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With You Forever

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Chloe Liese has taken the romance world by storm with her inclusive and diverse romcoms. Now she’s back with her latest #OwnVoices novel and the fourth book in her Bergman Brothers Series, With You Forever, which comes out September 14th.

This book further proves that Chloe Liese can do no wrong! Not only do we get a neurodivergent character falling in love with someone with chronic illness, but we also get the sweetest marriage-of-convenience slow-burn romance ever. All set in a cozy cabin in the woods featuring a lovable dog and cute kitten? Sign. Me. Up! This book just solidifies my love for Liese’s writing. This story is so easy to fall in love with and is a great read to snuggle up with this Fall.

I loved the way communication took a front seat in this book and how Axel and Rooney continuously try to put each other's needs and happiness above their own. Even though these two characters have such differing personalities (one’s a sunshine and one’s a grump), they begin to learn more and more about the other which makes this slow burn romance so delicious.

I also love how the Bergman Family always makes an appearance in some way, shape, or form during each book of the series and strings these storylines together. While this book could work as standalone, they are so much more fun to experience as a series.

As I impatiently wait for Oliver’s story to come out next, I highly recommend checking out With You Forever (and the rest of the Bergman Brothers Series) and embrace the wonder that is a Chloe Liese novel!

*I received an ARC from the author via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Chloe Liese's Bergman Brothers series is one of my all-time favorites. With You Forever is one I've been highly anticipating, and it did NOT disappoint! It's my new favorite book from this series!

With You Forever is exactly the sort of romance so many of us need right now: soft, vulnerable, raw. That's not to say it doesn't deal with deeply important issues, because it does (and does it well!): chronic illness, neurodiversity, art, family. Liese creates warm, loving, human characters that there is no need for angst or suspense to keep you turning the pages. This is the perfect book to read when you want an escape that will make you feel safe and in good hands the whole way through.

This book is extra special to me as a creative whose spouse is chronically ill and has experienced severe gastric issues. I loved how Liese was able to include the bodily realities of love and chronic illness without breaking the swoony romantic sexiness of this story. Rooney and Axel are such multifaceted and complex characters, and their chemistry leapt off the page. I have no doubt this book will make chronically ill folks and their partners feel seen.

Thank you to Chloe Liese and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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“Reading a book is just like opening your heart to someone. You won’t know if you’ll connect until you try.”
— 𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓, Chloe Liese

Rating: ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️/5

Ugh this was my favorite story yet. Am I absolute trash for a marriage of convenience story? Yes. Did this book ruin me in the best way? Also yes.

I loved finally getting to dig deeper into Axel. He’s got that broody, reclusive artist thing going on. Except in actuality, he’s on the autism spectrum and socializing is difficult for him. Showing love to his family is difficult for him. He wouldn’t know the first thing about giving his heart to someone. So he lives in his cabin in the woods, content to spend his days alone, painting. Until Rooney shows up and throws a wrench in the whole damn thing.

Rooney’s childhood was the opposite of Axel’s. It wasn’t full of unconditional love from her parents and she has no siblings. She grew up thinking she was a mistake, raised by parents who tolerated each other and little else. She’s found it difficult to believe in romantic love. She just doesn’t believe it’s in the cards for her: sharing her heart and life with someone and expecting them not to hurt her. Until Axel and a marriage of convenience force her to reevaluate her stance on such things.

These two were just perfect. Two years worth of sexual tension turned accidental shared living space, toss in a marriage of convenience and being around each other 24/7. Magic. Pure magic. These two really found in the other their perfect match. The one they could be completely themselves with, who isn’t asking for anything more than what they’re able to give. It was such a beautiful story ☺️

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Chloe liese I want to fist say thank you to the author and NetGalley for giving me the eARC. I had never been so happy in my life for a book, I been waiting for this book for months, and I even preorder it on amazon so that the day it came out I would have it on my kindle. but I Got lucky, and I just want to know How does Chloe manage to make all of her books this perfect and wonderful, and how does she make me fall in love with each of the bergman brothers? she has a gift, this book was everything! it was so beautiful, and perfect. rooney and axel have my heart they are literally soulmates. the book exceeded all my expectations. and i love the way chole shows autism and rooney’s IBD, ulcerative colitis. please read this book and the entire series, you are really going to love it.

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Only When It’s Us - 5 stars
Always Only You - 5 stars
Ever After Always - 4 stars
With You Forever - 4 stars**

“Because I want us. I want you here, with me. Yesterday. A week ago. Forever.”

Same as the rest, another Bergman book I highlighted the hell out of 😂. Chloe Liese’s Bergmans series has thoroughly spoiled me, particularly the first two installments. She just hits so squarely right in the feels, checking off so many boxes for me. At this point, I’m not so sure it’s possible to curb my expectations much honestly (I love it & I can’t recommend the series enough). With You Forever specifically checked more than a few of the usual boxes.
- Axel: Grumpy, thoughtful, smart, artistic, quiet, sensitive, caring, protective, sexy bespectacled man.
- Rooney: a sunny, tenderhearted, selfless, adorkably sassy woman who’s a little overwhelmed atm where life brought her.
- Both managing to be so relatable. Together they’re so tender, adorkably funny AND they still manage to have a chemistry that sizzles off the page. Best of all, CL yet again finds that connection between Axel & Rooney making each of them truly feel seen in a way neither has ever experienced before (as she has in previous Bergman books).
- Harry & Skugga. I’ll leave this one at that & not spoil them 😉.
- Axel & Oliver. Albeit it brief, it gave a tender new look into each of them for a variety of reasons. So sweet 🥲.

Yet a few things seem to be amiss & left unchecked.
(These are spoilery, so please move on if you wish to not know.)

Spoilers coming…
- No clueing in a single member of his family or Willa to their marriage seemed like a glaringly missed plot point imho & probably my biggest peeve. I was looking forward to how that piece of news slipped or how the news was broken to them.
- This sort of piggybacks off of just above. The amount of interactions with his family seemed to be lacking a bit. As it’s one of the series strong suits, I kinda missed the Bergman brood interactions. There’s some, but I think there was room for a little more.
- No closure or progress with Rooney & her mom. Idk what exactly I was expecting 🤷‍♀️…maybe a call to kinda break the ice a little. It just seemed to be left a loose end, albeit a bit smallish one to the whole of the plot.

The first two are the most glaring imho, so I’m hoping both will be rectified at least in some part & addressed in the final published edition of WYF. The third would be isn’t a must, but tying it up a little would be nice.


** This rating & possibly the review are subject to change once the published version is available tbr. (Which I 100% will be reading eventually.)
Without reading the soon-to-be-published version, I’ve been going back & forth on how to go about reviewing this ARC. Tbh my review still feels clumsy & shaky at best in places(my apologies), because of being my first ARC from the Bergmans family series. So I’m left with the uncertainty whether to expand further upon those things I began with above, not knowing if or how much her ARCs vary from the final published version from a plot perspective(beyond the lesser inconsequential things to the plot like fixing possible grammatical errors or misspellings[which were far from prevalent here btw as I expected]).

*** This arc was provided by NetGalley UK in exchange for an honest review. WYF is one of my top 2 most anticipated reads this year, so truly thank you. ***

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This is such a special book. I have been looking forward to Axel and Rooney's story since the second book in the series. It's a beautiful take on a grump and sunshine trope.

With You Forever is a different kind of romance. It's not about the romantic gestures and fast fall into chemistry. It's finding a safe space with another person. Axel deals with autism and anxiety, and Rooney has a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. They are both struggling with their jobs, as he is suffering a creative block from painting, and she needs a leave of absence from law school. Both struggle to tell others about what they are experiencing. But they understand each other.

This feels so real and so lovely. It's an aspirational love story. I am so glad the series isn't over, as I want to see more of how their story unfolds after this book ends.

Thank you to Chloe Liese for the advanced reader copy. These opinions are my own.

4.5 stars rounded up

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I really, deeply fell for Axel and Rooney. I truly believe that with every Bergman brother book, Chloe shows readers just how talented and capable she is at crafting a real life romance with a beautiful happily ever after.

I love grumps, I love slow burn, I love forced proximity, I love marriage of convenience and I love cinnamon rolls. This book has it all. Axel, who on the surface seems like a grump, is actually the most caring human who shows his love in small (and big) acts of kindness. The tension between him and Rooney while she stayed at his house was painful and perfect. Waiting for them to FINALLY come together felt like it took a million years, but it was so worth it when they finally did.

As always, her characters are real and raw. Axel is on the autism spectrum and Rooney has a chronic bowel illness. I love that Chloe takes people who face real life situations that millions of others face around the world and shows how worthy and deserving of love they are. The sense of familiarity is relatable and refreshing and you can really place yourself in the story with these characters.

Finally, this story has two precious stray pets that will steal your heart - Harry and Skugga. They are so sweet and add such love to the story so if you’re a pet lover, then this one has two absolutely precious gems.

Overall, the Bergman series just keeps getting better and better. Each siblings story will steal a piece of your heart. Axel and Rooney were angels and I am so honoured to have been able to experience their story. This is a must read for any all and romance lovers!

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From the very first moment I read my first Chloe Liese book (He's a Brute), I fell in love with her writing style and her very unique voice and she continues to blow me away with each new book she releases. With You Forever is the 4th book in the Bergman Brothers Series and can be read as a standalone but I highly, highly recommend reading the entire series to appreciate the whole "Bergman Family Experience." These characters touched my heart in so many ways and gave me feels throughout the entire book. I couldn't wait to read Axel's story because we never really got the opportunity to get to know his personality as opposed to Rooney whom I felt like I knew from being Willa's best friend. He is swoony, compassionate, caring, sexy and the perfect companion to Rooney. I love these two together so much! Add in the background setting of an A-frame in the middle of the woods, sunsets and sunrises, an adorable dog and kitten, and the slow burn between these two and you've got yourself pure perfection. And the cooking scenes! Oh my goodness, I could go on and on, but I don't want to ruin anyone's enjoyment of Axel and Rooney's adventure. Ms. Liese knocked it out of the park which doesn't surprise me at all but, having said that, she completely exceeded my expectations. I love the Bergman Family with all their quirks and different traits, but I most especially love that they eventually realize that they're not broken or defunct--they just have to find their place and their peace in this world and they eventually do so with grace and lots of love. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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The fourth book in the Bergman Brothers series, With You Forever is a beautiful love story featuring Axel, the eldest brother, and family friend, Rooney. I loved the characters circling around one another the past few books, so I was ready for their story! Chloe Liese has created the forested world of the A-frame and Axel's cozier home into a setting that lives and breathes with the characters. She has taken two "flawed" characters (though not really flawed at all) and gently and compassionately layered the storyline so that we truly get to know their complexity. The author could teach a masterclass in how to write consent and open-door romance, as it reads as eagerly intimate and always communicative and consensual. She also creates a world where Neurodiversity and chronic illness exist in the characters' backstories, but it is never a sensationalized sales tool - it is sensitively written inclusivity at its best. I read this book in a day and cannot wait for the next book in the series! Highly recommended!

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted uncorrected advanced copy via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I may or may not have done a happy dance when I received this arc and then read it all in one sitting and now I am regretting all my life's choices as I have to wait until 2022 for the next one.

This fourth installment in the Bergman's Brothers series it was probably my most anticipated one as I have been dying to read Ax and Rooney story since book two and I was not disappointed. I feel like Chloe Liese is just getting better and better with every single book, managing the storyline, the emotions and the characters in a truly masterful way. Despite the reclusive and somewhat "antisocial" nature of Ax and the fact that there are objectively fewer scene with the entire Bergam family than in the previous books, this one felt more choral. The mostly one-on-one interaction between Ax and his various siblings and even his reflections on the relationship within his family really brought into focus the family dynamics in a powerful and compelling way, showing how it is okay to have a different love language than everyone else around you and that that doesn't mean you love them less.
I loved how the romantic relation between Ax and Rooney was entirely built on dialogue and honesty, on an open communication with one another and how the two of them really brought up the best in each other. Their personal growth really reflects not only in them as a couple but in their relationships with others as well, giving a surprising depth to the characters.
I really felt for Rooney and what she was going trough, physically and emotionally and Ax is the ultimate grumpy cinnamon roll with her and I couldn't love them more.
As with all the other books in this series there is no shortage of cute moments, tender ones, laugh out loud ones and general adorableness and in the end you are left with a big smile on your face, simply wanting more.

*Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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You know that feeling, when it’s cold outside and you’re wrapped under a blanket, with a cup of your favourite hot beverage steaming in your hands and you gently blow on it to cool it off? That feeling of peace, quiet and contentment? This is exactly how this book makes you feel.

I would just like to say that Chloe Liese is a menace to society. She should not be able to write romances that are so perfect. It feels as though she made a list of every single one of my favourite tropes and then proceeded to execute them brilliantly. This is one of the best marriage of convenience romances I have ever read. The pining, the angst and longing were carried out perfectly.

Of course every story is unique and my favorite bookish couples have amazing chemistry but Axel and Rooney are *soulmates*. They’re the real deal. Every part of one's personality completes the other's.
They have a lot of things they deal with personally: Axel is autistic and struggles with expressing his emotions in a way other people understand. He is the typical grump, believes he is going to be an eternal bachelor and thinks he is not trustworthy. As the story evolves we understand why he thinks those things about himself . Since there's a dual point of view narration, we have a beautiful and insightful way into his beautiful brain and we finally see and process all the things he isn't able to convey. I think the autism representation (as a girl on the spectrum myself) is perfect. Seriously. Axel cares so much and I loved all the gestures and little things that showed how thoughtful he is (how he takes care of Oliver, the wedding hand holding, the hikes, being there for Rooney when she needs it, his work on the family house, him braiding Rooney’s hair, the way he cares for Harry, etc.).
Rooney is the typical sunshine.... until she isn’t. She suffers from IBD which is a chronic illness that she hides from the people she loves. She's social, inviting and bubbly and it's nice to see how vulnerable she allows herself to be with Axel. I just admired how resilient and patient she was. It was nice to crack her bubbly exterior and see the woman beneath who also had her demons to fight.
I really enjoyed how Axel and Rooney learned to fall in love together, how they it wasn't a "turning point" but rather a series of events and situations where they let themselves be loved for who they are. They were partners and supported each other when the other needed it. I just loved their dynamic. I honestly felt like I was intruding on their intimate and private moments. I also like the attention to Art and how that was something they bonded over and a way express themselves.

What made this story my favorite from the "Bergman Brothers" series though, was of all the little things. I fell in love with al of the details which made this story as perfect and as fleshed out as it could be; from Axel’s friends and their daughter, to the sunset and sunrise hikes, the way they cared for the pets, the cinnamon rolls , Uncle Jakob’s letter which drew a parallel with Axel’s current life. My kryptonite is the trope when characters read a letter that mirrors perfectly the situation they are in and makes them take risks. Consider me dead because in this book it was heartbreakingly beautiful.
Despite some angst and hard moments for the characters, this story was incredibly light and funny. I was cackling at some moments and giggling at others. There is a Twilight reference which made me laugh so much as well as a Harry Styles reference. This book has "Chloe Liese" written all over it and her signature way of telling heartwarming, emotional stories that pull at your heartstrings but make you cry with laughter.

This was an easy and instant favorite!

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Axel and Rooney have each had secret crushes on one another for a long time. I have not read any of the rest of the Bergman Brothers series, but I am inspired to now! I love how the author incorporates topics rarely discussed in fiction books, giving the characters and the plot more depth. But not too much depth that she forgets to add the spicy, steamy aspects that make up a great romance novel. Definitely recommend! Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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Axel Bergman has been hopelessly attracted to Rooney Sullivan since they met. But she is warm and sunny and bright, everything that Axel is not, so he is determined to keep his distance. Rooney, meanwhile, has had a crush on the gorgeous grumpy Axel for just as long. Thinking he isn’t interested, Rooney is doing her best to keep her attraction under wraps. But then their paths—and problems— unexpectedly converge, and a marriage of convenience proves the perfect solution. At least, until they’re each facing their most serious problem yet: a once-loveless marriage of convenience that’s inconveniently become a love match, after all.

Another fabulous book in the Bergman Brothers series! This series is honestly one of my favourite romance series ever, and it just keeps getting better. There was so much to love in this one. I loved watching these two pine for each other, and even though a tiny bit of me wanted them to just confess their feelings for each other and get it on already, the slow burn was worth it I love a grumpy hero with a heart of gold and Axel had me swooning from page 1. I love how Chloe’s characters are so real, so normal and so full of heart, and I love how she incorporates diversity so effortlessly – in this case, Axel is on the autism spectrum and Rooney suffers from a chronic illness, but these facts don’t define the characters, and there is no trying to “fix” them. They just are who they are. As with every Chloe Liese book the overwhelming message is that no matter who you are, you deserve a love story. The romance was equal parts wholesome and steamy and I loved it.

I definitely recommend this one! It was cosy and heartfelt and left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. I’m always a bit of a stickler for reading a series in order and I would definitely recommend reading the previous books in the Bergman Brothers series first, so that you can fully appreciate the family dynamics (also they’re all excellent!). Can’t wait to get my hands on Oliver’s story next!

Thank you to @netgalley and the author for the free copy

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Boy do I love the Bergman Family! The brothers are so quirky and supportive of each other in the best, most natural yet hilarious way. I'm forever a Bergman Family fan!

With You Forever was so deliciously sweet, sassy and funny, and (of course) steamy hot. I appreciate that we got to be there for the down time (and marriage of convenience) of Rooney and Axel in the Bergman's A-frame in the Washington woods. Their chemistry and banter came alive off the page and really drew me into their lives.

Per usual, Chloe Liese focuses on some great underrepresented issues (in this case, gastrointestinal disorders and autism). The way she handles these issues is so respectful, honest, and sensitive. I love it! Everyone needs some love :)

Thank you to the author for my gifted advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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It's always the quiet giants that make me fall in love. We've known Axel all this time and he is a man of little to no words. After sharing a kiss with Rooney one day, Axel can't help but think about her every day. She has consumed him in ways he didn't think was possible for someone like him and while maybe he might welcome it, she's unknowingly created an artistic block in his brain. It has been a while since they've last seen each other until maaaaaaybe it's not.

Rooney's been going through a lot with her health and when Willa offers her a place to stay and recalibrate, she jumps at it. When she gets there, she expects to see her best friend's boyfriend's family's property ready and waiting but instead, she finds a home that is falling apart... and Axel Bergman. A mix-up neither of them sees coming and Axel can't find it in him to let her leave, so he invites her to stay while he fixes up the A-frame. When the price tag to cover the repairs runs much higher than Ax can afford given his lack of painting, he looks to the inheritance he needs to free up. His Uncle's ask when he left the money to Axel, was that it was to be released once he got married. So, Rooney being the big-hearted woman she is offers to be the solution to this problem he's having. He'd never imagine calling her his wife and living with her for even a little but the two bring out the best and most understanding parts of one another.

My friends, we have gathered here today to praise and love Mr. Axel Bergman. I would like to sit here and collect my thoughts. I think my favourite thing about Chloe Liese is how maturely everything is handled and played out. Nothing is childish which, thank god, because they're grown adults and no one needs anyone throwing a hissy fit. Nothing is romanticized and done for the sake of being cute and different. It just is a moment to appreciate and represent people who face more everyday challenges and deserve some love. Who are not given the spotlight and their moments to shine enough and deserve that too. Every character we've followed has such a special place in the series and you continue to love them from book one to book four (and onward when the time comes).

I loved the soft and slow build in their relationship. Axel was a very private person and when Rooney tumbles into his personal space the way that she did, you can't help but hold your breath to see how he'll respond. He was wonderful. Seriously, I knew his story was going to get me the most and it sure as hell did. It felt very personal and intimate just because of Axel. Rooney's life was not as reserved and she burst in like the ball of sunshine she is and turned him on his head. I truly could just keep reading and reading.

With You Forever is an amazing and thoughtful addition to this series and I can't wait to get my greedy hands on the next book.

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Chloe never fails to write sincere, beautiful stories about characters with flaws, fears, struggles, and complexities that make them who they are. The characters she creates within this book, as well as her others, are tender, vulnerable, messy, and fully human. Axel and Rooney aren’t created to be these perfect and unrealistic characters, where their story/journey toward love feels idealistic. Rather, they’re written to be real, raw and relatable.

This was overall heartwarming and just such a thoroughly amazing romance. It provided the tenderness and vulnerability, as well as the imperfection and humor I love to see in romance novels. The way these characters offer each other respect, understanding, and compassion is beautiful. They form a safe space with one another that is free from judgement and ridicule, where they can just be wholly themselves in all of their messiness and needs.

Chloe knows how to dive deep into the well of the human heart and writes characters who have a deep fundamental understanding of one another with communication, consent, and healthy boundaries and that’s what makes the story between these two characters so beautiful and their love feels so well earned.

As much as this book was sweet and tender, it was also smutty and sexy as heck! This was very much an open door romance and these intimate scenes were handled with such care and depth. This was a slow burn, and you could cut their sexual tension with a knife, but the build up was worth the payoff. Even when Axel was French braiding her hair was so sexy because it was such an intimate act.

The representation of the characters felt thoughtful and sincerely executed as Chloe herself used her own experiences as a guide when writing this story. I believe these characters can be relatable to every reader in some capacity and that’s what makes this series so special.

The Bergman family is so wholesome and they really add and enhance the story. The pets within this story are also incredibly adorable. A large Bergman man holding a tiny kitten? *swoon*.

I love this series and these characters immensely and I am already left with a book hangover that won’t be mended until the next Bergman brother book. I’m looking forward to reading Oliver’s story next!

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Was not aware this was a part of a series when requesting. That’s on me, so I’ll be giving this an auto 5 star rating.

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I love the Bergman family. If you asked me to choose between the Winston Brothers (Penny Reid series) and the Bergman family I would curse you and your future off spring.

So I think we've grasped my love for the Bergman's.

This book is one we've been waiting for! You could sense the interactions between these characters in previous books and wow, it was so great to see them together! I love seeing the Bergman family weave in and out of this novel, it's so fun to unite with old friends! I loved the dual POV the story was told in. I found myself firmly on team Axel...which is strange because I couldn't sworn I was team Ryder...then Ren then... well, you get the drift. It featured every trope I could want: there's only one bed, fake relationship, marriage of convenience. I mean *fans oneself* it was great! I can't wait for the next installment! 2022 can't come soon enough!

This is a high steam novel- coming in at 5 out of 5.

The parts that lost me in the book were the self actualized conversations. This will probably not bother a lot of readers, but it was a sticking point for me. There was a plot point revolving a charades clue that wasn't particularly believable, as well as Rooney's reasoning to agree to the marriage. And lastly, I needed a final resolution regarding the wedding rings in a scene at the end. But perhaps that will be brought up in a future installment.

Overall I would definitely recommend the book to every fan of steamy romance novels! Seriously, pick up this series, you'll love it!

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With You Forever is the 4th book in Chloe Liese's Bergman Brother Series. This series has fast become one of my favourites and I'm always super excited to get my hands on the next one.

This one is all about Axel and Rooney, two characters we're familiar with from the previous books. Axel is the reclusive grumpy artist that hides in the woods at the Bergman families A frame cabin. Rooney is Willa's best friend (Willa is Axel's brother Ryder's girlfriend) and needs some time away from the world and is invited to stay at the A frame for a break.
Turns out Axel is staying there too and they have been set up as everyone else can feel the chemistry that both Axel and Rooney have been avoiding for 2 years.
Soon after Rooney arrives she ends up agreeing to marry Axel so he can get his Uncle's inheritance and save his families beloved cabin that is in much need of repairs.
Rooney and Axel both have their own quirks. Axel is autistic and pretty much never wants to interact with anyone especially not the women who has been his secret fixation for the last 2 years. Rooney has a chronic IBD which is putting a hold on her life and why she decided to escape to the woods she can make some decisions. She also has many hang-ups about love and relationships.
This is very much a slow burn fake marriage kind of story. It has funny moments and weapy moments. Their is the ever present Bergman family involvement but on a much smaller scale which I definitely missed in this book. I love Chloe Liese's writing as it always sucks me in instantly and I don't want to stop reading. Her characters are real people with real problems and many characters have basis on her #ownvoice as well as the experience of her friends and families. No one needs to be perfect to be loved and there is a magical person out there for all of us.
Thanks to and Chloe Liese for giving me a complimentary eARC to enjoy.

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I absolutely adore this series and honestly will read anything that Chloe Liese writes. Every book that comes out I am extremely eager to reach and Axel and Rooney were no different. Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC to review.

Axel and Rooney have been dancing around each other since Rooney was first introduced in Willa's book. As the oldest Bergman brother, Axel has a lot on his plate and shoulders the burden of caring for his family (often time without them even realizing it). He also identifies as being on the autism spectrum and struggles engaging with people. But he has been drawn to Rooney and trying to fight it since he met her. When Rooney shows up for some time to herself at the A-frame, the romance novel tropes run rampant: only one bed? CHECK! marriage of convenience? CHECK! grumpy/sunshine relationship? EXTREME CHECK! But this book is even more than a compilation of romance tropes. It is so heartfelt. It sheds light on Axel as an autistic person and his experiences being in a family that loves differently than he does (Will be a direct quote once it is published). With You Forever also highlights Rooney's experiences with chronic illness which is not often something you read about in romance. I loved Liese'e content/sensitivity notes in the beginning and am excited to see more of a trends towards content warnings in books and reviews.

Ultimately, Liese is showing that people from all identities, people with chronic illness and autism, deserve happy for nows and happily ever afters. Their sex and love is real and should be written about and consumed. I have so many quotes from this book because it legit tore my heart out. It is beautiful and sad, sweet and funny, oh so sexy and sometimes awkward. Just like read life.

Sensitivity/Content warnings: discussion of chronic illness, character who is on the autism spectrum

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