Member Reviews

Overall a cute rom com, with quirky moments and a cute friends to lovers premise. I didn't fully connect with the characters but it was an enjoyable read.

We all have that celebrity that we have idolized and would be devastated if something happened to. In the case of Bethany Lu, this celebrity is Keanu Reeves, and when she sees a news blurb that he is getting married her heart drops in her chest. She cannot believe this is happening and becomes obsessed with the idea of stopping this wedding for fear that if Keanu gets married, the creative edge that she loves about him will be lost. So she comes up with a plan to stop the wedding and marry him herself. She only has 90 days to this, will she succeed?
How To Marry Keanu Reeves In 90 Days is such a fun story. I was completely pulled in from beginning to end. There were so many funny, heart pulling, and swoony moments through out this adventure. Now Bethany Lu, or Lu as her friends call her, is not alone in her mission as her best guy friend has joined in and is pulling out all the stops to make sure she succeeds. True has always been in her corner and would not anything to make her happy. They have known each other their whole lives as True was best friends with Bethany's brother. Sadly, her brother died in a car accident, and ever since then the characters have been leaning heavily on each other. Thus the reason why True is willing to pull out all the stops to make sure that the mission is a success no matter how crazy it may seem.
I loved the push-pulled dynamic between Lu and True. They profess that they are like siblings/best friends but that is not entirely the case. There are definitely some underlying feelings here and when they are put in extra close proximities everything is pushed to the surface. As mentioned, they have been in each others orbit most of their lives but, as they are getting older personal and profession changes are threatening this dynamic. This is also forcing them to see each other in a different light and for two people who don't necessarily like change this is scary as hell.
Searching for Keanu takes Lu and True to different locations each of which was fun to visit. From roller-coasters to conventions to campers and surfing, there is a little touch of everything. The best part for me as a reader was the way these locations challenged these characters. These were not always situations they felt the most comfortable in and it shined a light on varying nuances that may have not been noticed before. This also changes the way that they see each other thus creating even more delicious tension.
Each chapter is labeled with a movie name or phrase associated with Keanu. As a fan of several of Keanu's movies, I loved this. The chapters alternated between the perspectives of Lu and True and the chapter names usually reflected something that was going to happen. I also loved this because it caused me to wonder and anticipate what may happen. Sometimes I was right but there were a couple of times that I was way off. This all made me want to continue reading to find out what happens between True and Lu as well as if Lu would actually meet Keanu in person.
How To Marry Keanu Reeves In 90 Days is most definitely one of those stories where the journey is worth the destination. Bethany Lu thinks that she is searching for Keanu but what she gets is even better. True is such a swoon worthy book boyfriend. He'll be one of those memorable characters that will stick with me for a while. Plus it doesn't hurt that the potentially too good for this world Keanu Reeves is part of the story too! I hope others take the time to experience the magic of these characters and their crazy beautiful adventure too.

The premise of this book sounds fun but the first few chapters just didn’t grab me. I made it 20% and then had to put it down. I really liked True and his chapters. Unfortunately, Lu was just too immature for me. She’s over 40 and still talking about high school and fantasizing about Keanu. Fangirling is one thing but she’s on another level. Plus, there were just so many things she said or did that came across as cringy. I didn’t really think the humor came across well and decided to move on to something else.

Thanks @hachetteaudio for a copy of this one!!
I loved the idea of this but I’m not a fan of the outcome of it all - I was so excited for 40s romance BUT it was like they were in 20s with their not talking and just plan. It was fun and cute with the plan to find KR and travel idea but the stalker-ish part made me cringe 😬 no talking to each other and flow bugged me. It’s also a suppper slow burn and HEA to the point I was wondering if it was even a romance.
The narrator was great.
Just wasn’t a win for me.

Listen, this one was way hyped up - and sadly did not deliver. I think I was more annoyed at the main character the whole book to actually enjoy the adventure or developing romance. The heroine just seemed a bit immature to me - you are grown ma'a'm, there is no need to be that obsessed with a celebrity you've never met.
I did enjoy the hero and the adventure they set off on - and the celebrity "guest" appearances. However, the main character was just so unlikeable that it really impacted my reading experience.

After Lu sees a tweet with the dreaded words ‘to be married’ followed by her beloved Keanu’s name- the world seems to stop.
It’s not possible.
Not HER Keanu.
So Lu will do whatever she can to make Keanu realize that he has chosen the wrong girl, even if that means dragging her best friend Truman on a trip to find Keanu and prove to him that SHE is the one for him.
But will the trip encourage her feelings for Keanu? Or make her realize that sometimes, the one you want is not as far as they seem?
Lu is artist known for her work in New York, but also known for her obsession with Keanu Reeves. Ever movie? She’s seen it.
Every post? She’s like it.
She knows anything and everything about Keanu, and her mission to find him and prove to him that she’s the one for him is taking up all of her focus.
So much of her focus…that she can’t see what’s right in front of her.
True is her best friend. The guy that has seen her through so much, and through that, has fallen for every bit of her.
He notices the small things and puts up with anything that Lu ask’s him to…because it’s Lu.
This book brought me so much joy! You get a double POV of both main characters (True and Lu) and get the full experience of every emotion they are feeling.
Every moment is real - the banter, the inside jokes, the compassion, the understanding. The whole time, it’s like True is looking at Lu with puppy dog eyes and you can ‘feel’ that love through the pages!
For those that are huge simps for the ‘guy falls first’ trope, then this is the perfect read for you!
This is a great book that includes some self-healing, hilarity, true love, and an adventure to keep you laughing!
It’s the perfect rom-com, ESPECIALLY if you can relate to Lu and her obsession with Keanu Reeves (I mean, who can blame her😉)
- a HUGE thank you to Estelle from Forever Publishing for the opportunity to read this incredible book!!

A refreshing, light, modern day romance that everyone should enjoy reading. The comedic and witty banter kept me laughing. Even the serious topics discussed were done in a great way. There is nothing better than true friendship and willing to go through it all with you. I definitely recommend this book!

This was cute. Lots of Keanu references and other celebrity “sightings”. I really liked the second half of the book. I just love True! Low/medium steam - one steamy scene.

This book wasn’t for me. The premise is good, the main male love interest is compelling, and I’m a sucker for a road trip forced proximity read, but it was the heroine that I just could not get behind.
Bethany Lu is a successful, independently wealthy woman with unhealed trauma relating to the untimely death of her younger brother. She’s been leaning on Keanu Reeves movies ever since to comfort herself, and when a news article says that Keanu will be wed in 90 days, she promptly loses her mind and decides that she needs to find him and convince him to marry her instead.
This sounds like a slam dunk for a twenty something to learn some things about herself and the male childhood best friend that is OBVIOUSLY into her, right?
Wrong. Because Bethany is in her MID FORTIES. A woman bordering on middle age who has had ample access to mental healthcare and has opted to not deal with her trauma, and whose friends and family have clearly been enabling this behavior over the last 20+ years. I just can’t. It’s not plausible to me.
Maybe if I reread this and set aside that this woman is too damn grown to behave this way, I’ll be able to get into it, but for now? Not for me.

2 stars
I was so excited for this book and I think I hyped it up a little too much in my head. So by the time I read it I felt a little let down. It wasn't a terrible book but it wasn't the best thing I had ever read. I unfortunately felt like the writing could have been more polished and that the characters needed work. There wasn't a lot of development for the characters or the story. The pacing was a little off for me. I wanted to DNF but I pushed myself to finish it and kind of regretted it. I want to read a different book by this author because I just think that this wasn't my type of book and that is ok.

RATING: ⭐⭐⭐.75
How To Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 days is a really interesting book!
When Bethany Lu Carlisle finds out her idol Keanu Reeves is getting married in 90 days, she feels adrift. So she comes up with a crazy plan to find him and stop him from making this mistake. When her best friend, True, finds out, he thinks it's an insane plan, but he helps her with it. From there is a whirlwind of an adventure going all over the United States where two people finally acknowledge that their happy ending was right in front of them all along.
I'll be honest, I have a lot of mixed opinions about it. The main plot is the kind of ridiculous that you can only find in a book and for most of the book, that's all it was for me: ridiculous. But around the halfway mark, things got a little more serious, a little more romantic, and a lot more interesting.
The main reason why I struggled with this book was cause while it's classified as a rom-com, it felt more like a YA coming-of-age novel and the fact that the main characters were in their forties negated that. I just felt like the characters were struggling to hold onto the people they were 20 years ago, and in a way that was the point of the whole book. To grow up, and accept every part of life and to take a chance on things without letting fear hold you back.
The adventures were fun and definitely made me laugh! The romance was a slow burn that I felt could have used a little more developing. I know, this is something that was in the making for 20 years, but when things started changing, it felt a little rushed.
I loved the celebrity references throughout and the absolute silliness of this plot! If you're looking for a light, fun rom-com with a side of coming-of-age adventure, I'd recommend this book!

I knew I would love this book from the second I read the title and was not disappointed. It's such a fun, escapist read! Just what I needed. Would recommend for Keanu and rom-com fans alike.

When Lu hears her ultimate celebrity crush, Keanu Reeves, is getting married in 90 days, she is devastated. She convinces her best friend True to go on a road trip to try to meet Keanu and get him to fall in love with her, but what she doesn’t know is that True has had a crush on her for years.
This one was so fun between celebrity sightings, crazy road trip adventures, and a great friends to lovers to romance. There’s also an important message about grief and healing woven throughout the hilarious moments, and to see how True was really there for Lu and never judged her grief journey was so sweet. I did forget a few times that the main characters were older (in there 40s) as Lu especially tended to act more like someone in her 20s.
Thanks to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced copy!

How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days by K.M. Jackson was a book I hope to love more than I did. I understand having a man-crush on famous people, but this felt a little too dramatic and unrealistic. I know it was meant to be funny, but it felt more annoying to me. I know many people will enjoy this book, so I encourage people to read it for themselves.
Thank you, Forever, for my complimentary copy for my honest review.

Devastated when tabloid reports surface that Keanu Reeves is going to tie the knot to a mysterious woman, artist Bethany Lu Carlisle sets off on a cross-country wild goose chase to stop the wedding along with her best friend, Truman Erikson. When forced proximity and hilarious hijinks derail their progress, Bethany just might realize that it's Truman, rather than Keanu, that's had hold of her heart this entire time.
How to Marry Keanu Reeves in 90 Days is a fun, wild ride. This friends to lovers romance has so many tropes I love so much, including only one bed and a massive amount of forced proximity. I loved the hilarious obstacles Bethany and Tru faced in their pursuit of Keanu. But let's be honest, I'm going to need a just a shred of the luck Bethany had in meeting all the celebrities she did along the way (Captain America, what??).
Tru was the perfect match for Bethany and I loved their chemistry. He's harbored a flame for Bethany for 20 plus years, which makes their romantic interlude believable and super steamy. Having the history they did, I loved how they worked together to see how their relationship could transition from friends to more, even with some hiccups along the way. The portrayal of grief, even years later, was well-written and added a layer of depth to the story that I appreciated.
Thanks to Forever for the advanced copy!

So I have to admit between the book title and the super cute cover, this book immediately caught my attention. I mean anyone who grew up in the 80/90s, loved Keanu Reeves (Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Point Break, Speed)! The concept of the story was so cute, Bethany Lu Carlisle finds out in the tabloids that her life long celebrity crush is getting married. She makes it her mission in the next 90 days to stop the wedding and get Keanu to marry her. One of her best friends, Truman Erikson is along for the ride and does what he can to help her attain that goal, all while secretly being in love with her. This book reminds me of the old fashioned ‘Chik Lit’ books (which I guess is now a faux pas label), cute light hearted romance with some comedy elements. What’s not funny about running into Chris Evans (Captain America) in the men’s bathroom and meeting Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet in a rural boutique hotel/campsite in New Mexico? The book fell just a little short for me, but to be fair I may not have been in the mood to read a rom com. The pacing of the book seemed somewhat slow, I did not find myself rushing to the next chapter to find out what happens next. Also, I think the fact that Bethany’s adventure did not seem very realistic, may have been a turn off for me. But the romantic tension between Lu and True did help the story along. I would recommend this book to fans of romantic comedies that are just looking for an escape and those who really love Keanu!

Hilarious and refreshing. I love the characters and especially how they grow. I really enjoyed that they were adults who acknowledged that what they were doing wasn't realistic but still went on the adventure.

Thank you to @readforeverpub and @netgalley for the opportunity to read this book, but unfortunately, it was a DNF.
I got really excited about this book because, I too, am a Keanu fan. He’s a good-looking immortal human. But this book just came at a bad time in my life when I needed light, easy, fun and this book didn’t hook me in. I couldn’t relate to these characters’ impulsivity and lack of connection to reality. I couldn’t believe that people that age would act like that. This was not a book to help me through grief. -Ford

Rating 3
I am sad to say this book wasn’t for me. I requested to read this book because I loved the vibrant cover and ridiculously fun and cheesy title. But unfortunately, the book itself didn’t do anything for me. I want it known that her obsession with Keanu Reeves didn’t bother me. I knew from the synopsis that was the main plot point and honestly, even though it is a little creepy/much I found that part to be fun! There were other aspects about the book I had issues with but due to spoilers won’t say them all. The story was slow to start and get moving. The writing wasn’t my favorite due to pacing and how unnecessarily wordy it was. I couldn’t connect with the main character or any of the side characters. The main character was extremely immature and her outlook on things always seemed to be unrealistic. I’m all for dreaming big but sometimes you have to know when to say when. She was very naive which was kind of frustrating as a reader to deal with. It was also hard to believe that this character was in her mid forties because her actions and voice seemed more like an early twenty year old.
One thing I did love and enjoy about this book was the friendship between Bethany and Dawn. They’ve been best friends since high school and I could totally feel their connection when they were together! They acted and treated one another how best friends should. Their banter and jokes were fun and brought a much needed breath of fresh air to this story. I enjoy friends to lovers stories but this one made me yawn more than it made me smile. I couldn’t feel the chemistry between Bethany and True. Their conversations annoyed me and made me roll my eyes multiple times. One thing I did love was how True treated Bethany. Even if he was jealous or against something he put those thoughts aside to be there for her.
Overall, I didn’t hate this book, I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked. It was just okay. I think if the pacing, flow, and main character were improved for the better I would have had a better reading experience. With that being said, like always these are just my thoughts. I can see why other readers would totally love a fun over the top cliche story like this one.
**Received an advanced copy through NetGalley in return for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. **
Will be posted on my blog, goodreads, and instagram @bearyintobooks the week of 11/22.

Another cute romcom with such a wild premise. I mean who wouldn't want to Marry Keanu reeves in 90 days?
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc.