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A Cosy Christmas at Bridget’s Bicycle Bakery

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A cute, easy read Christmas book that left me smiling. Mulberry-on-Sea holds so many happy memories for Bridget and it’s here she brings her three children to live, hoping to bring back their smiles after life has dealt them some cruel blows. I really liked how Bridget and her children worked together making the beach house cosy and delivering food to those in need.

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This book is part of a series but in my opinion it is more of a standalone book.
Although it was nice to return to Mulberry On Sea this book in my opinion was not as good as other books by this author, and the storyline felt rushed and didn't have a great deal of depth to it.
Thanks to netgalley and the publishers for this read.

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This is book 4 in the Carringtons series I haven't read the previous 3, but found this easy to read as a stand-alone.

Bridget and her children are looking for a fresh start after a really tough time. Fleeing to the safety of Mulberry On Sea, they find themselves in a run-down beach house owned by Bridget’s inlaws.
Needing to make a living Bridget falls back on her love of baking and her bicycle bakery is born.
With the support of old and new friends Bridget and her children begin to rebuild their lives.

This is a lovely, festive read. It deals with the sadness of grief and loss, but it is also full of happier times and brighter things to come.
An easy read, warm and cosy with a gentle romance and some adorable dogs.
Absolutely charming.

With thanks to #NetGalley and #HarperCollinsOneMoreChapter for an ARC of #ACosyChristmasAtBridget’sBicycleBakery by #AlexBrown.

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That was a perfect feel good Christmas read. What better way to start the festive season than the aroma of sourdough, stollen and mince pies baking in the Aga. The sad start to the story makes the heart sink but is soon lifted by the end when romance finally blossoms. I have not read any other books in the Carrington series but I will definitely purchase them now Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for the arc

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A Cosy Christmas at Bridget's Bicycle Bakery was a cute, short and easy read.

I am addicted to Christmas romances, and read a ton of them. and while this one was fun enough, it didn't hold up to my favourite titles. So I'll still happily give it 3 stars, as it had me well entertained, and was a quick read.

I liked that it was mostly a positive and upbeat story, despite the family in th espotlight having lost their husband/father a year ago, and having to start anew. It was the fluffy sort of book that makes you feel warm without challenging you, or your emotions at all.

And this is were it just fell a bit flat for me. The love interest was just too perfect all around, and I never got a real feel for any of the characters. Their lifes just turned around in a sort of magical way, instead of a relatable character arc, if you know what I mean. They were all nice anough, but I just didn't get enough of a connection to *really* care for any of them.

It was a warm and cozy read, one you can definitely devour after a horrid and long day at work (which I did). So even if I would have wanted a little bit more of depth to it, I do not regret having read it.

(One more little gripe for me was, 21 pages out of 223 according to my ereader where recipes, but mostly advertising and "other books you could enjoy". While I do not mind soem of that, a whopping 20 pages and so 10% of the whgole book was just a tad too much.)

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This is a really heart warming book. Dealing with some difficult issues, it explores how people recover from grief and move forward. Great characters and really well-written. Highly recommended.

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Reading Christmas stories in autumn is one of my simple pleasures! A Cosy Christmas at Bridget's Bicycle Bakery is a fell-good Christmas story that also incorporates some heavy subjects. A light story but also thought-provoking. Very enjoyable.

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I love this author’s books and this one definitely lived up to expectations.

Bridget grew up in Mulberry-on-Sea and it is where she met Ted, the love of her life. Now having to make a fresh start after Ted's death, she returns to Mulberry with her three children. Bridget needs to provide for her family, so she turns to her love of baking and decides to sell her bread and pastries to the local community. As the community envelopes Bridget and her children into their midst, can this grief-stricken finally begin to heal?

A lovely warmhearted story with a great mix of characters which I thoroughly enjoyed. Looking forward to the next one.

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Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinions are my own.

This is a sweet Christmas theme story of a new widow with three children forced to move to her in laws beach house which is in great disrepair. Her positivity and hope for their new life infuses her grieving children with new life. Soon she makes new friends and embraces old friends and builds a business based on her love of baking. She begins selling homemade bread and pies in the village and soon her business is proving to be a life line for her and her family.

This is a adorable feel good read with likable nice charcters. Its a story of starting over, of second chances to live life anew and of family. I loved it .

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Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter/Harper Collins Publishers Ltd. for a copy of "A Cosy Christmas at Bridget's Bicycle Bakery" in exchange for my honest review.

Bridget Carrington lost her husband over a year ago to an unknown heart condition. He was the love of her life since they were both 17, he had only been 37. Having trouble making ends meet she moves back to Mulberry-On-Sea where she and Ted were from. Ted's parents have a beach house and they were more than happy to have Bridget and her 14 year old twins Oscar and Olly and 6 year old Freya move in. As well as Snuggle and Chewy the guinea pigs and Henry a fun loving retriever.

Bridget's dream was to bake and she soon has more orders than she ever thought possible. Everyone welcomed her back with open arms, grateful to have great bread and mince pies. Bridget meets Jake and while not sure what to do at first, the kids warm to Jake and welcome him into their family.

This book is full of sad moments but even more laugh out loud moments. A truly heartwarming Christmas story.

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I loved this! Sad, but heartwarming. Newly widowed mother of three has to sell and move back to home town, moving into her in-laws beach house which has seen better days, just before Christmas. Snow, snowball fights, sledging, bicycles, bread, a good looking man, and the start of a new romance??? Lovely, sad, heartwarming, I had to finish it.

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From the first page I knew I would love this book. Written with warmth and humour it has some poignant moments that made me cry but oh so many laugh out loud moments too! A lovely warm-hearted book which took me back to the Christmases of my child hood.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Bridget and her family are having a tough year. She hopes she can lift her kids spirits over the holidays. She moves to a small town where everyone knows everyone. This book is nice to read with a cup of hot chocolate.

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With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy in return for an honest review.

A sweet and enjoyable Christmas story that will help you feel the magic of Christmas. I loved the setting of the book and the characters were likable. Definitely recommend for a fun Christmas read.

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A Cosy Christmas at Bridget's Bicycle Bakery is such a heart-felt story about heart break and moving forward. Bridget Carrington has come back to her hometown with his teenage twin boys and young daughter after the tragic passing of her love, Ted. Baking has provided the necessary salvation in her times of grief. She soon finds the village welcomes her delicious delicacy as she cycles the seaside making deliveries.

A feel good read with wonderful characters and a slow-build to a second-chance at loving again. This book will make you believe in Christmas miracles when you don't trust you can overcome a broken heart.

I requested this book not knowing it was part of a series. The good news is that it can be a stand alone in the Carrington's stories. Thank you NetGally and HarperCollinsUK for the complimentary copy of the book.

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This was so sweet and cheery! Cute and clean this is a great little holiday read. This is my first by this author but it won’t be my last.
Bridget’s husband has passed away suddenly, leaving her and her children to figure out how to go on without him. They move back to her husband’s family’s holiday home where she had so many happy memories with him. As they start over, Bridget picks up where she left off with some of her friends and starts doing the thing she loves best, baking. And as people hear about her delicious baked goods, they queue up for it and it inspires her to take it to those that can’t come to her to get it. And when her old car gives up on her, she makes deliveries on her bike! She also meets a handsome stranger which totally catches her off guard ;)
Fun little side note: there’s recipes for some of the things she makes in the back of the book.
Thanks to Harper Collins Publishing and Netgalley for this arc in exchange for my review.

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This is a delightful book that left me smiling and my heart full. The perfect book to curl up with on a snowy day with a mug of hot chocolate or mulled wine.

The characters are wonderful, especially the three children who are adorable and sweet. All of the references to Jack and Bridgerton were funny. I like the humour which brought some wonderful and laughable moments. I so easily pictured the first escapade with Bridget and the dog lol. The setting sounds absolutely beautiful and it’s nice to read a book that is full of normal people. The author doesn’t dwell on “looks” and more on the personalities of the characters, although I would like to meet Jack!

I didn’t realize that this is the fourth book in this series and you definitely don’t have to read the others first. This is a great stand alone book that you won’t want to put down. I look forward to reading more books by this author. It was such a treat to read this book and to find myself smiling as I’m reading. A huge thanks to Harper Collins Uk and One More Chapter for the chance to read this lovely book.

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Bridget lost her husband Ted; her three kids lost their dad. And they've been struggling financially so when Ted's parents offer their cottage in Mulberry-on-the Sea she can't turn it down. The village is just what they need. She meets Jack on their first night there and that relationship grows slowly. This is very much a feel good novel (just the thing these days!) but it's never saccharine. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. I really enjoyed this.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Christmas is still a way off but saying that I really liked this book and the storyline and characters made me smile.

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I loved it. Bridget's move to a run down cottage in Mulberry-on-sea turned out to be so good for her. Sad at times especially when she was to find herself homeless just before Christmas but heartwarming when the locals all helped each other. I enjoyed reading how Bridget started her little business making bread for the locals. I really enjoyed how Bridget's second chance at love unfolded. A great read for the holiday season.

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