Member Reviews

How can i possibly express how much I had been anticipating this story and then for it to exceed those expectations? Axel and Rooney have been in my heart since the Bergman series began and Chloe Liese did these beautiful characters justice in spades. This was one of those deeply touching, swoony romances that makes you want to keep reading all night. Theirs was a sweet slow burn that built and built into a full blown passionate story about real tangible love and vulnerability.

The author again, included a neuro-divergent lead character and this time included someone living with a chronic illness. She found ways to give humor and care to both and created a safe space for the characters and the reader alike. I'm in awe of how she did that so seamlessly that it felt organic and fitting.

This was also an ode to the A-frame which has made an appearance in every book so far. I'm honored to have been given an eARC of this book!

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With You Forever was a sweet, comforting, heart warming read for me - like a big hug in book form.

I love that Chloe Liese incorporates so many neuro-diverse characters and underrepresented issues and illness into her books. In this one, the hero, Axel, is autistic. Axel is so sweet and shy and so very misunderstood (as much by himself as anyone). He feels so unworthy and incapable of love, and it's heartbreaking to read. In reality, he loves fiercely, he just shows it through actions more than words.

Rooney is the sunshine to Axel's grump. Axel suffers from IBD, which is an illness no one really likes to talk about, but that can be downright debilitating for those who suffer from it. Liese somehow shows the realities of this disease while injecting enough levity to keep the story from feeling too heavy. Axel and Rooney are very different, but also a lot alike - genuine, caring, accepting people who are willing to bend themselves into knots to make things easier for those they love. Their story is so sweet. There hard, emotional moments, but there are also plenty of hilariously awkward moments and loads of funny banter.

Not since the Winston Brothers has a family sucked me in like the Bergmans have. I just love this whole family and I'm already anxiously awaiting the next installment.

The only thing that made this book a 4 instead of a 5 for me was that I felt like it ended really abruptly. I am hopeful that Oliver's story will start as this book ended, and we'll see a fair bit of Axel and Rooney in that book to fill in some of the holes there seemed to be at the end of this one. Fingers crossed!

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Received an Advanced Reader’s Copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

A single thought kept reappearing in my mind with every sentence of With You Forever that I read. The thought was perhaps more of a realisation that the struggle with highly anticipated books is that as a reader we tend to build up these glorious thoughts and feelings in our heads and hearts, forgetting that the characters the author wishes to portray are meant to be representations of reality and real people.

As a reader we often find ourselves judging these (types of) anticipated books, especially when we’re invested in a specific character’s story, from a space of unfairly elevated expectations. We want them to be heroes/heroines/god-like/meet all these magical expectations we’ve created in our minds. If the book meets this expectations then it’s perfect, if it doesn’t… then we’re immensely disappointed.

It’s only with Chloe Liese’s book that I realise how differently I probably should be looking at a character. Axel has always been this aloof enigma and Rooney has always been so bright and seemed like she’s got everything going for her in every scene that she has appeared in before. Except… I forgot that when we see people from the outside—or, the perspective of other characters in their book—we’re only seeing a version of them. Not who they really are.

So what Chloe Liese did with her book was bring me straight back to reality. Which I’m thinking about now and finding hard to believe I didn’t humanise these characters on my own, given how I’m exactly like them? And I know all my friends are.

I mean, aren’t we all? Quietly struggling with one’s own issues on the inside and keeping it all together on the outside. No one on the outside can see what we’re struggling with and everyone thinks everything is perfect in someone else’s life. Oftentimes we even presume we’re the only ones suffering at all, that the things that come so hard for us comes so easily for everyone else. We forget they perhaps feel the same about us and how the things they strive for, we simply bat our lids to achieve.

So basically, long story short I weeped my eyes out. Rooney was a character I related with the fastest and deepest amongst all of Chloe Liese’s characters—and that’s saying something because all her characters are relatable. Rooney and I may not suffer from similar issues, but the vulnerabilities that come with these struggles? Those are just the same. It’s hard to believe someone struggling so much on a personal level can seem so put together on the outside … and at the same time I see myself, my friends and my parents and know that it’s the truth.

Axel.. ah. Chloe grounding me as a reader with Axel—specifically him because he was the character that I was anticipating to read about from the beginning—was my absolute favourite. As I watched his personality, his struggles, his moments of kindness, his wants, likes and pain fill the pages I found out what I loved about Chloe (who may just be my favourite author).

Chloe ensures we remember that everyone is both okay and not. Seeing someone even all our life will never ever make us realise what happens with them when they are alone. Sometimes they don’t let us see and sometimes we choose not to, or just don’t see. But that doesn’t change the fact that everyone is both struggling and strong. I know it seems like a small epiphany, but when it comes to me and how I should know this by now, I was struck by these thoughts like lightening and am personally going to keep reminding myself that no one may know what I’m going through, yes, but I may know absolutely nothing of the battles someone is fighting either.

Like any other Chloe Liese book, there’s humour, family, love, hope, pain and lots and lots of heartwarming moments. I didn’t ever think I would find myself so touched after Chloe’s previous book, but I was proved wrong. We see all of our favourite characters from the previous books, we see art and worry, risks and bravery and love, love, love. Just like every book I’ve read of Chloe’s she brings everything to the table and they share equal space and deliver a well balanced read.

The title “With You Forever” was to me prophetic of me and anything Chloe Liese writes in the future. There’s not a Chloe Liese book so far that I have not weeped because of yet and I don’t think With You Forever will be my last. Five stars. No doubt!

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My friends, I am not at all surprised that Chloe Liese has done it again. In the words of Lady Gaga: Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Showstopping. Spectacular!!

At this rate, I can give Chloe five stars blindly and trust that it’ll be a home run. She is undeniably one of my favourite authors. This book was one of my most highly anticipated books this year and it was everything I wanted it to be and more. I am deeply, deeply satisfied. Axel is the sweetest grump ever. I am obsessed with him, I am obsessed with Rooney, and the love I have for every single character in this series literally overwhelms me.

There are so many beautiful, precious moments in this book. Some of my absolute favourite novels are ones where you can feel the energy of the setting so deeply, it’s almost like you’re right there with them, and this was no exception. I was at the A-frame and the cabin with Ax and Rooney. Each description was so vivid and beautifully depicted.

Chloe’s characters always feel very real and it’s something I truly admire. I love the ND and health representation and how in every book, the characters aren’t cookie cutter perfect; they feel like real, genuine people. What I liked most about Rooney and Alex was how unconditional their love was, and how gentle and careful they were with each other. I adored the safety they found in their relationship. While I loved every single moment, I have to say the winner for me was the scene before/when Willa and Ryder arrived. Truly a masterpiece right there. Outstanding content.

I’m so excited for Oliver’s story next. I’m excited for the rest of the books in this series and while I know it can’t go on forever, I still wish it would. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. I hope you guys are excited to read this when it comes out next month. You should be. I can already see a reread in the near future for me.

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I can't begin to tell you how much I love this series! Chloe Liese just has a way with words that has you falling in love with each of her characters. This book focus on self acceptance, self discovery and is just on amazing story. Even tho this is part of a series you can most definitely read this one as a standalone. I'm also a sucker for dual point of views storytelling.

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I really needed this, a comforting hug in book form, and a full immersive experience. (I love settling in with a new Chloe Liese book with the soundtrack playing in the background.) Not only was it really great to see some diverse representation, but it's not often that we see something like chronic IBD in a romance novel with the warmth and acceptance of it from a book and a friend and a romantic love interest. It's really special to see that.

Not only did I have those warm feelings throughout, a comforting book that felt insulated from the world and let us spend time in the woods, that talked about the importance and the work that is therapy, but there were *so many* great "situations" or moments that made it fun and the slow burn so good. I wasn't expecting it at all, but I couldn't stop laughing throughout the "Twilight piggyback" and wolfing down cold soup scene. I just loved everything about it. It might even be a favourite Bergman Brothers book, if I really had to pick one. I love when books find you when you need them, and that this one found me when it did.

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What can I say? I am sorry Ren. As much as I love you, after reading With You Forever, I have fallen in love with your brother, Axel who has now claimed the title of my favorite Bergman.

With You Forever is the fourth installment in the Bergman Brothers series by Chloe Liese and follows oldest brother Axel Bergman and Willa's best friend Rooney (from book 1) who have had some sexual tension between them through out the books culminating in a kiss during a charades match at the end of book 3. Rooney, a stressed out law student, retreats to the Bergman's A frame house in Washington for some R&R at Willa's invitation after her health has required her to take some time away from school. Little does she (or Willa) know that Axel is at the house doing some major repairs. The repairs turn out to be more extensive than expected and the funding lands Rooney and Axel in a marriage of convenience situation to allow Axel to access some funds. But soon this "loveless" marriage of convenience doesn't seem so "loveless" after all. This is a forced proximity, marriage of convenience tale that will leave you turning page after page anxious to see what happens.

Axel and Rooney are PERFECTION. I loved every second of this book. I just I love broody, grumpy Axel and how he interacts with loud, talkative Rooney. Seeing them together is just so much fun. The issues addressed in this book are so beautiful and wonderfully done. Chloe's characters are always so beautifully written and make you so sad to leave them at the end of the book. I want more and more of Axel and Rooney. I didn't think any Bergman would dethrone Ren as my favorite but Axel is just pure gold. I cannot wait to read Oliver's story next. There are not enough stars in the sky for this book. One of the best reads of the year.

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This series is so delightful, and this just might be the best of the four so far. I was absolutely blown away by the tenderness in these characters. This book is such a comfort. The love and caring that Rooney and Axel had for each other brought tears to my eyes several times, and I felt completely lost in this love story.

Chloe Liese is the queen of the contemporary romance slow burn. She builds gorgeous, deep characters and tension between them throughout the story. As an avid romance reader, my favorite romances are the ones that take their time and pace themselves when it comes to characters becoming more intimate and falling in love. So beautifully done.

While writing a story about so many siblings, the worry is that they will stop feeling original or that the brothers will begin to be too similar, but that isn't the case with Liese's characters. Axel is different from his siblings, and the neurodivergent representation is fantastically done. I imagine that own voices readers for IBD and Autism will be so pleased with this beautiful story -- and as for those of us who are not own voices readers, we have so much to gain from reading this empathetic, deep feeling romance.

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With You Forever is book 4 in Chloe Liese’s Bergman Brothers series, I’ve read 3 out of 4 of these but I think these are easily read as standalone books. As always with series, if you read the previous books in the series it adds some context and nuance, but it mainly adds those layers to the secondary characters.

Rooney Sullivan is…floundering in her life at the moment. She’s taking a leave of absence of sorts from law school because she needs a break for her health. She has Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that impacts every aspect of her life. Rooney’d had it under control for quite a while but recently it had crept up and made her life hell so she was relieved to be able to use her friend’s cabin and recover – all the while keeping her IBD a secret from everyone in her life. But for romance novel reasons her BFF’s brother Axel (and secret crush) is, of course, also there and she is horrified at the idea of having to keep her IBD under wraps this entire time.

Of course, Axel and Rooney are both in love with each other and keeping it from the other one. And of course, this is a marriage of convenience trope. To be honest, all of that worked for me. Axel is trying to keep his family from discovering how he’s trying to keep their family home from falling apart, he’s also autistic and tends to think that others don’t want him around, even though that is far from true. I really loved how well the two of them complement each other, they slowly become more open with time, and it just melted my heart to watch.

My absolute favorite thing about Chloe Liese’s writing is how effortlessly she incorporates disability into her stories. Rooney is more than her IBD, she’s going to law school FFS, but of course, IBD has impacted and formed who she is. Anyone who has had a chronic illness or even a long-term one knows this to their core. There is a scene where Rooney and Axel discuss her disability and how it impacts them being together, them being intimate, and just how she feels about being in a relationship. And that’s a scene that is so incredibly rarely seen in romance, it was really beautifully done and made me feel seen as it reminded me so much of early conversations I had with my husband when we were dating. Representation is a beautiful thing and we could use more disability rep in romance! I’m so glad to have Chloe Liese writing disability so realistically and showing that everyone deserves their HEA.

“Tomorrow I’ll be brave. Tonight I need to be safe.”

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Chloe Liese has done it again! Rooney and Axel’s love story has been brewing behind the scenes for a few books and I’ve been so ready for their story to be front and center. Liese does such a great job of diving into each of their fears and feelings in a thoughtful way and bringing you into their orbit. This book was emotional, fun and pretty steamy.

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This book was ok. I really liked the characters though I wasn't as into this book and connected as I was for the previous ones. A longer review may be up later on.

This was a three star rating. Thank you Netgalley and publishers for allowing me the chance to read and review.

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I know I’m not the first to voice this opinion, but With You Forever is my favorite Bergman Brothers book to date. Chloe Liese’s writing is just so strong and sharp and sensitive with added hotness for flavor. In the previous books, I remember Rooney as being fun and funny and lighthearted and naked, so I was so pleasantly surprised to discover her past and her trauma and how strong she is. Now Axel, I always knew he had a gooey center waiting to be discovered. :) This is hands down one of my favorite series and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This was a poignant slow burn read by one of my favorite authors. I really like how Ms Liese writes about quirky but real characters dealing with everyday life. I feel she writes about them with compassion and respect. There were some laugh out loud moments to counter the angst. I loved the interactions with the other Bergman members. They come across as a loving and supportive family. I’m eagerly awaiting for the next Bergman’s story.

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Strong & sweet & sexy & (just a little) silly.

The stories and characters are pretty different, but this book gave me the same feels as The Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danaan, so I'm going to review it the same way: with a quote from the book.

Not a spoiler; this is one of the Bergman brothers speaking to the hero about the couple from book 3 in the series: “I didn’t do that because I thought he needed a book to teach him how to better love his wife. I gave him a romance novel because they’re a safe place to step deeper into our emotions, the happy ones and the hard ones. To recognize and process complex, sometimes difficult feelings within ourselves that the world tells men, in all its gendered, toxic bullshit, we have no obligation to face and feel, when we really do. As humans, we owe it to ourselves to know our hearts.”

I am not neurodivergent in the same way Axel is, nor do I endure ulcerative colitis as Rooney does. I know and care about people in real life who are and do. As far as I could tell, and FWIW, this book gave a fair representation of what life is like under those circumstances. Other people with lived experience can speak to that with more authority.

Much of this story takes place in a very isolated setting, so not much racial diversity. While this couple is male-female, there are several queer people in their immediate orbit.

Also, made me laugh out loud often, once for several pages in a row.

Tropes: marriage of convenience; grumpy one/sunshine one; pining.

Thanks to Chloe Liese for writing it, and to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an e-ARC.

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I am a huge fan of Chloe Liese’s Bergman series. These books manage to convey genuine conflicts and obstacles without traumatizing the reader or going overboard with the angst and indecision. Added to that, she is a master of the slow burn.
With You Forever is probably my favorite book of the series so far. The writing is particularly delicious this time around and the romance between the reticent Axel and the sunshiney Rooney takes center stage. Although there are a few brief cameos from the rest of the Bergman siblings, unlike the previous books they are firmly in the background.
While there are no traditional high stakes in this story the conflicts that each of the main characters face are relevant and very real to them.
Once again, Liese treats each character with dignity and a deep-seated respect. The hero, Axel, is autistic and Liese, who is also autistic, writes his POV with an appreciable amount of skill and compassion. (Note: Liese uses identity first language and uses that for her characters, so I will also in this review.)
The heroine, Rooney, suffers from a chronic health condition and while this is only a minor conflict, Liese writes about it in such a way that the reader empathizes without pitying her. This is a wonderfully written romance with believable – and loveable – characters and the best installation of the Bergman family series yet.

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Axel and Rooney are frankly adorable and this book was incredibly sweet and heartfelt. I adore Chloe's characters and her storytelling style. Her characters look and sound like people I know, and it's so wonderful to see your life reflected on the page. She tells these stories with such care without being vague and dismissive of other experiences and it's so nice to see this mentality in romance novels.

I've enjoyed all the Bergman brothers books so far and can't wait to read more. Rooney and Axel are everything you are looking for in a romance novel story with heart and grit, and a spoonful of spice.

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*please note that I am an ownvoices autistic reviewer, but I am not ownvoices for IBD*

I honestly feel like this book was written for me I related to it so much and loved it so so much. Both Axel and Rooney were incredibly relatable to me in different ways and completely stole my heart.

Axel was just so soft and sweet and I could so understand his struggles with romance and affection and feeling like he doesn't fit in. If I could also go and build myself a cabin in the woods and hide there I would. I really enjoyed reading from a perspective that felt so authentic and so much like the experiences I have had, whilst also being completely different. Chloe Liese always does an excellent job of handling disability sensitively, and I think the way she presents Axel's autism, and explains certain aspects of him was beautifully done.

Whilst I do not have IBD, I have had other issues that present in a somewhat similar way, so I found it super cathartic to read about a character struggling with IBD and still being the sexy, loveable love interest. Rooney's thoughts and feelings around her illness and her body are oh so familiar, and they are handled just a sensitively as other disabilities in this book are. And Rooney's personality was just so lovely to read. I do love a soft cinnamon roll female character too!

I thought the plot was wonderfully drawn out. The constant "will this be the moment?" feeling this book gave me just made me not want to put it down and I tore through it wanting to see what would happen. It is so romantic, emotional and funny. The setting of an isolated cabin in the woods matched the romance so perfectly and the atmosphere made me feel as though I was there with the.

This is a very clear and solid five stars for me, but I do still have one small thing that bugs me. In the first book in the series we meet Ryder, who has hearing loss (I am using this term as I do not remember the specifics as I read the book a while ago now). In that book there is discussion around cochlear implants, sign language and so much more, but it all seems forgotten later on in the series. Even as I read this one I had to go back and check that was Ryder's story because it's just not mentioned. I would love to see that acknowledged more in future books in a similar way to how casually Frankie's cane or Ziggy's autism is mentioned! If I have missed mention of this in the books then do let me know (and of course I would edit my review accordingly!), but I don't remember it coming up again after book one

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The Bergman Brothers series is easily my favorite comfort contemporary romance series. Each book is like getting a warm hug from the entire Bergman family and With You Forever is no different. This was a delightful marriage of convenience, sunshine and grump romance.

I’ve been anticipating Rooney and Axel’s romance since the first book in the series and I was thrilled they would have a marriage of convenience (my favorite trope!) Per usual, this story artfully combined slow burn romance, wonderful family, and great representation with an autistic hero and heroine with IBD. With You Forever is such a soft and tender love story. Chloe nails it every time with this series and I cannot wait for the next book! 4.5 stars!

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I have loved every single one of the books and was thrilled to receive an early copy of With You Forever.

Axel shows his love for his family by doing things for them. When he decides to undertake major works on his family's holiday home, he needs money to finance the project. With an inheritance left from an uncle being the key, Axel finds there is one condition that he has to meet in order to receive the money - get married. When Axel asks Rooney to help him out, he doesn't expect her to agree. But she does. And cue the fake marriage trope.....

Axel has always been the grumpy character in the family so reading about his attraction to Rooney and seeing him come out of his shell was truly heartwarming. It was great getting to know more about Rooney and her personal battles with a chronic IBD too. Both characters were so likeable and the sexual chemistry between the two was electric. I only wish the ending had included the family's reaction to the couple getting together.

I'm so happy there's still a few more siblings left in the Bergman family as I don't want this series to end!

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Thank you Netgalley for the early copy of With You Forever.

I DNF this book at 38%.

I tried really hard to like this book and these characters but it just didn’t happen. I couldn’t connect to any of the characters. The book was so rushed. There was no build up, no chemistry, no angst, no romance, there was just nothing that made me want to read any further.

It missed the mark for me.

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