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The Accomplice

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Despite their opposite personalities and upbringing Luna Grey and Owen Mann quickly become best friends in college. Together they form an inseparable unit often shutting others out and keeping each other’s deepest darkest secrets...including those surrounding an unexplained death of a fellow student. Years later, Luna finds Owens wife brutally murdered once again placing them as potential suspects in a police investigation. Luna is determined to find out who murdered her friend but in order to do so she will have to dig up secrets from the past and decide how well she really knows her best friend.

The Accomplice is a fantastic new thriller by author Lisa Lutz. I've read several of her novels and this one quickly became a favorite. As with many of her novels, despite this being a murder mystery, her characters are the heart of the story. Each character is well developed with deeply elaborate histories which are slowly revealed throughout the plot. This truly adds a unique element to her novels which have you questioning the motives and capabilities of each character. Owen comes from privilege and although charming he can be indifferent to others feelings. Luna is secretive about her history, is a bit of a loner, and tends to be very practical. Their relationship often comes into question especially when those around them start dying. A slow-burn, edge of your seat thriller that will have you questioning just how well you really know those closest to you. A must read for 2022!

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Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I found this book hard to put down. Both timelines, the 2003-2005 and the 2019, were both fascinating, and both included a death to figure out. Along with the main storylines, we had Luna's backstory to figure out, so plenty to wonder about.

I don't want to go into too much detail, because there are a lot of twists and turns in the plot, and it's best to find out as you go along. Basic story, Luna and Owen become tight friends in college. Scarlet, another student, is wildly pursuing Owen, and he is sleeping with her sporadically, although also trying to disentangle himself. Late in their second year, Scarlet dies - accident, murder, suicide?

Later, Luna and Owen are both married to other people, but live near each other, and Luna and Irene, Owen's wife, are friends. Luna is trying to find Irene, and goes to the cemetery where they sometimes jog together. There she finds Irene, dead of a gunshot wound.

More and more details come out, as the plotlines twist and turn. I really didn't want to stop reading, since I really wanted to know what happened! One warning - if you don't like books with alternating timelines, that might bother you. I enjoy them and didn't find it an issue to follow both lines, so definitely a good read!

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Twisting and turning, The Accomplice by Liza Lutz builds suspense as bad things continue to happen.. Doubt begins to creep in as Luna and Owen are implicated in a murder. And there is the question of whether or not Owen was responsible for another long-ago death. Can the friendship between Luna and Owen survive? What about the other people who have been pulled in? I. Couldn’t put it down!

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I've read several Lisa Lutz books in the past. As an upstate NY native, I love being able to visualize the references to the area--Troy actually gets a shoutout in this one--and I was thrilled to be sent an early eARC of The Accomplice.

Luna and Owen have been friends since college: best friends, nothing more. But when Owen's wife is murdered and Luna is the one to find the body, questions surrounding their relationship and shared history escalate quickly, and they'll have to dig deep into their trust in order to survive.

And they trust each other. They do. Don't they?

I loved this book. I'm a sucker for an unlikeable protag, and there's no shortage of that here. Owen is aloof, oftentimes rude or dismissive, and has a vague sense of loyalty. Luna is cutthroat, strong-willed to a fault, and largely standoffish. I loved her voice the most, not because she was unlikeable--or at least not wholly that--but because her characteristics seem so jarring in a genre filled with college hookups and what-ifs of the past coming to bite our heroes in the ass. Luna has secrets and isn't willing to compromise her safety in order to cater to other people's perceptions. And together, their interactions are interesting, a powder keg set to explode, but you're never really sure how or why. I loved their dynamic and couldn't wait to see where the book was going to twist and turn next.

The writing is engaging, making this a finish-in-one-sitting type read, so I think many readers are going to be engaged from the get-go. Not an academic thriller per se, but a layered examination of bonds and how trust can be used as a comfort or as a defense. Highly recommend.

Huge thanks to Ballantine and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for honest review consideration.

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Wheeewwww what a ride THE ACCOMPLICE is! I adored Lisa Lutz's THE SWALLOWS back in 2019 so I was thrilled when I was approved on NetGalley for her latest. I dove right in, feeling like this would be a perfect October read and it didn't disappoint. Going backwards and forwards in time, we follow the intense friendship of Owen and Luna, from college (when Owen's ex-girlfriend disappears) to 2019 (when Owen's wife is found dead). These are some mighty coincidences, and the mystery surrounding Luna and Owen's relationship, as well as some other long-held secrets and betrayals, is what propels this book forward.

The book is a fantastic who done it, as I truly didn't know "who did it" up until the end, but it's also an interesting character study into male/female friendships and how people who are this blunt (they are real, real blunt) are perceived by the rest of the world. The only reason it doesn't get a full 5 stars from me is that I think the book could have used a bit of editing. It is pretty long-winded and I wanted to get to the juicy parts faster. However, the story is riveting and I think this could be a big hit come January.

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This book was great! What a wonderful surprise.

So “twisty” and “turny” in the best way.

Definitely recommend.

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The Accomplice by Lisa Lutz is a very intriguing novel. The story follows best friends Luna and Owen from their days in college in 2003 through to the present day. At first, it is a bit confusing when the story skips from period to period and through the eyes of different characters. It took a few chapters for this reader to acclimate this style.

In addition to Luna and Owen, other characters include significant college friends, eventual spouses and various law enforcement personnel. The book is well written and the character development is exceptional. Throughout the book there are secrets, questions about loyalty and/or revenge and several deaths and/or murders with which to contend.

The novel is highly recommended for those who enjoy reading thrillers and I thank NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to its publication on 1/25/22.

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After reading all but one of Lisa Lutz’s book, what impresses me most is that she hasn’t trapped herself within one particular genre. There’s always an element of a mystery to solve but that the presentation, the feel, changes with each book. Genre-wise, I guess this was closest to The Passenger.

I really like the way this story unfolds. Past and present, multiple perspectives. And even with all the jumping around, you are still able to get a feel and connect to the characters. More so with Luna than Owen, in my opinion. It seemed like a deliberate choice though.

The only thing I couldn’t get a feel for is why Luna and Owen had such an unbreakable bond. We see how their friendship unfolds and we see the little conflicts within, that could have broken their friendship apart yet didn’t, but the why didn’t feel as fleshed out. That being said, I liked the dynamic. I felt like it was a realistic friendship, especially when you see them angry at one another. I think it can also be difficult to write a close male-female friendship without giving the impression of something more. I never got that vibe from them, which I appreciated, bc that felt real to me too.

The wrap-up, the explanations, their bad luck, whatever you want to call it, could have felt unrealistic, but it somehow worked.

I really have to go back and read the one Lisa Lutz I haven’t read yet.

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Luna and Owen.... Owen and Luna. At first, I wasn't sure if I"d like this book as I generally don't enjoy mystery, thrillers, murders, etc. BUT HOLY MOLY - I could not finish this fast enough and each time I THOUGHT I knew what was going on, Lutz threw in another plot twist that had me guessing. The story revolves around Luna and Owen, who meet in college and are the definition of the closest of friends, would do anything for one another, etc. But then flash forward years later, they each are married but close neighbors with one another, their friendship still strong and .... a murder. This murder drags up their past, and painful secrets and everything that was never said.... and more. As the book unfolds, flashing between the past and present, you get more of who these characters really are and who they aren't and how easily one can fall into a lie or two. Lutz really hit the nail on the head with this one - if you enjoy any sort of murder/mystery/thriller - you need to read this!

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Excellent story! Totally engrossing!. Looking forward to reading more by this author! Could not put this down!

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4.5 stars for a story that kept me wanting to know more right up to the very end.

Luna has a past that she wants to keep secret as she knows how people will think of her if they find out and it's not good. Owen is a friend who has been in her life for ages, through good times and bad for both of them. His brother Griff has an on again, off again relationship with them both.

The book alternates between their college days and the present situation, which have aspects in common. Seeing the adult Luna and Owen deal with it is helped by knowing what they went through in their younger days. Doubts are planted and we are left not knowing exactly what can be believed.

A new author for me and one I will follow up with as I really enjoyed the not knowing which allowed me to try to figure it out with them. Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This was another great read from this author. I enjoyed the friendship between the two main characters so much! I am glad they were friends as it made it much more interesting.

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I loved this book. It's one of the best books I read this year. It was really well-plotted and honestly just really engrossing and fascinating. I think I read it in one go.

Owen and Luna have known each other since college. They've been best friends forever. There's the current story of the murder and the backstory of college and all the time in between. Plus, Owen's family and Luna's history.

There are a lot of twists and turns, but it's really good and every loose end is tied up.

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What is it about Owen and Luna? Friends? Lovers? Accomplices to a crime? Or two?

Ms Lutz grabs you by the collar right at the beginning and brings you along with her on this tasty little thrill ride. The action is nearly non-stop, the character building was flawless, the plot started out pleasantly soupy and thickened up nicely as you went along.

There were red herrings, but not too many and not overly obvious. There were good guys, bad guys and a lot of guys that were somewhere between the two. The author doesn't spend too much time describing the settings and atmosphere, and I'm fine with that. Its enough to know the house was furnished tastefully modern. I don't need to know that the couch was covered in baby blue chintz with accents of green and purple in the pillows. Writers who pad their books with things like that drive me crazy.

My only complaint is the interspersing of the past with the present. I am not a fan of that, it breaks the momentum and creates a nice spot to say 'oh not again', then close the book and walk away in frustration. If its possible to say its done as well as can be expected, then this one did. But still, not a fan of that old trope.

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Luna and Owen have been ride-or-die friends since their college days. They immediately clicked, but what really cemented their lifelong bond were the events and aftermath of the mysterious (and maybe criminal) death of one of their classmates. The thing is, even the best of friends have some things they keep to themselves. Luna had a particularly dark childhood, and hasn’t always been open with Owen about it. She was always the mysterious, more shy one compared to the charming and gregarious Owen. But when another person ends up dead near the pair, this time Owen’s wife and Luna’s good friend, Luna begins to wonder if she isn’t the only one with a secret.

Wow, where did this come from? It’s been a minute since I’ve been so pleasantly surprised by a mystery/suspense book. The Accomplice (clever title by the way) is told mostly in two timelines: the present day as the death of Owen’s wife is investigated, and in flashback chapters starting from when Owen and Luna met in college 17 years prior. This is one of those rare cases where not only did both timelines feel equally strong and compelling, but so too did both main characters. More minor characters including friends, family, and the police were also well developed, and the actions and motivations of pretty much everyone in the book actually made sense and were consistent with their previous characterization.

I personally love slow burn, character driven books. If you’re looking for something face paced and full of thrills and shocking twists, you won’t find it here. This is a mystery in the same way Tana French books are: it’s present and the reason for the book, but really the chief appeal is the well drawn characters and the exploration of their relationships and inner turmoil. You will find deep dark buried secrets, flawed yet realistic characters, and a well constructed plot that contains suspense and surprises but still stays squarely within the realm of plausibility. I’d guess that this as a whole, and perhaps particularly the ending, will be a bit subdued for some readers, but it was really just such a winner for me.

One of my very few criticisms was that the author often switched back and forth between first and last names for the investigating officers, even within the same paragraph. It was confusing and somewhat hard to follow at the beginning, and continued to wrankle as I read. The perspective also shifts midway through chapters which may bother other readers, but worked for me, and I did not find it confusing in the same way I did the name issue.

4.5 rounded up.

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This was a quirky book about two best friends, who have a lot of murders around them. the tone was light, humorous and even a bit heartwarming at times. It was told in two timelines, which sometimes got confusing as many of the people were the same and if I didn't pay attention to the date, it all blended together. It took me awhile to get into it but did eventually enjoy it

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Four stars! I loved loved loved The Swallows and was so excited for a new Lisa Lutz book. This one did not disappoint. I just adore her writing style - subtly wry, often clever, and a murder mystery to boot! This was a great vacation book, with strong character development and an entertaining plot. I highly recommend picking up this book for a nice fall read. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Easily one of the best books I've read all year -- great writing, unique characters set in heightened but believable circumstances, and twists and turns that I didn't predict. I LOVED IT. LOOOOOVED. Add it to your TBR lists for 2022!!

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Owen and Luna have been best friends since college, always together. This story has two timelines, 2003 and 2019, that tell us more about their relationships and lead us to wonder what exactly the draw between them is, him being the golden boy and her an unapologetic introvert. In 2019 Luna finds Owen’s wife, Iris, dead, and the following investigation has a major impact on both their lives. Luna has a dark secret that she is hiding from everyone, and its revelation could change everything.
I loved both main characters in the story, and I had a hard time putting it down. Another winner by Lutz! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of The Accomplice.

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The mind blowing story of The Accomplice, by the fabulous writer Lisa Lutz will totally give you whip lash!
When friends from college are connected to murders, become grownups and still find themselves being interviewed for murders…well, life has handed them something more than lemons!
Moved to slowly in places for me, but it was a fascinating book.

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