Member Reviews

It was amazing to get to read another book by Brigid Kemmerer! I first read her Cursebreakers trilogy and fell in love. The way she writes characters is phenomenal and Defy the Night is no exception! I am truly excited to read more from her in the future. Her world building is top notch and the stories enrapture you with an amazing plot! Thank you so much Netgalley for the e-arc!!!

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This book is Robin Hood but better. It draws from real life issues revolving around corruption and the status quo, and creates a realistic and important storyline. This book was captivating and I could not put it down. I cannot wait for the next book, and you should check it out right now. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Brigid Kemmerer for providing me an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the free eArc in exchange for a honest review!

I was so captivated by the Robin Hood vibe to this story! From the very first page I was hooked. The world building was great, the pacing was perfect, and the plot kept me on my toes from start to finish. Also, Corrick and Tessa are the cutest things ever. The only reason I’m not rating 5 stars is because the plot twists were kind of obvious for me. Other than that, this YA has both sweet + dark moments and definitely worth a read!

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I have been absolutely dying to read this book since I first read the original synopsis from Brigid and I was not disappointed!!
She has given us such realistic characters and I am already so in love with all of them. Truly, the way Brigid writes just makes you feel a certain way, that I can't even explain, and I went through so many emotions within this book.
Without giving away any spoilers, I will just say, I LOVE everything about Wes! The background story, his development and growth throughout the text, and how he interacts with/protects the other characters. He is already my new favorite of all of Brigid's characters she ever written and thats saying a Lot because I have a deep love of several of the characters in her Vow series.
I am Very excited for book two already and can't see where the story goes! More Rocco please!!

*I will be doing a full length review for Ideally Inspired reviews that will be published closer to September 14th. I will add the link to it here when the post is published on the site.*

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If I had to pick a very specific type of book as my favorite, it would be high fantasy without magic, with royalty, and with dual perspectives. Defy the Night just so happens to check all of these boxes, so it’s no surprise I really enjoyed it. There were a few twists that turned this into a book I would like to a book I loved.

The main characters, Tessa and Corrick, face impossible decisions. They both care for their people, but are limited in the ways they can help them. A recurring question: how do you know what is right, when others will suffer no matter what you choose? It was interesting to see how Tessa, as an apothecary, and Corrick, as a prince, were forced to answer this question. I also loved the Robin Hood type action throughout the book.

And last but not least, the relationships. If you enjoyed the romance in A Curse So Dark and Lonely, you will enjoy the romance in this book. I also thought the relationship between Harristan and Corrick was well-developed. They are both brothers and the King and his Justice, which is complicated.

Overall, this is one of my favorite fantasy reads of the last year. I would definitely recommend it!

This review will be posted publicly closer to the release date.

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<b>Imagine a kingdom plunged into chaos by a strange fever that has reached epidemic proportions. The only cure is a tea made from the petals of the moonflower. </b>

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Tessa Cade was trained by her father, a master Apothecary.

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She secretly continued the work of her parents, who had been brutally killed by the night patrol in her village for smuggling moonflower petals and distributing the cure to the less fortunate inhabitants of the Wildes. Tessa would sneak into the more affluent parts of Kandala, steal from the hording rich, and then redistribute the medicine to the suffering poor. Wes Lark had saved Tessa from certain death on the night her parents were killed, and has been her accomplice for several years now. They each wear masks so that, if they are captured, they will not be able to disclose the identity of the other when they are tortured.

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When Wes is captured, Tessa - wild with grief - invades the royal palace, intent on some vague/half-formed notion of revenge. But before she can even catch a glimpse of the King, she is almost immediately captured by the ruthless Prince Corrick - the King's Justice! He is notorious for the slow torture and brutal extermination of all smugglers and traitors. Tessa is prostrate with fear and prays for a swift death!

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Imagine her mounting terror when she is taken to Prince Corrick's private chambers! No spoilers here, but instead of her immediate execution, Tessa is given her own rooms at court and finds herself under Prince Corrick's protection!

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The rest of this wild tale kept me up until the wee hours of the morning because I just had to find out what would happen to Tessa, Corrick and the rest of the characters of this madcap kingdom!

(Tessa's transformation from village waif to a lady of the court:)
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I was highly entertained! There was a fair amount of violence, but not overly prolonged and graphic - for which I was very grateful! I approved of the redemptive themes in this novel. The King and Prince Corrick were as much victims of the power struggles and violence of those uncertain times as the rest of the inhabitants of Kandala.

Kind-hearted, brave Tessa was the voice of reason, reconciliation and the hope for peace: messages that I will uphold each and every time! Applause, Applause! A 5 out of 5 star rating for this stirring melodrama! My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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<b>Kandala's only hope: moonflower petals.... or is it!!?!!</b>

Note: I've been a long-time fan of Brigid Kemmerer's YA novels. The exotic realm that Kemmerer takes us to in <u>Defy the Night</u> is not totally removed from present day society - with the exception of the long Disney-style princess gowns and courtly attire.

(By the way, morning glory SEEDS are toxic, if taken in large quantities so treat this plant with caution, especially near children and small animals.)

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Loved it. I'm already a Kemmerer fan, and this one was great. Fun political intrigue, strong female protagonist, complicated characters, and that fun dose of romance that weaves through the story, but isn't the sole plot device. The world is familiar and relatable, Just a great fun and quick read. Looking forward to the follow up.

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I absolutely loved this book!! The story was so interesting and easy to read and I can not wait for the second one.

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Readers seeking a story that is multi-layered and richly detailed, with history, politics, science and romance will love Brigid Kemmerer’s latest offering. Defy the Night tells the story of a kingdom on the brink of revolution. Royal assassinations make way for young rulers who are placed into a tenuous situation, trying to balance peace across the land, made more difficult by a mysterious illness ravaging the kingdom, and a miracle cure only available in limited quantities. Longstanding political corruption and profiteering pits the haves against the have nots, inciting mistrust against a ruler, who seems powerless to enact change.

Kemmerer weaves scenes depicting both sides of the conflict:
The Poor: Parents seeking sustenance and medicine for their children, with family members both young and old ruthlessly beaten and killed for suspected treasonous acts by the Night Watch, supposedly at the direct bidding of the King and the King’s Justice, his brother.

The Rich: Individuals who have enough money to purchase concentrated doses of the cure, supporting the political corruption involved in its dissemination at the hands of the consuls. They are also illustrated as individuals who are largely inactive in supporting the assistance of the poor.

The Royals: Considered a figureheads hidden away in a castle by the poor. In contrast, they are arguably viewed as gullible by the consuls who will strive to do whatever they want for the territory they directly control.

The story is certainly complex, the political setup turning into a mystery of sorts, involving the discovery of the figure(s) working behind the scenes to bring this delicately balanced situation to its inevitable rebellion.

In the midst of the political chaos is the relationship between the story’s two narrators: Tessa and Corrick, the King’s Justice. On paper, a connection shouldn’t exist between the son of a king and the orphaned daughter of an apothecary of the Wilds. For a good portion of the text, their connection is fraught with tension—secrets, circumstances, past understandings and misunderstandings adding conflict, affecting their ability to recognize that they are striving for a common goal. As both come to realize, trust can be slow to earn, yet it is essential to achieve the peace they hope to find.

While readers are provided with a resolution, it’s a starting point. The real work is yet to come.

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Brigid Kemmerer never disappoints and her latest is no exception. This story is full of the amazing settings and scenarios she creates time and again. Her characters are wonderful and full of depth, and the reader finds themselves engaged right from the start. Set in an unknown time and place, the reader is transported to another world and doesn’t want to leave it when the last word is read. Full of the people and places that help a reader escape, yet still managing to touch on social issues of poverty, greed and communities. This could easily be a stand alone, with a wonderfully satisfying ending, or could be the beginning of a series with many characters left to explore. I will be highly recommending this book to lovers of YA fiction, young and old.

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As always Ms. Kemmerer has a great novel. I really enjoyed the storyline and characters. She has a excellent way of bringing characters to life on the page. You care about them. The changing POV was okay. I prefer to follow one character, but that is just my feeling on this novel. She has another hit with Defy the Night.

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TW: death, illness, panic attacks, PTSD, torture, and violence,

I have yet to read a Brigid Kemmerer book that I haven't loved and 'Defy the Night' was no exception. If anything, this might actually be my favorite of hers yet. ACSDAL is one of my favorite trilogies and after finishing VOW earlier this year, there's been a little bit of a void in my heart. 'Defy the Night' filled it and then some.

For the first few chapters, the tropes are the most obvious to the reader and it was easy to feel like I was reading another version of a story I've read before. I didn't mind, but there wasn't anything that stood out to me. But then, the story reaches a turning point and the reader is no longer just interested, they're hooked. It was at this point that I started feeling as though Brigid Kemmerer wrote this book specifically with me in mind.

Let me explain: Not only are we delving into quite a lot of fantasy politics in the book, no no no, better than even that! We've got the 'well, I've believed I was in the right the whole time but maybe it's not as simple as I originally thought and perhaps, the people I've seen as the enemy are actually human and they're doing the best they can". Which, if you don't know me, hi, my name's Maddie, that is my favorite thing in books. Period.
My one (extremely minor) criticism about this was that the development of it felt a bit rushed, but given the length of the story, it was to be expected.

One of the things Kemmerer excels at are her characters, and this proved to be no exception. She has such a way of giving each character such a distinct voice that makes you feel so strongly for them. And even if you don't agree with their decisions, which often times you don't, you know exactly why they're making them and you can't guilt them for it.

And because I feel like it would be wrong to go through this entire review without at least mentioning him once: Prince Corrick, guys. That's it. That's all I have to say. If you loved Grey in ACSDAL, you aren't ready to meet his character.

Overall, this was exactly what I was hoping for. From the action to the moral dilemmas to the plot twists, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you waiting (impatiently) for more.

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Thank you Bloomsbury YA and NetGalley for the e-ARC!

This twist on the classic "steal from the rich, give to the poor" idea was one of my most anticipated reads of 2021 and it did not disappoint. Brigid Kemmerer's writing is fluid and believable and her ability to split POV's is superb. As a HUGE fan of Kemmerer's Cursebreakers series, I feel almost guilty saying this new series might be even better based on the quality of this first book.

I appreciated that Tessa didn't need the skills of a trained assassin to show she was physically capable. It was her compassion that motivated her to use force and show strength. Even in her moments of weakness, she didn't feel small, just real.

Lovers of Scary Grey (ME ME ME) will catch feels for Corrick easily. He's willing to do whatever needs to be done to protect the people he cares about. And as hard as he needs to be to do that, his vulnerability makes him that much more swoon worthy.

Some events were quite predictable and I would have liked a little more whimsy for a fantasy novel, but overall the story, setting, and character interactions were more than enough to sweep me away.

This book rounded off nicely, but I'm excited to see what happens in book 2. I'm eager for more Tessa and Corrick and really hoping for more of King Harristan and Quint *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

Off to plan some masked outlaw couple fan art!!

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Thank you to Bloomsbury and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

First off, I was so excited to get approved to review this ARC! Defy the Night is one of my most anticipated books of 2021. After reading some of the author's previous books, I was looking forward to reading this one in September. When I saw that i was approved, I was so excited I was jumping up and down. It made my whole day. Thank you again to the publisher for this opportunity!

Defy the Night by Brigid Kemmerer is a story set in the fantasy world of Kandala, where a pandemic rages and the only cure, Moonflower, is limited in quantity. The Consuls (or warlords) who own the territories charge high prices for farming the Moonflower. In this world, only the rich can afford the cure while the poor are left dying in hordes.

Enter our heroes and the book's two points-of-view: Tessa, an ordinary girl who steals Moonflower from the rich to distribute to the poor, and Corrick, a Prince whose position requires him to be cruel and violent to maintain his power of the people. What happens when Tessa tries to sneak into the palace? Will their chance meeting lead to love or death?

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 1 from Tessa's perspective:

"I have to get out of here first. If I'm caught with a pack full of Moonflower petals, King Harristan and his brother, Prince Corrick, will tie me down in the palace gardens and let the birds peck out my organs.
I suck in a breath and urge my feet to push me faster, higher. The pack bounces against my ribs as my feet slip and shift against the wall. My hands are burning where the rope slides. The light sweeps close, and it's suddenly blinding.
Then I'm over a wall, half rappelling, half dropping to the forest ground like a sack of oats... I can almost taste my heartbeat as I hold my breath and wait for the sentries to ring the alarm."

Overall, Defy the Night is an amazing YA fantasy filled with romance, action, and politics. One highlight of the books is the development of the relationships between different characters. As I continued the story, I was pleasantly surprised to see the character's relationships develop as well. The bond between Corrick and his brother Harristan, for example, is so wholesome. If I had to complain about one thing, I would say that I wish there had been more magic or fantasy in this book. The book felt very "real," which can be a good thing as well.

At its core, the book is a romance, and the plot revolves around the political machinations of a country ravaged by a pandemic with limited doses of a cure. I still really enjoyed reading this book though! If you're intrigued by the excerpt above, or if you're a fan of political intrigue and romance in your YA fantasy books, I highly recommend checking out Defy the Night when it comes out in September!

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This book was incredible and so impossible to put down. The story is inspired by Robin Hood which I thought was very interesting since it is something I haven’t really seen done before.
The plot centered around a mysterious illness was unique and well-plotted but what really stood out to me was the characters. Tessa Cade is an apothecary who just wants to help people survive and Prince Corrick is the king’s justice (his brother King Harristan) who is tired of people thinking he is cruel. Tessa and Corrick’s relationship is a rollercoaster and I loved watching it develop throughout the book.
This is a book about the lengths people will go to survive and the lengths some will go to help others survive. It is filled with action, romance, political intrigue, and of course betrayal. This will draw you in and keep you hooked until the very last page. Fans of Brigid Kemmerer’s Cursebreaker series will not be disappointed and I can’t wait to see where Kemmerer will take the story from here.

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Brigid Kemmerer is popular with our YA readers, and I'm confident her newest offering will not disappoint. This is full of relatable characters, political intrigue, mystery, action, and a swoon-worthy enemies-to-lovers romance. All the ingredients for a sure-fire hit. Will definitely be putting this on our to-buy list.

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*Review will be posted on my blog on 8/16/21*

When I saw Brigid Kemmerer’s name on this book, I had to request it. I’ve read most of her contemporary works and I just finished the Cursebreakers series. I am a fan.

There is an illness ravaging the kingdom of Kandala and the king and prince who rule, try to do so by punishing anyone caught committing a crime, regardless of why they commit the crime in the first place. Tessa is someone breaking the law to help people survive this deadly illness, but if caught, it doesn’t matter that she’s doing this out of the kindness of her heart – she would be punished like the many who line the castle walls, dead and on display of their transgressions.

I liked how each character had very distinct voices, Corrick’s especially. Tessa is the bleeding heart, helping who she can. King Harristan is the young king, who was sickly as a child and his brother, Prince Corrick – he is the star of this whole show. Out of all of them he is that morally grey character, he wears different faces, he is harsh, he has the reputation of a prince who is always seeking death…but is he really that way?

We know where Tessa stands, and where King Harristan has to stand, but Prince Corrick is the one who carries out the dealings of the kingdom and it’s because of him and Tessa that the tides turn in Kandala.

There is political intrigue – sectors vying for control of the kingdom and using the Moonflowe medicine to their gain. The more Moonflower that grows in a certain sector, the more power they seem to have and the King has to give in but the people are dying while the elite play politics. The people are fed up and a rebellion grows, but who is the leader of it? Tessa and Prince Corrick try to find out before it’s too late.

The story moves along quickly! I didn’t realize it was 496 pages, it seemed shorter. I was invested in the relationships between the royal brothers and of course with Tessa and Prince Corrick. There is an enemies to lovers romance, a sweet one that gets quite complicated but all the same it made me root for them. I really came to care about the characters.

Random Notes:
Triggers: illness, death, violence, torture

It says this is a series, but I do feel like this was Tessa and Prince Corrick’s story and it has a resolution at the end. So I wonder if the next installment will focus on King Harristan?

I’d like to see Tessa grow more and learn her apothecary art. It seems like we only get a glimpse of her knowledge because this was a fast paced story with lots of action, so we only saw a few scenes where she is actually using her own knowledge to make tinctures. We do get the sense she learned a bunch from her dad who has passed so maybe we’ll get to see more of his notes in book two.

Final Thoughts:
I read this in one sitting which means it caught my attention good- especially since I’m trying to finish a bunch of other books at the same time. I loved the action and pace of the story, and the characters made me want to know more about them. This is a wonderful start to what I hope is an amazing new series!

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This is promising, action packed, engrossing, thrilling brand new series from one of my favorite authors who can write both brilliant and addictive romance and fantasy novels!

I have to admit I loved this new installment more than A curse so dark and lonely trilogy the author recently published. If you ask me why? I can honestly say I’m all time favorite fan of Robin Hood and his remarkable philosophy: stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

So I always enjoy to read any new version story inspired by Robin Hood philosophy. And honestly portrayed, so much likable vigilantes / outlaws Tessa and Wes stole my heart since the first action packed opening the book.
Let me tell you more about the blurb:

The story takes place in Kingdom of Kandala divided by different sectors which have problematic relationships between each other because of outburst of contagious disease ravaging the land. Royal Palace barely holds it the control by negotiating with the consul members who are representatives of each sector demanding more power they can hold and King Harristan rules the entire kingdom with the help of his brother Prince Corrick who is designated with the most compelling title : King’s Justice. He takes the role of brutal killer, merciless punisher who triggers night terrors of entire folks of the kingdom.

He never chose to be brutal person and he was reluctant to deal with the shitty hand the faith dealt with him after their parents died before their eyes when they were young boys who were forced to rule the entire kingdom before dealing with their griefs.

Now the contagious sickness threats the entire land and only cure is made by moonflower petals which are limited, not equally shared by the sectors. As the richest and wealthiest consume more they can absorb, the poorest always suffers from lack of medicine.

Tessa Cade is apprentice apothecary who is so sick of seeing the inequality about sharing the medicine at entire land so she starts following the paths of her dying parents by stealing moon petals for concocting a powerful elixir and distribute them to the poor people who cannot afford. Her partner in crime Wes, wearing his mask and join her to lurk in the Wilds, helping the miserable people heal and give them enough hope to survive.

But the rumors spread so fast telling the cure is not effective enough to heal people and the rebellious attracts start arising. And a sudden tragedy changes everything in Tessa’s life, forced her to sneak around the palace to confront the cruel King and his merciless brother prince. But she finds out more secrets and she realizes nothing as it seems in the kingdom.

She may be forced to make a deal with her worst enemy to find a solution to stop her own people’s dying and the rising revolution can destroy the peace of the kingdom.
I loved genuine, honest, brave, hot tempered Tessa and tormented, charismatic, powerful, mysterious Corrick a lot.

Remarkable characterization, surprising twists, blossoming sweet romance, enthralling action packed adventure earned my four blazing stars!

I’m looking forward to read the next installment ASAP! This is freaking amazing start to unforgettable brand new fantasy installments!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Bloomsbury YA for the arc of this book. All opinions are my own!

OH MY WORD BRIGID HAS DONE IT AGAIN!! I didn’t think I could fall more in love with her writing, but this just rocked my world. I couldn’t put it down. Also, Prince Corrick can do no wrong and I’m in love with him, I swear.

Tessa is such a fantastic character. She complex, gritty, and full of heart. She is such a fantastically well written character. He relationship with Wes is heartwarming. Her determination is admirable and I loved everything about it.

The plot is so well done. It’s thought out, intelligent, and well paced. The writing is creative, the twists are a tiny bit predictable but then they surprise you. Each character is unique and plays such a fun role in this book. I can’t stop thinking about it, I can’t get over it. It’s just.. perfection. I can not wait for book 2!!

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For years, a sickness has left the Kingdom of Kandala on the brink of ruin. After their parents’ assassination, King Harristan and Price Corrick (King’s Justice) have led their kingdom with fear, enacting cruel punishments to squash rebellion inside and outside the palace walls. With only one known cure for the fevers, an elixir of Moonflower petals, supply is limited, and demand is too great. In the dark of night, apothecary apprentice Tessa, still reeling from her own parents’ murder, and her partner Wes have been stealing petals to distribute elixir to communities without access. When Tessa accomplishes the impossible task of sneaking into the palace, everything she knows is flipped upside down. Outside the palace, rebellion is around the corner but what’s brewing inside may just be worse.

This book was well planned from idea to execution. The world building was incredible. You could close your eyes and picture every scene. But it was also balanced well with the plot of the book so that it wasn’t ever too much or not enough. The first 50 or so pages were a little slowly paced for me personally, run of the mill, kids with trauma from murdered parents you get in a lot of YA Fantasy books. But then there is plot twist after plot twist where you think you know where it’s going but you don’t.

This hit all the good points:

Spunky young heroine? Check!
Tortured royals desperate to be better? Check!
Funny banter? Check!
Enemies to lovers? Check!
Found family thrown in for fun? CHECK!

Needless to say, I picked up this book to read a few chapters before bed and suddenly it was 4am and I was done. Despite being a series, the book felt polished and complete. I cannot wait to see where this series goes next.

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