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A Brush with Love

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Oh boy, this was such a winner!!

I loved how intense and sweet this romance was, and the story totally pulled me in. Hazel's anxiety was hard to witness at times and how it sabotaged her own happiness. He was just so perfect in how he respected her boundaries though, I really loved seeing that.

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I really loved this and I cannot wait for more from this author. It was fun and so very heartfelt. I loved Harper and Dan together so much. This was a great start to my 2022 reading year. Can’t wait for book 2, which will be about Lizzie.

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I was intrigued by Mazey Edding's debut, A Brush with Love, when I first heard the premise. I couldn't imagine something less romantic than the dentist, but Eddings pulled it off, writing a compelling, moving romance between two dental students. Fans of The Love Hypothesis will not want to miss this one.

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A Brush with Love thankfully begins with a content note letting you know that this book tackles some pretty serious topics, including a couple on-page panic attacks. I think that content note is important to begin with because the book's cover is so adorable, I could see someone being otherwise caught very off guard by what they find inside. Anyway, setting aside that particular content note for the moment, this book is about two dental students, one who absolutely loves it (Harper) and one who would much rather return to his former life in business except the guilt his mother laid at his feet has him instead back in school (Dan). The two have immediate chemistry. They are almost nauseatingly sweet at times for someone who apparently likes just a bit more angst in her reads than this book has. Dan is a fantastic match for Harper. He seems to pick up on and understand her anxiety very quickly and just adjusts without her asking or saying anything in a way that I truly hope all of those with anxiety get to experience. The roadblock in their way is that Harper is adamant they have no future together and therefore, they can only be friends. Only they're never really "just" friends. Ultimately, I appreciated the way that particular aspect of the relationship played out enough to round this 3.5 star read up to 4 stars on Goodreads.

However, between the almost too sweet moments and the extremely dark moment toward the end of this book, the tonal shift just felt like it needed a little more time to breathe. I actually thought the dark moment was incredibly apt for both of the characters and appreciated it. I just wish it had happened at about 60% through so we could have spent more time in the aftermath so that the HEA could really breathe. And, look, I'm not in publishing or an author or whatever. But sometimes, I just really need more of what comes next than I do in the build up of the will they/won't they. Because making a relationship work can be hard too!

I look forward to reading the next book by Mazey! Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's for the ARC, although I read this via an audio copy I purchased myself. (Speaking of the audiobook I purchased for myself, I would not recommend reading it that way. I didn't like the way the male narrator voiced Harper.) Also, additional disclaimer, Mazey and I have communicated a few times on Instagram.

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I had high hopes for this one, but it ended up being a three-star read for me. A good meet-cute in the beginning held a lot of potential, but it seemed to take forever for the story to take off after that point. I understand that Dan and Harper needed to establish a solid friendship first, but it never felt genuine, and by the time the pacing picked up, my interest in the story had waned. I liked both characters, but their connection or relationship never fully clicked. Perhaps my least favorite thing about this book were Harper’s friends. Based on her character, her circle of friends did NOT seem like people she would surround herself with, not to mention that they were very disrespectful towards Harper at several points in the book.

Thank you to Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

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Harper and Dan are absolutely everything. I loved this book.

I thought that the anxiety rep was very well done in this book and I could relate to Harper on so many things. She is definitely one of my new favorite characters. Dan was so sweet and the chemistry between him and Harper was amazing.

I can't to read Lizzie's book!

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's for this eARC in exchange for a review!

HOLY COW I LOVED THIS BOOK. On a personal note, I had just decided to return to school to study dental hygiene when this book was put on my radar. Of course I needed to read the dental student romance! It doesn't seem like it would be the sexiest setting for a romance, but Dan and Harper made it work! There was so much depth to the characters in this book, which honestly makes for my favorite romances. Dan and Harper both had to figure their stuff out, and the development was wonderful. It was truly real and raw and challenging, but I was rooting for both of them. I related so much to Harper, especially as I found myself suddenly thrown back into an educational setting when I haven't been there for the past 7 years or so. The anxiety and perfectionism is so real.

So, this book touches on real issues (CW: anxiety, loss of a parent, emotional abuse from a parent, sexism in the medical field to name a few...), but it is also laugh out loud funny. And as much as I fell in love with Dan and Harper, I also fell in love with Harper's friend group. I instantly connected with them. They are the type of book friends that you wish could be your real life friends.

I really don't have any big complaints about this book. It's an easy 5/5 stars, and I can't wait for Lizzie's story!

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Oh A BRUSH WITH LOVE. What a delight. I adored Harper and Dan from the start, and they both had such lovely character arcs. Eddings handles Harper’s anxiety with authenticity and care, and we feel the weight of Dan’s family expectations on his shoulders. I was rooting for these two from the start! This gorgeous, smart, sharply-written romance is a must read.

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I thought this story was going to be WAY more about teeth than it actually was. That said, there was still a lot about teeth, but it was a nice side story rather than the only thing talked about. This is first and foremost a romance, BUT it’s also so much more than that.

This is the only book I’ve read that truly manages to capture the inner workings of someone struggling with anxiety. There are anxiety and panic attacks raw on the page, allowing readers to get a sense of what it is like for someone battling these conditions. There are descriptions that allow readers the chance to get a grasp on what having anxiety could feel like – to bring awareness to the nearly paralyzing control it can have over a person’s body and life.

Eddings is a master. And I cannot imagine how hard this book was to write. If you haven’t read it or grabbed a copy yet, please do, because while I love the story on the surface for the instant love story where two people are clearly drawn together so passionately that they can’t stay away no matter how hard they try – I love the story more for spreading awareness about mental health and the need to be a bit more caring with those around us.

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I wasn't sure, at the beginning of this tale, how I would feel about sinking into a romance set with dentistry - it's just never been a place I would think "ah, how calming.:" Joke was on me though, I couldn't put this book down AND it reminded me to call the dentist for a cleaning. Harper is a character I can identify with easily, having struggled with anxiety myself. Dan is just so lovable and I was rooting for them every step of the way.

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable book that I will be recommending to anyone who is looking for a getaway this summer.

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Harper is anxiously awaiting placement into a top oral surgery residency program. Dan is a first-year dental student begrudgingly fulfilling a family legacy. The two may have never met; if it were not for the fateful day Harper took a spill down the stairs landing directly on top of Dan. Even though Harper is laser-focused on her career path, she cannot help but notice that adorable dimple that shows up with each of Dan’s crooked smiles. Will Harper trade fillings for feelings or will she keep this swoon-worthy heartthrob in the friend zone?

Have you ever come across a character in a book and instantly felt at home? This is how I felt with Harper. I saw so much of my younger self in her. She was delightfully messy. Her struggles, how she sees the world, and how she finds herself are what make this book so wonderful – she will forever have a place in my heart.

One of my favorite new trends in literature is normalizing mental health and disability. Eddings did a wonderful job portraying the struggles that plagued both Harper and Dan. It was great to see Harper navigate her life with anxiety and grief and Dan work through his fractured relationship with his family and rediscover who HE is.

A Brush with Love is the perfect romance for all my love-at-first-sight fans. With loveably messy characters, Hallmark after dark steamy scenes, and a fun twist on this traditional trope, this story is sure to capture the hearts of romance readers alike.

Thank you Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for the gifted eARC in exchange for my fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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A Brush with Love by Mazey Eddings is an adorable story! I just finished it and I am so sad to be done with Harper and Dan's journey, which grabbed my attention from the get-go and did not let up until the very end. Harper and Dan are both dental students that have a bang up of a meeting to start the book and the volatility of that first meeting was a central theme throughout. Some of it being genuine frustration with each other, most of it being their magnetic attraction being pretty wild and steamy. Harper is at the top of her class and excited for everything dental and is so ready to be done with school and out practicing, whereas Dan is in dental school as an obligation, definitely not something he is interested in at all. The two of them have a strong connection and I loved being along as they worked their way through each others' issues.

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Book: A Brush with Love
Author: Mazey Eddings
Rating: 3/5


Harper is anxiously awaiting placement into a top oral surgery residency program when she crashes (literally) into Dan. Harper would rather endure a Novocaine-free root canal than face any distractions, even one this adorable.

A first-year dental student with a family legacy to contend with, Dan doesn’t have the same passion for pulling teeth that Harper does. Though he finds himself falling for her, he is willing to play by Harper’s rules.

So with the greatest of intentions and the poorest of follow-throughs, the two set out to be “just friends.” But as they get to know each other better, Harper fears that trading fillings for feelings may make her lose control and can't risk her carefully ordered life coming undone, no matter how drool-worthy Dan is.

Blood, gore, and extra-long roots? No problem. The idea of falling in love? Torture.

This book was not for me, but I somewhat enjoyed it. I appreciated how the book had a unique setting, dental school, and the discussion around dentistry fascinated me as I do not know much about that topic or what dental school is like. I also appreciated the anxiety representation. However, I didn't love the characters. Harper and Dan got on my nerves at times, and their relationship felt very rushed to me. Despite this book not being my cup of tea, I still recommend giving it a try because who knows, this might be just the book you're looking for!

Thank you to Netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Harper is awaiting placement into a top oral surgery residency program. Her anxiety and fear of failure makes her concentrate only on her schooling until Dan enters the picture. A first-year dental student with a family legacy to contend with, Dan doesn’t have the same passion for pulling teeth that Harper does. Although he’s attracted to Harper, she wants to be “just friends.” But as they get to know each other better, Harper fears that trading fillings for feelings may make her lose control and can't risk her carefully ordered life coming undone.
This was a sweet contemporary romance read. I loved it because it showcased how mental illness can affect relationships. Mental illness shouldn’t be stigmatized. If people need help, they shouldn’t be made fun of or shamed. I loved how the heroine with the help of her friends overcame her anxieties to open her heart. I also felt that the hero being open-minded enough to have a relationship with someone with a mental illness was refreshing. I will definitely read this author again. I received an advanced reader’s copy from NetGalley. This review is my unbiased opinion.

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Harper Horowitz is a fourth year dental student waiting to hear if she is accepted into the top oral surgery when she runs directly into Dan smashing his mouth mold assignment. She offers to help him recreate it in the lab, marking the beginning of their relationship.

This debut novel by Eddings was adorable in its telling of Harper and Dan's story. Some big issues were tackled in this one, family expectations and living up to what your parents are on Dan's side, as well as the truth behind severe anxiety and an in page anxiety attach from Harper. Harper described her medication as making the world less sharp, which is exactly how I have heard some anxiety meds working for some people in my life.

The vibrant collection of secondary characters all felt full fleshed out, and added brightness to the story. Sometimes I find characters can get lost in a storyline, but these ones stuck around and added to the narrative.

I was also surprised and delighted by the Jewish rep in this book. I'm loving finding every day Judaism in so many of my reads this year.

This book is told from both Harper and Dan's perspectives, alternating chapters. I think this is the best format for a romance novel, and liked getting into both of their heads.

The two narrators of the audio version of the book really made me feel like I was inside the story in a way that I don't always find when reading traditionally.

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Oh my gosh. Y'ALL!!!! I absolutely LOVED this book! It was so full of rom-com goodness, and I didn't want to put it down! I loved the anxiety rep, and the discussion on familial expectations. Dental Dan and Harper HAVE MY HEART! This was such a good read!

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Harper Horowitz attends Callowhill University’s School of Dental Medicine hoping to score a place at a famous dental school for her residency. She studies every minute available to her making top grades. She is focused and talented.

One day, she accidentally bumps into Dan Criage, a first year dental student, breaking a dental mold he had been working on. Mortified, Harper offers to help him make the mold again. Thus begins their friendship.

Dan’s father was a very well-known dentist who always treated him very badly. He wanted Dan to take over his practice. However, Dan prefers finance and got his degree there followed by a great job. But when his father died, his mother begged him to go to dental school to study to take over the practice. So, reluctantly he is doing so.

Harper lost her mother in a car crash when she was 12-years-old. Since then, she has suffered from claustrophobia and other anxiety problems.

Harper and Dan enjoy their time together but Harper is so focused and determined that nothing can stop her from reaching her goal…including Dan.

I liked this book and its characters worts and all. We see real people with real problems and responsibilities. We also see how hard students work for what they want in life. We certainly see why dentists can demand the fees they charge as well. An emotional ride with lots of satisfaction of having read a good, solid story. Don’t miss it.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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4.5 stars - I really enjoyed this book. It made me smile and giggle but also incorporated heavier topics that are close to my heart. I really related with the main character’s anxiety disorder and the shame that can come with it. I thought the author did a great job handling this topic. I loved the fun relationship between the main characters and loved that the book offered a dual POV. The narration of the audiobook was also excellent!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing a free advanced copy of this ebook and audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Well, that was cute! I definitely got some The Love Hypothesis vibes with this one. Although it was a fairly light romance, I did enjoy the deeper themes of mental illness, grief, loss, etc. While my anxiety is a little different than Harper’s, I found the description of her journey to feel authentic and deep. I am really happy to see more representation of mental health in the romance genre lately.


(Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc!)

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The hype for this book was so real for me. Harper's a Jewish dental student with anxiety, weighed down by the lingering trauma and grief of losing her mother as a child when they were both in a car accident. Dan's in dental school at the insistence of his mother, trying to live up to his deceased father's legacy, even though he hated the man and hates returning to school for something he's not passionate about. Unfortunately, this was a miss for me in the romance department and a full raging mess in the friendship category.

Instalove vibes are pretty *shrug* to me as a general rule. In this case, it's at least instant infatuation. it reminds me of a teenage crush in timbre but with two adult people. I have great fondness for both teenagers and for occasionally acting like them. It's probably good for your health. But the overall lack of maturity from two 26-year olds, one of whom gets to be addressed as "Dr." was jarring. Even their language felt like a badly written teen drama at times. For example, who asks a friend if she "humped" last night? For that alone, I would kick a friend to the curb, and this group has worse to answer for.

This could have been friends-to-lovers except they go on a date before the whole friends thing comes about, which casts a weird vibe on the whole affair. I felt like it placed more emphasis on the very intense lust they were mutually ignoring rather than actually building a friendship. Also, after one month, she considers him her best friend, so sorry to the previous holders of that title. It's less surprising once you've met them. More on that later. Dan's solicitousness towards Harper could be charming at times and overbearing at others. Like it's good he respected her wishes and the degree of intimacy she's comfortable with to stay friends only, but it always felt like he's just in the wings, waiting for her to reverse her decision and date/be in love with/have sex with him as if it's a foregone conclusion.

In general, Dan's white knight complex was a bit much for me. He wants to fix Harper's problems, even when it's not appropriate, i.e. in a work setting where she is the higher ranking person in the room. He also beats up her academic rival/tormentor, who is the cartoonish face of misogyny. So tada! he saved her from all the other sexist micro-aggressions, as well. Miracles happen, as they often do for cishet white men. His possessive caveman behavior (his words) isn't any better because of his self-awareness on the matter. Dan also wants to save his mom, who is cast in a decidedly helpless yet somehow also domineering role for most of the book. Also, his dad is an emotionally manipulative POS end of story, but I can't be the only one amused slash perplexed that Dan's most subversive/slackerly decision was to seek a job in ~finance~, where he is impassioned to make money and (in his own words) climb the corporate ladder. The shame! The piles of money! How could he not have pursued the noble profession of dentistry?? Like I would be ashamed of that, but your typical upper middle class white dad probably wouldn't be.

Now for my complete meltdown about the friendships. Harper's relationship with her best friends feels very 3-vs-1 Mario Party mini-game, where her friends reinforce her feelings that she's odd or not making the right choices because they all side against her. And it's true that Harper isn't living her healthiest life. Her anxiety runs rampant through everything, and her laser focus on school leaves room for little else. But apparently instead of asking what do you need? or how can I help? these friends decide that for themselves. They don't know about Harper's struggles with mental health, but they've intuited some aspects of it and could be responsive. They are pushy to the point of manipulating her into a bikini wax so she can "feel sexy" and entice Dan. I can't fathom an argument where that's a healthy crossing of boundaries. She is pressured into attending a party even though they know she doesn't like them, and then they lose track of her when she has a panic attack due to the conditions they introduced her to. wtf. The next morning, they show up to ask her if she's ok before moving on to the "important" questions about if she had sex or not afterwards. Even hearing she had a panic attack, they persist in asking follow ups that completely ignore her mental health. Harper (rightfully) blows up at them for their priorities, and they bring up therapy (maybe not the right time) and her dead mother (probably never a good time) and then everyone pretends the conversation didn't happen as if no changes need to be made. "Strong female friendships" were part of the hype for this book, which left me especially disappointed. Dan's best friend is somehow worse because I never observed him to have a positive quality. He judges him loudly and for all to hear about how he ignores his mom's calls as if there aren't a million reasons somehow may have a less than positive relationship with a parent, all valid.

Humans, this anxiety representation in the genre (or anywhere) was meant to be so powerful. But I spent the whole time distracted by what a shit support system Harper had and wondering how her experience would have been different with friends and a love interest who worked with her instead of for her.

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