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Rushed is part of the new ‘Adventures in Love’ series by Aurora Rose Reynolds and focuses on Cybil and Tanner. When Cybil is dumped by her fiancé, she is stuck going to a wilderness retreat that she can’t get a refund for. There she meets Tanner, a man who is going to turn her world upside down and who also happens to be one of her guides during the retreat.

Cybil and Tanner just work well together, and they are both super sweet. It is an insta-love type story, especially more from Tanner’s point of view, but it is a supremely cute read and page turner. Tanner’s business partners and an extremely annoying woman on the tour try and make things complicated for Tanner and Cybil, but when you know you know and that is what this story focuses on. Taking chances when you’ve been burnt and not settling for anything less than butterflies.

A swoony read with a masculine but caring guy and a woman that just needs to believe in herself a little bit more. A great start to a new series.

ARC received for a fair, honest and sometimes long review. All opinions are my own. 😊

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IT WAS AMAZING! I don’t know what Aurora Rose Reynolds put in her books but they literally are so comforting to me when I read them. I read Rushed in one sitting because it automatically drew me in & I fell in love with the Cybil and Tanner!🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love all ARR books, but I really loved this one because it just hit me differently! Congrats on another beautiful story. Can’t wait for everyone to read it!

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The two main characters are Cybil and Tanner. Cybil’s finance has called their wedding off. Cybil had bought a couple’s retreat for both her and her finance, she decides to go anyway. She meets Tanner there because he is her guide. They fall in love.

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Tanner. Sigh. Aurora Rose Reynolds has a way with alpha male heroes, and she outdid herself this time. Cybil nailed it when she said, “You’re, like . . . the whole package. You’re sweet, considerate, super hot, and handy.” Tanner is my favorite kind of hero. He is former military, cooks, reads romance novels to her in the tub, and knows what he wants--her.

Rushed is such a fun, heart-warming read. I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Rushed by Ms Reynolds was a fun, sassy, feel good read. Sure to be enjoyed by those of us looking for a short escape

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This was an amazing first installment in a brand new addictive series by the Queen of the Boom, Aurora Rose Reynolds. Loved the entertaining storyline, breath-takingly beautiful setting and wonderful characters.
Not to mention Aurora through some adventure/suspense into the story, which just made it different and more interesting.

I look forward to more in this series.

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This is one of those books that from almost the beginning, the reader has a smile on their face. It was sugary sweet but in a way that was so fun and tempered by low angst situations that really highlighted the strength and power of a perfect relationship. Cybil, the heroine, noted during the book that the relationship was so easy, which could be a folly of a book such as this one. However, Aurora Rose Reynolds does such a great job making her and Tanner so likable that I just was rooting for their HEA. Read this for a really low angst, almost insta-love romance that will keep a smile on your face. I look forward to following the supporting characters on their paths to their HEAs as well. It was a great start to the series and just a fantastic way to spend a few hours. Thanks to NetGalley for an early copy!

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Overall I really enjoyed this book. This is a beautiful romance novel. This book had me pulled in from the first page. Since this is my first book by this author, this for sure will not be my last.

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Amazing! What a great kickoff to a new series! I loved every single character introduced, thankfully. This was such a refreshing read that, while filled with drama and suspense, gave us a sweet and sassy romance with two adorable and sexy leads.

Cybil is fresh from a break up, and not just any break up, dumped by a fiance the entire small town has known her every move with for 9 years. Having signed up for a couples wilderness boot camp, non refundable, Cybil heads to the hills. A chance encounter with a sexy stranger ends up being her guide Tanner, which ends up being her partner since she's single. Having hit it off initially on the wrong foot, Cybil and Tanner quickly form a sweet, common and sexy bond.

Tanner doesn't know how he can control himself while out on the trail with Cybil. Breaking the rule he and his partners established might be unavoidable.

The adventures in the wilderness and the other couples on the retreat are funny, grouchy, and thrown in it's harrowing adventures.

When Cybil has an emergency at home and she's hundreds of miles at home, her heart is in torment over what to do. But with Tanner a former Marine, everything is under control.

Nothing ever felt rushed in this book, but my heart sure flew the entire time. Great read!

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Aurora nailed it once again with Rushed! Cybil and Tanner are two characters that are instantly likable and you feel connected to. I love the duel POV and honest, realistic internal dialogue with these two characters and truly appreciate that lack of un-needed drama.

It was also an instant connection to the secondary characters I hope to see more of with this series. I'm super excited and such an excellent introduction to a new set of ARR families!

Aurora Rose Reynolds is everything I love about reading!

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Adventures In Love, 1
by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Letting love in!

In book 1 from the Adventures in love series we get a front row seat to Tanner and Cybil’s love story.

Cybil is on a couple retreat minus her ex fiancée. She end up paired with the wilderness owner and hence a love story is born. But as we all know this amazing author will make us readers work page after page for the HEA.

The author writing is flawless, and the words are so captivating, the plot had so many twists and turns and none that I was expecting, and many shockingly intimate I have become a huge fan of these two authors. They write with so much intensity, humor and emotion pulled from each book it’s felt page after page. Some are quick witted story lines are so perfect and lets you believe you have a front row seat. So being able to read this love story didn’t disappoint. The authors ability to have two separate individuals struggling in their everyday life and try to navigate someone else’s thoughts, needs and desires was intense and gives all the fills.

Authors Blurb: Cybil is the queen of bad timing. First, her fiancé breaks up with her days before their wedding. Next, she’s stuck going on a couples retreat in the Montana wilderness alone. And worst of all, now she’s fighting a growing attraction to the wilderness retreat’s rugged owner, Tanner.
Tanner has built his wilderness adventure service on a few key principles: never take unnecessary risks, never put anyone’s life in danger—and never, ever sleep with a client. The arrival of a beautiful new visitor, however, might mean bending the rules.
Two people looking for anything but romance may have just bumped into their soul mates. In the Montana wilds, any misstep can spell danger. Cybil and Tanner just have to decide if they’re brave enough to face their next adventure.

This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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Rushed by Aurora Rose Reynolds is one of those books that you pick up, read voraciously, and don’t put down until you finish it. Although, Reynolds is known for her instant-love romances (which I love—if you haven’t read her Until series, you should do that immediately)—the romance between the main characters develops nicely and didn’t feel rushed. This novel is a lovely and sweet first installment in her Adventures in Love series and I cannot wait to read the romances that Reynolds has planned for the other characters.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I was very pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed both the characters and the plot. There was just the right amount of romance and suspense and I appreciated the developing relationship between the Cybil and Tanner. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

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Rushed is a lovely and sweet romance with some fun and exciting scenes. I liked how the author gave us a slow build up on a relationship where there's no miscommunication or unnecessary trope. Both main characters are likable and relatable. I was swooning with Tanner!
We get to meet very interesting side characters. I'm impatiently waiting for the next books of this series so they can get their own book!

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I’ve read Aurora Rose Reynolds books for years and loved every single one. Rushed was no different. I’m one of those readers who love Insta love books and Reynolds delivers it so well every time. Our heroine is Cybil who was recently dumped after booking a couples retreat to Montana. What’s a girl to do? Why, go on the trip solo, of course and along the way meets friends, enemies and finds love with our hero Tanner! If you’re looking for a sweet and funny romance, you found the right book! The epilogue was especially cute and I can’t wait for the next few books.

Thank you to NetGalley for the free download and the chance to read this awesome book for an honest review!

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Rushed gave me all the feels. I read this book cover to cover in one sitting. Rushed was such a good story. I loved it. I enjoyed how Tanner and Cybil's story started and seeing them throughout their journey to a happily ever after. Cybil and Tanner were perfect together. It was the BOOM. An Alpha male and a strong independent woman make a fine love story. Rushed is a good story. I loved it. This will be on my re-read list.

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Such an amazedly enjoyable first in series read by Aurora Rose Reynolds. Cybil has been recently dumped by her ex-fiancée that she grew up with in her small town. She had purchased tickets for a couples wilderness retreat in Montana that is non-refundable. She decides to still go after letting the owners know that she would be by herself and wanting to get away from all the gossip in her small town. Tanner is one of the owners of the company and will be Cybil's partner on the trip. Cybil is wanting to stay away from men as she just got out of a relationship but she is really attracted to Tanner. Tanner is instantly attracted to Cybil but is fighting his feelings and due to her being a client. Really enjoyed all the secondary characters and the descriptions of the wilderness in Montana. Book kept me entertained. I am really looking forward to the next in the series. Highly recommend.

Received this ARC for an honest review from Netgalley.

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Take into account a sad beginning with a broken engagement leading to an outdoor adventure of a lifetime. Cybil never imagined her adventure would lead her to the happiness she deserves. You will want to pick this book up. I read from cover to end and loved every moment. It had all the thrills of going on an adventure and the sexiness of love in one story. I highly recommend this one!!

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She’s done it again… she captured my attention from the first few pages which had me devouring this story in one day. I simply couldn’t put it down. And while this story doesn’t have the BOOM we all know and all, this is an insta-love story with both of them feeling settled and souls happy when around the other. Same thing.
That’s two meet when Cybil goes to Montana on a couple’s retreat - without a partner - and Tanner ends up being the guide. Small world since they met the previous night…

I loved this one - I especially the ending. And the middle. Oh, and of course the beginning where I got hooked…

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Rushed is a romance story about two people, with broken lives, that fell into a fast paced relationship. Tanner and Cybil met at a couples retreat, where their love story began. It was pretty much love at first sight and accelerated from there.
While I liked this book, I did struggle with the language and some of the other relationships because I tend to be pretty conservative. However, I enjoyed Tanner and Cybil’s love story and can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

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