Cover Image: The Summer of You (My Summer of You Vol. 1)

The Summer of You (My Summer of You Vol. 1)

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This manga is such a cute summer read. I like how movies, in which both main characters are interested, are implemented into the story. In general I have quite a good grasp on the protagonists, but learning more of their personalities, besides being interested in movies, and ther lives would've been nice.

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This was one of the cutest manga I read in a while.

I really loved everything about it, from the characters to the plot, and even the ending was just the perfect wrap for the story.
I think maybe there will be more volumes of these mangas but this on it's own is quite auto-conclusive, so if you don't like cliffhangers that's the one for you.

The drawings were really beautiful and sweet, and I can't really find something bad to say about it, so I'm telling you just one thing:

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This was a cute manga that followed two high school boys named Saeki and Wataru. Saeki is considered to be one of the hottest boys in school, and girls keep asking him out without any luck. Wataru, who is friends with him, doesn't know why Saeki doesn't want to go out with any of the girls- until Saeki confesses his feelings for Wataru.

I really enjoyed this manga. Wataru and Saeki had a wonderful friendship, and I loved watching their relationship and romantic feelings develop. I especially enjoyed watching Wataru re-evaluate his friendship with Saeki and figure out exactly how he felt. I also enjoyed the boys' adventures together, and their shared hobby. They both love watching movies, and that's a big part of their relationship.

There were some things that happened in the manga that I completely didn't expect! Then there was another plotline that had to do with a character's backstory that I partially predicted but that still wasn't completely expected.

There's supposed to be another volume of this, and I'm looking forward to it!

rating: 4/5 stars

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This is an insta fave for me! I love the slow pace of this story and the way that Wataru's feelings for Saeki gradually develop the more time they spend together. It reminded me of I Hear the Sunspot -- where one character (Saeki) is up front about declaring his feelings and it takes the other guy (Wataru) time to catch up and reciprocate. I loved getting to know the characters more, and Saeki's backstory is especially interesting. Their story is sort of bittersweet at times but has such a good ending! And I love the bonus stories at the end! The art is lovely and gives a tranquil vibe while also communicating the nostalgia of summer. This manga delivers the best feels: deep friendship, gentle romance, and the promise of good things to come. I'm looking forward to adding this one to my collection.

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To start off, the cover of the book is really eye-catching! The cover having the characters with a simple setting and a blue sky is nice and simple just like the book itself. The art style of this book was lovely and pleasing to the eye.

I really enjoyed reading this story, it was delightful and sweet and not heavily dramatic. I really appreciate how the author wrote it. The author did a great job developing the relationship and characters. The relationship between the characters did not feel rush nor were we left feeling like it was being dragged. This story is definitely one that I will be re-reading often.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodonsha comics for this amazing opportunity to review this wonderful story as well as receiving a copy of it!

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Ah I really liked this. I like how we slowly got to find out more and more about their fated encounter and the factors laying behind. I think the story was told very well for being one volume.

Also these silly boys acting like enjoying movies is a rare hobby? "I have never met anyone who likes movies", hm what kind of people are you hanging around to have NEVER met anyone who is into movies? But I will let it slide as it gave us all the cute cinema scenes.

Overall it's just a cute light contained story, not to heavy on the drama and It leaves some room for potential expansion.

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This was great! The Summer of You is about friends Saeki and Wataru who slowly become more. I really liked their relationship and how the story developed. After Saeki confesses to Wataru I really appreciated how the author wrote it. Wataru basically says he doesn't care Saeki likes him and would never ditch him because of it. With so many BL containing homophobia (a lot of it coming from the main love interest) this was a refreshing read. I think the author did a great job developing the relationship and characters and would definitely recommend.

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What a refreshing read. Saeki and Wataru are two high school boys who have bonded over a shared interest: movies. When Saeki confesses to Wataru one day that he likes him, Wataru is surprised and confused. Throughout their Summer movie pilgrimage, Wataru thinks about his own feelings toward his friend and the possibility he might like him back.

I really liked this volume. It was softly dramatic in all the right ways. Wataru's open mindedness and straightforwardness make him really likable as a main character. The fact that the story doesn't get too dramatic and the two learn, finally, to communicate with each other makes this manga a solid read for me. Plus, I really like the art in this one.

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The summer of you is a manga with a friends to lovers troupe. When Wataru finds out Saeki likes him he doesn’t freak out but neither excerpts his feelings. Saeki asks Wataru for one last favor. They both met at a movie store and bounded over seeing and talking about movies so Saeki and Wataru to go on a movie pilgrimage (going to see the places of the movie). With a beautiful art style this was an easy and enjoyable read.

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So when it came to this book I jumped right in. Saw the word summer, its currently summer so I figured why not. I have to say that it was a pretty adorable book. Chiharu and Wataru are friends that bonded over a love for movies and with the summer getting closer they decided to visit a couple places that are in some of the films. It was cute seeing the sweet moments going on, there was very little light drama going on. It was interesting seeing what would become of Chiharu's confession and seeing how Wataru handling of it. This was just a sweet read I can't wait to see what's next for these two.

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Chiharu is one of the most popular guys at school, and Wataru is shy and awkward.

At first glance, they seem like they have nothing in common, but the two of them connect over a mutual love of movies. However, when Chiharu confesses that he has a crush on him, Wataru doesn’t quite know how to respond. Chiharu tells him that it’s OK, he doesn't have to reciprocate those feelings, but he has one special request: that he they go on a journey together to various filming locations. Wataru agrees, but on their adventures, he begins to question their relationship. Are they still friends … or something more?

My Summer of You Volume 1 by Nagisa Furuya manages to beautifully capture a sense of longing and wistful nostalgia--so much so that you can practically hear Lana del Ray’s "Summertime Sadness" playing in the background.

It's an emotional, realistic portrayal of two individuals questioning and exploring their sexuality, and I really loved how natural their relationship grows within the span of the first volume.

Lastly, I do want to point out that My Summer of You will be only two volumes in total, so if you're looking for a short but bittersweet BL series to sink into, this is is definitely one I’d recommend checking out.

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"To me… You will always be part of my summer.”

This is a stupidly cute manga.

Wataru Toda and Saeki Chiharu are high school students who bond over movies.
Saeki ends up confessing and after, they take a summer pilgrimage to visit places from movies they’ve seen. Will Toda requite the feelings?

I found myself so strongly into the characters that I was teary-eyed at some points! I had so much anticipating seeing Toda navigate his feelings for Saeki. Often times BL can come across so cheesy but, this is genuinely warm and heartfelt. Loved it!

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As a homosexual male, I can automatically correlate my personal love life to this pleasurable story about high school adoration that almost seems forbidden. The taboo of same-sex relationships is still prevalent to this day, and even though this manga romanticizes homosexual intimacy, the pressure to keep both Wataru and Chiharu's relationship hidden is still prevalent. The manga itself lures the reader and makes them invested in the outcome of both men's love - and whether the feelings of doubt and unsureness that were displayed - will melt. As the audience sees the development of both protagonist's romance, a connection, or rather, a bond is established. We long to see what will happen next in this fictional world, because, for a brief moment, it is real.

While reading this manga, I enjoyed how the author maintained a sense of conflict with Wataru's feelings towards Chiharu throughout the chapters. It is not an immediate attraction, but rather the feelings gradually increase after every decleration of love. For this reason, I would highly recommend this manga to those looking for an unconventional storyline, that surprises the reader with each chapter, all while sharing the chearful relationship of two highschool boys.

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Awww, I don't know why I love this kind of story so so much, but I adore them. This first volume it's very nice read, but also it's a very normal story, nothing new and special. But!!!! I can't resist to read it, I've enjoyed it so so much. It's super cute and lovely, and so sweet. This story is about Wataru and Saeki. Two boys who become friends, two boys who fall in love in the sweetest and cutest way.
I loved Saeki, he's so calm and quiet. Wataru is the opposite of him. But they match perfectly.
The pacing was a but fast for me, but again, the story is too cute and sweet, so it wasn't a big problem for me.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this beautiful book.

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My summer of you is a beautiful and soft story about friendship and first love. In the first volume of this 2-volume series, Wataru and Chiharu are two high school friends who share a common interest in movies. Throughout this story we see how this friendship is transformed into something else, more and more they get together to go to the movies, and they even organize trips to visit locations where one of Chiharu's favorite movies has been filmed. Until they discover that they are united by something more than their interest in cinema.

It is a manga that I am delighted and excited about. I highly recommend it.

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This was a cute, fluffy little comic that was sweet and enjoyable. It was quite simple but it suited the narrative and the style. Both of the main characters were cute and likable and the dialogue was great. I also really liked the artwork and felt it suited the story pretty well.

Thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this to review.

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This was an incredibly sweet romance manga! It gave me warm feelings reading this and both the main characters, Saeki and Wataru were adorable! Although quite short I enjoyed reading about their friendship as well as their developing relationship!

Thank you to Kodansha comics and Netgalley for this ARC

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so soft and fluffy!!!

their friendship was so uniquely built by their favourite movies. i love how their friendship continue per usual even after the confession. Saeki being respectful of Wataru yet still flirting with him was so cute.

++ Wataru going after Saeki was a definite plus!

but that twist at the ending was unexpected. AAA what are the chances? it's fate!

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Thanks to NetGalley for meeting this ... mostly bromance.
(For those who don't want to be shocked - the title is BL ... not that it doesn't show for miles), but at the same time it's mostly shonen-ai and there are no hardcore scenes to outrage. The manga tells the story of an endless summer and two peers. Just like the teen books by John Green (only those with a happy ending), they meet in a place they love, but did not expect to meet a special person there. They find that they have a lot in common. They have common experiences in the long summer days ... And that's enough.

The opinion is in Bulgarian, sorry for the translation errors. I am attaching a link.

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It was a good romance bl, where Wataru discovers his true feelings after Saeki confesses to him (even with believing the feeling are not mutual). It looks like it will be a series with two volumes, I am interested how vol. 2 will continue their story and really hope it shows Wataru's promise to go see Saeki like one of the bonus stories did. I ended up getting the physical copy of this one too.

Quick summary:
Wataru and Saeki are friends, even though they are not in the same class; they started to hang out together after bumping into each other at a video story. After that they meet to share a common interest... movies. However, after asking Saeki if he likes someone, Wataru finds out it is him. Even though Saeki confessed, he wanted things to stay the same since Wataru would not have those type of feeling. His only request was for them to do a pilgrimage over summer break. Unfortunately, after summer break Wataru was not prepared for what happens and even figures out how he feels.

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