Cover Image: Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass

Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass

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Member Reviews

Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass has been on my NetGalley shelf for over a year, and I still haven’t picked it up. I've tried, but it just isn't for me (right now). I hope other people enjoy it more than I did.

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This book was just sadly not for me! I was hoping for something different but it turned out to be something I was not expecting, which is okay and I'm sure someone else would love it!

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I just really enjoyed this book. It was just really easy to get lost in this book. I will definitely be reading more by this author.

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Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass was cute, flirty, and fun...until it, well...wasn't anymore. I had a lot of fun reading parts of it--there was even some laughing out loud--but after a while the constant miscommunication (ugh, the bane of my existence!) paired with Aggie's nonstop wrong-side-of-the-tracks insecurities (not to mention Max's dad's constant never fall for someone who isn't "one of us" mantra) really dragged the story down. Add to that the many plot threads that just weren't tied up at the end (is Olivia the office mascot or not? The least of the threads I know, but the one my daughter would want answered)--which honestly, shouldn't happen with a 400-page rom com/contemporary romance book; did she realize she was almost at her desired page count and rush to finish it, plot be damned?--plus the problems that were magically fixed way too easily, and I just couldn't give this one more than three stars.

I wanted to like it so much more, I really did.

Rating: 3 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This book had many of my favorite tropes in my check, especially Dual POV is my all time favorites. I enjoyed the banter of Aggie and Max, and throw in the Grandmothers and I was sold on this story. I feel this is a great read for when you are looking for just something fun. I have this one on my re read yearly list, I enjoyed it that much.

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Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass - a mouthful of a title but it very much caught my attention and intrigued me.

The characters were interesting and had good chemistry but I did find Aggie's self sabotaging tendencies a bit much as the story progressed, especially when Max wasn't really giving her any solid reason to be like that with him. I really liked Max's character and I found the grandmothers brilliant. There were plenty of things happening in the story but it was an entertaining read and had great pace. Parts were absolutely hilarious and I enjoyed the banter between Max and Aggie.

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This book renewed my faith in my ability to find little-known gems by unknown authors on NetGalley. After several DNFs in a row, this was a pleasant surprise. Aggie and Max are both wonderful characters as are their well-intentioned, meddling grandmothers. Enemies to lovers stories are hit or miss for me because too many of them involve the man being, well, a pompous ass. There’s a fine line between charmingly grumpy and a jackass who is just genuinely not a nice person. In this case, both of the characters were very likable and their relationship development was believable. There was only one steamy scene but boy did it deliver! I’m so glad I gave this one a chance.

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This was a very nice, quirky and fun read!

It's the story of Aggie and Max and how they get together because of their meddling grandmothers.
While they come from different parts of town their grandmothers get along wonderfully and they rope Aggie and Max into working together and so the office romance begins.

Max is a charming character, trying to raise his firm and prove to his father he can win the bet they set. He has his hang-ups and it's hard for him to get over his fears and all the misunderstandings that fuel them. Which make Aggie hurt in the process. She is truly unique, she has been into a lot of jobs trying to find the perfect match, though she is super creative, full of talents and ideas. Her part is more than an assistant to Max yet she is hired for only a couple of months and from time to time he wants to fire her despite their contract.

There are hot moments, though the story is pretty slow burn, there are charming characters and with each interaction Aggie shines brighter. There is however her encounter with an important person from her life that is so heartbreaking.. And comes a bit sudden, it dynamites the story and things take a fast turn.

While Aggie and Max were both lovely, I felt Aggie had it very hard and, despite the happy ending, she is always the one with less, always acting from a place of inferiority and I would have loved for the story to give her even more than just the guy.

All in all this was a cute, fun story, a very nice read. But at times it hurt my heart and it didn't recover it in a grand way.

I received this in order to offer my honest view on it.

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An office romantic comedy.
Enemies to Lovers
Fun and upbeat
If this is what you want in your romance tropes look no further. Cute fun romcom

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It's been a while since I read a fun upbeat romantic comedy and I especially love the troupe of office romance, enemies to lovers. This was a quick, hilarious over the top romance, fun side characters and is a perfect summer quick read.

Aggie the Horrible vs. Max the Pompous Ass follows Aggie, who has been set up by her grandmother and her grandmothers bestfriend to interview with her grandson Max. You see Aggie has had over a hundred plus jobs, obliviously exaggerated...right? And just cant seem to stay in one place. But the grandmothers also see the possibility that these two might just hit it off. Max is both shocked and attracted to the awkward woman whom he interviews, lets just say she doesn't hold back when she wants to say something. Together these two try to roll with working together all the while trying to figure out their place together while fixing their own personal lives in the process.

Max totally won me over, he (besides the awesome grandmother duo) was the star. A man who can just roll with the punches is a man I adore. He was not prepared for a woman like Aggie, she means well but boy this girl is a hot mess and then some. Their whole dynamic reminds me of the movie Two Week Notice, but Aggie only takes Sandra Bullocks characters quirkiness not professionalism. Max is a man who sees people for who they are and not their money, taking after his grandmother more than his parents, they push how important money is. He also has the patients of a god, I can't imagine having someone like Aggie working for me.

Aggie is a mess, I don't want to give much away but this poor girl, just was too much for me sometimes. Thank goodness for Max who helped equal out her mess ups. To me this book really emphasis her growth, to see that she wasn't seeing her potential and not seeing that her jumping from job to job was not a positive because she wanted to find that spark. She needed something to ground herself. I feel like some readers may have a love/hate relationship with Aggie but I feel we all have the one person in our life that even though they mess up a lot they mean well and are lovable all in their own.

Overall I enjoy the humor, the outlandish moments, the steamy instant connection between Max and Aggie, and the grandmothers who seriously rocked it as secondary characters.

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I thought this might be a bit like "The Hating Game" but it didn't have the charm or skilled writing that it needed. I struggled with this book a great deal.

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Slow to start but picked up. Many LOL moments. The book was well written. The grandma stole the scenes she was in! What a hoot!

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Aggie Johnson has been offered a job as Max Treadwell's assistant and this is all because of their grandmothers grand scheming. Aggie is determined to fail at the interview because she can't say no to her Meemaw meanwhile not to disappoint his own grandmother Max is planning on being the most arrogant boss ever. Both the parties trying their best to make the other opponent back out. Sounds like a war right! But what happens when sparks, sarcasm and a lot of accidents flew in just one month? Will they accept the feelings beneath their judgement and hatred? Or will one person's assumption becomes the other's reality?


Aggie and Max are polar opposite. Like she literally lives on the other side of the track. Max comes from a rich family, he is silent, observant, rigid, reserve and kind. Aggie comes from a messy childhood while living on the bad side of the town. She is wild, carefree, sarcastic and brave. The only thing common between them is love for their grandmothers.

Chemistry between the characters is sizzling from the first meet. They hate each other, judge each other, irritate each other but they have this unresistant pull and sexual tension which they can't ignore. I love how author has maintained the witty banter throughout the book. The fights, the accidents, the misjudgment and proving themselves right continues till the end.

The description of relationship between Aggie and her Mom makes you really emotional. When she goes through those flashbacks and feels all those things again you just want to hug her tight and make it disappear.

I love the relationship of grandmothers and being the polar opposite they still get along well. I even admire the fact they both backed down after a certain time when they realize their grand children doesn't have feelings for each other. They respected their feelings.

I agree it has some issues where Aggie is just being irresponsible and behaves like a brat but this is just how her character is. She is impulsive and mostly learns through her mistakes and experiences.

The ending was kind of unsatisfactory for me. It felt a little bit rushed and the grand gesture was coming from the wrong person.

Overall it is entertaining, funny with some great characters arc and a ride full of romance, fight and pranks.

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this book is so fantastic! please pick it up as soon as possible! this is so good and so cute and so wonderful and all the great and beautiful things. for realz.

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2.5 stars
I really hoped to like this book but I just couldn't get into it. I have to DNF at 45% of the story. The characters did not click for me and therefore the story was just boring and lacking.

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Thank you for the digital review copy!
I was totally hooked from the start. If you're a sucker for enemies to lovers rom-com, I definitely recommend it! LOVED IT!!

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What can I say. I liked this book. Must read. Do it. If you do anything else. Read this book today. Great read and enjoyable.

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I think this is a new author and as a new author it was a well written book. At times I felt it could be tightened but overall it was well written. Its a fun story with meddling grandmothers and is a romance that takes place at work. It had some humor and a bit of hate to love storyline. I enjoyed the story and it was a fun and light read.

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This book is just as pompous as it is mentioned in the title. I couldn't read past the first 3 chapters. The male lead is shown to be successful businessman yet he has such dirty thought all the time that it's disgusting. That is the only thing this book has apparently focused on and I can not continue reading it at all.

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