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Mistletoe Christmas

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Member Reviews

Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Give me all the sweet Christmas books. All of them! Haha
This one was such a good read. It gave me all the holiday vibes I needed. And a sweet romance I needed more.

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What a lovely collection of holiday regency romances. Highly recommend this sweet collection as well as these authors individually.

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Book wasn't meant for me. Hopefully someone will enjoy it more. I will look into renting it from the library

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These four stories are perfect for Christmas! I like that all these individual stories are still linked and that they tie so well together.

I like that there’s so much Christmas spirit and romance and love in all these stories. The plots are great too!

I love the characters. Handsome lords and witty ladies. Perfect historical romances.

All in all, a perfect read for Christmas time with a lot of happy endings and a lot of romance

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This review is many months late and I feel terribly sorry! I read this book around the holidays and have neglected to leave my feedback here.

I loved all of the stories in this anthology - especially Eloisa's. I was entirely familiar with her work but this was my first by the other three authors. I had been able to chat with Eloisa for my podcast and hearing her stories about how this group gets together for anthology was a true delight.
I love how all the stories were woven together and harkened call backs to previous stories. This one is going to be on my holiday season re-read list for SURE

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Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!! Each story is well written and draws you in. Each author writes in a unique manner yet at the same time they made it feel as if they wrote as one. I truly enjoyed each character, their histories and their families.

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This book features a collection of stories that all take place against the backdrop of the Duke of Greystoke’s Christmas Revelry....

"Mistletoe Christmas" by Eloisa James is the first short in this anthology and tells the story of the Duke's daughter, Cressenda, who is the actual architect behind the party, even though her father claims all the glory for the exclusive affair. The Duke is selfish and awful (and dying.) He's pushed Cressie to make the party the centerpiece of her life, forcing her to miss out on a real season or a chance to find a husband. He has even given away her dowry in an effort to bribe his heir to keep the party going after his death. And just when she'd given up hope, Elias (friend to the aforementioned heir) decides to make her his wife.

This is definitely an instalove story. In just a matter of hours, Elias goes from seeing her as a frumpy nobody to a woman he can't live without. Of course, Cressie has trouble believing him. No one has ever wanted her. It's kind of sad. And this romance moves really fast. But James does a good job setting up this great party and Cressie as a character. Elias... not so much. But I guess it was enough that he was handsome and saw value in Cressie when no one else did.

It was... ok.

I liked the second story, "Wishing Under the Mistletoe" by Christi Caldwell, a bit more. I find that short stories work better for me when the hero and heroine already have a history. Here, Isabelle and Cyrus are reunited 10 years after they broke off their engagement. The son of a servant, Cyrus was more focused on making money than his fiancee, and as the granddaughter of a duke, she couldn't see outside of her own life experiences to understand why.

Fate (or maybe some well meaning loved ones) throw them together on a project for the Revelry and all their old feelings come rushing back. I felt like Cyrus was a bit more in the wrong in their past than Isabelle was, and she had to do a little more work to give them their HEA, but overall, I enjoyed the journey. (Like I said before, class differences are like catnip for me.)

"Compromise Under the Mistletoe" by Janna MacGregor was another second chance at love story, and it echoed the previous story a little. Unlike Isabelle and Cyrus, Stephen and Caroline are married, but estranged. She left him a year earlier because (like Cyrus) he was inattentive and too focused on his work. Other than their time in the bedroom, he treated her like an afterthought. They reunite at the Revelry so she can try to convince the duke to release her trust early. The only catch... she and Stephen have to convince the old man they are a happy couple first.

It rang a little hollow for me after reading such a similar-themed story right before it. And like Isabelle, Caro takes on some of the blame for their problems, though Stephen was clearly more in the wrong.


"Mischief & Mistletoe" by Erica Ridley was probably my favorite of the short stories. It followed Louisa, a closet-poet with a mother bent on securing her an adventitious match at the party. Ewan is known as a poet, but it's actually just a cover story so he can do his real work as a gossip writer for his grandfather's newspaper. I'm not a big fan of a big secret trope, but I did like the dynamic between the hero and heroine. Plus, I almost always prefer a hero in trade to a lord.

Overall, a solid collection of historical shorts.

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Mistletoe Christmas: An Anthology by Eloisa James, Christi Caldwell, Janna MacGregor and Erica Ridley. A once a year Christmas Revelry put together by the Duke of Greystoke will bring four different couples together. I enjoyed reading this story so much I had to buy it on Audible, so I can listen to it at a later time. I received a copy of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Here I am again, reviewing my Christmas books in April. Argh!!! But it’s never too early to start building your holiday TBR pile ;)

Mistletoe Christmas is an anthology of four short stories. All by some of my favorite historical romance writers. This entire anthology is set in the annual Revelry. A huge holiday party that takes all year to plan. The first story is A Mistletoe Kiss by Eloisa James. The story centers of Lady Cressida, who is the organizer of the annual Revelry for her father the Duke. He likes to take credit for the Revelry. This reader did not like him for that :( Elias, Lord Darcy de Royleston, has known Cressida since he was 12, and never really noticed her. This year, he takes notice.

Wishing Under the Mistletoe by Christi Caldwell

Oh man. This second chance romance really got me. I found it to be so sad at the beginning, but I KNEW there had to be a HEA. Isabelle left Cyrus when she felt that he was too into his work. He was just focused on making money. She left and worked on writing plays. Ten years later, they meet again at The Revelry and are assigned to work together. Will they finally learn to communicate with each other?

Compromise Under the Mistletoe by Janna MacGregor

This story was about a marriage in crisis. Caroline left her husband for London because she didn’t feel appreciated. Now her trust fund is on the line and she has to convince the Duke that they are together. This story had quite a steamy scene. I mean, if you are snowed in with your husband at a party…

Mischief and Mistletoe by Erica Ridley

A wallflower poet with a mother determined to finally see her wed. However, Louisa is just interested in writing her poetry. Fortunately, the Revelry brought out some other poets and Louisa has some chemistry with fellow poet, Ewan. There were some secrets that took a while to come out, but guess what??? There was a happy ending.

Overall, a fun and entertaining read. Love the Christmas spirit. Love all the authors who contributed to this anthology. It’s a great way to find a new author to love. Put this on your list to get you into the Christmas spirit.

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This might be my favorite historical holiday romance anthology to date! My favorite thing is that all four stories take place at the same holiday event - one of those week-long, festivity-filled extravaganzas at someone's country estate.

I read and reviewed all four stories in the anthology on my podcast.

1. "A Mistletoe Kiss" and "Wishing Under the Mistletoe"

2. "Compromise Under the Mistletoe" and "Mischief and Mistletoe"

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Can't believe I missed reviewing this one sooner! Oops. These are four interconnected stories by four talented HR authors. I am a huge Erica Ridley fan, and have read many works by Eloisa James, but Christi Caldwell and Janna MacGregor were new to me. I especially liked the second-chance romance in Caldwell's story, and that's not usually my favorite trope, but it was well done. My only disappointment was that Val was not a main character in any of the stories.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a temporary digital ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Cute book, loved the interconnecting stories. Eloisa James can do no wrong but I was pleasantly surprised by the new to me authors.

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I loved this anthology with all of my favorite historical romance authors. Every story was unique and fun to read and perfect for getting in the Christmas spirit!

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Great anthology from amazing authors. I loved each story within this collection, especially Eloisa James. She is always a pleasure to read.

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This was a delightful collection of Christmas stories and romance. It was a great escape read and was well written.
Many thanks to Avon and Harper Voyager and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Perfect book to ready during Christmas seasons or any season! 4 talented authors delivered delightful story that will keep the ready entertained and happy.

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A MISTLETOE KISS by Eloisa James

Lady Cressida, Cressie, is a daughter any father should ne proud of. She is intelligent, creative, politically savvy, organized and deserves to be loved. She has been her father's chatelaine and the unsung mastermind behind his annual Revelry. Her father, the Duke, has maligned her and constantly devalued her to her face. Her father has promised an estate is Scotland to the heir, the same estate she had been promised as her dowry.

Elias, Lord Darcy de Royleston, has been to the Revelry many times and never really paid attention to anything, to look below the surface. He had even overlooked Cressida, even though they had met when she was five and he was 12. He decided to really take a look and realized that he had potentially missed the chance of a lifetime.

Theirs was a whirlwind discovery of mutual love. I was thrilled to see Elias discover Cressie and all she truly was. It was brilliantly written and I did not feel cheated by the shortness of the story. I like the idea of the Revelry and the possibilities that a house party of that magnitude presents. This is shaping up to be a wonderful anthology.


Again, Ms. Caldwell brings her signature humor, depth and emotions to us for a lovely read. Bringing us whispers of Scrooge and missed opportunities, she softens it with Isabelle's love of theater and each of them hoping for more frim the other.

Both Isabelle and Cyrus are driven by their own desires and passions. While they care fore each other, they short change themselves by not truly communicating. This story helps them see themselves from the other's perspective and eventually find their HEA. Thankfully family ad friends step in to push things along is what is one of the most vulnerable grand gestures I have read in a very long time. Well done Ms. Caldwell.


Arranged marriages must have been extremely difficult when the couple didn't know each other. It was probably made even harder when they didn't take the time to get to know each other. To allow anger at their situation adding to the troubles.

Stephen and Caroline have each made errors, assumptions and missteps in their marriage. This Christmas house party is the perfect place to fix "dutu"t was heartwarming. Thank goodness for blizzards. The Duke continued to be his nasty, crusty and mean self. Stephen's grand gesture was so charming.


I adore when the walls that divide society and trade are decimated. I adore when "duty" familial love, understanding and acceptance. I appreciate when managing family stop managing long enough to actually listen and care what those being managed truly have to say.

This story had so many things I love in a Revelry was brilliant and with the Duke still around...HEA and it was perfect within this anthology. The backdrop of the Revelry played just enough of a role, but didn't get in the way of the HEA. Louisa's mom was a jewel...managing until she truly stopped and paid attention.

This entire anthology was a wonder. The backdrop of the of the Revelry was brilliant and with the Duke still around...could we be invited back to see how the heir does? Could we see the heir get his HEA? I can remain hopeful.

Disclaimer: I received a complementary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in anyway.

Reviewed by Lisa for Buried Under Romance

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As a new reader of historical romance, this was my first Christmas anthology. I've read books by each of the authors and was excited to receive and ARC of Mistletoe Christmas. Each story takes place at the same holiday house party. It was fun getting to know each character in the story and moving on to the next "love story".

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I loved these stories. Very nice Christmas settings, strong female leads and steamy love scenes. They take place at the same holiday party, a 'revelry' and I really liked this aspect of the stories. It was very enjoyable to read.

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