Cover Image: Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

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This was so wonderful and interesting. I can't wait to read these to my kids one day and teach them about these women!

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If you are new to this series, you have been missing out. This book is ideal for any young girl with dreams. This book, and its predecessors, exemplify how girls (women) went after their dreams and achieved them in great ways. This book focuses on Black girls (women) and is a great resource for any young girl but particularly for black girls.
Each story features a different girl (or set of girls) and is told in simple yet interesting ways. This is a great reference book or as a bedtime story book.
I cannot sing the praises of these books enough and if you have a young girl in your life, of any color, I would highly recommend you pick up the entire series.
Many thanks to Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Another amazing book by Rebel Girls, celebrating black women from all walks of life - from the vice - president of the US, to athletes, artists, scientists, architects and many more ! This book is very diverse on many fronts, representing LQTBQ+ and other intersectional communities .

I think this is a great book to educate girls of all backgrounds and empower young black girls,

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Thanks to Netgalley and Rebel Girls for the ARC of this in exchange for my honest review.

As always, the Rebel Girls team did a great job with this anthology. There was a diverse group of women featured, the illustrations were lovely, and the stories were a just right length and difficulty level for the elementary school crowd. I knew who a few of the women were, but was pleased by the maybe lesser known stories that give me a jumping block for who else to look into.

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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real- Life Tales of Black Girl Magic
Authors, Lilly Workneh, Jestine Ware, Diana Odero, Sonja Thomas, CaShawn Thompson (Foreward)
Publisher: Rebel Girls
Pub date: September 28, 2021

And yet another fantastic book published by Rebel Girls that teaches our girls how to dream, inspires them to be anything they want to be, and exposes them to many incredible women who have paved the way for them to embrace their passions, celebrate diversity, and expand upon their curiosities!

Real Life Tales of Black Girl Magic is the fourth book in this amazing series of books that provides an even more diverse variety of incredible women of pioneers, trailblazers, scientists, artists, athletes, musicians, and more into the mix. Some of these names may be familiar and some may even be new to you, as many were new to me! Either way, this beautifully illustrated book of women is sure to inspire all of us as we dive in and learn about their experiences, challenges, triumphs, and many contributions. From entrepreneur Adriana Barbosa, poet Amanda Gorman, hockey player Angela James, nurse Barbara Hillary, mushroom farmer Chido Govera, all the way to fashion designer Kheris Rogers- these 100 stories of black women share quotes, provide strength, and spark imagination for all of us!

An absolutely perfect book to give as a gift to a loved one, share with your classroom, or read to your daughters before they go to sleep! I will absolutely be purchasing this one and the third book about Immigrant Women who Changed the World to add to our collection! Thank you Rebel Girls and Netgally for the e- ARC of this inspirational beauty.

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What I was looking for: I really enjoyed other books in this series, and a book focusing solely on black females is like the icing on the cake.

What I liked: I really liked that this is not a book by white people for black girls but that the whole book has been created by black (and non-binary) people. I also appreciated that the artist for each picture was named and I really liked the different art styles.

Conclusion: This is such a positive, encouraging book not just for young black girls (but especially for them) but for everybody. I learned a lot.

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What I love about this book and others in the series, is that there is so much to learn. There are so many heroic, strong, determined girls and women that do amazing things. Here, the focus is on black women and their individual strengths.
There are politicians, singers, astronauts, writers, sports people. You name it, it's all here.
Poet Amanda Gorman features too. I loved her book The Hill we climb.
Singer Aretha Franklin talks about soul being a feeling. It is set in alphabetical order by their first name, with each person having their own colourful illustrations.
It is informative, yet inspirational. There were many I didn't know about but that just made me want to keep reading. I am in awe of these wonderful girls and women and what they have achieved.
At the end there are more brief bios of other people.
There are also pages to write your own story, pages to do some activities.
The glossary is helpful too, as well as the brief bios on the illustrators.
This book is ideal for school and home libraries.

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Very inspiring stories for children and adults, for all people who suffer because of racism, whether on the basis of religion, race, or any other characteristic of discrimination between people, this book may make you challenge against all these things. The title of the book may be taken as another reason for racism, but it's okay, we know the author's intention.

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This is a series that goes from strength to strength. Encompassing a wonderfully varied selection of role models including activists, musicians, artists, politicians etc. this highlights remarkable and inspiring true stories of Black girls who have overcome racism, societal expectations and their own doubts to make a huge difference in their own lives and those of others. Each story is very readable, detailing the key factors in their lives and how they achieved their goals. I also loved the illustrations, each done individually for each person which I feel works particularly well, and I liked that each of these illustrators has a mention at the back of the book alongside ideas for further reading and practical ideas going forward. Very accessible, this was an enjoyable books to read best summed up by the following quote from the book:
“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world” - Angela Davis

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic. This is a wonderful collection of 1 page summaries of some absolutely inspiring women. The format is great to share with people of all ages and the illustrations are beautiful.

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This book was truly amazing to read, with all the inspirational stories of strong, powerful black girls and women!
This is the second "Good Night Stories for rebel girls" and I always feel so enchanted with all the beautiful illustrations, inspiring stories, this book should be distributed to every girl and also boy around the world!
The only critic I have is that I felt that were too many North American black girls, and I was expecting it to be more diverse, but at the same time, I do question myself if this was the result of the editor's selection or because the girls that live in countries like The USA have more opportunities and thus they stories spread easier?

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There is no end to the fabulousness that the "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" movement has created. Each time they surpass the last with the gorgeous images, great design and ability to encapsulate the life of someone in just one page.

This book (and series) is such a great starting point for my students when they're looking at biographies, as they can quickly understand the role someone has played and then later read a more in depth biography once they've oriented themselves on the person.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review.
I hadn’t heard of this series before, but having read this volume, I love the intent of highlighting the many stories of Black women, past and present, in little bite-size entries, perfect for bedtime stories that will inspire as well as entertain. I love the diversity of the people featured, and how it truly is worldwide coverage of Black women’s stories, instead of being region-specific, as other efforts I’ve seen have been. And while many of the names are notable, others are not, and it’s a perfect way to educate both kids and their families about history and encourage them to go out and learn more.

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Such wonderful, inspiring, heartwarming stories to read to yourself, as an adult or to share with a child. I have a 10 year old granddaughter and we love to share these stories. She actually turned me on to this series. She and her Mother started reading the first book published.

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I’m a Brownie leader for Girlguiding UK and we sometimes like sharing inspirational stories of what women can achieve.
I haven’t read any of the other books but have seen the titles before and had a glimpse of a few pages from a couple of Brownies who were using it as a project on a zoom meeting.
100 Brilliant stories of black women who have filled their dream despite either being a woman, being black or both. Some have achieved great things because they followed their own dream and others achieved because of discrimination that they wouldn’t have felt the need for had they not been discriminated against.
It was also lovely to include the stories of those who are gay and transgender because transgender women are women.
I have recommended this book to my make boss for his two young daughters. I think the word rebel is off putting thinking that I was encouraging anarchy but this is far from it. This is simply real women developing their beliefs and being true to themselves.
Written in simple to understand language and beautifully illustrated, I would recommend this book.
Will definitely read the other books in the series.
Thanks to NetGalley for the preview read. #RebelGirlsCelebrateBlackGirlMagic

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Another great book in this series. I absolutely loved the art in this one and how each person was drawn by someone different. Thank you to the authors for introducing me to all of these amazing girls and women who I might not have known about otherwise.

Thank you to netgalley and the authors for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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Totally enjoyed this book. I love the insight and how developed the information is about each character.

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I have the other Rebel Girls books for my daughter and I think it is absolutely wonderful that there is a book dedicated to beautiful Black women! It shows so much diversity and the stories are wonderful as always! I recommend these books for every girl and would add this to the list! My daughter was very excited about Angela James who is featured because she is a hockey player (my daughter wants to be a hockey player)

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I love this entire series and always feel so happy to see a new version pop up. Thank you to the publisher for the gifted copy in exchange of an honest review.

As a teacher in a title 1 school, many of our young girls are unable to see role models. besides singers/actresses and media influencers. These are the types of books that my students need. They need to see celebrations for women just like them. They need to see how others have made it big and influenced others besides those seen on social media.

A great and detailed, descriptive set of stories about women just like my students. Highly recommend.

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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls is at it again with another volume of 100 amazing women. This latest edition is subtitled "100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic." What continues to amaze me about these books is that they pick such a wide range of women to cover. From politicians to doctors, poets to athletes, and everyone in between. The text provided with each woman makes you want to learn more and hopefully encourages a young person to delve deeper into the lives that excite them the most. Additionally, the art work for each woman is stunning and done by a woman or non-binary person of color. Actually, the entire book was put together by people of color and is quite a celebration of all of their amazing achievements. Below are two examples of completely different stories that will excite and inspire.

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