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Dear Santa

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Dear Santa by Debbie Macomber
Book starts out with a note from the author as to how she got the idea for this story. Dedication page.
Store starts with Lindy, she is back home for the holidays, loving she has a place to go.
She has news for them and tells them of losing her boyfriend to her best friend and out of a place to live but she solves that.
She mother had saved all the letters Lindy had written to Santa over the years so this year she wants a new best friend.
She ends up shopping and meets up with her old friend from junior high and they run into owner of the place they are eating.
She had once written a letter to Santa about him and once she hears the troubles they had that Christmas she feels real bad.
Her mom has an idea, cookies for him.... he shares cookies and coffee in his office with her.
She designs websites and can help him out...and he has a nice way of showing his appreciation.
Love scavenger hunt she has with her new friends, so fun and a riddle to solve. Magical special day at Leavenworth, so festive.
She gets a shock when she sits to talk to Santa. They see each other frequently and she is able to help pass out candy canes to the children.
love how the Christmas day went and the week after Lindy and Billy spend together.
His sister at the snowy hill gets her thinking of her decision to stay or to go back to the city to her job and apartment. Others have tried to persuade her to stay also...she also gives the hint of family secrets...
Her spouse have all their money invested in his restaurant and don't want to lose it.... Lindy has to go back to the city for work....
An excerpt "Jingle all the way" is included at the end along with about the author.
I received this review copy from Ballantine Books via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

#DearSanta #NetGalley

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What a delight! I absolute loved this book. I am a huge fan of Christmas romances and this just hit the spot. I enjoyed watching the relationship between Lindy and Billy. Lindy's personal and work problems were so very relatable, and I enjoyed watching the relationship grow between Lindy and Billy. Peggy was a hoot and it would be fun to have a follow up book that highlighted her.

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4.5 stars

I love Christmas-themed books, and Debbie Macomber is one of my favorite authors, so this is a winning combination!

The characters are relatable and realistic, and the setting and prose quickly pull the reader into. This is a quick, uplifting read that is perfect to get the reader in a holiday mood. And if you're wanting a bit of positivity with all that's going on in the world, this fits that bill, as well, as it shows the kindness and hope one often things of with the Christmas season. Macomber's latest would make a wonderful Hallmark movie.

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Debbie Macomber can always be counted on to provide an entertaining story. Dear Santa is an uplifting story of the magic of Christmas and the beauty of love. A quick read with a positive message, especially during this time of Covid.

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What a cute story! Lindy goes home to Washington for the holidays, hoping to recover from a broken heart. After her mom shows her all the childhood letters to Santa that Lindy had written and Mom had kept, she was prompted to write another. It's fun to see if her wishes come true!

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Debbie is the queen of Christmas books and this one did not disappoint!

Lindy Carmichael, a web designer, returns home to Wenatchee, Washington for the holidays. She is not feeling super joyful this year because her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. Her mother pulls out some old letters she wrote to Santa as a child to try and cheer her up and help her remember the magic of Christmas. She decides to write a new letter to Santa. Will he grant her wishes this year?

Debbie does such a fantastic job of transporting you into the middle of Christmas with her books. You can taste the yummy foods, smell the delicious scents and visualize the beautiful sights. This book was perfect for curling up with a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace. It's like a sweet, Hallmark movie, which is no surprise since several of her books have been made into Hallmark movies. I absolutely loved that Debbie included a day trip to Leavenworth, Washington in this book. I have been to Leavenworth at Christmastime, and it is beyond magical! I felt like I was right back there.

Such a sweet story of love, hope, second chances and a bit of magic! The perfect book to get you in the holiday spirit! Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for the ARC!

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I love love Debbie Macomber!
Her books changed my life years ago and I continue to truly enjoy her books.
I have created many more fans by spreading her books out -- ripple effect--more to love her books!
I will read any book by her sight unseen - she a wonderful author.
Then I see this is another Christmas novel -- my heart is racing, cannot wait!

I am dropping everything to read this book right now!

Letters to Santa
take on a whole new meaning in this book.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book!
Uplifting book -- exactly what we need at this time!!

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Debbie is the best to get you in the holiday spirit. I have to always read one of her books at Christmas time. This book has me in the spirit already. Lindy was a web designer for a company in Seattle and she had just worked on a huge project and was hoping this company would pick her project. In the meantime her boss gave her two week vacation so she headed to her parents house for the Christmas holidays. She needed to get away from her ex boyfriend who ends up cheating on Lindy with her best friend and roommate. When she gets home her mom is ecstatic to see her and will make Lindy’s favorite dishes. Her mom brings out these old letters that Lindy had wrote to Santa when she was a little girl. As, Lindy reads them she realizes that her Santa wishes did come true. Her Mom encourages her to write Santa another letter now. Lindy fells foolish but she does. Then Lindy runs into her old school best friend Peggy and reconnects and last but not least her grade school nemesis Billy. I could just keep raving about this book but I really want you to grab it up and read it you won’t be disappointed. You will absolutely feel like you are getting a huge embrace of love!

I received this book as an ARC for free from Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily! Thank you so much Netgalley for the chance to read this book early!

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Great story, great characters. Definitely a book I can recommend. This author is very familiar to me and she has done it again. She has written another novel that I will cherish for many years to come.

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Lindy has returned home for Christmas. She meets old fiends and a grown up version of a little boy who used to torment her. Lindy has just lost her boyfriend to her former best friend and isn’t quite in the Christmas mood. Her Mother shows her old letters she wrote to Santa as a child and suggests maybe she should write Santa another letter. The book is filled with great characters and of course a love story. This one will put a smile on your face. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Let me start off by saying how much I love D.M. and her books. I read them every single year. But this one just didn’t do it for me. It was quite predictable and the story was bland for me. I will definitely try again next year though!

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I love Debbie Macomber's annual Christmas novel but this one was too predicable for me to fully enjoy. I loved several of the characters but felt the story was the same as every Christmas hallmark movie.

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I usually love Debbie Macomber's annual Christmas novel but this one was a little too predicable for me to fully enjoy.

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I am in the camp of people that think Hallmark movies are absolutely wonderful, and I count down the days every year leading up until it is time to watch them. I also love books that read like Hallmark movies, and find myself reading them often between August and December. Dear Santa is the perfect sweet small town romance with a twist of Christmas magic to make you soon. The characters were well developed, and the story was a page turner. I highly recommend to my fellow hopeless romantics.

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Dear Santa by Debbie Macomber is another one of her heartwarming Christmas novels. We meet Lindy Carmichael, our heroine, at the start when she returns home to her parents’ house, in Wenatchee, Washington for the Christmas Holidays. Lindy works and lives in Seattle, and waiting to see if her project was accepted; she has been feeling a bit down, after discovering that her boyfriend and best friend were secretly together.
Lindy’s mom decides to try and cheer her up, by giving her a stack of letters she wrote as a child to Santa.

After reading things she wished for back in the day, her mother convinces her to write a letter to Santa now, giving her some faith and hope. In a short time, Lindy runs into her childhood friend, Peggy, whom she has not seen in a long time, and their friendship happily rekindles. Lindy also runs into a boy who constantly teased her as a child, but who is now a handsome hunk.

Billy Kincaide, our hero, has always had a crush on Lindy, even if she thought he was her nemesis back in those days. Billy owns the successful local restaurant, The Wine Press, and it is there that he runs into her. What follows is a wonderful romance that builds between them, with sizzling chemistry. But Lindy is concerned, as she needs to go back to Seattle after Christmas, since she is hoping her project is accepted. Will she be able to walk away from her feelings towards Billy?

I really enjoyed the Christmas spirit between family, friends throughout the book. Lindy’s friendship with Peggy, and two other new friends, gives her happiness to move on past losing her friend whom she felt betrayed her. Most of all I loved Billy and Lindy together, as they made a fantastic couple. I also got a kick out of Santa, giving us the feeling that he knew her wishes and dreams, and made sure to read all her letters over the years. Sort of a magical feel during Christmas.

Dear Santa was a sweet, delightful, heartwarming romance that was so very well written by Debbie Macomber. If you love romance, and a magical holiday story, I suggest you read Dear Santa.

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If you want an uplifting, wholesome read that includes Christmas cheer, family, personal discovery, romance and a little magic, this book fits the bill perfectly! I loved it!

Lindy is having a hard time after she finds out her best friend is moving in with her boyfriend. Her job isn't going well either because she gained a position in the company over someone who had been there much longer so people were rude to her at work. Fortunately she had some vacation time to use to go home for Christmas.

While at home, Lindy's mom listens to her troubles and then shows her some letters that Lindy had written to Santa as a child. Lindy realizes that Santa had answered every wish she had made! She decides to write a new letter to Santa to wish for things that would make her life happier.

The rest of the story is truly magical! I couldn't put it down! I could definitely imagine this as a Hallmark movie for Christmas- and I would watch it over and over again! I have now read and reviewed a few books by Debbie Macomber and I believe this one has been my fave so far.

Dear Santa will be available October 19. Thanks to @netgalley for the ARC. I am posting this review to my Instagram and Goodreads accounts today and will post to Amazon after the publication date.

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"Dear Santa" by Debbie Macomber
Will 'Dear Santa' Wishes Come True?
This is another winning Christmas story by Debbie Macomber. I was glued to this story with magic, romance, and difficult choices to be made. I wish I could take one more trip and go to Washington state and visit these towns "live in person". Until then, I am glad I have stories that allow me to travel, if only in my heart and mind. Happy Reading ! !
NOTE: I received an ARC of this story from the publisher via NetGalley.
This review is my honest opinion.

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🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄 5 feel good stars!
Aww Debbie Macomber does not disappoint.
Story starts when Lindy Carmichael returns home for Christmas to her hometown Wenatchee, Washington. Linda has a successful job as a graphic designer with a computer company in Seattle and she specializes in web design. However, right now isn’t feeling creative as she is recovering from disappointment and heartache when her best friend and her boyfriend have been seeing each other behind her back and are now moving in together.
Lindy’s mom Ellen tries to cheer her up and reminds her of a Christmas tradition ~ writing a letter to Santa.
She finds some of the letters. As Lindy reads them she is so surprised that typically Santa brought her what was on her wish list. Ellen tells Lindy she should write Santa a letter this year. A bit embarrassed she does write a letter.
I am a big psychological thriller fan, since I read so many I was naturally expecting a dark twist to happen but delighted to say that ‘Magic’ happens.

I totally enjoyed this feel good story!
Want to thank NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine Books for this eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for October 19, 2021

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This book is now my favorite Christmas book that I have read in recent years! I enjoy books by Debbie Macomber and have read most of her books but I especially enjoy her Christmas books each year. Dear Santa does not disappoint and I absolutely loved it and would highly recommend it to everyone! As someone who lost their mother a few years ago, I really enjoyed Lindy's interaction with her mother, and the whole being home for Christmas aspect of the story was very nostalgic for me. I enjoyed the magic of the Christmas letters and Santa. It is just a good heartwarming story about believing in the magic of Christmas and the importance of friends and family. I was thrilled to be able to read the ARC of this book for free for my review, and I will definitely be purchasing a copy of this for myself and my library.

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Cute story about Santa letters, heartbreak, and mending. And I believe the real Santa was in this book! Easy read. I liked the characters with a delightful story. Pretty easy to guess the ending, even so, a sweet Christmas romance. Thank you, NetGalley, publishers of Random House and author of many wonderful books Debbie Macomber. This is my opinion if you like sweet romances you’ll like this story. It’s heartwarming. We all like the magic of Santa.

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