Member Reviews

This was a different style of book for me, and not what I was expecting.

In these difficult times, a story like this is a real link for YA readers.

Although it was a slow starter, the story did build. Sadly the number of characters made getting the story straight hard going. Due to the circumstances of Hope, none of the characters were particularly likeable apart from Casey, maybe because we didn’t know his background!

The ending was a hard read, but totally relevant. I would recommend to younger readers, a real conversation starter.

Thank you NetGalley.

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Not what I was expecting.
I went into At the End of Everything thinking it was going to be much darker and macabre. The story revolves around a group of teens that society has labeled troubled and sent to Hope Juvenile Treatment Center. The reader can only assume the teens weren't treated fairly before the pandemic started, as we don't get a lot of backstory before. We pick up with the guards abandoning the teens to save themselves from the plague, and leaving the teens to fend for themselves.
This was more a novel about survival and resilience, and how society treats those deemed disposable. While the plot was a bit flat, and not a lot of action in the story minus the stand off with soldiers at the beginning, overall I liked the book. I enjoyed the characters, they were emotionally drawn, with their flaws and all. At times while reading I felt like I took to google and looked up covid-19, and it may have been a bit too soon for me to read a book about an infectious disease pandemic book. The writing style was lovely and the book gives you hope even if things look to be hopeless. If you're ready to read about a pandemic, and like post apocalyptical style of novels I recommend At the End of Everything.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher, Sourcebooks fire for an advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for an e-ARC of At the End of Everything by Marieke Nijkamp.
At the End of Everything is a timely novel that explores the effects of a pandemic on juveniles in a detention center. Told from several points of view, the reader is able to see how different people deal with extreme circumstances, and what it takes to survive. An unlikely group of friends that need to work together will help teens recognize empathy. This is a book that teens will be able to relate to due to circumstances of COVID.

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This is such a heartwrenching story with an incredible cast of characters. All three POVs are so interesting to read. I love the autism rep and the nonbinary rep. While this is not a Covid-19 story, it is *based on* the current pandemic, and the plague in this story had some similarities to our real life situation right now. I think this story is very important and shines a light on how people in prisons and other similar institutions are being forgotten and left behind during the pandemic. The main characters are Logan, Grace and Emerson. Logan is autistic and nonverbal, and she has her own secret sign language to communicate with her twin sister, and I really love their bond. Grace is the one who takes care of everyone, she's such a strong and important character, and this book wouldn't be the same without her. Emerson is nonbinary and religious and they just seem to care so much about their friends, I love them. Special mention goes to Casey for being such a wonderful caregiver and doing his best to keep people alive. I have big love for him. This is not an easy story to read; it's sad, it's infuriating, and at times it made me cry - but there is a message of hope weaved into the pages. There is love, there is kindness, and there is friendship. There is a community, working together to survive. Fighting to stay alive. And that's important.

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This is a great suspense novel for a YA audience. It does eerily mirror the pandemic, so some people might not be quite ready for this topic yet. I appreciate the diversity of characters.

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I can't really put my finger on why I didn't like this book. Normally I'm all for YA books about queer youth and prisons. But something just missed the mark here, and I think it might have been too soon after COVID for me to read a book about plagues. That being said, Nijkamp certainly succeeded in forcing a visceral reaction out of me and created a gothic apocalyptic setting. I also really enjoyed the representation in Logan and Emerson. Might just be a case of the right book at the wrong time.

*Thank you to Sourcebooks FIRE and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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All of Marieke Nijkamp books are beautiful, heartbreaking and unputdownable. At the End of Everything was no exception. No one has any hope for the teens at Hope Juvenile Center. And one day literally everyone that is supposed to be responsible for them disappears. Now what?
Well, now you read this story! It's so darn good! Thank you so much for letting me read it!

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This slow burn apocalypse story was actually really good. I do wish that things would have progressed a little faster, however those who love slower plots will enjoy this one. I love dystopians and this one was great. The cast of characters were vastly diverse and I loved all of them. The ending was a little lacking in emotion but other than it was ok. It was kind of a let down after all of the emotion throughout the story. Overall, I did still enjoy this one but in parts it just left me wanting more.

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Wow! Just... wow! At The End Of Everything is a book about a juvenile treatment center that has been forgotten due to the pandemic. Told through the perspectives of Grace, Emerson and Logan, Marieke Nijkamp brought such a diverse cast of characters to the forefront of thrillers. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and gave me so much hope. The character development and the plot completes the story. I wanted more! Highly recommend and I hope you read this ASAP

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It took me a long time to finish this book, but I’m glad I did. I appreciated each individual’s character traits and the glimpses of their past. When a plague has hit and everyone is trapped in this new version of a world, the juvenile’s notice the guards have vanished and they have to figure out why and how to survive. This is a story about hope, trust, and teamwork.

The juvenile’s of Hope detention center have to figure out where their food will come from, how this new plague has developed, and how to learn how to say goodbye as their peers are dying. I feel as though the author did a good job with their emotions and detailing each scene to give us a perfect visual as we read.

I do wish that there was more time spent on who each character was and what their full back story was. We received snips of a story for most, but it wasn’t enough for me. I also wish the ending was more fulfilling. I had a hard time keeping my attention, maybe because of COVID and dealing with the real life limitations that has caused. If you’re interested in plagues and what happens to the less deserving this book is for you.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book wasn’t one I would normally go for but it was engaging and kept me reading. The plot was interesting and pandemic stories have been so interesting to read during COVID-19.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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Disclaimer: I received a free, advanced reader's e-edition of At the End of Everything from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

*Note: This review contains spoilers.

As acknowledged by the author herself, At The End of Everything is an exaggerated picture of how people within the criminal justice system (including children) are often neglected in the wake of a crisis - including pandemics.

Loosely based off of the current pandemic, the "plague" described in At The End of Everything is similar to COVID-19. It's contagious, deadly, and leaves some of the most vulnerable populations to rely on the whim of a fragmented public health infrastructure. The children of Hope Juvenile Center are left to fend for themselves. This story is their story of discovery, death, and survival.

But while I enjoyed the book, the end is underwhelming to say the least. There is no bow to tie the loose ends together, or answers to the many questions I had throughout about the abandonment of the teenagers at Hope. By the end, readers still know little about the "plague," what it looks like in other areas of the world, whether characters sick but alive from the plague recover, and whether anyone ever does come for the teens.

Great concept. And, largely, a great story. But, at the end of everything (pun very much intended), I'm left wanting and disappointed with the lack of closure, frankly.

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Timely book about a type of plague that afflicts the world, very similar to our current pandemic situation where people are quarantined, have respiratory illness, must wear masks and in many cases, do not survive. The story centers around the Hope Juvenile Treatment Center where "troubled" youth have been assigned by the courts to be rehabilitated. All of their guards and caregivers suddenly leave and they are left to fend for themselves during this outbreak of the plague. One group of teens band together and stay at the treatment center where they have a limited amount of supplies but at least have working phones, computers and a roof over their head, while another group decides to leave. Over time there is death and supplies begin to run low. The teens must travel to a nearby community to try to get food and medicine. The book is very much about the relationships between the teens and how they work together (or don't) to survive. Feeling left behind and forgotten, they must also come to terms with how they are feeling about not being wanted and no one caring they are left there alone to fend for themselves with no outside help.

Many thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book.

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Review The teenagers at the inappropriately named Hope Juvenile Treatment Centre are disturbed when the guards up and leave, and it is with good reason that they are concerned. Left to their own devices there is an atmosphere of fear and factions begin to form. Outside there is a virus running rampant, people are sick and dying in multitudes. They find this out when they go searching for food and encounter armed townspeople at the boundaries of the town. A scuffle ensues and contact is made. When they get back to the centre one of them becomes ill. And this is the dramatic beginning of this book.

The characters are fantastic, twins with a semi psychic bond between them, a sensitive musical soul, the spoilt bully and every other 'type' you can think of, and yet it works. It's pacy and sensitive and I was totally hooked. I liked that it showed the teens figuring out a way to be together, to work cohesively after their initial struggles. This is no lightweight dystopia, this is thoughtful and considered and the writing is great.

This is a great book for YA. Full to the brim with plenty to think about and lots of action, but alongside that action there is caring and bonding. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me early access to this book.

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A number of delinquent teenagers are held at a juvenile treatment center where there seems to be no hope and no one to care about them. The guards are acting strange and one day there are no guards. They learn that the world is in the throes of a pandemic although they do not know the details. They want to survive and have to decide if they are going to leave or stay.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I could not get into this one. I felt like there were too many characters and I had a hard time telling them apart or caring about what was going to happen. I did like the unique way of story telling with the articles and information in between the narrative chapters but I think there were just too many characters.

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3 for neutral. I tried to read this on a couple occasions, but just couldn’t get past the first few pages. I am very much a moody reader though, so if able to finish later I’ll definitely update. I think it was a bit too confusing, even in starting for me.

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This was an interesting story and relevant with current conditions, however I found it very difficult to connect with the characters and follow all the different storylines.

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Not everything or everyone in life are treated fairly and for many it can be the difference between a normal life or taking a bad path in life.
The hope juvenile treatment centre is a home for many of those that have ended up down that bad path or been treated unfairly.
Never would they have imagined that they would be truly left behind by everyone when a worldwide epidemic strikes. To be left without hope, help or comfort; it’s a truly heartbreaking realisation that it’s a representation of the juvenile justice system today with their lack of support, disciplinary of racial injustice but also disabled youths with how they are often forgotten about.
I enjoyed the sole premise of the storyline how it brings up a lot of issues that are in-fact happening today not just with the pandemic but the problems in the justice system itself.
Although a great read some may find the jumping between characters storylines a little confusing but do not let this put you off reading it as it really was a wonderful read.

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I wish I could rate this higher.

It has everything I love! Dystopia, apocalypse, teens having to fend for themselves...the elements just didn't come together properly to form something great. It's still good, I finished it and I'm recommending it, it's just not as good as I hoped.

Part of the problem, for me, was the multiple points of view. I felt like I was just getting to know one character and I was flung into another's point of view. It took me a while to get everyone down - a consistent problem with me - and when the POV changed I had to spend the first page or two reminding myself who this was and what had been happening with them up until now.

I did enjoy the story, though. The teens were very resourceful and they came up with some really clever ideas. It was a great look at how things might have gone if we'd been a little less lucky over the last two years. I enjoyed getting to know them and watching them come up with their solutions.

I enjoyed this, but I feel like for me it could have been better. Still a definite thumbs up, though.

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