Member Reviews

I an unable to review this title, as it was archived before I had a chance to download and read it. This feedback is only to stop this title from adversely affecting my netgalley feedback rate. If in the future I have the opportunity to read this title, I will post a proper review here.

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I sadly was unable to access my copy of this book it just didn’t wanna load up but will definitely get a physical copy of it.

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Once again I could not read this book due a time limit, I wish I could have read this one as the story has a female POC

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1.5 stars

Another day of reading a comic I thought was a standalone only to be confused as to why I didn't see previous events that the characters were talking about and then find out through Google that it's a huge universe. (75% my fault and 25% for the publishers to expect every reader to know their big universe comic series.)

Regardless, I didn't like most of it. I was wondering why the stories were disjointed and found that the book were three volumes combined.

Vol 1 was a 3 ⭐
Vol 2 was a 2 ⭐
Vol 3 was a 1 ⭐

The book was just going downhill with every issue plus the sudden art change was not for me. (I'm aware the average of the ratings isn't equal to what I gave the whole thing but that's just how I feel about it).

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with the digital copy for an honest review.

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I was not able to read this arc because the book didn't show on my netgalley shelf, sadly. I tried eveything.

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With the plot of Livewire being not the easiest to follow (plot wise) it was hard for me to finish Livewire; I didn’t know what exactly was going on for half of the story. At times I felt a connection with the characters but then they would feel flat, which I personally disliked. I did feel bad for Amanda in the novel and because of this I could keep reading it to the end.

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Plot: This volume follows the fall out from “Harbinger Wars II” which I had no clue at the time and spent the first part of this pretty confused. This Graphic Novel is Amanda (Livewire) coming to terms with causing a massive blackout in the USA that causes thousands of injures and deaths. It’s a bit of a soul searching saga that defiantly has it’s ups and downs. I defiantly felt for her.

Art: I loved the art, I thought it’s big bold colours helped set the mood and understand where Amanda’s headspace was at a lot of the time.

Page Turner: Yes, at first I was hoping for some more explanation as to what was going on. Once I figured it out and got into the story I was hooked. I wanted to know how she’d fix being the most wanted and hated person in the country.

Get the Next Issue?: Yes, and probably “Harbinger War II” to see how it all went down.

Special thank you to NetGalley and Valiant Entertainment for sharing this digital copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

#netgalley #LiveWire

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To start with, I want to say that I loved the art in this graphic novel. It was beautiful and detailed and mesmerizing.
Now the story itself wasn't as great in my opinion, mainly because I didn't feel a connection to the characters. They felt very far away.
It was still enjoyable and an easy read, but I guess I was just hoping for a bit more with this.
Overall I would say it's a good read if you need a quick reset in between books.

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First I want to thank Netgalley for giving me an E-arc of this book “Livewire” in exchange for my honest review.

Here I am about to talk about what I thought of the whole series of comics as a whole.

Livewire is a psiot with the power of technology to control with her mind, she only wants to keep her family safe and all her children, but the cost of that was to shut down the energy in the whole country killing a lot of people, now she is the most wanted in the whole country, and she only wants to be left alone with her family.

We during the three comics watch how livewire only wants to protect the people that need it, and that’s a really good thing about the character, also because the principal is a POC, makes me love her more.

I have to mention I didn’t get the connection among the three comics, they are all different anecdotes of livewire but I wanted something that were more together and have connections chronologically but it didn’t and I have a problem with it.

Another problem it’s the holes that the comics left us with, they talk to us about some characters that we were never introduced to, like if we already knew them, so I was also kinda lost because of that.

Anyway, these were my rate in every comic:


And as the whole series of livewire I am going to rate it 3.5/5 I cannot say it wasn’t entertaining but it really took it out with my confusion.

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The art on this book is exceptional. The cover it beautiful. The idea sounds amazing! I just wanted this to work, but it really doesn’t There is far too much exposition for a comic book. Comics are visual and I want them to be. Sure, there are plenty of old time comics with lots of words, but those could have stood to have some more visual storytelling as well. I like to read. I read all the time. I think maybe livewire should have been a novel instead.

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”Livewire” by Vita Ayala is an excellent new addition to the Valiant universe. It deals with discrimination, race, hardship, and the intricacies of technology. It is highly recommended and i look forward to seeing their new creations!

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I got to read this book thanks to NetGalley, Diamond Book Distributors and Valiant Entertainment.

First off, I want to say I went in completely blind, only read a small synopsis. The convenience of all the comics being in one book is always something I like from the get go. The 30+ pages of art at the end are definitely a good bonus, even more so if you're a fan of the series.

What I most enjoyed about the story is the hint and paralles you can do between psiots, how they are and were treated, how they are perceived, etc. and other real life marginalized groups. I would say the whole politic arc of it in the last few volumes is the stronger part of the story too. I felt like it took some time for me to get into it, and at some point wasn't sure I would enjoy myself much, but mostly because I might not be the typical superheroes comics reader. I also wondered if knowing a bit more about the whole universe and lore would have made the first few volumes more enjoyable for me.

The style of the drawing is the most interesting in the battle scenes. You can see the illustrator is really into how the human body works in regards to muscles and movements. Livewire is, after all, fit and muscular. Some drawings of her and others more muscular character when there are not fighting are a bit over the top in that regards however. But the art at the end of the book is really really nice and I also enjoyed how they put some sketches and the process behind constructing a whole page.

In the end, even if I kinda liked the way Livewire gets to go through some process of grief towards her own action (the main action who jumpstart the whole story), I felt like I wanted more out of her "acceptance". Maybe 12 volumes were not enough space to explore that and go a little deeper however. I also feel like I don't know her much, even though we have access to part of her backstory. I still think she's cool, but I don't quite undestand her and I feel like part if not a lot of her motivation is very "basic" (I cannot find the right word, but basically this 1 thing, or 1 thing and a half, and it's there, she refers to it a lot and repeats it to whoever will hear it, but it sometimes feels like a broken record, maybe because her connection to it isn't shown all that much thoughout the series, she mostly tells us about it). I also think some part of the story are left unresolve: some characters who seem to be important for Livewire or to the story are not explored much or their arc are cut short and it's unclear what happens to them (I had trouble understanding the whole school/orphanage arc and how it added to the overall story).

So to sum up, if you're a fan, this deluxe edition is very nice. For a newbie like me, it's nice to be able to go through the whole thing in one book. However, be aware that the story has some issues and that you might not understand some stuff if you're not already familiar with the universe.

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This graphic novel was definitely one that I would read over and over again! I didn't want it to end because I loved getting to know the characters throughout the series. The artwork was very detailed and I couldn't wait to see what the next issue was going to entail.

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I am confused.

I know that I'm not the target audience for this book. I rarely read science-fiction and also rarely read graphic novels. So, take my review and rating with a grain of sand.

The art was done very well. Vivid pictures and tons of color and intensity. The plot was weird to say the least and I always felt like I was one step behind. I repeatedly checked to make sure I wasn't accidently reading a sequel (still unclear) because I felt like there was so much information that they assumed you understood or already knew. The first 100-150 pages were the most confusing. Once I hit the 200 page mark, it was easy enough to follow.

Maybe I don't read graphic novels enough to pick up on the subtle changes, but I was also confused when it came to knowing what was spoken dialogue and what was internal thoughts. At one point, the font changed and I had no idea who was talking/thinking.

This definitely won't be the last graphic novel I read or the last sci-fi, but it definitely won't be my favorite.

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I'll preface this by saying that I have not read Valiant comics in the past, and did not have any familiarity with Livewire before picking this up to read. I did some googling on the characters, which helped a lot because this was not the introduction of the character, Once I felt situated and the action moved along across the 12 issues, I found it to be very enjoyable. I would argue that the third volume (Champion) was the strongest of the three since it told a self-contained story and moved the overall plot of the character along. The artwork was very nice and did a great job making Livewire's powers visually interesting. This overcame some issues with repetitive storytelling and Livewire's powerlessness in her own story.

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Wasn't able to read it, disappointed. because it looked cool. The file type wouldn't download. The cover looks amazing though.

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I can’t give an accurate review of this as for some reason it was impossible for me to access the file. It would download and then refuse to open. I’ve tried every single troubleshooting method.

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Looks gorgeous but I couldn't download it. Shame, I was so excited to read it the concept is so interesting and the art seems beautiful

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Unfortunately, I did not care much for this. Firstly because the "Psiots are persecuted" concept is clearly just Marvel's "Anti-Mutant Bigotry" in very slightly different clothes. Secondly, because I didn't like the majority of the art, particularly that in (most of) the last act. Third, because I don't read a superhero comic to read a story about someone whose every effort achieves nothing, who is frequently punked by those she faces, and whose whole quest is ultimately achieved not by her own actions but by the machinations of the unpowered Machiavellian politician who suddenly pops up two-thirds of the way through.

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Livewire is on the run after being painted a terrorist. To protect her kind, the psiots, she plunged the US into a blackout. Running from the government she used to serve and contracted to find missing psiots, she’ll face some tough choices as she tries to protect her own while fighting the forces that would control them. This collection has all the issues plus some bonus art and materials.

I really enjoyed this collection. It’s all twenty issues and it was really easy to just keep going until the end. I finished it in one (kind of long) setting, and the extras were cool to see. It’s fast paced with dynamic characters. The plot moves quickly and there’s a lot of action to keep the story moving. The art is dope and I enjoyed that Livewire wasn’t a while dude or lady. Though you can probably grab the individual issues now if you can’t wait, this dope collection is out on August 10th if you, like me, are a completionist.

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