Cover Image: Christmas Wishes at the Chocolate Shop

Christmas Wishes at the Chocolate Shop

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This was a really good read. Easy story to follow, charming setting and great characters. Really enjoyed it.

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It's a 4.5 star for me.

There's a whole lot going on in this book, from grieving for the parents she loved and lost to her conflicting feelings about her birth mother as well as stingy, self absorbed boyfriends - oh, and not forgetting a stunningly handsome plumber who is always there to save the day but also happens to be engaged... I enjoyed how the story unfolded. It is a little cliche and predictable but it works.

One thing I didn't like was the instant vilification of Matt's fiance after one interaction with Charlee, labelling her as evil when she did nothing to deserve that. She was just a bit moody, that's all. It just felt unnecessary.

The book covers two Christmases so there's plenty of festive spirit. Overall, it is a nice read that puts you in a good mood with gorgeous descriptions of Castle Street at Christmas, all the lights and decorations - lovely. Like all of Jessica Redland's books, it's an easy, fast paced story that you know you'll enjoy.

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I know some authors may not like their work being described as an easy read, but it's meant as a compliment when the book you are reading just flows so effortlessly, that you can't put it down and have finished it in no time at all, this is one of those books. We follow the life, loss and loves Charles the master chocolateer, who due to her circumstances, she ups sticks and relocates to Whitsborough Bay, and this is where the story of her journey really begins. A smashing book.

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Another awesome book from Jessica Redland and so lovely to be back in Whitsborough Bay and catching up with some of the places and people that we've fallen in love with in previous books in this delightful series. This time the story is set in Charlee's Chocolate Shop and my mouth watered with all the delicious descriptions of what this Master Chocolatier created.

This story really highlights what a difference a year can make to someone's life and is a wonderful story of friendship, family, love and community all wrapped up with a Christmas Ribbon to make it feel extra special.

Like a Christmas Panto, this story will have you booing and hissing for the villains and cheering for the heroine as love and family win out in the end. Totally absorbing and the perfect read to get in the festive spirit.

I also really appreciate the extra information that Jessica always includes in the Acknowledgments at the back of her books. She provides a lovely insight into her life as an author and the love and warmth she shares for her friends and family is truly inspiring.

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Charlee Chambers has never seen her parents and has been brought up by her grandparents. When they both pass away she is left all alone in the world. Her dream job turns into a nightmare and on a suggestion by her boyfriend she decides to sell up and move to Whitsborough bay to set up her very own chocolate factory! A fresh start in a dream location feels like a fantastic idea. But when her handy man boyfriend and his mates let her down she has to rely on the other traders and her best friend to try and get the shop open for the beginning of December to make the most of the Christmas trade. Her first Christmas alone have her questioning her choices but ,new friends, surprise video clips and Castle street change her life completely. A really heart warming story.

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Whitsborough Bay
This is Charlee.
Ricky her boyfriend is always been a pain and not reliable, after the death of her grandmother her dreams for this chocolatier she opens her own shop. Ricky after seeing a horrible video of him on social media she sends him packing. This book is full of wholesome goodness and will cool you down. It's a wonderful story and things will only get better for charlee. It's definitely an unputdownable read and so uplifting. I do so recommend it.
My thanks to Boldwood books and netgalley for an advance read. 5 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

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A lovely British starting over and taking chances story with lots of Christmas feels.
I really liked Charlee; she's hard working, loyal and hopeful.

Toward the end of the book, we are introduced to some of the other shops on Castle Street. I was happy to see they appear in other books so the magic of Whitsborough Bay can continue (even if it is out of order!)

*I received an advance copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher and I am required to disclose that in my review in compliance with federal law.*

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I absolutely adored Christmas Wishes at the Chocolate Shop. I was expecting a cozy Christmas book and while parts were like that there was so much more to it than that. The first page had me in tears as I felt so much empathy towards Charlee and the situation she was in. I sort of knew where the story was going but I had some shocks along the way that I wasn't expecting in this type of book.
I highly recommend this book and I am looking forward to reading more by Jessica Redland.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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Originally published in 2017 as Charlee and the Chocolate Shop.

Time for a return to Whitsborough Bay once more.

We meet Charlee who has a dream of opening up her own chocolate shop after losing her Grandad.

Ricky her useless unreliable boyfriend who is, always letting her down. Charlee wants to find out more about her family as she is suddenly alone.

Will Charlee find what she is looking for?

What is not to love about a book set in a chocolate shop?

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Charlie just lost her grandmother who lived to see her special birthday wants to make her proud. She decides to open a chocolate shop in a small town. I enjoyed this book.

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Ok, Is it Christmas yet?! This book was so cozy and cute, it makes me ready for hot chocolate and snowy days. I adored Charlee and Jodie, two of the main characters and wanted them to be my friends lol. The only reason I gave this 4 stars was because I felt it was way too predicable and almost too perfect in the end, if that makes sense. I still loved it and hope this turns into a Hallmark movie!

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a wonderful, cozy Christmas book. Reading it made me feel like I was watching a Hallmark Christmas movie.

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You can actually feel the hope and happiness in this heartwarming book. After the death of her grandparents,

who raised her, master chocolatier Charlee moves to Whitsborough Bay. . She opens a beautiful chocolate

shop and is all set to continue her life with her unsavoury boyfriend Ricky. . However Charlee has to contend

with betrayal and meets a new friend Matt the plumber.. She has a wonderful set of friends in town and her

best friend Jodie comes to work in the shop. as surprises from her past rock her to the core,

We experience two Christmases with Charlee in this warm, delicious, optimistic story. I was sorry when I

finished reading it!!!!!

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Anyone who knows me, knows that I love a Christmas book and this one was beautiful. I’ve heard so much praise for Jessica Redland so I had high expectations for this book and author…..neither disappointed!! A beautiful book that’s gotten me excited about Christmas

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This book was originally published under the title Charlee and the Chocolate Shop, but has been re-released under this new title after some editing and addition of new material. Like many of Jessica Redland’s books, it is set in the fictional North Yorkshire seaside town of Whitsborough Bay. Having read many of her other books set in this location, I enjoyed meeting up with some of the other residents of the area. Despite references to characters from other books, this can be read as a standalone.

The story follows the fortunes of Charlee, who has been brought up by her grandparents near the city of Hull, where her grandfather owned a very successful chocolate shop. Having learned the craft from her grandfather, Charlee is now a master chocolatier and dreams of setting up in business herself. When her boyfriend, Ricky, suggests a move to Whitsborough Bay, Charlee is overjoyed to find a suitable property there in Castle Street, a delightful cobbled row containing several individually-owned shops. However, her once perfect boyfriend proves himself less than perfect when it comes to helping her get her new business up and running in time for the prime Christmas shopping period, and is in fact spending less and less time with her. Fortunately, she discovers that her fellow traders in Castle Street are more than willing to lend a hand in an emergency. She is also lucky to find handsome plumber Matt, who saves her new premises from disaster and helps with other jobs as well. Charlee can’t help comparing him with Ricky, but, despite signs of mutual attraction, Matt already has a fiancée with whom he is planning on setting up home. Christmas over, the story moves on to the festive season one year later and shows the reader how Charlee is fairing; what, if anything, will have changed?

I found this book a quick and easy read and enjoyed every page; I can wholeheartedly recommend it. I have read many of Jessica Redland’s books set in this Whitsborough Bay street and loved revisiting many of its business owners in this story. I only wish it was a real location where I could stroll along looking in the shop windows. I very much liked Charlee, although I thought her a little blind when it came to Ricky; I could see from the start that he wasn’t to be trusted, but he turned out to be even more of a scoundrel than I thought! Of course, I couldn’t help being attracted to plumber Matt. His fiancée clearly didn’t deserve or appreciate him and, like Charlee’s best friend Jodie, I was hoping that he might see that someone more suitable was right in front of him. In addition to the central characters in the story, there are many others with interesting back stories, and a few surprises. Once again, Jessica Redland has described the beauty of this seaside town so well that readers will wish that they could visit. I’m already looking forward to the next story from this author; her books always hit the mark for me.

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Charlee is a chocolatier and when her gran dies her boyfriend persuades her to leave everything, sell up and move to his home town at Whitsborough Bay where she decides to buy a chocolate shop. As she is getting excited about her shop she finds her relationship isn't all that she'd thought it was and discovers he has been cheating on her all along, luckily her best friend is there and new friends she meets on the street to help her through it
A tale of friendship, love and plenty of chocolate, a lovely way to spend a wet July day.
Brilliant loved it

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This was my first read by Jessica Redland and I am very excited to pick up more of her books.

Charlee leaves her old life behind to start a new life with her boyfriend in a charming small town where she ends up opening a chocolate shop. Things don’t go as expected so she relies on her best friend and some new friends from the town for support in opening her chocolate shop. I adored the cozy, warm feeling I got from reading this book. I will definitely be rereading this during the holidays this year.

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Charlee is a master chocaltier who decides to open up her own chocolate shop. Her employer Pierre is retiring and she doesn't get on with his daughter. Loved this book. I'll definitely be looking out for more from this author

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Is it too early to play Christmas music? Asking for a friend.

This is the perfect festive treat to kickstart your Christmas in July! After all, most of us missed a family Christmas in 2020…that means we can have two in 2021, right?!

Charlee is in need of some Christmas magic and a move to the picturesque seaside town of Whitsborough Bay might be just the answer. As things begin falling into place, Charlee starts realizing her dream of owning her own chocolate shop. It doesn’t come easy, but her personal growth intersects with opportunity and her wishes come true. It goes to show you that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Thankfully, for Charlee, the kindness and festive spirit of her new community are a big part of making this Christmas so special. In this uplifting romance, Redland explores the idea that friends are the family you choose.

Redland’s characters are so authentic; some you’ll laugh and cry with and some you’ll want to backhand.

A perfect seasonal romance that will have you counting the days until Christmas….who am I kidding? I’ll save you the effort…23 Saturdays!

This uplifting and festive read was just what I needed on a record-breaking heatwave day in July.

Publishes August 3, 2021.

I was gifted this advance copy by Jessica Redland, Boldwood Books, and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

*previously published as Charlee and the Chocolate Shop

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I love the author's Hedgehog Hollow series and I loved this too. It's another feel good story about love in all its forms - romantic, friends and family - and running a small, independent business too (a plot ingredient I adore and that never fails to spark my own imagination). Jessica Redland writes with such charm and ease, and I love the unusually realistic timelines of her stories. Often in chicklit boy meets girl and they become one after mere weeks.....well that kind of did happen in this as when they finally got together they were engaged at once but the story was set over the course of a year and two very different Christmas'. Whilst this is a festive story it's not overly Christmassy. Apparently it's also one in a series (the Whitsborough Bay series) but like me if you're reading it as a standalone and in the summer it really won't matter; it will still be just as good!

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