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Custom Love

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CUSTOM LOVE is the third and final instalment in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult FAST AND FURY romance series focusing on the men and women who work for Fast and Fury Custom Cycles. This is single father Trade, and private investigator Nadia’s story line. CUSTOM LOVE can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous instalments is revealed where necessary. The FAST AND FURY series is a spin off from the author’s KNIGHTS OF FURY MC series.

Told from first person perspective (Nadia) with a final chapter from Trade,CUSTOM LOVE follows Nadia’s private investigation into the murder of Trade’s girlfriend. One year earlier, Trade lost the love of his life, leaving him a single father to four children. A local man was arrested, charged and found guilty of the murder but fast forward to present day wherein Nadia, a private investigator, is asked to reopen the case in the belief that the man in jail is taking a fall for someone else. The problem, Nadia is friends with the dead woman’s sister, boyfriends and extended family at the Knights of Fury MC, and unwilling to betrayal their love or their trust, Nadia reveals her investigation, only to be shunned by the man with whom she will fall in love.Enter former MC member, single father Trade. What ensues is the building but struggling romance and relationship between Trade and Nadia, and the potential fall-out when Nadia’s investigation begins to take a personal turn with everyone involved.

Trade has struggled in the year since the murder of his girlfriend. As a single father, Trade has had the help and assistance of family and friends but our hero has never thought about moving on until Nadia drops into his life. Battling between head and heart when Nadia reveals the direction of her investigation, Trade must chose between the past and the present, hoping to avoid a lonely future alone. Nadia knew taking the case would open up a proverbial ‘can of worms’ but never thought she would lose her friendship with Trade. Recusing herself, Nadia would struggle with the information she knows, pulled back in when the FBI and police begin another investigation of their own.

The relationship between Nadia and Trade is slow to build as Trade struggles to move on from the past. Nadia is reluctant to fall for a man who is unable to let go of what was especially when she may always be second choice, now and in the future. Trade never thought he would find someone else to love, and guilt begins to override his need for our heroine. The $ex scenes are passionate but mostly implied.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including several from the Knights of Fury MC. We are introduced to Trade’s children, their aunt Izzy, and Detective Decker.

CUSTOM LOVE is a story of family, friendships, relationships and love; a story of betrayal and vengeance; second chances and the future. The premise is engaging and entertaining but not quite as edgy as the previous instalments- I expected a little more drama and conflict when it came to the resolution; the romance is sweet and gentle; the characters are energetic and enterprising.





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Custom Love is the third and final addition to the Fast and Fury series, and ties several storylines together. It's a suspenseful and emotional read with quite a few surprising twists and turns.

Nadia and Trade are incredibly sweet together and I loved the evolution of their romance. Their struggles were realistic and made this pair all the more relatable.

Nadia is a private investigator who is strong, independent, loyal and hardworking.

Trade is a single father, and brother to Temper the President of the Knights of Fury MC.

I thoroughly enjoyed this addition to the series, and look forward to seeing what Chantal Fernando writes next.

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Kir and Jayna's story is finally in my hands and I know this is going to be emotional. Jayna survived an unimaginable loss only for it to come back shattering everything she thought she knew. I liked that her character was so strong and she wasn't shy about voicing her opinions and desires. We learned more about their past relationship both the personal and how involved she was in the business which may come as a surprise to some. Kir is going to have to work hard to get the woman he loves to forgive him I know I would make his life extremely difficult to punish him. Together they are a fiery passionate couple, the sex scenes are red hot. This was an action packed fast paced story that suits this couple perfectly.

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J'ai dévoré hier le tome 3 de la série "Fast & Fury" "Custom Love" de Chantal Fernando qui conclut au final 6 romans puisque cette série suivait celle des "Knight of Fury" (on retrouve les mêmes personnages même si cette fois, l'univers se situent autour du magasin de motos "Fast & Fury" (création, réparations, customisation) qu'ils avaient fondé) et franchement, c'est l'un des meilleurs, même si je suis passée par différentes émotions en raison de ce qui se passe pour plusieurs personnages secondaires dont un que j'ai adoré dès la première série et qu'elle a choisi de faire évoluer pas du tout de la manière dont je l'espérais (soyons clairs, j'ai été dégoûtée mais vraiment! en même temps, cela lui évite d'écrire un tome où il est le héros, ce qui était demandé depuis quasi le début : bref...)
Ici, nous découvrons l'histoire de Trade, le "petit" frère de Temper, le président des "Knights of Fury" et gérant donc de "Fast & Fury pour son frère : il travaille avec des bikers et Cameron (l'héroïne du tome précédent) , et de Nadia, la meilleure amie de Bronte (l'héroïne du tome 1) qui travaille comme détective privé. Quand j'ai lu le résumé, j'avoue avoir été surprise car Trade était en couple avec Ariel depuis le tome 2 de la première trilogie (elle est la petite soeur d'Izzie, l'héroïne de ce fameux tome 2) et je ne le voyais pas la quitter : il va donc se passer un événement terrible qui va changer la donne et faire donc que ce couple soit possible et force est de constater que tous deux vont devoir affronter des épreuves aussi bien pour eux que pour leur familles, leurs amis et rien ne leur sera épargné.
Attention, si vous ne voulez pas savoir, passez votre chemin car là, je vais spoiler un peu

Mon avis : Je vous l'ai dit, j'ai dévoré ce roman en une journée tant il était passionnant et pourtant, il m'a laissé un goût amer car je n'ai pas aimé le choix qu'elle a fait pour deux personnages que j'aimais beaucoup depuis la première trilogie : je ne parlerais que de la première car toute l'histoire de ce tome 3 découle de ce qui lui arrive (je vous laisserai donc découvrir le reste)
Je vous disais donc en préambule que Trade était en couple avec Ariel, la soeur de Izzie : tous deux élèvaient 4 enfants ensemble (lui en avait eu 3 avec la même femme qui avait sombré dans la drogue et donc avait abandonné ses droits) et elle, elle élevait seule sa petite fille car le père s'était révélé être un sombre crétin et une racaille. Dans le prologue, on les découvre heureux et Trade s'apprête en toute logique à lui demander sa main mais le soir où il doit le faire, elle n'arrive jamais et sera...


retrouvée assassinée ! (autant vous dire que mon petit coeur en a déjà pris un coup car je les trouvais choupinou ensemble) Une année s'est écoulé après ce meurtre, le coupable a été arrêté et jeté en prison mais il va se passer de nouvelles choses qui vont de nouveau modifier la donne et à la fois rapprocher Trade de Nadia et en même temps, mettre en danger la relation qu'ils essaient de construire.
En effet, la mère de celui qui a été accusé vient la trouver car elle est sûre que son fils est innocent (c'est un drogué mais pas un meurtrier) : elle veut donc embaucher la jeune femme et fait appel à ses sentiments car elle lui a servi de mère toute sa jeune vie. Bien qu'ennuyée, Nadia accepte au moins de jeter un oeil car elle ne le croit pas non coupable.
Entre temps, elle s'est rapprochée de Trade et de ses enfants à la suite de différentes circonstances (ils se connaissent depuis longtemps) et elle se sent mal : elle sait qu'elle va remuer le passé alors que tous semblaient aller de l'avant et qu'elle ne veut pas leur faire de mal mais... c'est une professionnelle, obsédée du travail et elle se doit de vérifier si son ex ami d'enfance est le meurtrier ou si celui-ci court toujours...
Attendez-vous à faire les montagnes russes dans ce dernier tome et à aller de surprise en surprise : toutefois, Chantal Fernando a su doser ses effets et alterner les moments difficiles avec d'autres totalement adorables, notamment les scènes avec les enfants qui souffrent toujours de l'absence d'Ariel mais qui vont trouver en Nadia une femme à l'écoute et qui ne force rien. Elle est géniale avec eux (pourtant, ce n'est pas toujours simple) comme elle l'est avec Quinn, la fille de sa meilleure amie Bronte et Crow (les héros du tome 1)

J'ai toujours beaucoup aimé Trade qui s'est retiré du club de bikers pour ses enfants mais en a encore l'âme : ils ont été là quand il a perdu la mère de ses enfants (lui et Temper ont eu une enfance difficile et sont tout l'un pour l'autre) pour la drogue, ensuite quand ça a été Ariel et ils vont le soutenir lorsque la vie de Nadia est menacée : en effet, elle cherche et ça ne plait pas à tout le monde. Bien qu'elle ait l'habitude de se débrouiller seule, elle voit un homme qui a perdu la femme qu'il aimait de la pire manière que ce soit et l'on ne peut lui reprocher d'être trop protecteur. Trade est un père extraordinaire avec ses enfants (la fille d'Ariel le considère comme son père et il veut l'adopter bien qu'elle n'ait aucun lien sanguin avec lui et qu'à la base, c'est Izzie qui aurait dû avoir sa garde mais elle était malheureuse loin de lui) il est hot, sexy, protecteur mais peut être terrible si l'on s'en prend à ceux qu'il aime. Il veut aller de l'avant mais n'a pas encore oublié Ariel et en plus, il a 4 enfants qui souffrent de cette absence : il va donc avoir beaucoup à gérer mais Nadia est une femme formidable : il va donc devoir la convaincre qu'ils peuvent être heureux ensemble et qu'il est prêt pour une autre vie que celle qu'il avait envisagée. Je l'ai aimé depuis le premier tome et il ne m' jamais déçue
J'ai adoré retrouver les personnages des tomes passés et notamment de la première trilogie (enfin, pas tous mais bon) : j'adore ces interactions comme vous le savez entre les livres et je détesterai que ce soit vraiment la fin. J'aurais aimé savoir si Abbie et Temper avaient un enfant toutefois.

Bref, c'est une belle romance avec cette fois un gros côté romantic suspense avec des surprises et ce, jusqu'au bout : c'est sans doute l'un de ses meilleurs récemment, même si j'ai détesté ce qu'elle a fait à un des personnages qui m'intriguait depuis le départ : c'est ma vraie déception mais cela m'est personnel puisque si vous ne l'aimiez pas lol : enfin, comme je l'ai dit, ça a coupé net à une demande de tome 4 sur ce personnage (et qui était attendu) bien qu'elle introduise des jumeaux Atlas et Aries, très intéressant (on a surtout vu le premier dans ce roman) A suivre donc...

J'ai adoré ces deux trilogies et espère qu'elle écrira davantage sur eux mais quoi qu'il en soit, je lirai son prochain, ça c'est sûr.

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I’ve got to say, this is my favourite so far in the Fast and Fury series. I connected straight away with Nadia, I loved Trade (what’s not to like about a hot biker dad?). Add in the fact that the story has all the Knights of Fury interacting in and amongst and I was in book heaven. When PI Nadia starts reinvestigating the case of Trade’s girlfriend’s murder a year after her would be killer was arrested, she opens up a whole can of worms. Lots happening in this family drama, I mean who wouldn’t love a single dad to 4 adorable children. I also loved that Nadia was not deceitful, she was honest to a fault, she voiced her concerns and she dealt with issues head on. She was fab. A completely sweet sexy read that had me hooked from the first page. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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This is the 3rd book of the series and we get to see two beloved characters start to fall for each other. Nadia is a PI and has been in every book so far. She is Bronte's best friend and a friend of the MC. Trade is brother to the MC president and starts this book having experienced a loss of his soul mate.

I love a good single parent romance and Trade is the best of men. He handles it all and really doesn't need anyone else in his l ife. But eventually, the heart wants to move on. He takes a chance with Nadia. They have ups and downs and Nadia's work threatens to get the best of them.

We see a lot of the extended MC family. There is a little bit of suspense as the investigation moves on but nothing too terrible. THe children make the book. Just trying to navigate romance and 4 children with a ton of questions, makes for great reading.

Loved the book!

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Great end to the series…

I can’t believe it’s over already! The Fast & Fury stories were MC-adjacent and full of love, camaraderie and romantic tension… What better way to end it then to test the bonds of family…
Nadia was linked by friendship to the F & F garage but knew she would be pushing those relationships with her latest case. Family pulled her in reluctantly as she knew the emotions it was going to cause. What she didn’t know was friendship could turn to love and love, well that was complicated…

Trade was keeping himself together for the sake of his family. Rocked to the core, they were going to be okay though surviving after a tragic loss had been difficult. Surrounded by all his family, they were starting to heal. When he started to look at Nadia differently, when love started to bloom, he didn’t expect to be blind-sided…

Secrets were meant to be hidden for a reason and revealing them was a dangerous game. And these truths were going to hurt… Mix in delicious tension, a heart-squeezing romance (including incredibly adorable children) and this story, this series, was a reading treat all the way through…

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I really enjoyed this final book in the series. It was more of an emotional read than I was expecting and a great conclusion to the Fast & Fury stories.

Nadia and Trade were the kind of romance characters I enjoy. Believable connection, great dialogue and yummy chemistry. This one had a healthy dose of suspense and it was a well thought out story with some twists and turns. Definitely recommend.

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Custom Love is the third book in the Fast & Fury series by Chantal Fernando. A steamy romance that brings back a few familiar faces that were introduced to in the previous books. Though this book can be read as a standalone once you read Custom Love, you will want to read the other books in the series.  Custom Love is sure to send you on an emotional roller coaster from the beginning and leave you wanting more. Nadia and Trade didn't have a ton of drama between them at every turn. It left a lot of room to really dig into the mystery that Nadia was looking into and allow for the very sweet moments they had together. Overall, Custom Love is definitely a recommended read. Anyone that readers this book is sure to fall in love with all of the characters.

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Nadia and Trade

As a private investigator, she has a lot of contacts including a well-known MC club. When a friend asks her to investigate the woman's son's murder conviction Nadia is hesitant. To help her she has to use some contacts she doesn't want to lose. Still, she accepts. Before long the problem becomes even more complicated when the victim turn's out to be the woman her now-boyfriend was engaged to.

I enjoyed the complications, the relationships, the hunt for clues, and the surprising ending of her investigation. The couple is a great team with the kids adding to their unique home life. The contacts she uses would normally be direct enemies of the MC club, however, a strange connection makes that even more surprising.

There is plenty of steam along with a story you'll enjoy reading every page.
Reviewed for Words Turn Me On

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Trade just wanted everyone to leave him alone but a nosy PI, Nadia, just can’t help herself. This book is full of emotional highs and lows for Nadia and Trade. They face challenges together as their relationship develops. Will the single father have room for Nadia?

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Custom Love is the third book in the series and each of the prior two books are a must read before this one as the story and characters cross over from each book to the next (but they are worth the read, especially if you love books about motorcycle clubs as much as I do).

This is Nadia and Trade's story, lets talk about Trade first, reading about him falling inn love again after losing the love of his life will make your heart swoon. Nadia making it on her own in the world and slowly falling for Trade and his family will make your heart melt. The two of them together will send sparks into the air. But just when they have found it all, the past secrets are revealed and is enough to destroy it all.

With they make it to a happily ever after or will the past be too much for Trade to get past.

This book was fast paced and will keep you on the edge of your seat with the suspense

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I had been wanting to read more of Nadia and Trade since first meeting them in earlier books, but it hadn't occurred to me they would be paired together. Unlike some of the other reviewers, I didn't find it too soon for Trade to move on, but it felt like they moved from realizing they were attracted to each other, to being in love incredibly quick. I don't mind insta-love at all - but I think I would have liked to have seen more of their attraction to each other in interactions in other books, or even in the beginning of this one. It's mentioned that they knew each other and had spent time together, but the chemistry wasn't apparent until suddenly it was.

All that being said the issues and concerns they faced as a couple felt very realistic and well done. I really liked the mystery in this one and how well it was integrated into what was happening with Trade and Nadia. I also really enjoyed getting to revisit some of the characters from the previous books in this series and from the Knights of Fury series!

Thank you to NetGalley and Carina Press for the Advance Reader Copy. I have voluntarily left an honest review.

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Trade and Nadia have a turbulent and emotional story as they navigate so many obstacles.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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Poor Trade. - he has not had an easy time of it. I can't even imagine being a single parent of four kids - and having a partner he truly loved murdered and lose another to substance abuse. He has always seemed like a truly good guy - related to the MC but more like MC adjacent rather than directly involved.

Nadia is a really fascinating character - she's a private investigator and a truly good one. I think one of the things I like the most about Chantal Fernando books is her honest portrayal of the professions and work her characters do. She doesn't glamorize it - and that makes the situations and people that much more relatable.

The course of Trade and Nadia's relationship definitely doesn't go smoothly - and Trade's children are real kids who react in real ways to a new woman in their dad's life. But I loved watching them connect - not just as a couple but also as a family.

This book definitely had Chantal Fernando's signature blend of drama, romance, and relationship building. This motorcycle crew is on the lighter side of of the spectrum of grey that MC romances. Every book brings something new to the table - and this definitely wasn't an exception. I can't wait to see where the series goes from here.

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley, but these opinions are all my own.

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Custom Love is the 3rd book in the Fast & Fury series and is my absolute favourite so far. Trade and Nadia's story is one of acceptance, love, moving forward, revelations and family bonds. Their story took you on a ride of heartbreak, love and some discoveries that will take you by surprise. Custom Love is captivating and will hold you gripped within the pages from start to finish. There are heart wrenching moments that are balanced perfectly with the heartfelt ones. It is passionate, a little angsty, emotional, steamy and has just enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. A story of learning to love again when you least expect it.

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Custom Love is amazing. You get so many feels with this one. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much during this read. I loved every moment of this one and could not put it down. Trade is an amazing single father and is trying to move on and focus on the kids. Trade's kids will own your heart as you read on. Then their is Nadia and her never give up fight for justice she has going on. Sometimes cases hit close to home and you feel for Nadia when she is put in a tough spot over and over again. I love how Nadia is with Trade's kids. I'm so in love with Nadia and Trade. It is so hard not to be as you read this one. This has to be my favorite couple yet in the Fast & Fury series.

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If you are looking for a sweet HEA book, Custom Love is the story for you. Nadia and Trade's story is one of tragedy turned to love. They are friends first and take it slow because he is dealing with the loss of the mother of his children and his great love.
Nadia is not one to play second fiddle to a ghost and knows she is in for a long hard ride with Trade. But once she is asked to look into the murder of Trade's wife by an outsider, things get complicated for the new pair.

I liked this story, I can't say that I loved it but that is just a "too Sweet" aversion I have. It did seem sorta insta love BUT they have known each other for years and so the relationship was already there. I liked that the kids played a large role in the story and were not an afterthought.
If this was the ending of this series by Chantal Fernando, then it ended on a sweet note.

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This story has a lot more suspense than the others in this series and it was a bit darker. I really liked that part of the story but did figure out the villain early on. This series is not nearly as gritty or edgy as some of her other series (i.e., Wind Dragons). I did like both of the main characters. How can you not love a man who gives us his previous lifestyle to become a doting father to his four children. You can’t! Trade and Nadia are both nice people always trying to do the right thing. There are some sad parts where Trade reminisces about his murdered previous love and the ending is a cryfest as Chantal does so well. It is a nice book overall just not a wow book.

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I’m not sure why, but I felt kind of distanced from the characters in Custom Love. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t like the story or it was lacking in any way in comparison to the rest of the books in the Fast & Fury series. It was definitely a case of “it’s me, not them.” *sigh*

Both Nadia and Trade were established characters in the series. Nadia had been considered part of the “family” because of her friendship with Bronte. Trade was the brother of Temper, the president of the Knights of Fury MC. He had left the MC to concentrate on his own business and more importantly, his kids. They were still in healing mode from more than one loss in their lives. Honestly, neither one of these characters seemed ready to start a relationship, but fate and love sometimes have different ideas.

Regardless of the timing and my personal disconnect, there was still a lot to love about Custom Love. The sense of family – both blood and found – was strong. There was a bit of mystery – even though I figured it out long before the characters in the story did. Given the circumstances, that was understandable though. Once you figure it out, you’ll understand.

I have to admit, that even though I enjoyed the Fast & Fury series, I think I liked the Knights of Fury a little bit better. It was interesting to see the members outside of the MC though. I’ll be keeping an eye out on what comes next from Chantal Fernando. I have a feeling that we may not have seen the last of this group of characters. 😉

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