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This May End Badly

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OMG I loved everything about this book!!!! This book was a huge reminder of why I am starting to love YA books more and more. We meet Doe, who together with her friends are the leaders of pranks against their rival school, this all boys school across the way. Doe and Three's banter was giving me LIFE!!! I couldn't stop laughing, and even her friends in this book were so damn funny, I couldn't stop smiling or laughing.

This makes me wish I went to a school like this, Doe was transferred to this school after her parents divorced and her whole world shattered, she had to deal with a lot especially with the bullies in her old school that resulted in her acting out even more. This all girls schools saved her, but then there is a merger that needs to happen to help save the school and it's with the rival all boys school, and Doe was not going to make it easy for anyone in the school. Doe being the leader that she is and someone all the younger girls look up to she is making it her duty to voice her opinion and the pranks were getting crazier.

But when Wells, Three's cousin told her about a proposition to get under Three's skin and also as a favor for something he wants from Three as well, Doe went for it, even though she finds him to be a very attractive guy. A lot goes on after that, she starts to develop feelings, her relationship with her friends are all over the place, Doe is becoming obsessed with this whole merger thing, and then to make matters even wilder there is a younger student reaching out for help, and Doe is there for her, together with her friends.

This book was just amazing, I cant stop saying this enough, not only does Doe finally find her footing in the world, she mends her relationship with her closest friends, she learns to accept change, her relationship with her parents is even stronger than ever, this book is by far the most realistic YA but fictional book I have ever read. I cant wait until this book launches. Thank you Netgalley, and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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If you love books with the fake dating trope, this one is for you. The love interests are so cute together, I even ended up liking Doe, she can be very unlikeable throughout the book. She’s one of those characters you just want to grab and shake! But Wells, he is amazing.

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this was a fun and easy read with a prep school setting, which i always enjoy. reading this felt like coming home after a long day and finally being able to breathe. the rivals schools and the fake dating was also a nice touch.

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Thank you so much for an advanced copy of This May End Badly!

Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: YA Fiction
Pub Date: April 12, 2022

I really enjoyed this book. I thought the story itself was fast-paced and enjoyable, and I liked that the action kept coming! I was consistently engaged with wondering what would happen next! I was glued to my pages from start to finish. I thought the characters were complex and interesting, and I really liked the plot.

My only complaint is that there was a lot going on in the plot, so some of the points seemed a bit underdeveloped, including a rushed ending. After being so engaged in the story, I would have enjoyed the plot points being hashed out a little more.

Other than that, though, this was a really good YA read!

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This book is much like high school - sweet, complicated, chaotic, exciting, romantic, and empowering. Doe is a complex heroine and almost unlikable, but I appreciate her. I like that she isn't perfect. And she leads a compelling story full of interesting characters. Especially Wells. Wells is a swoony delight and definitely the YA romance hero of dreams.

Thank you to Netgalley, Wednesday Books, and the author for the eARC in exchange for my review.

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It took me so long to get through this book. I didn’t really have any care about the characters and wouldn’t really care to reread in the future.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc of "This May End Badly" by Samantha Markum.

Doe is in her senior year at Weston School for Girls when her headmistress announces that Weston will be merging with Winfield Academy, the rival school for boys that is across the street. The prank war and rivalry she has had with Winfield boy Three for the last three years is now going to go to a whole new level and this is where Three's cousin Wells comes in.

There were parts of this book that I absolutely adored, Wells and Doe and Doe's character development at the end of the story, and there were parts of this book that I hated, the entirety of the prank war between Doe and Three. Overall I thought that maybe this entire story could have focused more on what became the main conclusion of the book (and incidentally the way that Doe made up with her friends) and the Wells story and left out the prank war entirely. I thought there was a big disconnect between the Doe who would help out the first years, without even thinking about it really, and the Doe who would go to so much trouble to prank Winfield. Also the way that Three and Doe patched mostly everything up at the end of the book felt a little pushed considering what had happened between them so far.

The ending and the Wells and Doe relationship where what saved this story for me and gained it a four star rating.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press/ Wednesday Books for the e-ARC and opportunity to read and review this title. This was a conflicting read for me. It was very challenging for me to get through the introduction and get pulled in to the journey. My immediate impression was that either the stakes were just not high enough (two single-gender boarding schools merging and going co-ed -- but after all our main characters graduate so literally nothing about their lives would hypothetically change except their idea of "legacy.") or that I just didn't care too much about what the characters were up to (mainly pulling pranks between the rival schools.) I thought a book that was going to be ALL about pranks would have to have some pretty EPIC pranks to move the plot along, but of course, this story wasn't going to be all about the prank war.

At least halfway through the book is when I realized that our characters all had personalities all beyond their school rivalries, with important stuff going on at home and within their families that could really use some page time. As soon as the story started going into the cast's individual family dynamics and exploring their own goals in school, I thought, okay this is going somewhere - and then I was hooked to fly through my reading.

The sorta rivals-to-lovers and fake dating are the best parts of this story, all very rewarding storylines. Close second is a bit more of a spoiler so I won't mention it, but about 80% through there is a moment that shows the strength of these schools and the students in them --- the first time in the book I thought that the characters really were who they were because of their surroundings and they'd use their voices and cunningness to make actual change around them.

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With an all-boys boarding school literally across the street from an all-girls boarding school, how could they be anything but rivals? The prank wars have been going on for decades. Doe and her friends, now in their senior year, have elevated the pranks to an epic level. They are shocked to learn that there are plans in the works to merge the two schools. Doe begins a campaign to stop the merger in addition to the pranks, making all sorts of questionable choices along the way, including fake dating one of the boys. This was a fun read with both light hearted and serious moments. Highly recommended for grades 8 & up.

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Honestly I don’t even know where to start with this book. The romance was great. The fake dating trope slaps every time and this is no exception. Their banter was top notch I will not lie. Doe and Wells >>>>>>>

The characters were so great and I felt myself relating to Doe. She is confused on what she wants to do with her life which is very relatable to people my age (teens) and probably everyone else have had this same struggle. Doe’s choices at times can be… frustrating but she knows she did something wrong and there is nothing I love more than a character taking responsibility for her actions.

I adored the plot with the prank war and the social commentary on how predators are treated especially in a setting like this. It covered a really heavy topic in a pretty good way. I loved how everyone put aside their differences and arguments for the greater good of the students and the schools.


Thank you NetGalley and St. Martins Press for an eARC of this book and I look forward to reading more books from Samantha Markum in the future!

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I usually love books set in boarding schools but this one was a bit of a struggle. By the end, I came to terms with it but there were several times I strongly considered a DNF. I'm trying to pinpoint what didn't work for me and it was probably the MC/narrator Doe. I didn't feel she was honest with herself or as a character for a reader. Something felt off and some motivation that was essential was not described and went unnamed for most of the book. It left me feeling cheated. Hope you have better luck!

This May End Badly comes out next week on April 12, 2022 and you can purchase HERE.

"Don't let anyone make you feel like a screwup. I can't think of someone who's less of a screwup. I think—I think you're—"

My heart pounds, my skin turning hot.

Well's cheeks go pink. "You're, like, the best person I've ever met."

And even thought we're barely touching, I kind of feel like—I don't know—like I've been kisses within an inch of my life.

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5/5 stars

I loved this book! I enjoyed the characters, themes, plot, and romance.

Doe was such a relatable character for me. In her final year of highschool she’s stagnant. No idea what she wants to do, no idea where she even wants to go for college. So, she focuses on the prank war and her school, the only things she feels she can control and in doing so she makes many, many mistakes. I loved that the teenagers were teenagers and made genuine mistakes any scared teenager would. And while I wanted to shake some sense into Doe half the time, it was understandable why she made the mistakes she made. And you know what I love as much as understandable mistakes? Consequences that match the mistakes! The consequences Doe was handed after all her mistakes made complete sense and I loved it.

Doe and Wells had me giggling like a maniac. Banter? Check. Tension? Check. Fake dating done immaculately? Check, check, check. I loved them so much I can not express it. The way they gradually went from enemies to reluctant allies to friends to maybe more was exceptionally well done. To put it simply; Doe and Wells live rent free in my brain.

Now there is a lot going on in this book. A prank war, fake dating, merging of the two schools, and a pervy teacher. To many people this may be a lot but I thought overall it was handled well. I thought the end with the pervy teacher was done very well and I was cheering them on so much.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I do recommend upper YA readers because of the themes. (16+)

TW: sexual assault (off page, described in minor detail), unwanted touching, pedophilia (off page), slurs (in the past, off page)

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What's it about (in a nutshell):
This May End Badly by Samantha Markum is a complex and moving romantic comedy about Doe (short for Dorothy) and her friends during their last year at The Weston School. Doe is the queen of pranks against the rival boys' school, and she has big plans for her senior year.

What I Enjoyed:
The aspect I loved the most about this story is how much is going on. The story is told by Doe, and since she is a complex young woman with a complicated mind, I think it is only natural that the story would cover a lot of ground. But it does so in a way that I could easily follow, and everything happening worked to keep the pace quick and hold my attention.

I also enjoyed the combination of less severe plotlines with more serious ones. The pranks against the boys' school and the rivalry between Doe and Three (her male counterpart) are funny, witty, and entertaining. The stunts reminded me of pranks that go on today during Senior prank day, though loads more creative. These fun events are interspersed with the more serious issue of a male teacher who makes many girls feel uncomfortable and whom there have been rumors about for the whole five years he has been at The Weston School. I like to say this plotline is unrealistic, but it is not unusual in high schools today. These different threads form an entertaining story that is lots of fun as well as a tool for bringing awareness to an issue that is often swept under the rug.

I love a good enemies-to-lovers tale. This May End Badly develops a remarkable story of a fake relationship turned real. I was mesmerized and ultimately emotionally invested. I loved Doe and Wells individually. Together, they were just perfect with their witty banter, undeniable chemistry, and unwavering support.

Doe is the main character and tells this tale through 1st person narration. She is full of passion, especially when protecting the underdog and righting all of the world's wrongs. Being a born leader, Doe is never happier than she is when her friends are around her. She is loyal, committed, and not scared to do things that are heard – whether they be right or wrong. The complexities and layers that form this character are so compelling that I couldn't help but feel for her as she became her own worst enemy and stood by her as she struggled to find her way through challenges.

The support characters are also well-developed and create a lovely story about friendships, how messy they can be, and how rewarding they are.

What I Wish:
I don't have anything that I would change about this story. I found it highly entertaining with a touch of reality, making it easy to suspend disbelief. The story flowed easily, and the characters were all interesting to read about.

To Read or Not to Read:
If you are looking for a fun read with complex characters and entertaining situations, this is the book you must get today!

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy of THIS MAY END BADLY by Samantha Markum. It actually took me the first 25% or so for me to get into this book, but then I super did and couldn't put it down. For some reason it took me a minute to feel invested in the characters at all—there were a lot of names and I couldn't keep track and didn't care to, and wasn't sure what kind of story this was going to be exactly. Once the romance really got started, I was hooked. That's typical for me. But it was so well done; I was pulled right back to high school and how it felt to fall in love at that age. The real best part, though, was the MC, Doe's, character growth. Honestly, this book took the fake dating trope, pulled you in with it, then showed you how messed up that trope is, and how messed up a person would have to be to participate in it. Then it showed you why Doe and her LI Wells are so messed up, and it gave them realistic consequences for their messed up behavior. Then they changed, they did better, they redeemed themselves, and then they were able to be happy together. I was just sitting there being so impressed with how well-written the character arcs were. I definitely recommend it!

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I’m not usually a huge fan of YA books but I heard great things about this one so I thought I would give it a try. It was so good!! The author had a fantastic way about making the characters realistic and the storyline, while silly, still believable enough to be interesting. Highly recommend!

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This story is everything I want in a YA Contemporary Romance. It's sweet, it's funny, it's encouraging. It's got some of my favorite elements and tropes, like fake dating, boarding school drama, and heartwarming best friend relationships. This book is told from Doe's point of view, and while Doe's stubborn single-mindedness can sometimes get her into too much trouble, she's also a kind, loyal person who you can't help but root for (even when you want to knock some sense into her). This book is also really funny and full of some absolutely insane pranks. I can't imagine actually going through a prank war this intense, but it adds such a good humor to the story, and makes it perfect for someone looking for a light, fun book to escape into. While overall really fun, it also portrays teenagers standing up against sexual misconduct in a powerful and encouraging way as well, which was nice to see.

I love the characters. They are diverse and interesting, from our protagonist to our love interest to our meaningful side characters. I especially loved Doe's friend group, not only diverse in terms of demographic backgrounds, but also varying personalities that blend together so well. Some quiet and contemplative, some impulsive, some anxiety-ridden, some boosting with confidence. But they are such strong, supportive friends and are a great model of the kind of friend group I think we all want.

I also love the goofiness of the story. It's like watching a rom-com, but in book form. There's plenty of ridiculous pranks, witty and sarcastic characters, silly teenage jokes that are always way funnier than they should be, and parents who live to embarrass their children. It balances with the serious moments well and makes for a book I did not want to put down.

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Do you ever read a book and it stays in your head for months after? So much in fact that you already want to read it again? That is what happen to me with Samantha Markum’s debut book, This May End Badly. It was exactly the kind of YA contemporary book I love to read. Simply put the book was a joy and I loved every minute of it.

This May End Badly is the story of Doe, a proud student of The Weston School, an all girl school she has been attending. She wears her school like a badge of honor and takes all things tradition very seriously, including the prank war with the all boys school, Winfield Academy. Doe is ready to make senior year the best this rivalry has every seen. That is until it is announced that Weston and Winfield will merge at the end of the school year. Now Doe has to prove that Weston and Winfield are not what dreams are made of and she starts by trying to take down the king at Winston, her nemesis, Three. What Doe never saw coming was Three’s cousin Wells. And when Doe finds herself fake dating Wells, she has to start looking at what is really important to her.

Full disclosure, Doe drove me nuts about 75% of This May End Badly. But not because I didn’t like her or want her to find her happy ending, but because she was her own worst enemy and could not/would not get out of her own way. But if I’m honest she really was pretty great. And her relationship with Wells, fake or real, was really the star of the show for me. There was not one second of their story that I didn’t love. They played off one anther so well that I was swooning from start to finish. And even more than the relationship between these two was the friendship with Doe and her Weston girls. Even when she was single minded she always thought she had the best interest of the girls in her mind, misguided or not. That was a true highlight of the book.

It really is hard for me to accurately describe how much I loved This May End Badly. I know as soon as I finished I told so many people to have this book on their radar. It is one of those books you wish you could read for the first time all over again and I’m sad I can’t do that, but so happy so many of you will be able to. Do yourself a favor and add this to your TBR ASAP!!!

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Doe is beginning her senior year at Weston Academy. She absolutely loves her school, her friends, and dong anything and everything to outdo the boys of their rival school in a prank war. When Doe learns that the end of the year the two schools will be combining she is desperate to do anything she can to put a stop to it. Her goal to escalate the rivalry and prove the two schools don’t mix has her doing strange things, even fake dating her nemesis’s cousin to get under his skin.

What Doe doesn’t expect is the fall out from her obsession to win the prank war at all costs. Her actions puts many of her relationships at risk, but even while everything seems to be falling apart around her, she finds herself drawn more and more to the boy she’s supposed to be fake dating.

I many things about this book, particularly Doe’s friends, how her relationship develops with Wells, and how the students from both schools come together for a greater purpose in the end. Doe is a strong and determined character, who was interesting to read about. There were moments when her tunnel vision, as far as the prank war went, felt slightly repetitive to me but other than that I really enjoyed following her journey.

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Honestly? This is a YA book and the main character (Doe) is a spoiled girl that wants what she wants regardless of it making sense or not. But she kind of gets it at some point and (surprisingly) it doesn't end so bad for her. But what the title / the book is about is a possible merger between a school for girls (where Doe studies) with a school for boys (their rival school). That is what might end badly. It was a just okay book. I didn't like the narrator / main character, or even the main story, but you might find it interesting.

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Thank you @Wednesdaybooks and @netgalley for the #gifted eARC!

Pranks wars, battle of the sexes and private schools?!?!?!

THIS MAY END BADLY is basically catnip for my YA loving self!

While Doe and her single-minded focus on destroying Three and the Winfield boys at times read very childish and selfish to me, once I reminded myself that a) her character is 17 and b) this book is not written with a woman in her mid-30s as its intended audience, I was able to get back to enjoying the book.

My main complaint is the names of the characters. There are so many W’s to keep straight… Winfield, Weston, Wells, Wellborn… I’m sure I’m forgetting a few!

I loved the pranks, Doe’s band of loyal friends, first loves, and watching these characters grow up throughout the book.

THIS MAY END BADLY is out 4/12/22!


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