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Undercurrent of Secrets

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Time split novel of a present-day wedding coordinator, Devyn, and a young woman abandoned as a baby 100 years earlier, Hattie. Their common thread is the steamboat Belle of Louisville. Devyn is caught waltzing with an imaginary partner by Chase, who asks for her help is finding out who the woman is in a torn photo
It turns out that Hattie’s background isn’t what she was told. The clever twists and Hattie’s connections to Devyn and Chase pile up to a happy ending. Chase is a dream.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Undercurrent of Secrets is an exciting dual-timeline novel by Rachel Scott McDaniel.
I truly loved this story! It’s got it all: history, romance, mystery, plot twists, and a very satisfying ending!
I really enjoyed both the contemporary and historical timelines. I did not know a lot about steamboats before reading this, and I learned a good bit. Both main characters Devyn and Hattie are relatable, their struggles and triumphs realistic. And the heroes are gallant and swoon-worthy! The mystery of the story really intrigued me - I enjoy seeing old photographs, and I love that this story is centered on that. As I read on, it got more and more difficult to close the book, so I could do things like sleep or fold the laundry! The ending of both storylines, and how they connect, is totally satisfying. In fact, I’m about ready for a reread! I also think this would be a great book for someone reluctant to read historical fiction, since it includes both contemporary and historical stories. I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publishers, and was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Here are two of my favorite quotes:
“ ‘Funny thing is, I’ve been taught what love is all my life, but never realized it until this happened to me.’ His brow creased and she smiled. ‘Love is bold.’ The inquisitive bend of his brow encouraged her to continue. ‘It doesn’t cower, but expresses itself. Think of Jesus. What He did on the cross was bold. He gave His life without any guarantee that anyone would love Him back. It was daring and beautiful.’”
“She took another bite. If she was going under, it would be in a blazing glory of carbohydrates.”

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Ahhhhhhh!!! I LOVED this book!!!! Sometimes dual time books can be confusing and annoying to pop back and forth but this book flowed so smoothly! Add in romance and some mystery intrigue and I am HOOKED! Off to find more Rachel Scott McDaniel books to read!

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'Undercurrent of Secrets' is an alluring, beautifully written, passionate dual-timeline—set against the backdrop of a legendary, historic steamboat—a century apart! A story replete with secrets and deceit in both past and present, I was drawn in immediately by the unique setting, charming, sigh-worthy heroes, and witty, feisty heroines.

What's better than one mysterious romance?...two enigmatic love stories! The author does an amazing, seamless job of intertwining both time frames. I actually got goosebumps (which doesn't normally occur unless reading a suspense), at a poetic quote near the HEA conclusion and became quite misty-eyed as well. With many a twist and turn and a reoccurring theme of trusting God sure to move this novel to the top of your wishlist!

*I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Barbour via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own and I received no monetary compensation.*

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"It amazed me that this seven-foot wheel controlled the direction of a hundred-and-sixty-foot boat. Reminded me how small decisions held the power to steer my entire life. " Hattie
"God had a way of leading his children. It may not be the course Devyn had imagined, but as long as she stayed in the current of His love, she knew she could rely on Him in both the still and the troubled waters. He was faithful to steer her through it all."

The "Undercurrent of Secrets" is a dual timeline book. The sturdy backdrop for this book is the Belle of Louisville. According to the author notes, the boat (first known as the Idelwild) was "employed as a packet boat, hauling freight; as a ferry boat, carrying passengers to theme parks; and an excursion boat." Stories that are based on historical fact are my favorite, and this one is especially charming since it is based on a floating piece of history.

The modern component features Devyn. When her life falls apart, she finds a sanctuary on the boat as an event planner. I thoroughly enjoyed this character as she was sassy and funny. Her growth as a character was evident. I think the author's sense of humor shined through Devyn, and I loved that.

The historic portion revolves around Hattie. Her guardian is the fictional riverboat captain, so she has grown up on the ship. When she finds out her history, she soon wonders who she can really trust. This independent young woman also draws you into her part of the story.

The leading men in both of the time periods are also admirable, but I am not going to mention them by name to avoid spoilers. The author does let us know a few of the secrets, but she keeps some of the details tucked away until the reveal at the end of the book.

As with the other Doors of the Past books, there are connections between the two stories, but they are not what I anticipated. I have greatly enjoyed this series of dual timelines. While the books are not connected, they do all revolve around historic landmarks. Although there are a few suspenseful scenes, I consider these books to be more mystery than thriller.

I was provided an e-copy of this book as a part of a launch team. I have read and enjoyed all of the other books by this author. I knew I wanted to read this book. As much as I enjoyed her other books, I loved this dual timeline. A positive review was not expected. All opinions are my own.

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Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Set aboard a riverboat, the Belle of Louisville, readers are whisked away to the 1920s to uncover who is Hattie Louis? And what happened to her? Then back again to the present day to a chance meeting for Devyn (a wedding coordinator) and Chase aboard the Belle.

This story had two of the sweetest romances in it, past and present. I really enjoyed the dialogue between the characters - I found Hattie to be spirited and Devyn to be guarded but genuine. Jack and Chase are both men with charm and mystery attached to them. Overall - it’s a page-turner!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Ooooh so. I might have just discovered that this is #4 in a series. BUT. I’ve already read/reviewed two of them on the blog! Woo hoo! (Allison Pittman’s _The Lady in Residence_ and Pepper Basham’s _Hope Between the Pages_, if you were curious; #3 is Kimberly Woodhouse’s Bridge of Gold, which is suddenly leaping its way to the top of my TBR pile.) And, even better, each is a standalone read. So feel free to get cracking on those already released before this one comes out September 1. Your mission, should you choose to accept it … 😀

I had a gut feeling that Undercurrent of Secrets would be a fantastic read, because Rachel Scott McDaniel wrote it–and she’s an amazing author! Much to my delight, I wasn’t wrong. The read is everything I fully expected it to be!

I particularly loved the faith element woven throughout. We see characters grappling with faith and tough questions, asking God for wisdom during the process and not just after they’re already in a pickle. I’d love to see more examples of this in Christian fiction!

The time-slip component was particularly well done; I often prefer one storyline over another, but McDaniel does an admirable (LOL, no pun intended–you’ll get it when you read it!) job at breathing life into both time periods and sets of characters. Now I’d really like to see the real steamboat in person, too; I had no idea it really exists!

Fan-flipping-tastic read. 5/5.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Time-slip fans, you have to add this to your TBR! I enjoyed both the contemporary and historical (based in the 1920s) stories. This book is vastly different from Rachel Scott McDaniel’s previous novels, Above the Fold and The Red Canary, but just as gripping and well written as we’ve come to expect from her.

What’s better than one sweet love story? You guessed it. TWO sweet love stories. Both women had dealt with rejection in their lives, but in very different ways. For Devyn, it was due to a failed relationship (which is revealed at the beginning of the novel, so I think that’s an acceptable spoiler), for Hattie it’s due to being abandoned by her birth-parents and adopted by a steamboat captain (revealed on the back cover).

As Devyn and Chase dug into the past, it was so interesting finding out what happened to Hattie with (often slightly before) Devyn. I’m a big, big fan of historical so if I had to choose a favorite, it’s no surprise that I favored Hattie’s 1920s era but I really enjoyed reading Devyn’s story as well. In fact, in the beginning, I was perhaps more invested in Devyn’s world. But, as the plot thickened for Hattie (danger, adventure, secrets, love, mystery…) I did indeed become even more invested in Hattie’s story. As for the faith element, McDaniel weaved it into Undercurrent of Secrets very, very well and in a natural, fun way.

I give Undercurrent of Secrets 5 stars. Highly recommend!

Note: I was given a copy of this book by the publisher for my honest review. I love it when reviewing books is this easy!

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I was having fun reading this lighthearted story learning the history of The Belle of Louisville as Devyn and her friend prepare to enter the Timeless Wedding Venue contest, then all of a sudden, the author takes readers on a mysterious adventure. Readers meet Chase Jones, a man searching for a woman in a torn photograph. Devy's love of history draws her into this mystery. She could not pass up an opportunity to solve a case. I was fascinated by this historical aspect of the novel. The author did a marvelous job of captivating readers in both timelines. I enjoyed the steamboat setting as it made this story all the more intriguing as Chase and Devvy dig deep to uncover secrets of the Belle of Louisville riverboat. I liked the way the author naturally wove in the faith element as Devyn struggled with letting go of control and letting God be in charge of everything.

I also enjoyed how the author had Devyn and Chase learn interesting things about the ship in current time, and then the make that event in history come alive, so readers could get the full effect of the situation. This is a wonderful summer read and one that would be perfect for your next book club pick. This is the first novel I have read by this author, It won’t be the last.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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The latest offering in Barbour’s Doors to the Past collection, Undercurrent of Secrets by Rachel Scott McDaniel takes us to Louisville and the steamboat The Belle of Louisville. This dual time line connects present day Devyn Asbury, a computer programmer turned wedding planner, with Hattie Lewis, an orphan who grew up on the riverboat in the 1920s.

This is a light, pleasant read. The characters are likable and the romance it sweet. Fans of Christian fiction are sure to enjoy this one.

Undercurrent of Secrets will be available September 1, 2021. I received an advance copy from the publisher and Net Galley in exchange for my opinion.

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Oh. My. Goodness! As you can see, I give this book 5 stars!!

First of all, I loved the present and the past in equal measure. There were cliffhangers at the end of chapters that had me considering skipping chapters so I could finish one era or at least the "moment" they were in. I didn't! That would've totally ruined it, of course.

We initially meet Devyn and I loved her from the moment just before she meets Chase Jones. They have some seriously fun banter and dialogue throughout the entire story. I was drawn in by the photo he brings her, which sets them on a mystery hunt for my next favorite character! She's also been hurt and it's clear she has no desire to help Chase out for any reason, but his offer to her for her help is one she just can't ignore. And Chase, with his secret that Devyn can't figure out. Seriously, you just feel for the guy from the start!

Oh, Hattie! Here we head back to 1926. If only I had the same kind of gumption as she did. It was a kick in the pants as we meet her and Jack. If you're ready for your heart to grow for a couple, be prepared with these two! They're both strong and fiery. I could NOT for the life of me figure Jack out, just like Hattie. Like her, it was kind of making me crazy. lol And her "adopted" father, Duffy just warmed my heart.

I absolutely adored the Belle/Idlewild. She became one of the characters of the story and I actually teared up at one spot towards the end. I know, sounds goofy, but wait until you read it and then you'll understand!

There were some twists that were completely unexpected and that really excited me and as I kept reading, to watch it all unfold was heart-filling! Of course with any good mystery (two for the price of one with this story) there are terrible people who you just want to shove into the river as the Belle/Idlewild is moving right along.

I obviously can't say a lot about the storyline or the plot twists because they are at the heart of the story! Let me just say you will be completely satisfied at the end of the book!

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Undercurrent of Secrets is such a sweet redeeming love story with lots of twists and turns throughout. One must pay close attention as it switches between past and present. This style also leaves you on edge wanting to read on so you can find out what happens next in the previous time frame.

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I am usually not a fan of historical, but Rachel McDaniel’s books are the exception to the rule. She is fabulous at drawing the reader into not just another time, but a whole other world. I adored this dual-time line from start to finish. Both the love stories are captivating and beautifully done. The mystery that ties the past to the present is intriguing, keeping readers turning pages until all is solved. I just love the book and highly recommend it!

Big thanks to the author and the publisher for the advance reader copy. All comments and recommendations reflect my opinions which I freely share.

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This is very entertaining dual time period story. With the fascinating steam ship, now over one hundred years old, as the setting for both time period tales, the author weaves in a bit of mystery and intrigue.
Both love stories will entertain the reader, but it is not without grief, growth, and sacrifice. Long ago secrets are slowly discovered as bits and pieces of history are revealed.
Come along for a ride on the old steamboat as it puffs it ways through the waters making and preserving it’s long history of yet another era found in the history books.

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Undercurrent of Secrets by Rachel Scott McDaniel’s is a time- slip novel that is a must read and will for sure be one of my top reads for 2021! I literally loved everything about it! The mystery builds at a great pace, the story lines merge perfectly, and the writing is excellent!

Usually in a time- slip novel, I prefer
one story over the other or one hero/heroine over the other, but I equally loved both stories and all of the main characters! I couldn’t wait to find out how everything all came together at the end.

I loved Devyn and Chase’s romance! They have the best chemistry and their banter was perfection! I loved their first encounter with each other! Hattie was such a wonderfully different character and Jack was just perfect for her! I loved the secondary characters as well and felt they really added to the story. I would love Face to get his own story!

I could go on and on about why I loved this story so much. There’s literally nothing I would change. With this story, Rachel McDaniel is definitely on my short auto buy list!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own. The faith thread is light.

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This is the first book I've read by Rachel Scott McDaniel and I hope it's not the last.
This book is part mystery and part love story. It is a Christian book and that quality is shown very well. Not overbearing and not understated, just right.
The copy I read was an ARC so I'm hoping the few editing errors are fixed.
I enjoyed how well the main characters were developed. Quite believable. The story flowed well also. I enjoyed the story and I think you will too. It was an easy read.
I give it a 4 out of 5 star review.

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I've only read a handful of Christian novels because I'm not religious, but oh my goodness this book is absolutely amazing and I recommend it to everyone; it's just the right amount of personal reflection without being preachy or converting folks like me.

I'm an Appalachian woman that lives on the Ohio River, four hours east of Louisville, and I was enamored with the dual timeline stories of Devyn and Hattie. I couldn't put this book down; just as I started suspecting that I knew what would happen next, the author threw me into a tailspin of shock and gasping. I really, really, want this novel to become a movie or TV series!

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An intriguing split time story that takes place along the Ohio River on the Idlewild starting in 1926 and in present day on the same steamboat restored and renamed The Belle of Louisville.
So many secrets in both generations past and present that kept the tension taut throughout the book. I loved Devyn’s romance with history in world of social media. Duffy and Hattie endeared themselves to me with their toughness and tenacity.
There was enough real history to make this novel seem very much like a documentary.

I really enjoyed this book.

Thank you to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.

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This might be my new favorite story in this series. This is a dual timeline story of characters from today uncovering a great hardship and love story from the past while they work through their own hardships and love story. There were times I felt happy or sad for each of the characters as the author did a great job of bringing them to life. The way those from the past intertwined with those in the present made for a beautiful story.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was a really good book revolving around two stories. Both taking place in an old steam paddle boat. The story blends easily from past to present. I found myself immersed in both. I enjoyed the book.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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