Cover Image: Lucky Leap Day

Lucky Leap Day

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“Back home she was definitely more wallflower than femme fatale. But in Ireland, Cara could be any version of herself she wanted, and apparently what she wanted was to kiss the cute guitar player.”*

After being dumped by her boyfriend, Cara decides to take the trip they planned together to Ireland solo. There she meets charming Finn, overindulges in Irish whiskey, and becomes inspired by the Leap Day tradition to propose. Along with several souvenirs, she returns to California with her new husband in tow—and his dog. Despite her desire for a divorce, as time passes, she becomes less tempted to part, yet everything about him seems to good to be true.

Cara, an aspiring screenwriter, works as an assistant to a high maintenance Hollywood agent, who keeps her on a tight leash while expecting Cara to cater to her pampered pooch. I liked how Cara’s job was shown to be a big part of her life as were her ambitions. The secondary characters, including sassy work friends, Jonathon and Julia, and silver screen star Penelope, were so well developed and delightful, they nearly stole the show. Cara’s boss made a great antagonist as did ex-boyfriend, Kyle. The grand gesture at the end was adorable, but I wasn’t a fan of the epilogue, mostly because while the rest of the book used Cara’s point of view, the epilogue was told in another character’s perspective. The choice was so odd, I wondered if this was something the author does as part of her brand, but it really didn’t work for me. Barring the epilogue, I really enjoyed Finn and Cara’s love story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca for providing an Advance Reader Copy via NetGalley.

*Please note that my review is based on uncorrected text.

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Fairly cute rom-com. I just couldn’t connect with the characters for some reason.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an ARC OF this book.

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If you're a nerd and loved the movie Leap Day as much as I did, then you are going to adore this book! Lucky Leap Day was bingeable, funny, and charming--basically everything I expected it to be and more.

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Cara Kennedy was supposed to be visiting Ireland with her boyfriend, but now she's nursing her broken heart with a few pints with the locals. After knocking back one too many whiskey punches, Cara gets swept away in the Leap Day tradition of women proposing to men and goes down on bended knee to Finn, the handsome and charming Irishman she keeps running into. The only problem is, Cara has no recollection of these events until she wakes up the next morning in an unfamiliar bed with a tinfoil ring on her finger. With her flight back home only hours away, Cara has no choice but to bring Finn (and his dog) back stateside with her to try and figure everything out. When Finn lands an audition for an upcoming movie straightaway, Cara can't help but wonder if what they have is real or if he was using her for her Hollywood connections. As the days on Finn's visa tick down, will he be able to convince Cara she's the one for him before it's too late?

If you like the movie Leap Year or are just a sucker for a whirlwind romance, this is the book for you. It was so charming and adorable. I was instantly taken with Cara and Finn. They both had this loveable quality about them that just made me smile. Their relationship was, of course, very insta-lovey, but I didn't mind it so much. I didn't realize this was a closed-door romance going in, and while that's fine, I would've liked a little bit of steam. Aside from the characters/relationship, I enjoyed how Walker incorporated Irish slang and history into this as well because it helped immerse you in the story, and it was just fun to read. While I did enjoy this a lot, some bits felt predictable, and others were a little too convenient, but I still thought it was a cute and entertaining read.

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As much as I really wanted to enjoy this book, I just didn't. While I am totally understanding of books that require the reader to suspend belief a little, this one might as well have been categorized as a fantasy. I just couldn't get most of this book to make sense. The marriage after 3 days, his subsequent willingness to uproot his life and travel to LA, and then all of the series of events that occur which his job and her life afterwards just all seemed too unbelievable that I found it really difficult to enjoy this one. I also didn't really find Cara and Finn to be believable as a couple. Finn didn't seem to have any real character or development while Cara was more focused on her job that anything else. This one just really didn't work for me.

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This was a perfect mix of cute and entertaining. I loved the love story and the MC are totally loveable. I highly recommend for a good romcom to get you through a slump

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Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks for an e-ARC of Lucky Leap Day!

This was the perfect rom com to get me out of a reading slump! I flew through this book and finished it in less than 48 hours. I thought it was cute and feel-good. I enjoyed the beginning part of the book set in Ireland--very unique and atmospheric!!

However, I thought this book lacked some character depth and the characters seemed fairly one-dimensional. I wish we learned more about both Cara and Finn throughout the book.

Overall, if you're looking for a quick rom com read, give Lucky Leap Day a try!

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This book had a sweet cover and great description but the execution fell really flat for me. The set up was the best part as the details of Cara’s time in Ireland are revealed, but once she and Finn come back to the states after their drunken wedding, things generally went downhill. I just didn’t connect with the characters and found the plot points to be disjointed. While most romance novels require some suspension of really, this took it a bit too far.

2.5-3 stars rounded up for the few chapters in the beginning I really enjoyed. Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own.

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Lucky Leap Day by Ann Marie Walker is a fast-paced, delightful book set in Dublin and Los Angeles. It’s full of laugh out loud moments and a sweet romance. It has a swoon worthy Irishman, a lovable dog named Oscar and lots of

Aspiring screenwriter Cara Kennedy took a quick long weekend trip to Dublin. She was supposed to go with her boyfriend, however they broke up shortly before the trip. Unable to give up on a trip to Ireland, Cara goes anyway, knowing she might end up seeing her ex who will be there on business.

She immediately meets Finn her Uber driver and he takes her on an insiders tour of Ireland. Later, on the night before she’s supposed to go home, she meets Finn in a local pub and they have a wild night together. The next morning she finds out she is married to Finn, and she’s the one who proposed as it was Leap Day, and it’s a tradition in Ireland for the woman to propose to men on Leap Day.

Some of the situations and decisions made by these characters are a bit far-fetched, but my advice is to just go with it! This isn’t serious literary fiction, but a fun, heartwarming, and charming story of love, and finding out what makes you happy. Also, there are a lot of LOL moments. The author did an excellent job of the dialogue, making Finn’s irish accent evident in the writing.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a fun, sweet romantic comedy I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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3.5 Stars Rounded Up

Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca.

A rom-com with a cute Irishman and a dog? Sign me up.

This was a cute, quick, clean romance. I loved the first half of the book with the Irish setting, but I started to lose a bit interest when they came back to the US. I wasn't a fan of the obstacle they faced toward the ending, I feel like it could have been done better. I also did not like the POV change at the end.

Long story short- I liked it, but I didn't love it. I recommend it if you enjoyed the movie Leap Year with Amy Adams. It definitely has the same feel.

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Thanks NetGalley & Sourcebooks Casablanca for the advanced copy of this book!
Lucky Leap Day was super cute! It’s a fairly short book, it was a super fast read. No filler chapters it’s just the story and is fast paced. It’s got lots of great things, a hero with a gorg Irish accent, a cute dog, an accidental marriage, only one bed! This is definitely a clean romance, zero spice, all you get is kissing. If you like a sweet lighthearted romcom I would recommend this! The book will be released 1/17/22!

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Charming, swoony and really sweet, Lucky Leap Day is a great rom-com,

With engaging and relatable characters, a beautifully depicted setting that made me want to book a ticket to Dublin and the perfect amount of angsty feels, this story had me invested and totally rooting for Finn and Cara from the very beginning. Filled with sweet quiet moments, alongside unforeseen twists, a Hollywood grand gesture, the perfect K-nine companions and barrels and barrels of Irish Whiskey, and of course, the most perfect Epilogue, I fully enjoyed this book and wholly recommend it.

4.5 stars and a sexy brogue

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Thank you Netgalley and Publishers for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

I adored this book. I personally love "vacation" based romances and this one was super sweet in Ireland. I think the duo couldn't be more wholesome. The bits in Ireland (prior to them returning to the US about a third into the novel) holds most of my favorite scenes of the duo.

Now why not a five-star read:

-There were a lot of scenes that were seemingly unrealistic. This is a romcom and it does have the formulaic HEA but there were some subplot moments that I didn't find understandable. For example, he went from no acting career to being a Hollywood star. Then that final conflict of him knowing they won't married made zero sense. How in all that time did the female MC not realize there wasn't an actual marriage? At best, the Leap Day proposal would've just left them engaged not married?
-I wanted more of a recap of the actual Leap Day. She was drunk so we get snippets of it but part of me was still hopeful we would get a bigger anecdote of that moment.

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Thanks Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the chance to review this ARC.

I mean let's start with this cover it's adorable!
If you're a fan of the 2010 film Leap Year you'll get a kick with this one.
This book had a lot of potential but at times it felt like it would fall flat but the romance Gods smiled upon it and it save it. I wish the relationship between the characters had been developed a little more but it was over all a good little read.
I will go over in detail with a spoilers section closer to the release date in January.

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This book left me with some mixed feelings! On one hand, I loved the basic plot. a heartbroken woman travels to Ireland where she gets drunk as a skunk and wakes up married. I mean, seriously, how good does that sound?! Unfortunately I just don't feel like the actual story lived up to its own hype. I just never really connected with Finn and Cara as a couple. I found their chemistry to be lacking and I just can't see them as a forever thing. That's not necessarily a reason to dislike a book, but I wanted a fun, HAE and this feels more like a HFN but not for long.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read this.
I did enjoy how Finn and Cara met and got to know each other. Had a sweet PS I love you vibe (when they were in Ireland). I sort of wish it wasn't so closed door but that's a personal preference.
Would have been nice to meet some of Finn's family before he left, or maybe focus on what Finn was giving up a bit more seeing as he moved countries for her.
I liked them as a couple though, and the side characters fit into the story nicely.
3.75 stars

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The cover and title were the first thing to grab my attention. They let me know immediately that Lucky Leap Day fit in the happy romcom genre. The story’s synopsis was the next thing to capture my interest. What gentle romance reader wouldn’t like a story about a girl who travels to Dublin with a broken heart, winds up drinking too much whiskey one night and wakes up the next day to discover she had proposed to and married a handsome stranger? And that handsome stranger (Finn) was truly lovely.

Sadly, the story wasn’t as engaging as I hoped it would be. I felt the conflict wasn’t strong enough to devote so much time to it. I also felt that not enough time was spent making Cara, our MC, a likeable and relatable person for whom I wanted to see things work out. The chemistry between Finn and Cara felt lacking. There was too much repetition of plot line and dialogue, and the epilogue’s POV didn’t work for me at all. I felt like I was reading the author’s first draft of the manuscript and not something that was nearing its publishing date.

That being said, I know there are people who will be able to overlook these issues and just enjoy this romcom. It’s something I will recommend to my patrons who are looking for a low conflict, easy read.

Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read an advanced digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


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IRISH ACCENTS. Enough said. Go read this.

If you are STILL not convinced, read on:
Read this if you:
☘️liked the movie Leap Day with Amy Adams circa 2010
☘️are Irish
☘️have ever wanted to go to Ireland for Leap Day
☘️love a good Irish accent
☘️are a sucker for SWOON WORTHY Irishmen
☘️like dogs
☘️have ever woken up after a night out to find you married someone 😂😂😂

I was hooked from the beginning. I love Irish accents and every word Finn said in the book I could hear it spoken like that since the author told us how it sounded in the accent. FINN = SWOON. Excuse me while I book a flight to Ireland. Absolutely obsessed with this book.

Thank you NetGalley & Sourcebooks Casablanca for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. Pub date: Jan 18

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I'm a sucker for a rom-com especially when there is an Irish man involved! I really like this book, it was well written, the connection between the characters was super cute and I loved the POV in the epilogue!!

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Lucky Leap Day was an easy read and one that I finished in one sitting. It was a great palate cleanser after reading a heavier novel. LLD was light and fluffy, a nice break from the heaviness of the world. Finn was charming, but his character felt stereotypical and forced at times. Cara was charming in her awkward way and I could relate to her on many levels. Overall, it was a nice concept, easy read, and nothing too heavy. LLD was very "insta-love" which is not really my personal favorite trope - nor is vacation love. Finn was definitely a smooth leading male character and he and Cara had sparks, but there was some steam/tension missing. This was a closed door, light romance novel - and it fit perfectly in that category.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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