since the beginning of time...No seriously, since the beginning of when families held land and fought over it. The rumor was the fight that has been going on for centuries was over a pig. One family thought the other stole it and refused to accept another as even trade. The other rumor was more intense, meaning it was a fight over a woman. There was no actually knowing but the dye was cast. Montgomery hated the Davis and visa versa.

It got so bad, it took a royal decree that a strip of land between the two manors was to be shared. Every solstice it was deemed that a representative of each family met in a certain spot, shake hands, and agree to the truce. If one of the families does not show, then the strip of shared land will revert to the family that was there.

This year having the Davis family Not show was the real hope of Maddie Montgomery. Maddie's father was a victim of stock fraud and now he is in trouble with all the creditors and worrying he will not be able to save the family home and reputation. Unfortunately, there is a disgusting older man who wants to marry Maddie and has named a price he will pay for her. Although it is tempting for the father to say yes, he loves his independent daughter and will not force her.

Which leaves Maddie at the bridge waiting and hoping her nemesis, Gryff does not show up. If he doesn't then all of their prayers will be answered. The land probably has coal mines for the taking and other riches to save them.

Gryff and Maddie have been at each other since childhood. Gryff then saw how lovely Maddie was starting to grow. He loved teasing her and although he has the reputation of a rogue since returning from the war, he has always loved sparing with Maddie. He has been in London so she has reason to think he may not show, but show he does.

Damn, the blasted man showed up and has the nerve to be as handsome and broad as she remembered. They both say a few words and then it is time for the shaking of hands, however, something causes Gryff to kiss Maddie instead. Well, that was not expected and both are a little stunned by it. She does not slap him as she should have and he would like more from her.

This is the beginning of these two crossing paths and then becoming friends first and then more. There is suspense, action, the need to protect each other, and a very happy ending. Also, each family has siblings and those siblings have hidden feelings for the other. I think this series is off to a solid start.

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I received "A RecklessMatch" from Netgalley and voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Kate Bateman is a wonderful author, and she never fails to amaze me with her beautiful stories. A 6 out of 5 stars for this beautiful journey of love. Madeline Montgomery  and Gryfudd Davies, the new Earl of Powys, have challenged and teased each other since childhood. Their families have been opposed to each other for hundreds of years. A wonderful adventure leads Maddie and Gryff to explore the depths of their hatred/attraction for each other. The storyline had me hooked and captivated from the start. Fabulous!

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This was a cute enemies-to-lovers story. It took a while for the book to really get going, but I still enjoyed it. This book pretty clearly sets up others in the series, and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to these other characters.

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Having read previous books by Kate Bateman I was thoroughly looking forward to this book and it didn’t disappoint, the characters are brilliant you can tell right away they were made for each other and all the way through I was laughing at their antics. I couldn’t put it down read it in one sitting.I really recommend this book it’s funny and brilliantly written and I can’t wait for the following books in this series.

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Thank you St.Martin's and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this ARC.
This is the first book in a new Series based on two old families that have a long standing feud going on. Kate Bateman once again produces a delightful story with strong female characters who don't fit the mode of well brought up young ladies. I enjoyed meeting the "stars" of the upcoming books and getting to know something about them. 4-1/2 stars

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This new series is a fun, exciting page turner! The Montegomery's and The Davies's have been fighting for decades. They must meet at the equinox on neutral land to keep the peace, but Gryff and Maddie have been fighting since they were children and are now tasked as peacekeepers. The plot is fast paced with lots of romantic tension and intrigue. Each character is rich and dynamic that you feel like you know them personally mix this with the high stakes subplots and you cannot put this book down. I am already invested in these families and cannot wait for the next book.

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I finished A Reckless Match! If you're looking for a book with lots of action, never a dull moment, flirty conversations and lots of kisses, this one is definitely for you.

Maddie and Gryff's families have been enemies for centuries. Literally next-door neighbors, they can't see each other without fighting. Now Gryff is back and he's the new Earl after his father has passed away. But his bickering with Maddie is still going strong. When they discover a plot of contraband, they team-up to get at the bottom of this!

This also has the "has loved her for all his life" trope. Gryff literally thought of Maddie whenever he felt like giving up. He was all "I need to do this so I can see her again" and ofndjgn they WERE ENEMIES STILL. He has loved her from kids to teens and now to adults. They have a simmering attraction that no one can deny.

- Smol and tol
- Kissing bc lost a bet
- Hero has a term of endearment for her

I'm very excited for this series to continue! It seems all of them or the majority of these books are going to be enemies to lovers or hate to love in a way.

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A Reckless Match by Kate Bateman is a truly fantastic historical romance book. Full of adventure, longing, and wit, it's a book that's just a joy to read from start to finish.

Madeline Montgomery and Gryff Davies' families have been enemies for centuries. Gryff has been antagonizing Maddie since they were children, and now that he's returned from the war, nothing has changed. When Gryff and Maddie stumble across a nefarious plot, however, they'll have to work together, and who ever heard of a Montgomery and a Davies working together?

Honestly this book is great, it was so much fun to read, I couldn't put it down. This is childhood enemies to lovers done perfectly right. There is a ton of action and plot in the book, but it doesn't ever feel like it overpowers the romance, which is really the story. Bateman has set up several other couples as well, and I can't wait to find out whose story we'll get next!

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Delightful regency. Maddie has to clean up the mess of the family's coffers, which comes with few options yet a lovely twist. Upholding the feud tradition is a pivotal moment for these childhood enemies. It rekindles old memories, ignites undisclosed attractions and inspires a new perspective to their rivalry. I love that Maddie is forthright, independent, resourceful and courageous. I love that, as experienced as Gryff is, she still challenges him, tempts him and drives him to distraction as he's swept up into the adventurous chase of miscreants and the matters of his heart. They make a great team, I thoroughly enjoyed every page and can't wait to read the next one.

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This was the first Kate Bateman novel I've read, and I will definitely be reading more of her work. A Reckless Match was a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging historical romance, and I'd recommend it to anyone who is a fan of the genre.

I started and finished this novel on the same day; the fast-paced plot and likable characters kept my attention. I thought the enemies-to-lovers storyline was well-written and I never felt like the romance was forced or moved too quickly, which is a common issue I have with books in this genre. I also enjoyed the hints at future relationships between secondary characters and they have me excited for the next books in this series. If you like action, romance, and historical fiction, this book is for you.

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Such a wonderful story! It kept me entertained from start to finish. The storyline is great and the characters are entirely believable, I've always loved this author and she didn't let me down this time. A story worth reading and adding to your reread pile because you'll want to go back and rediscover this gem.

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Who doesn’t love a family feud?! This one began in the days of William the Conqueror and continues on. But each year the families must meet and shake hands or they forget their land. Maddie is hoping the new earl won’t post because her family is in debt and needs some funds.However, Gryff arrived just in time. He had delighted in teasing Maddie since they were children. Can this feud turn into a live story? One must read of their adventures a find out! Great fun!

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Kate Bateman is on point as always with another funny, sexy romance in the first book of her latest series. Gryff and Maddie are perfect counterpoints in a long-standing "feud" between their families with Gryff swanning back in from London after a tour in the military against Napoleon, and Maddie trying to find a way around marrying and old and odious man to pay off her father's debts. Naturally within minutes the bickering and attraction begins, and continues merrily throughout the story - just enough to take the reader on a when will they ride that is fun and not overdone. The side plots of debts being called on Maddie's father and the smugglers Gryff and Maddie discover while exploring the "shared" land of the two families help move the story and the romance along without seeming out-of-place, and the teasers with other members of their families are just enough to leave the reader wanting to know more without overtaking the current story. The setting, story and characters are all perfect and Bateman leaves me eagerly anticipating her next story!

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I love books about family feuds. Kate Bateman did a wonderful job with this story. It was exciting, had a great plot and I finished it in one sitting. Would recommend to others.

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I loved this book! I loved the teasing between Maddie and Gryff and the competitiveness between the two families. The sensuality between two enemies from the get-go was enticing and intriguing. Also with the supporting characters, it sets up the rest of the series well and I can’t wait to see how the others get together and how they overcome the feud between the Montgomery’s and Davies’s.

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When Maddie and Gryff meet to shake hands on the one day a year the feuding families call a truce, their attraction is instantaneous. Maddie rides off, and Gryff discreetly follows because he’s a gentleman. Maddie falls down a well, he follows, and the adventure begins. Although the beginning of this regency romance veered too much toward cliche’, I was soon hooked. I liked both characters very much, as well as the supporting cast. They’re straightforward about their growing friendship, there’s no fake drama. And the sexual attraction is compelling. It’s a good story, well told, and I’m interested in reading the rest of the books in this series.

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A delightful read with good character and clever wit! My favorite! The feud/truce and constant goading was so fun and I loved the adventure and scrapes our characters got into. I look forward to the other books!

I was provided with an ARC of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A Reckless Match is a fantastic read for anyone that loves feuding families and childhood enemies whose hatred turns into love. It's also a fun adventure through the countryside filled with mystery, suspense, and intrigue. Montgomery and Gryffud Davies are not your typical enemies to lovers couple. They bicker, banter and sizzle all at the same time. I highly recommend this book and I can't wait for the next book in the series.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review,

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Excellent! I'm not usually a fan of enemies to lovers, but this is an exception. Just the right amount of "enemies" and an excellent secondary adventure with smugglers at the same time. I really enjoyed this and can't wait for the (nicely set up) next two couples!

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