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The Summoning

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Great idea, not so great follow through. I liked the idea of the main character moonlighting as a "medium" but it didn't connect with me.

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From the moment I opened the pages of "The Summoning" by J.P. Smith, I felt an otherworldly grip that refused to release me until the very last page. This haunting mystery thriller is unlike any I've read before, and I am left in awe of its spectral brilliance.

In this atmospheric tale, Kit Capriol, a woman who straddles the realms of the living and the dead, takes us on a journey through the haunting aftermath of 9/11. The synopsis itself is a tantalizing glimpse into the eerie world that unfolds—a world where the boundaries between the corporeal and the ethereal blur with each passing seance. Kit, a former actress turned medium, navigates the delicate balance between helping others find solace and confronting the unsettling reality of the spirits she summons.

J.P. Smith's descriptions are a masterclass in creating an ambiance that seeps into your bones. The air is thick with the scent of uncertainty, and the author's words paint a vivid picture of a world where the living and the dead coexist in a dance of whispers and shadows. The cityscape of New York, touched by the lingering specter of 9/11, becomes a character in itself—a silent witness to the unfolding mysteries.

The characters, especially Kit, are intricately woven, with layers of vulnerability and strength that make them feel tangible. Kit's journey from a struggling actress to a conduit for the supernatural is a mesmerizing transformation. The supporting cast adds depth to the narrative, each character harboring secrets that intertwine with the threads of the plot.

Ah, the plot—an intricate web of mystery and thriller elements that kept me on the edge of my seat. Every chapter unravelled a new layer of the enigma, and I found myself unable to tear my eyes away. The pacing is impeccable, with tension building steadily until it reaches a crescendo that left me breathless. The twists and turns are unexpected, and just when I thought I had the answers, the narrative shifted, keeping me guessing until the very end.

As for the overall experience, I was enchanted and chilled in equal measure. "The Summoning" is a symphony of the supernatural, a tale that resonates long after the final page is turned. It's a book that lingers in your thoughts, inviting you to contemplate the thin veil that separates our world from the unknown.

I wholeheartedly recommend "The Summoning" to anyone who craves a mystery thriller that defies convention. J.P. Smith has crafted a masterpiece that transcends the genre, offering readers an unforgettable journey into the shadows where the living and the dead converge.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a free advanced copy of this book to read and review. I enjoyed the time I spent reading this book but I wouldn’t necessarily read it again. The pacing sometimes felt slow and I didn’t always feel connected to the characters.

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2.5 stars. I was really intrigued by this premise and was ready for a really atmospheric, creepy story. Unfortunately, the book kind of fell flat on that mark. I think this could have been a really good story as there were some good parts, but something just didn't work for me and I wasn't as engaged as I wanted to be.

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This was a very unique novel that kept me wondering until the very end.

Kit, a struggling actor and single mum, does whatever she can to support herself and her daughter. As her daughters medical bills pile up, Kit takes on the role of a medium. She helps desperate people connect with their loved ones and gives them peace. But one client feels a little too real. As things start to go wrong, Kit realizes that things aren’t always as they seem.

The ending is the key to this novel! It kept me guessing and wondering how it would play out. I really enjoyed the mystery (with a hint of supernatural)!

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I gave this book another shand i really enjoyed it. My first the author. I really liked the plot. And the supernatural part of it and that it centers around 9/11

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Ghosts, mediums, murder, and a plot twist at the end I wasn’t expecting. That list is what made it hard for me to put this book down.
Kit is a lonely widower who’s husband died in the 9/11 attack. After, she had her daughter Chloe who is now in a coma after falling and hitting her head after witnessing a murder in the subway. Bills pile up and the little acting roles Kit lands aren’t paying the bills. She decided to call other people who lost their loved ones in the attack and pretend to get messages from them from the other side. After awhile Kit starts actually hearing voices and things that go bump at night and realized she might be dangerously close to crossing over to the land of the dead if she hasn’t already.
I can’t decide if I feel for Kit or dislike her for manipulating people who are hoping to hear from a past friend or family member. The book is kind of confusing in some parts. Jumping from subject to subject. I think that part made me second guess what was really going on. In the last few chapters I was like what just happened? The writing style made our main character seem unreliable and at some points I didn’t know what to believe.
Great book and though the paranormal parts were not scary IMO it is a good book to put on your fall TBR list! (less)

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A sham to survive turns into a nightmare. Read along and find out what is at stake for Kit.

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for giving me the opportunity to read this.

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I really liked the concept behind this book but I felt that the story dragged too much and it didn't meet my expectations. The story starts off pretty slow and the plot doesn't really start to build up until about halfway into the book. I was put off by the inconsistent plot, so I skimmed a lot of the slow parts. The idea behind the book was very unique so I finished the book but wish the story didn't really engage me.

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This was a very different read. The fact that it had a meduim in it is what attracted me in the first place. The combination of fantasy/police story kind of turned me off.

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This book didn't really catch me the way I anticipated because of the choices that were made both in POV's and in plotting. Though, I finished the book, I didn't enjoy much of it until I got to the end when a lot of what seemed like it was dragging, started ramping up again. There's nothing wrong with the writing itself, and the characters were decent, but there was nothing to hold me and keep me turning pages the way I would expect of a typical suspense/thriller.

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Cover: Withering flowers, I like the symbolism.

The Summoning has been sitting on my TBR list for quite a while, and truth be told, I had great expectations about it. A captivating premise, an intriguing plot, and the first chapter read so promising: I mean, a fake medium who scams people in order to pay the hospital bills? Talk about dubious morality and shades of gray. I was hooked.

Problem is, the rest of the book didn’t deliver.

Kit, the MC, has potential when it comes to characterization, a potential that’s left in the corner. She’s portrayed as a scammer, but then it turns out she might be the real thing after all, and there’s no freaking out in sight. The visceral reaction I’d expect from a liar is hardly there, too muted to sound realistic.

I’m not sure if the culprit is the slowness of the plot or the confusing way it’s been structured, with flashbacks from the past that interrupt the story sometimes. Also, the POV switching seems to add to the confusion, even if it’s written in third. The last nail on the coffin has to do with the cast of characters: some of them just sound too alike.

Technically, The Summoning is well-written, so it’s not a matter of poor writing skills. Smith has a good grasp of grammar and syntax, and the editors did a pleasant job in cleaning up typos and such. It’s the developmental part I have a beef with.

2.5 stars on GR.

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This book was pretty confusing. I am still not actually sure was the point of it was. The pacing was so off. It was pretty slow right up until 100 pages left. Ironically, I was enjoying it until things started picking up. When the pace changed the story got a lot more confusing. At the end the whole "medium" plot seemed pointless. The main character initially faked being able to talk to ghosts, but then discovered she could actually talk to ghosts. This was never addressed. She even made some terrible discoveries while talking to ghosts and that was never addressed either. It makes me question what was the point of adding those plots into the story if they had nothing to do with it and were never resolved. There were several times when I thought those plot lines would change the direction of the story, but they were just forgotten.

I really liked the writing style and the short chapters. I would be willing to give this author another try. I just don't like finishing a book with so many open ended plots that left me questioning why they were included.

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This book had me hooked from page one! My favorite part of reading this genre is when there are unexpected twists and turns, and the author of this novel delivered. Would definitely recommend!

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Arc review
The story of Kit started off interesting, however I gave this book 3 stars because there was something about her that didn’t make me feel enough to care when she was in danger or angry. The writing style was fine, although it relied on dialogue which dragged the plot in my opinion. This book might be a good fit for those looking for a slow paced thriller with some super natural elements.
Thank you to NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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The concept of this book really intrigued me. I had never heard of this author prior to finding the title randomly on Netgalley. I was lucky enough to have read it sooner rather than later. However, the book and I just didn't vibe. The concept drew me in but the story just didn't capture my attention like I wanted it to. While some parts were unique most of the novel dragged on way too long for my taste. I honestly didn't even care about the main character or the daughter. There were way too many twists for my taste. I so wanted to love this book but it just wasn't there.

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I can’t properly explain to you how much this book messed with my brain. I haven’t gotten this attached to a character in a long, long time. Kit is such a wonderfully flawed protagonist and I am rooting for her (and believing her) the entire way through this book. I’m not usually one for a cop thriller, but put it in midtown Manhattan inject a little Broadway into its veins and your boy is SOLD. Devastatingly haunting and infectious to its core, The Summoning is one of the books you NEED on your Autumn reading list. I cannot wait to get into more of Smith’s work. (Can we get a Darcy/JP co-authorship?)

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☆☆☆☆, 25 /5
(english review below)

Alors que ce roman s'inscrit dans tout ce que j'évite dans mes lectures (paranormal, thriller), me causant généralement trop d'angoisse et de peur, les avis autour de cette histoire ont tout de même fini par m'intriguer... Au point que j'ai décidé d'en commencer la lecture et de jour évidemment.
Quand il s'agit de contacter les morts, il est facile d'aller un peu trop loin

Chaque année, à l'approche de l'anniversaire du 11 septembre, Kit Capriol scanne les monuments commémoratifs publiés dans le New York Times. C'est une chose simple de rechercher un nom et un numéro de téléphone, d'atteindre les membres survivants de la famille qui pourraient encore aspirer à un lien avec leur être cher perdu... pour offrir de l'aide. Après que son mari soit décédé dans la Tour Nord, Kit s'est débrouillée en tant qu'actrice, subvenant à peine à ses besoins et à celui de sa fille. Mais maintenant, Zoey est à l'hôpital, les factures sont immenses et le travail d'acteur s'est tari. Devenir médium est presque trop facile pour quelqu'un qui a l'habitude de prétendre gagner sa vie, et les clients désespérés ne sont pas difficiles à trouver.
Cependant, quelque chose a changé. Les séances que Kit tient dans son appartement commencent à sembler d'une réalité troublante, et l'homme intrigant qu'elle a rencontré dans un bar local pourrait être plus compliqué qu'il n'y paraît. Alors que les voix des morts se font plus fortes dans sa tête et que les murs de son appartement se rapprochent, Kit se rend compte que malgré l'absence de sa fille, elle n'a pas été aussi seule qu'elle le pensait...
Je dois dire que c'était une plutôt bonne lecture.
Outre l'angoisse qui pointait déjà le bout de son nez car je craignais d'avoir trop peur, en fait, je m'étais laissée submerger pour rien ahah. C'était une histoire qui m'a faite lentement frissonner et qui m'a faite réfléchir quant à son dénouement tout au long de ma lecture.
Le style d'écriture de l'auteur était beau, presque poétique. Dans ce roman, il a instauré une ambiance plutôt lourde, sans pour autant qu'elle soit étouffante. Les clins d'oeil au paranormal, le suspens maintenu étaient si discrets et bien distillés au fil du roman que cette lecture est passée toute seule pour moi. J'ai dévoré chaque page, sans avoir peur, mise en confiance par l'auteur et son histoire.
Kit est un personnage que j'ai fini par apprécié au fil des pages. Je ne savais pas ce que c'était mais au début, j'avais du mal à l'apprécier. Quelque chose n'allait pas avec elle et c'est en la suivant dans l'intrigue que j'ai su. J'ai trouvé que l'auteur a bien joué avec la psychologie de la protagoniste. Kit est terriblement humaine dans ses comportements. Au fil de sa vie, sa marge de liberté change, ses choix ont des conséquences et la jeune femme fait comme elle peut pour s'adapter et compenser. Elle a des besoins auxquels il faut qu'elle réponde et même si ce n'est pas toujours avec la bonne manière, pour elle cela marche -bien qu'on s'entende que sur le long terme, ce n'est pas bon. Et c'est ce côté de sa personne, de son histoire que j'ai aimé parce que nous pouvons tous plus ou moins nous identifier à ses sentiments ou son vécu en tant qu'êtres humains.
Enfin, c'était un bon roman psychologie, rempli de mystères. Je regretterais presque que l'histoire ne soit pas un peu plus terrifiante ahah.


While this book fits into everything I avoid in my readings (paranormal, thriller), usually causing me too much angst and fear, the opinions surrounding this story have ended up intriguing me all the same... So much so that I decided to start reading it.
When it comes to contacting the dead, it's easy to go a step too far

Every year, as the anniversary of 9/11 inches closer on the calendar, Kit Capriol scans the memorials published in the New York Times. It's a simple thing to look up a name and phone number, to reach out to surviving family members who might still be yearning for connection with their lost loved one... to offer assistance. After her husband went down in the north tower, Kit scraped by as an actress, barely supporting herself and her daughter. But now Zoey is in the hospital, bills are due, and the acting work has dried up. Becoming a medium is almost too easy for someone used to pretending for a living—and desperate clients aren't hard to come by.
Now, though, something has changed. The seances Kit holds in her apartment are starting to feel unsettlingly real, and the intriguing man she met at a local bar could be more complicated than he seems. As the voices of the dead grow louder in her head and the walls of her apartment close in, Kit realizes that despite her daughter's absence, she hasn't been quite as alone as she thought...
I have to say it was a pretty good read.
Besides the anguish because I was afraid of being too afraid, in fact, I had let myself be overwhelmed for nothing haha. It was a story that slowly made me shudder and made me think about its outcome throughout my reading.
The author's writing style was beautiful, almost poetic. In this story, he created a rather heavy atmosphere, without being overwhelming. The nods to the paranormal, the maintained suspense were so discreet and well distilled over the course of the story that I devoured each page, without being afraid, put in confidence by the author and his story.
Kit is a character that I have come to appreciate over the pages. I didn't know what it was but at first I found it hard to appreciate her. Something was wrong with her and it was following her in the plot that I found out. I found that the author played well with the psychology of the protagonist. Kit is terribly human in her behavior. Over the course of her life, her margin of freedom changes, her choices have consequences and the young woman does what she can to adapt and cope. She has needs and even if it isn't always in the right way, for her it works -although we agree that in the long term, it isn't good. And it's this side of her person, of her story that I liked because we can all more or less identify with her feelings or her experience as human beings.
Finally, it was a good psychology book, filled with mysteries. I almost wish the story was a little more terrifying haha.

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I really enjoyed this one. A creepy supernatural thriller with an interesting lead character, of dubious morality, and a plot that continually surprises, particularly in the second half. An entertaining read, it would make a good Netflix horror series.

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Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review!

I thought this book was going to be super creepy, but unfortunately, it was a major disappointment. I could not finish the novel and ended up DNF-ing around 30% in. The plot always felt like it was trying to do something more than it ever accomplished. Maybe the dialogue just didn't connect with me, but I would be willing to try another book from this author in the future.

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