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When Night Breaks

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When Night Breaks is the second part of a duology. I enjoyed the first book, Where Dreams Descend. It combined two of my favorite things - magic and mystery, in a way that was a bit different from anything I’d read before. I was excited too see where the conclusion would lead to, but unfortunately, it left me a bit disappointed.

The writing is very atmospheric, and it immediately set up a dark and abstract environment. When the novel begins, Demarco is frantically searching for Kallia, even though he has no real plan or direction. Kallia on the other hand, is navigating an alternate world with one clear mission; getting back to the “true side”. Jack is along for the adventure, and together, he and Kallia…………..don’t really do much. When Kallia and Demarco are finally reunited three quarters into the story, they………….don’t really do much. This is the problem: the author created characters with mysterious pasts, placed them in mysterious environments, and surrounded them with the greatest mystery of all - magic. Then nothing really gets explained, and nothing much happens.

There’s a lot of internal angst, but no real growth. There’s a long buildup to the two main characters reuniting, then they basically turn around and go their separate ways to have some more internal angst. There’s another reunion, a twist that really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, and again - they don’t really talk about anything or do anything. Metaphors abound (mirrors! illusion! recognition!) and there are some smokey creatures referred to as “devils” (also not explained) thrown into the mix, but all the interesting aspects of the story are never really expanded on. What actually does occur, doesn’t really make sense. Kallia has no magic, but then after a little practice it’s back. Wait, what? How? Jack, who in my opinion is far more interesting than Kallia or Demarco, has the biggest character arc, but he was also basically starting from ground zero since so little was divulged about him in the first book. The plot, as well as the relationships between the characters and their individual motivations all become a bit muddled. I think this story had a lot of potential, but just didn’t quite reach the heights it could have.

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Thank you so much to Wednesday Books and NetGalley a early copy of this book my way in exchange for an honest review.

My oh my I loved this so much. Maybe more than WDD? the stakes were so much higher for Kailia, I think you got to see her develop so much more as a character. I was so proud of her in so many scenes and Demarco coming to terms with what happened to Eva. All the beautiful development. Also the mirror world and seeing the characters react to our MCS was so cool. I loved the magic so much.

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I think that you should read the acknowledgements section of this book before you start the book. I wish I had.

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This is a good sequel and apt conclusion to the duology, but sadly I didn't enjoy it as much as ‘Where Dreams Descend.’

This picks up right where the first book leaves off. The reader is introduced to a darker, yet somewhat familiar, world with new characters and the mysterious secrets of old ones. There's a lot of new content to enjoy and I think readers who were super invested in what happened to Kallia, Jack, Daron, and Eva will find this installment engaging.

However, it's missing the two major components that made me fall in love with the series in the first place. First, the romance between Daron and Kallia. They are separated the entire novel up until the 75% mark. I loved their tension and connection and didn't quite enjoy them on their own as much as I did when they are together. And second, the magical competition. I love the atmosphere it created in ‘Where Dreams Descend.’ And while this sequel obviously has magic, it doesn't take center stage in the same way it did in the first book.

Again, I'm happy with this conclusion, but I didn't personally love it as much as the story's beginning.

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A soft sigh ends this duology in what I would have hoped was more of a thunderous applause.

“When Night Breaks” takes us behind the looking glass as the events of book 1 pick up with Kallia in the world of illusion where magic and fantasy run rampant and as she struggles to regain her magic she finds allies in the most unluckily of places.

Strange as it may sound I feel as though I enjoyed this one more than the first but it had a far weaker plot.

Book one takes us through this competition where each moment organically flows to the glorious finale and it’s sequel dances within a dream where you can trust nothing and ghosts lurk behind every corner waiting to catch you unaware. While one had a bit of structure this felt more loose and fluid which matched the setting but when it came to the plot fell rather flat.

While I know what the overall conflict was the actual villain and the attempt to make good on that threat is lost to me. I felt no menacing presence or real rush to go back to the land of us mortals and as we got closer to the final page it felt like the author forgot too and a lot of loose ends were chopped off in the hope no one noticed.

I still feel like the romantic chemistry between our two leads is mediocre at best and this book did them no favors a lot of their conversations seemed to happen off the page and that’s never going to work for me. I do wish we had more time to fully explore Jack who is one of the most fascinating characters I’ve read and this one only made him more interesting but again it felt as though his moments happened when readers weren’t looking and we moved on without real care which is a shame.

Not a bad series but one I doubt I would pick up again.

**special thanks to the publishers and netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Wednesday Books.

Oh, I loved this book so much. It's entirely possible that I may like it more than the first one.
Stories are fleshed out in delightful and intriguing ways.
And the showmanship!

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Thank you Netgalley and St Martins Press/Wednesday Books for allowing me to read and review this title!

After the explosive ending to Where Dreams Descend we are now following a distraught Daron Demarco as he continues his ongoing search for his sister Eva, who disappeared through a mirror during his last magical act on stage, and is now searching for his love Kallia, who had the same fate. At the end of Where Dreams Descend, Kallia pushes Jack, her mentor and captor, through a mirror to save Daron and her friends from a worse fate. But as she pushes Jack through the mirror, she falls too, trapping herself with Jack in a new inescapable world. Jack and Kallia now have to work together to find a way out of the world of mirrors, illusions, and memories, to the real world where Daron and friends are trying to figure out a way to save her from a deadly fate.

So, a little back story before I get into my review... I had put in the request for this book before actually reading the first book and so I had to quickly read Where Dreams Descend before reviewing When Night Breaks. It was not a hassle as it helped push me to finally read the first book as it was always on my TBR. I loved the first book and am glad I finally read it after receiving the approval for this one.

I definitely don't regret doing this as the cliffhanger for the first book was unexpected and left super open for the sequel. I enjoyed the sequel very much! I loved the growth of the characters and story pacing improved a lot. Kallia and Daron are great MCs and this was a fantastic ending to a great duology.

Thank you again for allowing me to read this exciting and thrilling conclusion. I greatly enjoyed the whole story and it's characters.

(I have my copy pre-ordered through Owlcrate)

4.5 stars

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I liked this book, but I don't think I liked it as much as Where Dreams Descend. Obviously, the characters were interesting and a slight deviation from those in typical YA fantasy.

In this book, we finally get to see what happens next after Kallia and Jack fall through the mirror, and so many secrets are finally uncovered. Daron, obviously, is falling apart into pieces. I liked this book, but not as much as the first one, I think because there was still so much mystery in air in the first book. The second book doesn't have as much, though there is still a little. The author doesn't explain all of the mysterious going on's by the end of the book, there are still some things left hidden, but honestly, I think it seems more realistic, so I don't mind.

*3.4 stars

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*thank you Janella Angeles, Wednesday Books, and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.*

This book. Wow. I am absolutely in love with this story.

Kallia is the absolute best protagonist. She is a performer with magic, but at the end of the last book, maybe not as much as she has had. She is dedicated and passionate. Fierce and fiery. A stunning hero that I can see headlining shows with packed crowds.

Jack is the most conflicting character. He’s clearly got something to hide. He’s incredibly dark and sharp and kind of shady. I am obsessed with Jack, but you know, I kind of shouldn’t be.

Demarco. Also a conflicting human. The disgraced entertainer. His magic is so confusing, and in his desperation to help Kallia, he is becoming more and more chaotic. I understand his desperation to Kallia, especially since he feels at fault for some of her problems, but it makes him a mess. I should love Demarco, but something about bad boy Jack just draws me in.

This trio of characters work together in the most amazing way. They weave a magical and sparkling story where you are left waiting to see what amazing thing will happen next.

The dramatic cast of supporting acts dazzled just as bright as the headliners, and it only starved to make me want more.

As for the plot of the story, the first book left off in a cliffhanger, in the disaster of Spectaculore. Jack is painted the villain, Kallia as the damsel in distress, and Demarco is poised to be the hero. This book takes those positions and turns them on there head, none more than Kallia’s. Kallia spends this entire book proving that she is her own hero. She is the star of her own show. She is strong. This book was truly a dedication to the power of women, and the power of people who aren’t seen as powerful. Kallia is a unique and amazing lead and deserves all of the applause.

This story is billed as for the fans of Moulin Rouge and Hadestown, and I felt that on every page. Even though the show wove in and out of the story, I felt like every page was the next great act. I was enthralled all the way to the very last word. Truly, I can’t say enough good things.

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Most sequels are repetitive at first because they need to recap where they left off in the previous volume. This doesn’t happen with the second and final part of the Kingdom of Cards duology, which keeps going right where Where Dreams Descend ended. This made the first chapters very slow for me to get through, because I read the first part a year ago and had forgotten many details. Once I got up to speed, the beauty of this world took me in once again. The story moves to a different place, a dark side to the Glorian we know and love. We also get new characters, much of which I loved. My problem is that we hardly get to see the characters from the first part, so it was an adjustment. My other issue with this volume is how the relationships that Kallia and other known characters develop with the new cast feel forced. I loved the performances and the magic, but I wasn’t crazy about the final part, which felt a little muddled and was hard for me to follow. I liked the ending. I’d definitely recommend reading both books.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books!

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When Night Breaks picks up right where the devastating events of Where Dreams Descend left us holding our breath. We are introduced to a new Glorian, just as colorful but all the more sinister. Meanwhile, Daron teams up with his unlikely friends to search for the missing Kallia. And the peculiar Patrons pay a visit, impeding his investigation.
Readers finally get to know the story behind the mysterious Jack and the story behind the mirrors. We are also introduced to some more fun characters that somehow Angeles creates as foe that we still just want to be friends with.
Satisfied with the conclusion of this duology, book two didn't have the love story tension book one did or the big competition but kept readers engaged with new magic, smaller more intense performances, people and concepts and a need to know how it'll end for Kallia's journey.

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I was so so excited to receive this eARC! This is my most anticipated sequel to release this year. This was a very bittersweet ending as I didn't want to part away from these amazing characters and incredible world. I have quickly fell in love with Janella Angeles writing. I cannot wait for publication date and I'm looking forward to more of Janella's work!

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Readers, prepare to fall deeper into magic, mystery and danger in this stunningly brilliant conclusion to Where Dreams Descend. Angeles weaves an enchanting and vibrant story that pits relationships and reality at odds and forces her characters to face their greatest desires and faults. In a world where illusions are reality and magic runs unchecked, Kallia must fight for her future -- and the future of the world she left behind.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When Night Breaks is the sequel and final installment of the duology series Kingdom of Cards. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this book or the rating that I'm giving right now. The reason why is because for most of this book I was just bored. Things weren't really happening and I just wanted some action. Or anything to really happen that would make me interested in what was going on.

Then a miracle came my way and things got exciting. The only bummer is that it was pretty close to the ending of this. I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me in the first book. So, in a way, I guess the formula ended up working it's magic on me again. I just wish that the pace was a bit better and didn't have any parts that made me feel like things were dragging.

Other than that, the romance and the twists kept me on the edge of my couch. Some were interesting and others were a bit predictable. Heck I still have unanswered questions when it comes to Jack. Which definitely irks me to no end because I wanted all the answers before I got to the very last page.

In the end, I'm happy that I got the chance to dive into this but I don't really know what to think after I read the ending of this. It was good but it had potential to be better in my eyes.

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4 stars
When Night Breaks is a worthy conclusion to this beautiful duology. The story picks up right where the last book left off, and the takes the readers on a fascinating journey from there. This book expands quite a bit on the pre-existing world and plot of this duology. I did find the additional lore, setting, and characters to be a bit confusing at times, but I think that is mostly just because I haven't been reading a ton of fantasy recently, so it took a little while to adjust. Although all these additions were initially a little overwhelming, they were undoubtedly written with care and added tons of depth to this already well thought out series. Additionally, I loved the way Janella Angeles explored the side characters further in this book. Particularly, Jack's backstory was great, and I loved the direction his character was taken. Lastly, the ending of this book was very fitting for the series and well thought out. Really, my only complaint for this book is just the pacing. Although the first half of the story is good, there's a lot of exposition/world expansion, so when I got to the second half of the book and really fell back in love with this story, I realized how much duller the first half of the book had been in comparison. Still, I really enjoyed this book and loved this duology (+ Janella Angeles's writing style) as a whole. I'd definitely recommend this series to any YA high fantasy lovers!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved When Dreams Descend. The concept was new, I loved Kallia and her confidence. I loved Demarco and his brooding self pity and how Kallia coaxed him out of his shell. I loved how Jack was still kind of a mystery to me. Lastly, the side characters were fantastic! I adored Aaros, Canary, and Lottie. The cliffhanger at the end left me anxiously waiting for this book.

I won't say this book lived up to Where Dreams Descend. Where Dreams Descend felt like it was constantly moving. I think in part because it was a competition. It was a more plot driven book in my opinion.

When Night Breaks felt like more of a character driven book. For me, it was a little difficult to get through the first half of the book. Demarco and Kallia are in two separate worlds for the first half of the book. Demarco is on the true side and Kallia is on the side built and sustained by magic that was trapped when the Zarose gate was closed. Demarco's storyline for the first half of the book felt dull. He tried to find a way to get to Kallia, but the events leading him to the other world just felt slow and anti-climatic. I missed the antics of Aaros, Canary, and Lottie. While we see a little bit of them, and they ultimately help Demarco escape Glorian, they aren't nearly as present as I would've hoped for.

Kallia is in the other world and her storyline is a little more interesting - mostly because it is a new world and we don't know a lot about how it works and the new characters introduced. We learn how Kallia has lost her power, and this kind of forces her to really look at herself and who she is and who she wants to be. We meet Harold, the trickster, Roth, the dealer, and Vain the headliner. I loved their roles in the other world and I think that's what made Kallia's storyline worth continuing the book (or I might have quit).

Once Kallia and Demarco's paths intersect, I couldn't put the book down. There were so many different things at play that I wanted to know what would happen. Kallia had a plan for how to get out of the other world. Roth needed Kallia's power to help destroy the gate and the true side. Vain has her own motives for helping Kallia. Demarco throws a wrench in everyone's plans by showing up. No one can really trust or figure out Harold's role in everything.

And Jack. It was great to finally learn more about him, who he is, his true relationship with Kallia, and his role in everything that happens in the other world. I think he became one of my favorite characters because of his depth and complexity and the journey he goes through himself.

If you find yourself thinking the beginning is a little slow and you aren't sure if you should keep reading, don't give up. I do promise it's worth it. Especially if you were hooked on the cliffhanger of Where Dreams Descend and have to know how everything wraps up. When Night Breaks might need the first half to build the storyline, but it steals the show in the second half.

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“When Night Breaks” is the perfectly captivating and imaginative sequel to Janella Angeles’s debut “Kingdom of Cards” duology. With endless descriptions of extraordinary marvels such as magician’s tricks and illusions, jaw-dropping performances, and baroque, flashy fashions, the reader is easily immersed into the new mirror version of Glorian that Kallia and Jack come across on the other side of the mirror they fell through. Questions are answered, but also lead to more questions as Kallia navigates this new world full of talented magicians and an untrustworthy ruler and as Demarco works to find his way to get Kallia back. The magic and romance pair so well together in this finale, I wish it would never end.

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Somehow When Night Breaks eclipsed Where Dreams Descend! The stunning conclusion to the Kingdom of Cards duology is filled with Hadestown vibes, glittering intrigue, and, of course, answers! This is the best duology I've ever read, and I cannot wait to see what Janella Angeles does next.

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"Where Dreams Descend" ended with such a huge cliffhanger it was painful for me to realize that I'd have to wait quite a while for the next book to come out to find out what happened next. While the wait was excruciatingly painful, it was well worth the torment, because "When Night Breaks" is just as amazing and as powerful a read as it's predecessor. Not only do we get answers to questions presented in the first book, but we get more insight into many of the characters we were introduced to.

Janella Angeles is an amazing author, and I will for sure continue to read any future novels she publishes!

Thank you to the publishers at St. Martin’s press for allowing me to read an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Caraval meets Nocturna in this stunning conclusion to the Kingdom of Cards duology. Written beautifully with an engaging cast of characters and a strong lead, this book is impossible to put down. The dual POVs aren't confusing in the slightest and the plot keeps you hooked all the way to the very end. Thank you to Janella Angeles and NetGalley for providing me with an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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