Member Reviews

I love Keanu. I loved the idea of this book. I was so excited when I received a #gifted copy from Forever (thank you so much!).
Unfortunately, I was not in love with this story.
Soooo many inner monologues. It felt like half the book was Lu talking to herself.
When she was talking to her best friends, she was HORRIBLE. Every interaction was filled with drama at the very least or snippy comments or flat out arguments. It was exhausting. Who treats their friends like this?
All of this tainted everything else in the story and I really didn’t enjoy very much of it.
It’s really too bad as a cute, funny RomCom with an over 40, black, female MC is awesome and totally the kind of stories we need to see more of.

Two friends embark on an adventure to track down Keanu Reeves before he gets married, only to realize true love might be a lot closer than they thought.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐊𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐮 𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝟗𝟎 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 had a fun premise that I was excited for. It unfortunately didn't completely live up to my expectations emotionally but I did enjoy all the Keanu references and the little celeb encounters thrown in throughout the book. The Keanu obsession ended up feeling a bit weird considering the MCs age but I just went with it for the sake of the story.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐝 - the friends to lovers storyline (one of my fave tropes), the dual POV, the fun Hollywood/celeb references and of course Tru. He was such a good friend and was so devoted to Bethany. BFF to lover goals all the way. 💕
𝗪𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝗪𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐟- Unfortunately, I really felt like there was a lot left unexplored emotionally. I wanted more and I felt the plot definitely had the potential for more because there are a lot of things hinted at with their past and the loss of a loved one that was left at a surface level. I get not weighing down a romance but if it's written as part of the story then it should be fully explored and I felt like it wasn't to the level it could have been.

How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days tells the tale of Beth Lu Carlisle as both her obsession for Keanu and a feeling of a personal and professional crossroads leads her on a bit of a journey. When faced with a tweet announcing the upcoming nuptials of her lifelong crush Keanu Reeves in, you guessed it, 90 days, Lu decides she needs to find him and convince him to not get married or you know, maybe just marry her instead. Luckily her long time friend Tru is there to help her make connections in her outrageous plan and get from point A to point Keanu.
HTMKRI90D is just as much of a flamboyant and ridiculous fun time as it sounds. Sprinkled with a generous helping of entertaining celebrity cameos, tons of laughs, steam and even introspection, How To Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days is roller coaster. Prepare yourself for a good time and some truly stellar chemistry in the friends to lovers department. This book does not disappoint. Also most of the chapter titles are references to some of Keanu’s projects and that just really tickled me every time. Very enjoyable read!

At first Bethany Lu Carlisle can’t believe what she’s hearing. Keanu Reeves, her super crush forever, is getting married in three months. No way, she thinks trying to dismiss the thought before doing a frantic internet search to find out if it’s really true.
It’s a vulnerable time for Lu. She’s having difficulty with her creative process which is a fundamental problem given that she’s an artist with a show coming up at her best friend Dawn’s New York City gallery. She also is fielding a business offer from a shark-like, uber rich entrepreneur who wants to brand her work. It’s a very lucrative deal but Lu is afraid of losing control over her own work and besides the guy is way too “hands-on.” Plus, her other best friend, True, the handsome college professor who wrote a definitive and highly praised book on some type of economic theory—Lu hasn’t read it—is getting job offers from West Coast businesses and has an attractive and overly-friendly research assistant. Like Keanu, True has been a serious crush for Lu but she’s never let him know it. We don’t think it’s a spoiler alert to let you know that he’s been crazy over her for the last 20-plus years as well.
All this calls for a drastic shake-up to get her life back on track and what better way than to track down Keanu and convince him if he’s going to marry, then she’s available.
Sure, it sounds flaky but remember How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days is a romantic comedy (rom-com) written by USA bestselling author Kwana Jackson under the pen name K.M. Jackson. It’s the latest in the many rom-coms novels she’s authored.
Jackson, who was born in Harlem, is just as obsessed with Keanu as Lu and it seems to be a real life family trait.
“I called my mother today like I do every day and she was busy watching a John Wick movie,” she said in a recent phone interview.
For the five people in this country who don’t know, John Wick is a lethal and ruthless assassin played by Keanu Reeves in a series of movies by the same name. Retired, Wick is forced back into business to track down his adversaries—a seeming endless task that results in a high rate of carnage in each of the four movies.
The idea for her book started with a fun tweet Jackson posted after realizing the next Matrix movie starring Reeves as well as the newest John Wick film would come out on the same day.
“When I saw that, I tweeted don’t bring out your next book on Keanu day,” said Jackson who was bombarded with comments about the book she was supposed to write and told by her agent she’d better get to work on it.
But that really wasn’t a problem for Jackson.
“I’ve always been an un-ashamed romance book lover and romance has given me a wonderful place to escape into when I need a place to decompress,” she said. “It makes me happy to write a place for people to escape into.”

This was a fun read, but not my cup of tea when it comes to contemporary romance. Who doesn't love Keanu Reeves? That's what really drew me in, despite finding the whole concept of chasing down your favorite celebrity before they get married to be a bit creepy.
Like other reviewers, I think it's valid to consider how this concept would land if this was a cis-gendered man chasing after a female celebrity who he did not know personally. Otherwise, this was cute and I love a good friends-to-lovers trope. Overall, this wasn't a bad read just, it just didn't hold my attention like I anticipated it would.

After seeing a tweet that Keanu is getting married in 90 days, Lu is determined to find Keanu and tell him to call off the wedding. Her best friend aka ride-or-die Truman (True) Erikson follows her on a wild road trip to find the elusive Keanu so Lu can confess her love for him. This duo travels from New York, to Los Angeles making some interesting stops along the way. But as they get closer and closer to finding Keanu, will Lu realize that maybe the love she's been searching for as been next to her along?
This was a cute story with a lot of celebs popping up along her journey to find Keanu. I will say that it was a very slow build for me. I don't think I really became invested until about half-way during the book. Once Lu and True were trying to find Keanu, things really picked up and I loved it. I think the first half touched on some plot stuff that I wasn't sure we needed. I think some of it was to set up a book two with Dawn...but I think it slowed down Lu and True's story a little.
But again, once Lu and True were on the road trip, I was all in. From the Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet sightings, to literally running into Captain America himself, it was so fun and funny. So the 2nd half of the book really came through and that's why I rated it with a 4.
If you're looking for a fun road trip book, this might be for you. Just be prepared for a slow buildup.
Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this in exchange for an honest review.

Based on the synopsis of this book, I through it was going to be a cute and funny type of romance where a woman like Keanu and decides to go and see him in person while the guy that is in love with her rides shotgun. What I failed to realize was how serious the author was going to take the title and how creepy it would read. We're talking about a main character that's grown and acts like she needs some psychological intervention to steer her away from her stalking tendency towards a real life celebrity. Add on to that the fact that the writing was not strong enough to make me even care about the romance or the two dimensional characters.
Won't be reading from this author in the future.

What a fun romp of a book! While I am not personally a Keanu Reeves mega-fan of his acting work, Speed was awesome, he is very pretty to look at, and lives his life in a very cool, down-low, non-celebrity kind of way, so I definitely related to Bethany Lu's crush. Okay, obsession; she is certain Keanu is The One for her and is devastated to find out he's engaged to be married in 90 days! With the help of her best friend, can she stop the wedding, meet her soulmate, and convince him to marry her instead? And still complete the required pieces for her upcoming art show and not sell out to The Man who comes offering a too good to be true deal?
Bethany comes with some baggage that may be the reason behind her focus on the unattainable and avoidance of a real relationship: she lost her brother tragically, and Cole's best friend--economics professor True --has become one of her best friends too BUT she refuses to acknowledge their simmering attraction. And True (aptly named!) nobly accompanies Lu to a variety of locations to try to track down the celebrity crush of the woman he's in love with.
Told in alternating points of view, the fast paced story takes us from New York to New Mexico, Las Vegas and California, amusement parks, bungee jumping, and with close brushes with celebrities. The Black protagonist doesn't shy away from racial issues and brings her voices concerns about Black artists and their work being undervalued by those who don't understand the ancestral legacy. She also stands up to someone who makes a pass at her really well.
Clever chapter headings (Break Point, Much Ado, Rush Rush, A Walk in the Clouds) become an homage to Keanu's body of work, and alongside plot points like a hard and fast deadline, surfing, and a vineyard, all serve as Easter egg for Keanu fans. And the banter-y language, pop-culture droppings, and gently poking at the NYC restaurant scene are highlights of the writing.
I received an advance reader's review copy of #HowToMarryKeanuReevesIn90Days from #NetGalley.

This was hilarious and the cover is amazing. Bethany is in love with Keanu Reeves. When she finds out that he’s getting married, she jumps into a car with her guy best friend with her and takes a road trip across the country to find Keanu and stop him from getting married so that he can marry her.
I liked that this book was friends to lovers and a bit of a slow burn. I was annoyed with Bethany for being 40 and acting like a teenager and the fact that she was oblivious to Tru's feelings for her for a really long time.

What a great lighthearted entertaining and delightful read about love and healing with in depth storyline weaved through out . Loved how the author did that.

This was a very enjoyable friends to lovers romance. True is a loyal guy who struggles with the past and wants nothing less than to give Bethany the world. The two of them embark on an adventure that brings out the best in them both. Thank you for the opportunity to read its book.

I've only heard the most amazing things about actor Keanu Reeves. However, chasing him down to prevent him from marrying seems like one of the last things I'd attempt. But I am not Bethany and she is not me. Her cross-country adventure is one hilarious ride that I won't soon forget. Filled with (mis)adventure and fun, she will find love one way or another.

Rating: 3.5 stars
A couple of people I know said they DNF'd this book when it became apparent that the heroine was really going to try to track down Keanu Reeves. But really, Lu is full of big dreams and plans but is not really a woman of action. It's True that pushes her into actually going through with her plan to track down Keanu before his wedding. Sure, there is plenty about this book that's a bit cringey, and it's VERY cheesey and requires massive amounts of suspension of disbelief. That being said, it's still a fun read that deals with Lu having to move past her past trauma and finally let go of the (safe) fantasy and actually live her real life (which is a scary thing to do!)
Lu didn't read to be like a 40-something year old woman, but maybe those A-listers (or B-listers?) live differently. She definitely had a lot of growing up to do, and her quest for Keanu was sort of her metamorphosis for that. There were moments where I really loved the chemistry between Lu and True and was like "YES, this is the friends to lovers romance I am here for!" and then other moments where suddenly there were not very friendly friends and I was sort of confused on what their vibe was.
There are a lot of celebrity cameos in this romance that were SO FUN. K.M. Jackson painted all of the celebrities in a really fun "celebrities are people too!" sort of light. The final celebrity moments were just... beyond believable and made me sort of roll my eyes. I wish Jackson had taken it in a bit of a different direction, and it would have been 4.5 stars for me. Still, if you're looking for a fun, sort of wacky adventure in romance with all the tropes! friends to lovers, pining, road trip, there's only one bed - then this is the romance for you.

This one was so much more than just a romcom, but a story about grief and friendships. I was slightly disappointed that this wasn't all that I hoped it would be.

I really wanted to really like this book. But ... I just couldn't get past that fact that the main character is 30 years old and obsessed with a celebrity. Obsessed to the point that she puts her life on hold to go across the county to chase something. I don't know that I have ever been tis obsessed over someone or something other than my son. I feel like 30 is too old to be this obsessed over a celebrity, that is something that you do when you are an adolescent, not as a grown adult. I feel like her friends should have been real friends and told her what she wanted to do was crazy and not something an adult does.
This book would have been perfect for my one of my little cousins. I know the main character is older but the obsession with a celebrity is great for them. Although this book wasn't my cup of tea I will definitely recommend it to the younger people that I work with.
Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Unpopular opinion here. I really wanted to love this, especially after seeing all the great reviews here, but this was a big NO for me. Did I even read the same book as everyone else? What women in her right mind that in her 40’s puts her entire life on hold to chase after a fantasy like this, lol??? I had similar thoughts like this was I was 12 years old and lusting after stars in teen magazines. If I could meet one of the Backstreet Boys and have him alone for 5 minutes I’m sure he would fall madly in love with me. This 40 year old had those same thoughts. I know it was supposed to be silly, but honestly this was just ridiculous. Not to mention that I didn’t like Lu at all. Not even a little bit. She seemed so selfish and self centered and I hated the way she treated her friends and True. I liked True, but honestly the fact that he supported her in this and went along with it like it was normal, ugh. Also, who let’s someone step all over them like that and allows them to treat them horrible then decides to hook up with them after all that? I ended up disliking it more and more the further I got into the story. There were a few cute parts, but nothing could salvage this book for me. I’m so utterly confused by all the great reviews on this book. I feel like I read a different book then everyone else!

I am a huge fan of Keanu Reeves. And when I saw that someone was going to write a romance book around him, I'm all game to read it.
Bethany goes on a wild adventure with her best friend, Truman. It may be crazy, but it's for Keanu Reeves. She is going to stop his wedding and profess her love for him. She has never met him before, but she is his number one fan of his.
I understand how Bethany feels about Keanu Reeves. I am an absolute fan of his. I love all of his movies! And I can understand the devastation that Bethany experiences when she hears the news about Keanu Reeves getting married. But life goes on, and she will realize it sooner than later.

Hear me out. I know the title sounds like pure click bait and the cool front cover totally reels you in. All for good reason, my friend. This contemporary romance brought the adventure through desert landscapes in a snazzy car, the fabulously funny and relatable main heroine, an adorable dog called Morphie, and of course, all of this culminating in a little bit of the man himself, Keanu, thrown in as well. Does it seem a little outrageous and a long-shot of a plot point? Of course. Is this story more about how Bethany Lu, our main character, re-examines her life after treading water for so long after the tragic death of her brother? Yes. The triggering point of this journey is Lu finding out Keanu is rumored to be getting married in 90 days. Being her celebrity obsession, she vows to try and find him to call off the nuptials. Assisting her in this endeavor is her lifelong friend, Truman Erikson, who was her brother's best friend until his death. As he helps her in this long-shot venture, both find that they have been holding back parts of themselves because of the shared tragedy in their past and this leads their life in a trajectory that pushes them out of their comfort zones and into new possibilities.
This is a relatively standard contemporary romance with some of your typical tropes and side plots peppered in. All of them to form and executed just fine. A little friends to lovers with a "no vacancies so we have to share one bed" situation at some point. All of the characters were carved out well and didn't feel flimsy. They held their ground and really brought the story out well. My favorite aspect about this book was that it highlighted the fact that movie and television fandoms can absolutely help someone cope with grief and tragedy in their life. Most of the time when you hear of someone referencing art that helped them cope with something in their life it is usually a song that spoke to them or a classic book they have read. Lu's love of Keanu's filmography helped her carry on and survive the darkest times of her life. So, I like that it didn't belittle fandoms as flippant or fluff but a legitimate coping mechanism to help some get through tough times.
I give this a four out of five stars. Cute adventure, solid character progression, fun celebrity cameos that will surprise you. Good, fun read and rooted for the characters the whole way through their journey. Oh, and Keanu, our beloved Keanu. I could have added one whole star just for his immaculate presence. Party on, dudes.
I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this title.

This book is such a cute fanfiction, with a road trip from New York to Los Angeles and best friends to lovers trope. There are a lot of Keanu Reeves (KR) movies and other references for KR Fans. This book is narrated in the first person and readers get to know both Bethany’s and True’s PoVs.

The book started off really strong and I was so excited, but as the plot transitioned and the story progressed, I started to lose interest. I would still recommend it under the right circumstances but it had so much potential it couldn't uphold.