Cover Image: The Summer of You (My Summer of You Vol. 1)

The Summer of You (My Summer of You Vol. 1)

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This was such a cute friends to lovers high school romance between two movie geeks. It's a fun and light read that you can easily finish in one sit. As the title suggests, it takes place in summer, and does a great job at transferring a perfect atmosphere for that and therefore can be very good to read in summer.
The pacing was good, the characters were adorable, and the story was simple with little to no drama, it was a romance that pretty much anyone could relate to. At the same time, it was just that? A cute BL romance that is fulffy and simple, there isn't much more that is surprising or unique. The ending was great and very touching I'll give it that though!

If you're looking for a cute romance to read in summer, look no further!

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Two high school friends, Wataru and Saeki, are bonded together by their love of movies. Though they aren't in the same class, bumping into each other at a DVD store sparks a tradition of hanging out and going to the theater together, until one day Saeki confesses his feelings for Wataru. Despite Wataru insisting the confession doesn't bother him, things slowly start to change between them as they spend their summer vacation going on trips to locations from their favorite movies.

My Summer of You was a fluffy, cute read, and I enjoyed this manga! It's perfect for the summer and I liked watching Wataru and Saeki find themselves and explore their relationship through their travels. There was a refreshing realism to their dynamic post-confession that I really liked to see, and while I think Saeki does make some frustrating decisions, I was ultimately happy with the end and I'll be keeping my eye out for the second volume. Though the final chapter might have seemed far-fetched, based on everything else that had happened I took it as a sign they were meant to be together. 😊

❧ 3.75 ★

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A huge thank you to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review!

I loved this so much as I always do with any BL manga! This made me so nostalgic remember the days when I would binge read BL manga and manhwa until my eyes gave up on me so this definitely was my type of read but more on the cute and wholesome side.

This had that typical storyline present in a lot of BL/Shounen Ai mangas but it still never fails to make me swoon and emotional! I love that moment of bliss in their relationship when you see them transition from friends to lovers despite the awkwardness it entails because seeing them realize their true feelings for each other after multiple events is just satisfying! This had that perfect balance of swoony, heartwarming and angsty that leaves you tearing up!

I also enjoyed all the extra stories as they definitely added much more needed content from the main story!

Overall, if you love heartfelt love stories of friends falling in love or just BL then I highly recommend this!

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I really enjoyed reading this. I read lots of comics but I hardly ever review them so this is a nice change of pace.

To start with, the cover is absolutely beautiful and I love the art style so much. I would love to own a physical copy of this book just so I could display it because it really is that pretty.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Saeki and Waturu and I thought it was very sweet but I would have liked to have seen a bit more development in regards to both of their characters (however if there is a second volume that is a problem that could easily be solved).

I was not a huge fan of the plot as I found that it was very simplistic and therefore was lapping depth in my opinion, so that was my biggest flaw of this book.

If the two main characters or even the side characters had been given more development, I would have easily given this 4 stars.

Overall, I did enjoy this as it was quick and easy, as well as being very sweet but I would not read it again.

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The Summer of You was a sweet, slow-burn BL manga in which the story and action still moved along at a good pace. Chiharu and Wataru were both delightful characters who came across well, and their relationship was believable and nicely developed throughout. The illustration style, too, was pleasing, with all scenes highly legible and visually appealing. I would certainly been keen to read on in Volume 2. Recommended to fans of slow burn, contemporary BL manga. It gets 5 stars from me.

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This is one of my favorite books of the year. A heartbreakingly beautiful story about first love and all the fears that come with it. Gorgeous art, wonderful characters, and a tale that will make you cry; this story is absolutely perfect.

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"The Summer of You" hits on that vanilla kink that needs to become more popular: a relationship based on friendship. It's nice to see a couple actually get together and get along with each other, not just get thrown together for the sake of plot. Their existing friendship made the eventual getting-together all the more satisfying. It's a healthy relationship and it doesn't get explicit, so I'd say this volume is safe enough to purchase for a school library or for a young reader who is into BL. (I received an ARC from Kodansha via Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion.)

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This was a short and simple story. Charming but not particularly original. There is something really refreshing about how straightforward it is. It’s universal enough that anyone who reads can have a connection to what the characters are going through.

The friends-to-lovers relationship that develops was very cute and felt earned without being too overdramatic. The two boys complimented each other well.

That twist in the final chapter had me a little shocked but over-all I felt it added an interesting dynamic to the relationship.

I am excited about future volumes.

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Thank you to Kodansha Comics for the e-galley via NetGalley.

Such a sweet and mellow summer story about two young boys and their developing feelings. I was pulled in by all of it - especially as the story developed and I got to know Saiki and Wataru more. I loved each of their stories and how they were connected. This summer manga was just so refreshing and I really enjoyed it. I felt like the story was nicely wrapped up in the one volume but I understand that there’s a volume 2 so I’m a little curious as to what that may be about.

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Cute fluffy romance between two boys, going on a pilgrimage to see the places where the movies they bonded over were shot. It also dealves into queerness and dress codes.
Perfect for a summer read!

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Now that The Summer of You has been officially translated into English I wanted to try this again, since I first read this in a different language. In a sense I'm still undecided whether this is three or four stars. Saeki and Toda become friends through mutual interest in movies. Interestingly so they actually met years ago and Toda ended up changing Saeki's life and now the boy has a crush on him that's soon said out loud. They make a movie pilgrimage trip and it takes time, but Toda starts to have feelings too until Saeki disappears. They do end up together though. This is a slow series and full of pondering, which I loved. It works so well, but somehow everything still feels so easy and perhaps because of that I give it three stars. I'm interested in what happens in the next volume though!

The art looks nice and works well with the boyish imagery. In a sense the art is small and nice, which highlights the feeling of the whole book. This could become something interesting, since the manga is very grownup and realistic. I do hope there's more to the series on the long run.

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This book has an amazing representation of compulsory heterosexuality. Compulsory heterosexuality is an important topic not talked about enough and this book describes it graceffully. The art style is beautiful and complements the writing and plot so well. Honestly, even if I didn't like the plot I would have stayed for the art. This book was a perfect read for me and an amazing summer read that I would recommend to anyone especially if you're queer.

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Thank you Netgalley for this eArc.
I really loved Wataru and I wish I could say the same about Saeiki. I finished it in one sitting and it really was an effort readind and differentiating who's dialogue was whom due to the convo bubbles, but it was a light and fast paced book altogether. I guess this is the beauty of graphic novels. You relate to the world and the setting and you just need to focus on plot. I can't say if I'd recommend this book to people who have just started reading and educating themselves about the LGBTQ community, but it's a beautiful book with lots of feelings and both the MCs are cute.

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The Summer of You was a quick, light little read and I completely fell in love with Saeki and Wataru. They were the best part of the story - their clear character traits and sweet interactions made me continue to read even when I found some of the sections to be unclear. I found pieces of their attraction and interactions to be fuzzy and hard to follow, though the overarching idea and themes were there. Wish we could've had more of Wataru's family dynamic - loved his sister!

Storyline: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Characterization: 5/5
Graphics: 3/5
Quality of Writing: 4/5
Overall: 3.5/5

I had fun reading this and, to me, that's what a graphic novel is all about! It was enjoyable and cute, with a slight plot twist that deepened the main characters' bond with one another.

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This is a beautifully told and beautifully drawn friends-to- boyfriend manga. Chiharu is the hottest guy at school. All the girls want to date him and he spends a lot of his time turning them down. Wataru is Chiharu's friend. They met by accident and found out that they both have a similar taste in movies. They're really good friends and looking forward to the summer, but all this changes when Chiharu tells Wataru that he has feelings for him. This changes the dynamic of the friendship and Wataru has to work through his feelings and decide how he feels. Meanwhile summer is here and there are movies to watch and places to visit together but what does this mean for their friendship. Both of them have the of summer holiday to figure it out.

This is a lovely story with a gentle romance and great artwork. It is funny in places, great to read and thoroughly enjoyable.

Copy provided by Kodansha Comics via Netgally in exchange for an unbiased review.

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First of all, I would like to thank Netgalley for providing me an e-ARC of the book.

Disclaimers: All my reviews are my thoughts of the book and according to my personal preferences. Even though I had received a review arc, it does not affect my review and honest thoughts for the book.

Personal Ratings: 4.5/5🌟

Total No of Chapters : Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
Bonus Chapter : 3 chapters

Plot: 5/5
Wholesome : 5/5
Romance: 4/5
Easy to read: 5/5

Overall: Its a manga for those who wants a calm-paced story

A story of two boys who found friendship in the stories told in movies and an unexpected love that blooms.

Short Summary
Saeki and Wataru have nothing in common. They were not from the same school, they have never been in the same class but there was one thing that sealed their friendship was their love for eccentric movies. When a thunderstorm leads to a sudden confession, their friendship was put to a test. This is a story with a very calm pacing, about friendship found in the solace of movies, memories of a kind boy and fates that changed.

My Thoughts
I was genuinely surprised of how calm and wholesome this manga is. It has the elements of confusion after a confession but does not have that toxic injection and repulsiveness that comes with it.

I love the pacing of the story and how calm overall the manga is. Both Saeki and Wataru are characters that has so much depth but their friendship is just very wholesome. The trips down memory lane made me go 🥺 and tugged a string in my heart.

Overall, this is a manga for ones that needs a short but wholesome manga that leaves you smiling at the end.

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This was a cute, lighthearted, and quick read! It's my first time jumping back into a manga after about 3 years, and I'm glad it was with this one. However, I didn't really "buy" the relationship or at least it did not resonate as strongly with me, and I found some events in the last chapter to be a little problematic with some harmful stereotypes which is the main reason for the star deductions. Despite that, the art is still lovely and it's easy to enjoy.

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This was super adorable, the art work and meaning behind the story was great to look at and read. I would totally read more from this person in the future for sure.

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Super sweet. I loved the faster pace of the book. It kept it interesting. A perfect summer romance. Very much captures the uncertainty of love.

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This was really cute, and although it's only volume one of a manga series, it can definitely be read as a standalone and feels pretty complete. That being said, I will likely pick up the next volume, but I wouldn't say it ends on a real cliffhanger that'll leave you unsatisfied or dying for the next volume.

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