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When Night Breaks

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This really, really breaks my heart. I really loved the first book and couldn't get enough copies of it. I am so confused on what to rate this one because I was just bored through a lot of it. I ended up skimming a few lines here and there. This one just never gripped me and I couldn't stay focused on it. It was very slow. Nothing really happened in a big sense. The pace picked up towards the end, but at that point I was just.. not into it. And it makes me so very very sad. I still love my Jack and the other characters and ending was pretty good, but... it didn't fix the rest of the book.

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This sequel took the first book and made everything BIGGER. We have essentailly two worlds, so many new characters, more mystery, and more magic!

I loved it.

I was totally Team Demarco in book one but I slowly found myself liking Jack in this book. He has reasons for doing everything that he did and does... and I can't really blame him too much. I loved the scene with giving her his brass knuckles and the meaning of the weight. AHH!

To be honest, my least favorite part was Kallia. I am just not a fan of her personality but the world and magic made up for her. :)

Great story!

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A satisfying ending to an amazing duology! I may have preferred to have it drawn out as a trilogy just so I could stay in the beautiful world that Janella Angeles so brilliantly created, but I am satisfied with the ending. And yes, please read Where Dreams Descend before tackling this one or you'll have no idea what's going on.
New characters with some plot twists, old characters you thought you hated but realized you may not hate them so much, beautiful reunions, sacrifices, higher stakes, all mixed together to create a captivating and satisfying conclusion.
The House of Cards duology is not to be missed!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-arc of this novel.*

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4 stars!

When Night Breaks, the sequel to Where Dreams Descend is a book I've been waiting to read ever since I picked up WDD in August, and I was very surprised at how much I ended up enjoying this. After *that ending* in the first book, I was dying to know how everything would unfold, and overall the plot of this book was quite entertaining to read. It withheld the same vibes and atmosphere of book one while also showcasing a whole new and unknown world.

There were a lot of aspects in this book that I loved. Being able to learn more about the Zarose Gate and the Patrons was something that really drew me to it, since they both seemed to be left in the shadows in book one. The magic and illusions dueling was easily my favorite part of this, whether it was Kallia learning it or engaging in actual competition, I'd never read something quite like it before, and it will certainly make this book stand out.

However, there were some issues I had with this book that ultimately lead to me taking a star off my review. Without spoiling anything, I felt like the new setting that was introduced was definitely poorly developed at times. I've read fantasy novels with parallel type worlds before and I feel this one wasn't handled as smoothly as others I've seen. I also wish the first half of the book would have moved at a quicker pace, I felt like it left Kallia and Demarco's story kind of rushed into a short span of pages. Nonetheless, I did still love the way their relationship unfolded, their ending felt fitting for them and I wouldn't have wanted it any different.

Jack. I LOVED getting more content of him in this book. His character is just so interesting and finally getting his true backstory and a look into his struggles was something I didn't expect to get, but I'm so glad I did.

If you're looking for a unique YA Fantasy I definitely recommend reading book one (Where Dreams Descend) if you haven't already, and also checking out this brilliant sequel when it releases on October 5th.

Thank you so much to Wednesday Books for providing me with this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, I had such a great time reading this and can't wait to start on some other ARCS from this publisher.

This review will be posted immediately to my Goodreads and BookBub.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this Arc in exchange for an honest review!

While I loved the first novel more ( nothing against the sequel I just didn’t get enough of the characters I originally fell in love with.)
While I missed many characters I did enjoy meeting the new magicians.
Jack still as powerful as ever and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit rooting for him.
Kalllia is still endearing in sequins and flair. I love her. Even dropped into another world she still makes her mark. She's still powerful and fantastic.

The diamond rings I freaking loved them. Witty, cocky and snarky some of my favorite things when written well. Vain is spectacular loved her from the first smirk.

Harold was alright but he is no Aaros.
The one thing that upset me was the lack of Aaros and Canary. One of the things that I loved the most about the first book was their relationships with Kallia and in the sequel we get none of that. We get a lot less Demarco and Kallia together as well. I loved the sequel but I did miss those things.

I still love Demarco and Kellia!

“If you want me to play, then you have to play, too.” Undeterred, she stacked her deck altogether. “A number, please.”

Young miss, just who do you think you are? Number twenty-four. The memory slammed into him. His chest seized at her voice, spinning back into his ears as though it never left.
Excuse my while my heart melts.

I definitely recommend and I will be reading from this author again in the future I hope!
Can't wait to see whatever else she has in store.

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I was a bit disappointed in this sequel. I really loved the first installment of the story, but I felt like this one was confusing. I wasn't really sure what was going on with Kallia for the first half of the book, as I couldn't really picture what was happening. It seemed like everyone was standing around waiting for the action to happen, so by the time I got to it, I was already bored. I feel like these characters deserved a better ending to their story.

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“Even in a world of illusions, the truth will come out.”

It’s hard trying to come up with a review that won’t give anything away. But I will try.

Being back in this world is nothing short of delightful. I am just as in love with the author’s words. And just as in awe of Kallia as I was in the first book.

Janella Angeles writes so beautifully and eloquently. It’s impossible not to get lost in her writing. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors and I cannot wait to see what she has in store for us next.

It’s not surprising, I think, to note that Kallia is still just as fearsome and confident. She has such a fiery and strong personality that sucks you into her orbit. She’s so unapologetically herself and I LOVE that.

Vain and the Diamond Rings are definite standouts in this sequel. They’re reminiscent of the Conquering Circus, and they’re just as lovable and admirable. The author definitely has a way of writing supporting characters. They are in the spotlight as much as the lead characters and play essential roles.

I found the idea of the duels to be interesting. It was as much about outsmarting your opponent as it was about one’s ability to conjure illusions. One has to be resourceful and quick on their feet to win.

I also loved the new friendships formed in this book. There was an overall sense of not knowing who to trust but honestly, it was hard not to fall in love with (almost) everyone.

I don’t want to say it but romance-wise, I felt a bit disappointed. This feels like a huge betrayal to myself to admit but the romance just felt kind of bleh to me. I didn’t feel any chemistry between Kallia and Demarco. It felt forced and not at all like how I remember from Where Dreams Descend. (I actually found myself rooting for Jack quite a few times. Suffice it to say I have a newfound appreciation for Jack.) And just so you’re aware Kallia and Demarco reuniting only happened at around the 70% mark. And considering how much I looked forward to it, to say that I was disappointed is an understatement.

A lot of things will make sense and questions from the first book will be answered. But I’m not gonna lie, there were some things that still didn’t make sense to me. I have no idea what exactly happened to the Dealer. I thought Jack was supposed to be [redacted] to [redacted]. So why isn’t he [redacted]? And the people of Glorian were [redacted]? What exactly does that entail? It was never made clear. If anyone would be willing to clear up these things for me I would be really grateful. (I’m really trying not to spoil anything.)

Lastly, I think I need a book on Jack. And [redacted]. I have a feeling these two will make a great duo.

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Thank you so much to St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I honestly think I could read stories about Kallia, Daron, and Jack forever. These characters are written so well and the dynamics that Daron and Jack have with Kallia (and vice versa) are so interesting. The storytelling and prose also continued to be so beautiful from Where Dreams Descend. Janella Angeles is such a great writer, especially as an author who debuted with an incredible YA fantasy duology during the pandemic.

I loved how the stakes were so much higher in When Night Breaks. I was holding onto my breath at multiple points throughout the book because it truly seemed like anything could happen to Kallia, Daron, or Jack at any moment. Speaking of, I’m shocked at how much Jack grew on me in this book? He seemed like such a horrible person to Kallia in WDD, but seeing his arc in WNB was super interesting. I do wish we got to see more of Aaros in this book, though. We only saw funny moments with Herald, but Aaro’s missing dynamic with Kallia and Daron definitely stood out to me.

The real waterworks came with Daron and Kallia of course. I’ve expressed before how much I love these two characters. The love Daron has for Kallia is so beautiful and my heart felt like it was going to burst watching Daron fight so hard to find his way to Kallia. I love the way Janella wrote his character—he’s such a refreshing male character in YA. Even though he was stoic and grumpy at the beginning of WDD, he wasn’t afraid to be open about his feelings and vulnerable in WNB, which was so great to see. I also really liked seeing his relationship with Aunt Cata and you-know-who, too.

The magic in this book is once again spectacular. I loved how in WDD, a lot of the magic that we saw was performance magic, whereas in WNB, we saw a ton of magic used in combat and duels too, which really emphasized the duality of the power. Overall, I highly recommend this duology to any fantasy lover out there. I’m so excited for Janella’s future works and for When Night Breaks to release on October 5!

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After that jaw dropping cliffhanger in Where Dreams Descend, couldn't wait to read this book. Not only to be captivated once again by the magical, beautiful and intriguing world Janella created, but also to find out what happened when Kallia got sucked into that mirror--and how Demarco was going to find her!

I felt like the book started out a bit slow and the plot twist surrounding one of the characters was a bit predictable but this book did not disappoint in any way. New characters with some plot twists, old characters you thought you hated but realized you may not hate them so much, beautiful reunions, sacrifices, higher stakes, all mixed together to create a captivating and satisfying conclusion.

This I truly one of my favorite series and I am excited to read more of this author's work in the future!

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I couldn't wait to read the conclusion to the duology and When Night Breaks was as Grand as I imagined it would be. I enjoyed the pacing, and the growth from the characters as they faced new obstacles. Every single female character was strong, which is one of my favorite parts, and the aspect of performance and the duels was beautifully described. I can't wait to see what else Janella Angeles writes.

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A beautiful book! I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting this world. I thought this was even better than the first. I can’t wait to see what the author does next

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I'm really sad that I missed the first book because this book is amazing. It gives me Caraval and Night Circus vibes in the best way. When Night Breaks is amazing!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing the e-arc to me. I requested this book because I enjoyed Where Dreams Descend. I was curious to see how the story and mystery would unravel. Unfortunately, I just cannot get into it and feel confused about what is going on. It has been a year since I read book one, but I feel like I remembered a fair amount. I was also hopeful that book two would assist in getting me up to speed. I do not think there was much recap in book two, so I highly recommend reading these consecutively in a timely manner.
While I am intrigued by the magic and atmosphere of this book, I am not able to finish it. I am really disconnected and find myself not wanting to pick it up. I hope that this book will better suit other readers!

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This was a fun duology with sparkling magic, haunted mirrors, and dark secrets. I really enjoyed the first book, Where Dreams Descend, and mildly liked the sequel, When Night Breaks. I think my biggest complaint about this sequel was the pacing. The first half was entirely too slow, and it had my pet peeve of the love interests being separated for a large portion of the book. In fact, I didn't find myself being particularly impressed with this book until the ending, which is a shame. Plus, the ending left a lot of questions unanswered and loopholes that bothered me. But still, I found the prose well-written, and it had interesting characters and deep world building.

Writing Aesthetic/Style: 3
Plot/Movement: 3
Character Development: 4
Overall: 3

Thank you, Wednesday Books and NetGalley, for the ARC!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

When Night Breaks picks up right after Where Dreams Descend, following Demarco as he searches for the missing Kallia. Kallia, on the other side of the mirror, encounters a false Glorian and learns vital information about her past.

I was really on the fence with Where Dreams Descend when I first read it. I wanted to love it -- it comped two of my favorite movie musicals! -- but I was left slightly underwhelmed. When Night Breaks changed all that. I am now a die-hard fan of this duology, and I will happily recommend it to anyone looking for a quick, intriguing, magical, and romantic duology.

One of my favorite parts of this book was getting more time with Jack. Is he a bad guy? Yeah. Should I not like him? Probably. Am I deeply enamored with him? Absolutely. And his screen time here felt more genuine, because we learned about him in more depth, rather than him being mostly presented as the evil villain who must be avoided/defeated at all cost.

I also really bought the stakes here. In book 1, I struggled to find the stakes completely genuine and believable. While the conflict and stakes in book 2 still have a bit of that this-magic-system-sometimes-makes-no-sense-and-therefore-makes-things-confusing vibe, I found them overall much more believable and was able to become more invested in the overall outcome.

In all, this book took me on a journey that I was all too thrilled to go on, and I adored the satisfying ending. Is it the most complex, elaborate, emotionally damaging fantasy duology out there? No. But it's a great way to spend a weekend and I'm so glad I got to experience it.

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In the acknowledgments the author said she struggled with writing this book and bringing the story to a conclusion, unfortunately I feel that’s very evident in the reading experience. The world of Where Dreams Descend was decadent and tempting. I loved the competition aspect of Spectaculore and the cast of characters was fun and varied. There was clearly some aspects of dark mystery and there was a lot I wanted to unravel. I expected When Night Breaks to answer questions and offer a thrilling adventure of its own and it…does one of those things.

So much of this book feels like an endless lore dump. There were very long scenes where NOTHING happened for chapters except characters sitting down while some character who knows everything explained what happened in depth to the protagonist while they listened. So much of the book has no action and is just characters lore dumping all the reveals that the previous book set up. Who is Kallia? What happened to Demarco’s sister? What happened to the Alastors? Why is Glorian so weird? What do the Patrons do? What is Jack? All of these are just told to us by other characters as they reveal their backstories and histories while the characters sit down and do nothing.

The main romance feels frightfully devoid of chemistry. The two participants see each other for very little of the book and as they receive almost no character development it feels awkward to focus on their relationship as a significant part of the story at all. There’s so little tension and/or reason for these two characters to want each other so badly and it just feels like a waste of time. The love triangle is very quickly put to rest and while I recognize Jack and Kallia were an abusive relationship there was a lot more of interest to develop there.

In fact, Jack as a character is perhaps the most fascinating of the bunch and he gets VERY little page time. There are some huge reveals about what he is and his backstory that could be fascinating but are instead brushed over. The way the book leaves off with him is incredibly confusing and breaks all the rules of magic as we know them…with no real explanation. The whole final scene is rushed because so much of the book is spent lore dumping and then all the lore is…subverted. All the rules of magic are broken because the main characters want them to be. There’s no meaningful sacrifice or loss because everything turns out great through the power of friendship.

I don’t know if this series might’ve benefitted from being a trilogy or if this book just needed more time to shape itself. It’s long and the pace is absolutely glacial. So little happens and the things that do are rushed, frantic and never resolved in a way that makes sense with the rules we were given for the world. Kallia and Demarco – who the story should spin around, never feel like they’re given proper development or growth. Reading this book felt like a chore, It was slow and dumped so much on me that I was overwhelmed. This book would have been much better led by Jack who seemed to have a compelling story to tell that was skipped over in favour of a bland romance subplot that couldn’t make me feel anything at all.

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There is nothing I wanted more than to love this book. The concept and setting appealed to me so much and even though the first one didn’t blow me away I had hope the second would and I’m so sad it didn’t.

I found myself confused most of the time. The writing was choppy and I could tell the author had a super clear and thought out idea in her head and I feel like sometimes she got too wrapped up in that and didn’t transfer as many details to that page that were necessary for everything to be understood.

The ending was rushed and I couldn’t piece together what was happening because of how fast it went. I also thought there was not enough fear of the actual conflict of Roth and his plan. And he was sick? Which was never explained? There were a lot of unanswered questions that I can’t even begin to list.

Thank you to net galley for the arc and again, I am SO bummed this one fell so flat for me.

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<b> "It undid him, completely. This was not some memory taking hold. It was real." </b>

After finishing Where Dreams Descend I was RUSHING to my ARC of When Night Breaks.
WDD definitely was one of my top reads this year with the incredible world surrounded by magic and a strong female lead.

Somewhere in translation from WDD to WNB something was lost for me. But let me break down what I loved about this book.

What I loved:
- The Diamond Rings were the perfect addiction to this circus dream. With costumes, grace, magic and sass I lived for any moment with Vain and Ruthless especially.

-Jack's POV. Jack was this mysterious dark figure I wanted to know more about. I wanted to fall in love with him completely, so I enjoyed getting to know his dark heart and what made him tick.

-The games... so cool, I love a great competition.

What I struggled with:
-the world. It felt other dimension-like or parallel universe but throwing in demons and how to get from one to the other just didnt feel believable. It was a bit choppy for me. Was Roth controlling demons? Were they controlling him? (shrug)

-I wanted more Kallia. In WDD she was fierce and empowering and here she felt small and insecure. She bent to everyone around her more than I was used to and I felt the integrity of her character was lost.

Overall it was a descent book, but I wanted more of the WOW and magic from the first book to follow, Honestly, I think with a few hundred pages, book 1 & 2 could have joined and made a best seller.

I would still highly recommend this duo to friends!

characters- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (5/5
story book 1- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (4.5/5)
story book 2- ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3/5)
steam- the fire is there but its lost in the chaos would have LOVED more romance

song- blackout days by phantogram

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Kallia has gone through the mirror, and Angeles shows us what is behind that mirror in When Night Breaks. It’s a world unto itself, where magic is at the forefront. But if Kallia is expecting things to be easy, she’s in for quite the surprise. People aren’t taking kindly to the golden girl, especially Vain and her troop. So as Kallia pines away for Demarco and search for answers from Jack, we get lost in the story and the unique way it’s told.

Answers! We’ve received answers to several questions that arose in Where Dreams Descend. We find out who Jack really is and so much more. Alas, I cannot discuss much as I don’t want to spoil the book. But we need more, and I was left wanting with the conclusion of this one. But I enjoyed how descriptive the world is and the depths of Angeles’ imagination. Thank you, St. Martin’s, for sending this along!

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This reading experience could easily be swept under the slumpy and miserable rug -- so, as always, take this with a grain of salt -- but equally I know a really good engaging book, which I fully expected this to be, could've pulled me out of that. And instead..

This is a long book. And it felt like a long book because it didn't feel like anything was happening; there's so much uncertainty in light of how book one ended and we get even more things teased and tantalized and held just out of reach for so much of this book that by the time things actually started being explained, or started to happen, I just didn't care. And this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year because I had enjoyed book one so much. Was that the fluke? Apparently I was in a slump during that read, too, but I persevered and managed to enjoy it nonetheless. Therefore, should any of this current disappointment be blamed on yet another slump? Who knows. What even is enjoyment.

What made so much of this harder to bear, too, was Kallia, our main protagonist, was just so.. unlikeable? Insufferable? I did not remember her to be this way at all in book one. And yes, her circumstances have changed, but.. yikes. I couldn't even lose myself in her, or any, character when the plot was bogging me down. Overall this just didn't win for me and I'm bummed.

That said, if you enjoyed book one, the magic, the competition, the romance, you'll get most of that again in this follow up, but in a different way. I hope, if you are likewise holding your breath for this instalment, it works better for you than it did for me.

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