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When You Get the Chance

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This is the PERFECT book if you’re into broadway and anything musical theatre related. I loved all the show references and immediately want to go watch Mama Mia right now. This is very much a young adult book, but I still found it very enjoyable and creative and not too immature. The romance had such witty banter, hilarious moments and great chemistry. I also loved the NYC setting and family-feel vibe in this book, particularly the relationship between Millie and her dad. Definitely going to recommend this to my HS students when it comes out in January!

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This book is one of the sweetest books I’ve read in a long time. I am not a theater girl but I adored every minute of this book.

Millie is a young theater actress who is competitive, sharp, loud and knows what she wants out of life. Which is to finish her senior year at an exclusive theater school in California. The only problem is, her dad and aunt who have raised her is not on board.

Millie doesn’t know her mother or even her name. But when clues emerge she and her best friend go on a quest a la Mama Mia and she has her own Millie Mia trying to find which of her dad’s college girlfriends may be her mother. Along the way she ends up trying out for a summer internship with her nemesis and things get complicated.

Truly a fun story that will have you smiling and laughing and cheering for all the characters along the way.

Heartwarming, funny, sweet story. Highly recommend.

Thank you, NetGalley for allowing me to read this eARC. I’m so very glad I was able to read it.

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I am so obsessed with the Emma Lord extended universe y'all.

This book was such a wild Mamma Mia-esque ride across New York's theatre scene and through the complicated family dynamics that I've come to expect from an Emma Lord book. The mystery of Millie's mother had me on the edge of my seat and the rivals to lovers romance had me chanting "kiss kiss kiss" multiple times. This story, just like it's drama queen MC, has a whole lot of heart and is going to take the world by storm.

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I really liked this. Millie is out of this world dramatic but that’s how high schoolers who are into musicals are, trust me. Lord has this vendetta against parents though I swear on all her books the parents are the worst.

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This was a fun read! It was perfect for Labor Day Weekend at the beach. I have read a few of her other books but this might just be my favorite

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@dilemmalord is one of my favorite YA romance authors (Tweet Cute is an all time fave) and I have been so excited for this Mamma Mia retelling.

This book was so emotional and a roller coaster. Just like in Mamma Mia, there is a missing parent storyline that will pull on your heartstrings.

The romance was signature Emma Lord; it had so much witty-banter, hilarious moments, and such good chemistry.

The cast also made this book! It was such a great family-feel. The New York City setting and theater references was 10/10.

I would have liked more romance.

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I fell in love with the characters and this book right away. An awesome YA book! The main character is set on reaching her dreams and trying to understand things in her life. It was well written and the characters were all amazing! Thank you NEtgally for the ARC. I would recommend this book to anyone but for sure anyone who loves theater!

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This book was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed the whole Mamma Mia storyline. The constant switching between the different possible mothers kept everything fast-paced and interesting. I think it all wrapped up a little too neatly at the end, but it was still alot of fun. I also thought the romance was really sweet. Overall, a really good book!

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This was a very adorable palate cleanser. A full cast of quirky characters and I loved them all. When You Get the Chance follows Millie attempting to find her mother. She discovers three possibilities which leads to three of those lovable characters I mentioned. Meanwhile, there’s some friends to lovers action going on with her theatre nemesis. Of course, the friends to lovers trope allows for plenty of LOL quips. You’ll get caught up in both story lines and love the results!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy. This was cute! I loved all the musical theatre references as well as the “who’s the mom” storyline.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

When You Get the Chance was such a cute freaking book. Definitely gave me Mamma Mia vibes and now I want to watch both the movies and listen to all the ABBA songs. It just gave me those vibes so much and I think that's why I devoured this book so freaking easily.

As for the characters? I loved them - drama and all. I was honestly so happy throughout the entire book because of how cute things were. Future Broadway stars in action and finding a long lost mother? Heck yes - sign me up!

In the end, I really loved this found family. They were just great supporters and communicators. Especially when things didn't go as planned. I just really enjoyed this book and I can't wait for the next book by Emma.

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Emma Lord has done it again.

Ahhh do I really get to be the first one to compare Millie to Rachel Berry?! That isn’t a dig btw! Some of us like Rachel and her character arc!!

Anyway! Emma Lord is easily one of my fav current contemporary authors and I think she’s getting better with every book, though they all blow me away. I can actually say I didn’t really see all the plot twists in this one coming when they did and I had some wrong assumptions! So it was fun to be kept guessing the whole time.

Something I loved a lot about this book was how it showed how human all the characters were, which is to say, flawed but still doing their best. From the teens to the adults, everyone was making mistakes and learning as they went and I loved how effortlessly Emma captured that. There were no villains and no one to dislike or root for more than another (well, biases aside) and it’s always nice to read a book where you appreciate the whole cast.

I loved all the nostalgia—the way that the Linkin Park lyrics on the LiveJournal made me exit the book and take a few minutes to breathe through the embarrassment!! (Though I was a Xanga girl myself.)

It was sweet and full of heart like all of Emma’s books have proven to be so far, with just the right amount of New York magic.

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Millie Price is going to be a Broadway star. Her super supportive dad leaves his email opened, and Millie sees a link to an old live journal post. It's about her mom, whom she has never met. She then goes on the hunt to find her mom while discovering more of herself along the way.

Hi. I am officially old as I have a Livejournal. While the Livejournal doesn't play too much into this book (other than giving Millie what she needs to start her search), I was still laughing along the way. Everyone in this book is so damn likable that you will have a smile on your face. I want to be in Millie's world!

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's Press.

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Thank you to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the digital ARC!

This book delivers again on what I expect from Emma Lord: I laughed, I cried, I squee-ed! Love her take on City kids and how they navigate NY, love how she captures al lthe big feels of teenagers and the urgency of dreams and desires. I was in a reading slump and this book pulled me out of it. Highly recommend to fans of smart, empathetic YA (especially if you're a fan of musicals)!

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Will I ever not fall head over heels in love with an Emma Lord Novel? Goodness I hope not! When You Get the Chance is a charming lovable story about a girl trying to find her long lost mom while dealing with her school enemy. Millie is a very loud theatre kid, with big dreams. She gets in to a very prestigeous pre-college theatre program but her father won't let her go. So Milly and her tech-savvy bestie Teddy try to track down her long lost mother. They are able to narrow it down to three potential women based on the information they stole from Millie's dads journal. The hunt for her mother is on! She ends up competing for an internship with her school enemy Oliver. There's a very good enemy to loves storyline in this book. When You Get the Chance is funny, charming and so sweet! It will leave your heart happy and a smile on your face!

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A joyful tribute to Broadway theatre at a time where Broadway theatre can use a little more joy. As with her other novels, Lord's quick witted prose buzzes along, a heroine comes of age, friendships cement themselves, family bonds grow stronger, and an adorable romance unfolds. The Mamma Mia plot is just silly enough (full of obvious coincidences) to set a light tone from the beginning, so it's a book to be read with full confidence that everyone's going to get what they want and the Happily Ever Afters will blossom full force. In a time where so much hardship affects our daily lives, this unabashed joyfulness feels not like "fluff" but like a necessary balm. Theatre kids are going to love it. Non theatre kids are going to rethink that choice. Dare you to read it and not come away smiling.

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This was a lovely trip down memory lane of being the “obnoxious” theater kid and singling more than I spoke! For me, theater took me from being a Cooper to being a Millie (with moments of both) and Heather on the side. This was an adorable story of a teenage girl who wanted to find her mom and herself. I loved the characters and loved how they interacted. It was heartwarming and funny, I really enjoyed the idea of Millie Moods and how she learned to channel it into writing. The happy ending was the happiest! Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for my free arc in exchange for my honest opinion. I adored this book!

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Another winner from Emma Lord! I was totally obsessed with the characters in this book. The plot and the setting just totally swept me away and I loved every second of it! This just 100% proves that everything Emma Lord touches has me reading page after page in one sitting. I will be shouting about this book all the way to pub dah and after! Thank you netgalley abs Wednesday books for my copy!

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When You Get the Chance by Emma Lord is a delightful new novel that will have you cheering for Millie Price, the theater kid looking for her mother, with the help of her best friend Teddy. Millie wants to go to a prestigious theater pre-college, so sneakily goes to all the auditions without her father's knowledge. When she is accepted, he is blindsided and says no, so she wishes she had a mom to convince him otherwise. Accidentally finding his LiveJournal from college, she comes across three names of women who could have potentially been her mother (who left her at his doorstep when she was an infant). She gets to know each of them...and can see the potential in each as her mother.

This book is just a ray of sunshine in our world right now. A fun read which will brighten your day and make you smile. The characters are fully fleshed out, and although everyone lives happily ever after, it's not always an easy road to get there...but Millie gets to do some fabulous things along the way! Thank you to the author, St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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When you get the chance was one of my most anticipated reads and I was over the moon when I got approved for an e-arc!! So firstly, thank you so much @NetGalley @WednesdayBooks for the arc!

To say that I LOVED this book would be a huge understatement, really. I literally devoured it, it was so much fun to read!!
Who knew I would be into theatre settings THIS much?! My heart is just so full of love and happiness for this book and these characters and I have this huge smile on my face that I can’t seem to control.
I’ve very recently (just before my last read) read Emma Lord’s You have a match and I could see how much she has grown as a writer. I’m a huge fan of her debut novel, Tweet Cute and You have a match was also very enjoyable and adorable but this book is definitely my favourite of hers!

It’s going to be very hard to write a proper review where I actually mention everything I loved about this book instead of just incoherently scream excitedly and add lots of heart eyes emojis but I’m gonna try my best lol.


If you didn’t already know, When you get the chance follows the story of Millie Price, an extroverted theatre enthusiast who has a dream of becoming a Broadway star. When she gets accepted into a Precollege she worked really hard for, Millie thinks she’s closer to her dream than she ever was. The only problem is, her introverted father is not ready to send her across the country and her aunt is not with her this time either. Then, by chance, she gets the opportunity to read her father’s LiveJournal from 2003 (the year she was born!) and Millie now has a new plan. She’ll find her mother, who would be in her corner (because she has heard that she was into theatre too) and would finally convince her father to let Millie go to Madison. With the help of her tech savvy neighbour/best friend Teddy, Millie narrows down the list of possible mom suspects to three. Steph: an actress and executive assistant/ receptionist of a famous Broadway talent agent. Beth: a social worker and mother of Chloe, another theatre lover who’s a year younger than Millie. And lastly, Farrah: a very talented dancer.
For obvious reasons, Millie wants to get to know all of them. So she joins Farrah’s dance classes, goes to Beth’s musical theatre enthusiasts’ meetup (where she ends up befriending her daughter Chloe) and visiting Steph’s office which ends up getting her an internship there. But guess who she’s competing against for that internship? Yes, her archenemies and drama club rival Oliver Yang (who might actually be a total sweetheart).

But instead of finding out who her mom is, Millie ends up getting to know more of herself and discovering who she is.


Emma Lord’s fun writing style and easy to get into stories are what draws me to her books and this one was no different! I was invested from page one!

Millie Price was this loud, funny, self confident, energetic, extroverted and expressive person (the exact opposite of me lol) that to no one’s surprise I was rooting for her from the beginning! I know the qualities like loud and self confident don’t usually make you like a person in books but Millie KNOWS what she’d doing and you’ll see what I mean when you meet her! Her character growth was so beautiful to watch especially because I loved her from the beginning and came out the other side loving her even more. She’s truly a force to be reckoned with!

Millie’s aunt and The Milkshake Club owner, Heather was one of my favourite parental figures I’ve read about. Same goes for Millie’s dad Cooper Price. His calm, steady presence was so nice to witness and the fact that he was a total nerd plus an introvert made things so much fun!!

Oliver Yang was incredibly nice and everything I could’ve wanted from the main love interest and more! He was thoughtful, protective, nice, HANDSOME and all around just the best!!
One of my favourite rivals/enemies to lovers I’ve read about! Their story felt so natural and the romance wasn’t at all rushed. Another thing I loved about their relationship was how they weren’t secretly already in love with each other because as much as I love that trope in books, it has gotten kind of overrated in enemies to lovers.
Also, Oliver was Chinese and I love casually diverse cast of characters!!

Millie’s best friend, Teddy was such a dweeb and another total nerd, I loved him so much! The way he was so into geocaching was so cute!

If I go into all the side characters, this review would turn into a whole novella so I’ll spare you all that and just mention that I enjoyed reading about Chloe, Beth, Steph, Georgie and Farrah so much! They were all so unique and had such different personalities. Oh and Oliver’s band the Four Suns! I loved all these little additions to the story!! The found family was so heartwarming and beautiful to witness, my heart hurt from the amount of love I was feeling for these characters!!

The theatre elements have to be my favourites! The way we could feel the love Millie has for theatre just by the way she talked, her efforts to improve her skills and her on stage action!!
That one song from Mamma Mia! that Millie performed on stage (Lay all your love on me) made me so excited and I was totally singing along and imagining them performing it!!

This book is gender reversed Mamma Mia retelling so I would definitely recommend watching the movie before reading this book so your experience is even better (like mine)!

Of course, I highly, HIGHLY recommend adding this book to your tbr and preordering it especially if you’re a nerdy theatre enthusiast and into musicals and love a good rivals to lovers plus THE best found family trope! This book was all shades of cute and endearing!

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