Member Reviews

Quite a timely story which takes place in Denver during the 1918 pandemic (Spanish influenza). Sisters, Lutie & Helen, take in an abused young girl (Dorothy) when her father is killed and her mother succumbs to the influenza.
The story spins out from there with plenty of "side" stories, prohibition, the losses of WWI, child abuse, incest. Any one of these story lines could have been enough, but the author brings all of the lines together fairly seamlessly Well researched, well written historical fiction


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This book sounded fantastic to me before I even opened the cover... Colorado, World War I, Spanish Flu... sign me up fast. I am thrilled to say that I was not disappointed. Helen and Lutie are two sisters that sell pretty much everything and move to Denver, CO where Lutie goes to art school and Helen is a nurse. Life is going well until the Spanish flu comes to town and causes all kinds of new circumstances in their lives.

That is all I will tell you about the plot because I hate to ruin anything, but I will tell you that I think this book is in my top five for 2021, yes, I loved it that much. If you are at all interested in pandemic books (I feel I need to say books about the first pandemic) then this one is a great fiction novel for you to try.

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A fan of historical fiction I was very excited to read Little Souls. Two women Helen and Luttie one a nurse one an artist who loves designing who are sisters.. Move to Denver to start over after the death of their parents. Once they settle into their little house both find romance. Helen with a doctor named Gil and Luttie with Peter who is studying to be a minister. Enter the war and the Spanish Influenza. Helen is working very hard with taking care of the sick but cannot find time to marry her Gil. Why? Is she hiding something? Luttie and Peter get engaged before he sets off to war, but can she really be a ministers wife? Does she love him enough and will he make her give up her dreams of designing ? Enter the Streeters. Maude her daughter Dorothy and her horrible husband who drinks and abuses both Dorothy and her mother. The flu is out of control, Helen and Luttie care for Maude and Dorothy once her husband leaves them or did he? Maude dies and what will happen to Dorothy? The war goes on and on and the flu hits so many people. Helen and Luttie care for Dorothy and refers to her as their sister. What is Dorothy hiding from them, that makes her scream at night and fears many men?
This is a story of love of family and the heartbreak they endure. The peace they try to find once the horrible Mr. Streeter returns, possibly for Dorothy or just to cause trouble for the sisters. Life is never the same for for Luttie and Dorothy.and the author Sandra Dallas writes of beautiful story of how far someone would go to protect another. The love that Luttie has for Dorothy is of a mother for her child. How Gil steps in to protect that little family that he thought he would never have. Even though this story is filled with heartache and pain, Ms Dallas shows us that even when you think you are at your lowest point in life things can turn around for the better.
I was very happy that I was approved for this ARC. The time period as dark as it was made for a very interesting read. This again is the first book by Sandra Dallas that I have read and what a wonderful story it was. She made a story of war, sickness, incest and hate and turned it into a very eye opening story. Thank you.

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I loved the characterization and tone of this book! I'm always interested in historical fiction, and I wasn't disappointed! Can't wait to see it on shelves, and I recommend highly as much of the story will feel relevant to today.

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This novel wove a story set during the Spanish Flu epidemic and end of WW1, and that also dealt with traumas that the characters in the book faced. It was relatable with the current COVID-19 epidemic and I found myself simultaneously researching Spanish Flu facts along side the book for more information.

I thought the author did a great job in the writing as well as describing how these women had such a bond, as they tried to protect each other and the little girl they took in. The men who stood beside them were great supporters, which I loved especially with how women were belittled and seen as less-than in the time period. Each of the characters worked thru their own battles, while trying to navigate the stress of an overwhelming viral outbreak as well as the trauma of rape and the mental aftermath.

I definitely recommend the book and enjoyed it thoroughly.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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As a nurse, I was excited to read a historical fiction novel about a nurse. Not to mention, it was so nice to read about a time period other than WWII.

Let me just say that I genuinely enjoyed this. It was part romance, part thrilling, and history. I loved the friendship that Lutie and Helen have, the way they stick up for each other, and work together to make life the best possible.

Anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction will love this one.

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I wish to thank NetGalley and St Martin’s Press Publishers for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. I have voluntarily read and reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

This is an outstanding book and one that book clubs everywhere will love. It grabs the reader from the first page and never lets go. Suddenly you find yourself at the end and are amazed. This story is set mostly in Denver in 1918 during WW I and the Spanish Flu epidemic. The story is one that everyone can relate to as we are now struggling with deaths of loved ones from the Covid 19 and loss of loved ones in the military. It is a fast paced story and as each character is introduced the reader gets to know each one completely. You understand their pain, their loses, their loves and the secrets that lay deep inside some people. There is mystery included and villains, and heroes. I love this author and will seek out other books she has written. Well done Sandra. Thank you.

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My goodness, my heart after reading this novel aches. Many a time I had to power through and keep reading, because of the triggers for domestic abuse and sexual assault, or because of how closely the current pandemic relates to the Spanish Flu.

But, man, was the heart-warming ending worth the heart-wrenching eye twitches and pearl clutching.

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Little Souls is part pandemic historical, part love story, and part murder mystery. This story will captivate readers from the first page.

Set in Denver during the height of the Spanish Influenza and the Great War, this story follows two sisters, Helen and Lutie, while they fall in love; but as one love goes off to War and one battles the Spanish Influenza, the sisters have their own little soul to save.

“(Little souls)- It means the poor, the hopeless, the common people nobody ever notices. In truth, it applies to all of us.”

This story is fast-paced to keep readers engaged while robust in narration and backstory to feel connected to each of the characters. The author did a nice job of having multiple plot points happening at the same time throughout this story and allowing each storyline to play out and enhance the other plots without feeling confusing or superfluous.

There are some serious topics discussed, including rape and incest. The author does a wonderful job broaching these subjects with care but also showing the long term devastation of sexual assault.

Overall, this was a wonderful historical fiction novel set in a unique period of American history. Thank you to the author, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for an advanced copy to read and share my humble thoughts and opinions.

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Thank you, Netgalley, for this ARC. This book will be released in April 2022. I was initially pulled to this book for two reasons: the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918 and the story of two sisters trying to navigate it. I saw a lot of myself and my own sister in Helen and Lutie. Although I was a little hesitant going into this book about the infamous Spanish flu epidemic whilst currently living through the COVID-19 pandemic, I was comforted more by the bond and loyalty of these two sisters. I really enjoyed my first Sandra Dallas novel.

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This book was a tale of two sisters, from Iowa, who move to Denver following the death of their parents. during the Spanish flu of 1918 and World War I.I would recommend this book but do have to caution about topics of rape, child abuse and murder. It’s not a cozy because of these topics but does not delve too deeply into the acts to trigger more than necessary. It’s essential to understand the desperation and fear that she feels.

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Thank you NG and St. Martin’s Press for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.
This wonderfully written novel takes place in 1919 in Denver Colorado. Sisters Helen and Luttie moved to Denver after the death of their parents in Ohio. They are very close despite the fact that they are very different from each other - Helen is a serious nurse and Luttie is a carefree advertising designer. Soon after the move to Denver, they both find boyfriends -- Helen's beau is a doctor and Luttie's boyfriend is a student. Helen's boyfriend spends most of his time tending to the sick while Luttie's boyfriend joined the Army so he could do his part to help America win the war. The sisters also have a rental apartment in their basement and when the woman dies from the flu. they decide to take in her 10 year old daughter, Dorothy. The young girl is very traumatized from some events in her life and the sisters work hard to make her part of their family. This novel is a look at how the pandemic affected the lives of the people. It's about sisters and family - not just family by blood but family made up of the people you care about. The two sisters are very well written - their struggle to keep their family afloat and the attitudes toward women in the workplace present a picture of life at that time. Both sisters are brave and resilient and sacrificed for the people in their lives. If you enjoy historical fiction set in the United States, you don't want to miss this book. You won't want to put it down once you've started it but warning - you need to have tissue close at hand.
This well written and well researched book will give you characters that you won't soon forget and a look at life when people had to deal with a world war and a devastating flu at home. I loved it and plan to go back and read some of this author's earlier books.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The book will be published on April 26th, 2022.
I've been a Sandra Dallas fan for a very long time and always look forward to new releases from her. Her latest novel "Little Souls" does not disappoint. It will be released April, 2922 and I highly recommend that you get it pre-ordered now.

Lutie and Helen are sisters living in Denver during the Spanish Influenza outbreak in 1918. Helen is a nurse caring for the ill and Lutie is an artist drawing advertisements for an upscale clothing store in Denver. The sisters rent out an apartment in their basement for extra income.

Their problems begin with the father of the family to whom they rented that apartment. The father, Mr. Streeter, is mean to his wife and daughter and he runs with a dangerous and scary crowd. When he ends up dead in Helen and Lutie's kitchen the novel really begins!

Sandra Dallas has always written impeccably researched historical fiction about the west. This novel encompasses not only western history but also the history of the devastation of the pandemic and the history of women in the west. All of this history is brought vividly to life in "Little Souls".

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This is a very intricately woven novel of two sisters that have moved out west to Denver during a period of political, societal, and epidemiological uncertainty. The influenza disaster happened a year before and this story explores how the pandemic affected different people. The two sisters (Helen and Luttie) were very well written - their struggle to keep their family afloat and the attitudes toward women in the workplace are vividly presented. Both sisters are brave and resilient and sacrificed for the people in their lives. I would recommend this great historical fiction piece to anyone who, like me, didn't know as much about the time period and wanted to learn a lot.

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Sandra Dallas weaves a tale of America in the throes of a pandemic, a world war, a time of deep sorrow and a glimmer of hope. Her characters have admirable qualities and human flaws, making it difficult to put the book down. The story draws you in and allows you to take a journey with the main character, Lucie, as she learns what is important to her and how precious each moment we have with those we care for is. Lutie and her sisters protect their small family circle as they navigate love, intrigue, loss, and recovery from loss in the early 1900s. Reading this book while going through a worldwide pandemic is surreal. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction with strong female characters.

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This arc was provided free by Netgalley.
This story takes place in Colorado during the latter days of the First World World. The characters do fall a little flat for me, even the book is filled with suspense and intrigue. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction. This book is similar to a book by Susan Mallery called As Bright As Heaven. which is centered around the Spanish Flu. I will be purchasing this for our library book club.

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This story kept be engaged the entire time I was reading. I loved the relationships established thought story. Some content in the story was a bit too much for me but I thought the author did a good job in helping us understand each characters development based on personal issues throughout the pages. I’ve already recommend to several avid readers and I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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This is a story that takes place in 1917-1918, and is about two adult sisters that moved to Denver from Iowa after their parents died. In a departure from Sandra Dallas' usual characters, these women are financially stable because they inherited some money and a house from their parents, and both work, one as a nurse and the other in advertising for a major department store. They sold the house in Iowa and bought a house in Denver, and were able to rent out the basement of the Denver house for a little extra income. And that's where the drama begins...

The book ties in many different themes of WW1, Spanish Flu, and prohibition/bootlegging. Warning for readers - this may have some triggers for victims of sexual abuse.

This is a very fast and easy read. It was nice to see a character from "The Last Midwife" make another appearance in this book. The characters were very likeable (except the ones that weren't supposed to be) and there a couple of twists at the end that I didn't see coming. I recommend this for people who like light historical fiction with a little drama thrown in.

My thanks to #NetGalley and #SandraDallas for my free digital advance copy of this book. The opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are purely my own. #LittleSouls

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A hauntingly beautiful book with echos of what we're living today. The characters are realistic and relatable, the plot unpredictable enough to keep you reading late into the night (believe me I know!) A masterful blend of love and joy and loss and heartache, it mirrors true life and reminds us to keep going on through it all.

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A timely novel. Well-written and a novel that tells the story of the pandemic in the early 1900's. Reading this book should teach one of the trials and tribulations that the lessons from this era applies to the current day pandemic..
History tends to repeat itself unless we take into account the lessons taught to us from the past.

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