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Without a Hitch

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to like this book, but it didn't hold my interest very well.

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Without A Hitch was a darling story about Charlotte “Lottie” Jones, who had her whole life mapped out after meeting her true love on the first day of college. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans…especially when your long-time beau doesn’t pop the question, and the planned wedding is a bust. Lottie anticipated attending law school but instead detours to Dallas to work for a high-end wedding planner. She meets a sweet photographer, Griffin, but both have suffered such profound heartbreak that they miss all the love signs. This book may not be laugh out loud hilarious, but it was a fun, breezy read…easy like a Sunday morning read. I know that some of the multi-million dollar weddings are often supremely over the top, and I enjoyed all the wedding hi-jinks. Lots of joy, very likable characters, and a great closing. Overall, a sweet romance story. Releasing December 2021…read it! #romance #wedding #weddingplanning #life #love #future #withoutAHitch @netgalley @harpermusebooks
. Thank you Netgalley and Harper Muse Publishing for the opportunity to read this book which was delightful.

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This was a really cute story. The plot was kind of predictable but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless!

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It's a cute meet, sorta kind of story. I don't dislike it but it wasn't spectacular. There was no true character development. Yes, their circumstances changed, but that's it. The one thing that was great about this book that made it worth reading was the different events and disasters that played out. It's too unreal for it not to be base on actual events.

Thank you to Harper Muse and NetGalley for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was pitched as Sweet Home Alabama, Crazy Rich Asians meets The Devil Wears Prada so I mean that set the bar pretty high, and sadly i was let down.

You get banter and backstabbing and you also get the behind the scenes of what it takes to make a "sky's the limit" wedding go smoothly or not so smoothly at times and i loved it all.

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This was very cute. It has almost like a southern belle legally blonde vibe.
From the description
When floundering and unlucky-in-love twentysomething Lottie Jones lands a new career as a wedding planner at a top-tier boutique event firm, she begins navigating a cutthroat workplace specializing in over-the-top details, unlimited budgets, and a broad spectrum of taste. Whether planning for parachute landings or wrangling intoxicated groomsmen, she has her hands full at every million-dollar wedding she helps organize.
It was cute and funny. It was neat seeing Lottie get into wedding planning of all things especially after having her heart broken. I love wedding themed books and ones that show all the cute funny misshapen things that could go wrong! I loved the writing style and I will definitely be checking out more books by this author.

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this book is so fantastic! please pick it up as soon as possible! this is so good and so cute and so wonderful and all the great and beautiful things. for realz.

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I loved the cover on this one! I went in thinking it was a romantic comedy or at least a romance, and it isn't. It's more of a women's fiction type, but with humor. It was okay, the thing is it wasn't what I expected. The story itself, great! Enjoyed it.

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Lottie wanted to get married on the graduation day. She even planned her whole wedding, book the hall, decided the dress but one thing that is very important for the wedding never happened, a proposal. Instead her long time boyfriend Brody never proposed instead break up with her.

Now seven years later she is still hurt with the break up and nowhere near what she actually planned for. She is working in an event management company which mostly deals in weddings. And maybe finally she is enjoying what she does and wants her career to take off in this field. So when an opportunity arises with a new branch opening, Lottie does whatever it takes to grab it even if it means planning your ex's wedding with whom once you wanted to get married.


There are a lot of wedding in this book. And by a lot means literally A LOT!!!!

First of all I thought this was going to be a romantic comedy which this is definitely not. This book is hilarious but it has no romance. It is the journey of Lottie growing and learning in her career.

The mishaps and accidents in the weddings are hilarious. There are tons of characters in this book and as the book progresses the characters just get weirder and richer. There is some insanely crazy weddings and some after party too. But it was explained in unnecessary detail. Towards the end I felt like I could plan my own wedding without any help.

Don't get me wrong, I love the humor part of the book that sometimes I was literally laughing out loud. But there is nothing to this book except that.

Lottie is growing and changing in her professional front but I can't connect to her personally. And I couldn't find any chemistry between Griffin and her, infact I found more chemistry between Broody and her. And don't even get me started about Griffin, he has trust issues still Lottie is the one who explains herself everytime. Why?

If you want to read something fun, light and hilarious with quirky and crazy character this is the book for you. But if you expect romance or emotional connect this book will disappoint you.

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This book is absolutely funny and truthful. I know some of the mishaps Lottie encountered happens in real life and being put in words just made it funny when you think about it from the POV of the organizer.

A copy of this book was provided by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley, Harper Muse and the authors for the e-arc.

To me, this book feels like something that has been done better already. Lottie is an ambitious girl with her life all planned but then gets dumped. The plot was just of a typical rom-com movie but it lacked the sweetness and the feel-good element.

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Without A Hitch is a delightful read.

The world of weddings and wedding planning is so fascinating, and I thought this story was incredibly heartwarming and creative. I was invested in all the wedding intensity.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a cute and funny read. I loved the humor and outrageous wedding mishaps that Lottie encountered as a million dollar wedding planner. The ridiculous situations and outlandish wedding parties had me chuckling throughout this book. I also found Lottie really relatable as she’s trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life and coming to terms with the fact that she needs to live her life for herself rather than others. While I loved those portions of the book, I sadly didn’t connect as well with the romance in this story. It felt like Lottie was holding onto the past too much and things got a bit complicated with multiple potential love interests. There was one that I just felt was a bit unnecessary and could have done without. The one I was rooting for I just wanted more of in the story. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and I’d like to read more from this author duo in the future (hopefully with a book about Natalia).

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This novel is full of repetitive frustration. The main character is the cliched college ambitious girl who has her goals and dreams set and then gets dumped. That dumping sets off a cataclysmic ending of said goals and dreams. From there on out her life is a garbage fire, except it really isn’t. She has a stable job and she’s good at it. The only thing that is really garbage fire is her thinking.

This book was extremely long and extremely repetitive. Too many weddings filled the pages of this novel with too much description that it caused the novel to drag on and on. Then. We had to read a repeat about what just happened at the wedding when the main character decides to talk to her friends and family about it.

The love “tryst” was even more of a dumpster fire. The main character is living in the past and can’t decide on a future. The love interests had very little connection.

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Lottie immerses herself in the world of wedding planning and organising other people’s lives, just not her own! The storyline could have been amazing but lacked the feel good romance and togetherness that I look for in a romcom. This novel delivers for those looking for high rollers and all that goes with an expensive wedding, however I struggled to connect.

Thank you Netgalley, Harper Muse and the authors for this fun novel.

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Told in a first-person narrative, this women's fiction novel has such rich, compelling language that pulls you as a reader into Lottie's head right from the prologue and chapter one. However, in terms of plot, things are a bit all over the place with many different storylines and weddings she has to plan that it feels a bit scatterbrained and more of a "year in the life" type of deal. The premise is very intriguing, yes, but I would have preferred a story that was hyper-focused on one main story, whether it's her in the office, planning her ex's wedding, or following the love triangle angle; it was just a little too ambitious perhaps. The three stars I gave this book have more to do with that these plot reasons than the actual writing because that was well-written and very descriptive. Around 70 percent of the way through, things did shift for me and there's a newfound vulnerability to the characters, especially Griffin, and at that point, the book found its heart and what should have been the main angle -- but is it too little too late?

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3.5 stars
A super fun read! The whole premise of this book is hilarious (at least the first wedding planning). I really enjoy the reading. However, there were some parts that were not of my liking.
The protagonist is funny and clumsy and her adventures were pretty epic.
I would recommend this reading if you want a fun time.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Muse for giving an ARC in exchange of a honest opinion.

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This book has an adorable cover that honestly hooked me before I even read a word.

I love the Christian theme to this book. Not many modern rom coms have that anymore so it was refreshing to see.

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I would say this is more of a 3.5 star for me.

I loved the stories about the weddings and thought they were really fun however I thought the overall story lacked something.

I really enjoyed the writing style so would definitely read the author’s work again.

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DNF at 40%.

Unfortunately I couldn't connect with this book and didn't finish it.

Gorgeous cover though.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harper Muse through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Harper Muse.

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