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With You Forever

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When reading, do you ever just want to fall into the book and land in its particular setting? That's how I felt while reading WITH YOU FOREVER, the fourth installment of the Bergman family series by Chloe Liese. I live in sunny LA, but I truly believe my heart lies in Axel's cottage and the surrounding trees. 

There is something about this marriage of convenience that just makes you want to slow down and soak up every morsel of goodness between Axel and Rooney. Their love is so pure and sweet, like a soft, quiet snowfall in the woods. 

One thing I love about Liese is the vulnerability in her writing. The care and thought she puts into each character is evident on the pages - either through their inner monogues that are sometimes so similar to my own thoughts, or the #ownvoices representation. This particular story includes a MC that is on the autism spectrum and another MC that has a chronic illness. As Axel and Rooney each learn how the other feels love, we as readers are taught an important lesson: that not everyone feels love the same, and we each deserve to be loved in our own personal language.

Highly recommend for fans of forced proximity and grumpy/sunshine tropes!

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This is absolutely, without a doubt, my favorite book of the series so far. I am so looking forward to the next two (hopefully we get those, right?)! This is an own voices story that will make you laugh, swoon, and cry! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

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Thank you to Netgalley & Chloe Liese for the advanced ecopy of this book! This is number four in the Bergman sibling series.

HOLY COW. This book is absolutely perfect. I’ve loved each book so far, but this one, without a doubt, takes the cake. Oftentimes with a book series you know what to expect after book one, but each Bergman sibling and their love interests has been unique, and their journeys toward love completely different.

Axel is viewed as a grumpy recluse, and Rooney is viewed as spunky and upbeat. Both have harbored secret crushes on one another, and when they’re put in forced proximity to one another, you can imagine the chemistry that unfolds. Except, no you can’t – because holy cannoli, it’s intense. This is a steamy, slow burn, witty, and wonderful romance. It’s got a marriage of convenience, longtime crush, forced proximity, and secret romance trope, and it also handles Autism and IBD with extreme care. As someone who struggles digestively, I so appreciate Rooney and her story.

Axel is beyond a shadow of doubt my favorite Bergman yet. I can only hope we get the rest of the siblings’ stories in the future, because they just keep getting better.

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This is my first Bergman family book, so while I may not have the attachment to the family that other readers have, I can certainly see their appeal after one book.

Rooney needs to get away from it all after a flare-up of her chronic illness and her friends offer up their family vacation home, all the while knowing it's currently occupied by one of the siblings, Axel who Rooney very obviously has a crush on. Axel is grumpy, brooding, and likes to be alone. Rooney takes that desire to another level - she gets him all messed up inside and he can't think straight. But the family A-Frame is starting to fall apart and needs some major repairs that Axel can't afford to fund on his own. Luckily (or not-so-luckily in his mind) he has an inheritance he can claim to take care of it all. The only problem - he has to be married to get the money. I think you can guess what happens next...

This is a sweet romance and Rooney and Axel are perfectly likable characters, which may actually be my only downside about the book - everything felt a little too saccharine and golden hour-y if that makes sense. The hygge was almost overwhelming. But, if that's the only complaint about a romance book, it's a good day.

From a plot perspective, not too much happens in this book, but that's because it's so completely character-focused. We are in the minds of Rooney and Axel, feeling every pent-up emotion and hearing each confused thought.

All in all, I enjoyed this book, but I wish the stakes would have been a little higher. I do think I'll check out other Chloe Liesse books. If this book alone has representation for IBD, LGBTQIA+, and neurodivergence, just think what she'll come up with next!

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“I have never felt so seen by the very last person I ever expected to understand what it’s like to be the way I am.”

What You’ll Find:
✔️Marriage of Convenience
✔️Secret Crush
✔️Chronic Illness Rep
✔️Slow Burn
✔️Dual POV

Axel is a shy artist on the autism spectrum. He’s also a reclusive grump. He’s been harbouring a crush on Rooney for some time. So naturally, he’s been avoiding her. But now, she’s in the last place he expected her to be... his home. Rooney is pure sunshine. Underneath that though is a woman with a chronic illness desperately in need of some R&R. When life hands them lemons, these two decide on a loveless marriage of convenience. What they didn’t expect, was love after all.

With You Forever is a own voices, slow paced, slow burn romance. Filled with sizzling sexual tension. At times, a little too slow for me, but I could definitely appreciate the beauty in the story at the same time. I loved both of these MC’s fiercely. Both owning who they were. Sharing vulnerabilities and truths. While supporting each other unconditionally. It made me swoon so hard.

I loved how easy it is for the two of them to just see, get, and support each other. The author does a fantastic job at pulling you in and making you root for them. There were other times I literally laughed out loud. The whole scene when they thought they were going to get caught... or “What the hell kind of spy network are you running here?” scene. Pure gold.

While I loved it, it also left me wanting just a tiny bit more in the end. It didn’t feel quite tied up to me. Do the Bergman’s learn about their marriage? Perhaps it’s to come. This series just has such a powerful family connection, it’s the only thing that really caught me up in the end.

Overall I really enjoyed it though. This series is so unique and refreshing. The family connection, as I mentioned, draws me back every single time. If your waiting for a sign to start this series, this is it. You won’t be disappointed! Can’t wait for more from the Bergman’s.

*I received an ARC via Netgalley for my honest review. All opinions are my own and given freely.

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This slow burn, forced marriage book has been set up in the previous few in the series. It picks up in the aftermath of the momentous kiss in the book #3. While fans of the series will enjoy the book, new readers may want to start elsewhere.
The author has shown her talent in the previous books but this one didn't do it for me. It didn't build on the friendships that the main characters have with others, although it laid the groundwork for them. The Bergman family is large part of the draw but we barely see them. Plus, the fallout of revealing the secret marriage to the rest of the family, let alone the close friends, is never shown. It did a good job of setting up the next book. Overall, it had promise but failed to live up to it., which may be the fault of the burning trash fire of a year known as 2020 rather than the author.

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Slow burns…how do you feel about them? For me, they must be done really well for me to like it. Needless to say, I thought this one was fantastic!! ⁣

Axel and Rooney have been circling each other since Willa brought Rooney into the Bergman mix in book 1, Only When It’s Us. Their chemistry was clear each time they interacted in the previous books. Actually getting to see things through their eyes was amazing!⁣

Things I loved…⁣

Axel – He quickly became my favorite Bergman brother (so far.) He was grumpy perfection! I love that he has his own way to love his family and Rooney. Plus, he’s a really great big brother. ❤️⁣

Rooney – She learned to open up in this book…with Axel and then eventually with Willa. Her growth was incredible. I feel like we watched her find herself.⁣

Education – Being an #ownvoices author, Chloe always teaches me something about autism. This time, she also taught me a little about living with a chronic illness. I love how this expands my understanding of things.⁣

Harry – I loved that dog so much. That is all.⁣

The A-Frame – Yes, I know it’s just a house. But it was obviously so much more than that to Axel, and that made me love it even more.⁣

Read this if you love:⁣
💜Forced proximity⁣
💜Marriage of convenience⁣
💜Dual POV⁣

Thank you to @netgalley and Chloe Liese for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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With You Forever seemed to be a huge favorite for the Bergman series, but it just did not do it for me as much as the others. I also feel like I am falling into a romance rut and really need to switch up my genres.

I think this one had way too much cheese for me and it felt super unrealistic for people meeting for the first time to share these deep and emotional secrets on a first date. However, there is a lot of sexual tension that ends in some super steamy scenes that I did not see coming.

I loved how it was a sunshine grump and a fake marriage trope that continued the wonderful world of the Bergman brothers and their significant others. I have loved every other Bergman brother book so far, this one just fell short for me.

I highly encourage you to check this one out on Goodreads due to all the 5-star reviews I saw and how high the average rating was on Goodreads. I think I was just not in the mood for a super cheesy romance that was highly unrealistic circumstances.

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BOOK REVIEW: With You Forever by @chloe_liese

5 Stars

Smut level: 4 Stars

I absolutely adore the Bergman Brothers series and books 1 - 3 I loved so much that I gave them 4.5 stars. With You Forever, the fourth book in this brilliant series is a beautiful, emotional and REAL romance. It is filled with realistic problems and emotions and the way this couple tackle them is so lovely to watch. Accepting and loving someone not just for their good points but for their broken parts too is what makes true love and this book shows this in abundance.

The lead characters are Rooney and Axel. Rooney is the bubbly and fun best friend of one of Axel's brother's girlfriend (Willa) and has been adopted into the Bergman family. She suffers from a painful chronic illness called Ulcerative Colitis, which was represented incredibly well and I loved that Chloe Liese once again showed that having a chronic illness makes you no less worthy of love. As someone that suffers from chronic illness, I really appreciate this representation. Axel is the quiet Bergman brother who has autism and struggles to connect with others and prefers a solitary life. Seeing both Rooney and Axel open up to each other and be so accepting of each other's quirks was so lovely to read. Their romance was beautiful but add in two cute fur babies and it was perfection! The smut is written really well and it is filled with consent and slowly learning each other's bodies whilst also staying incredibly sexy.

As you can see, I adore this series, the fictional family and their loved ones. The writing is perfect, the storyline interesting but takes a backseat to the characters who are ‐ relateable and with whom I felt really connected to. This series is SO brilliant and I could not recommend it more to romance readers. Go grab the first book (at least!) now!

Please note that I was #gifted this ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Chloe Liese has definitely become one of my go to authors, I simply cannot get enough of her writing and this book is no exception. Before reading this book, I thought my favorite of the series was "Always Only You", but know? I think it’s this one.

This book tells Axel and Rooney's story. If you read the previous book, you know a kiss happened. Since the charades kiss, they both have been trying to ignore their attraction for each other, but when they both wind up at the family A-frame, it seems like the universe or meddling brothers/friends is forcing them to spend time together. The beloved family house is in desperate need of repairs, so in order to fix it up, without the rest of the Bergman knowing. Axel needs to get married to access his trust fund left by his uncle. So when Rooney overhears him talking with his friends about the dire situation, she offers herself as the potential bride. As she wants to help the family that has made her feel like one of their own and the love she has for them. So a marriage of convenience was born, testing both of their resolve.

This is a beautiful journey of self discovery, acceptance and learning to love. The connection between the characters felt so real and organic, their fears and doubts very relatable. I love the way the author writes about these topics that even know, are taboos in some circles (and they shouldn’t be) with so much care and respect. Axel for me was very important, as I related to him in so many aspects, and to see neurodiversity being explored in books make my soul happy. Rooney's journey with IBD was amazing to see. We don’t normally see chronic illness being discussed in romance book, and the way she did, explaining all the aspects of it without shame was very powerful.

Other things I loved: The banter between them, the sexy scenes, Axel braiding Rooney’s hair and teaching her how to cook. The way they take care of each other. The author including songs at the beginning of each chapter, she even featured some of my favorites. Her love for Harry Styles. Axel reading historical romance because Viggo keep lending him books?! The Bergman family are the absolute best, I love their dynamics and I cannot wait for Oliver and Viggo’s books.

Overall I loved this book. So definitely check this one if you like:
- Marriage of convenience
- Sunshine/Grumpy
- Forced proximity
- Slow burn
- Shy, introverted hero in the autism spectrum.
- A beautiful, strong and selfless heroine with a heart of gold that has a chronic IBD.
- Charming pets!.

This book can be read as a stand alone, but I highly encourage you to checkout the other Bergman Brothers books because they are some of my favorite reads of this year.

Thank you to NetGalley, Victory editing and Chloe Liese for providing this copy for an honest review. I am so thankful for this.

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Ooohhhweee! Contemporary marriage of convenience is my FAVE! I love how much pining there is in the trope, and this one delivered.
Rooney and Axel have known and secretly pined for each other for two years. When Rooney takes a break from law school, forced proximity (and a little nudging from one of the brothers) lets Rooney bump chest-to-chest into Axel who is working to repair the family's cabin (which should be renamed the Sex Shack with how much action it sees, and I love the nod about it at the end!).
While the cabin is being repaired, Axel offers his place to Rooney to stay, testing both of their resolve and unacknowledged feelings. Throw in a quickie marriage so Axel can access his inheritance to fix the cabin for his family and we've got all the ingredients for a slow burn, sunshine/grump, forced proximity, MOC story.
Although Rooney and Axel seem to be opposites, they connect over feeling like outsiders in their families. Rooney is an only child who overheard her mom and dad say she was an accident when she was younger. This caused her to overachieve in hopes of keeping her parents together. Axel is Autistic and the "private" one in his big family. He shows his love for them by doing things for them (hence the repairs without them knowing) and worries Rooney won't fit into his solitary life.

Usually when I'm reading a slow burn I'm yelling at the characters to kiss. But in this one I was yelling at them to f#$& already! Axel and Rooney first kiss at the end of the third book to reveal a charades clue, and the aftermath sets the tone for their story because neither admit how much they liked it and want to do it again. Plus these two are kissing a lot! And then FINALLY they take it to the next level. I struggled to rate the steam level but I've decided it's a low-moderate, 2/5. I definitely would have preferred more love scenes, but that's just me.

My one quibble here is that I thought it was odd the Bergman's don't find out about Rooney and Axel being married, or the marriage clause from his uncle's will. Surely the uncle's siblings would be aware of his estate somehow? This story also takes place in such a short time frame that there's not a lot of room for the marriage reveal to happen without adding more chapters. BUT when I think about Axel as a character, it does make sense his family wouldn't find out because of how private he is. I am curious if we'll see it revealed in later books as an aside.
I am looking forward to Oliver's book next year!

- sunshine/grump
-forced proximity
-slow burn
-low-moderate steam (2/5)
-When Do They Kiss? Chapter 7 (for the wedding), Chapter 10 (for real)

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My bookish prayers have been listened and I was given the opportunity to read With You Forever by Chloe Liese. I have to say that Chloe is one of my 1-click buy authors, I do not hesitate to pre-order and buy any of her books. Chloe Liese is still a new-to-me author, but I LOVE HER, & her books.. Let's be honest, we love handsome grumpy men, who happens to fall in love with the sunshine of his life, in this case Rooney. I enjoyed reading their love story, how a marriage of convenience became an endless love for each other, while accepting one another. These two had to go through so much to develop self-love and self-acceptance. Chloe has a way to get you to feel what her characters are feeling, to understand them and to love them, from tears to laugh to doubt, then all over again; her books are a roller coaster of emotions. Rooney was no exception to what I just mentioned, her illness made her relatable, but also her personality; she is a wonder woman, but also a fictional human. Axel, my grumpy love, I love him to the moon and back, thank God his brother, Ren, belongs to a different book, if not, I would be in a serious problem. Thank you so much Chloe and NetGalley for giving the chance to get to know Axel and Rooney.


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I cannot get enough of Chloe Liese's writing and this book is no exception. For readers of the Bergman series, we have seen Axel and Rooney circle around each other for years. Talk about a slow burn. The tension and chemistry is high with these two before they even get to this book. When sunshine Rooney needs a place to escape to and recover for awhile, her best friend, Willa, offers up the Bergman family cabin in the woods. What Rooney doesn't know is that this is grumpy Axel's time with the cabin and he actually has a major project on his hands that leads to a marriage of convenience between the two.

As always, I love the way that Liese writes about people who struggle with disease and neurodiversity in such a respectful and caring way. Rooney's journey with IBD is very real and refreshing to see actively discussed on page with zero shame. Axel really hit me deeply in this book. I strongly related to his feelings of not quite fitting neatly into his family dynamic or even societal expectations. The way in which Liese unabashedly respects Axel's need for space and distance from people and places reached my heart in a big way. It both made me super reflective while also feeling very validated. I will sing Liese's praises until the end of time for writing Axel. I didn't know how much I needed him.

Of course, this is a Bergman book so there is the big, loving family and plenty of lines to make you laugh out loud. The setting in the woods of Washington cannot be beat (not surprising as much of that is the Axel in me). The writing is engaging and the book hard to put down. While it is part of a series and you do benefit from backstories and character interactions having read the previous three, you can read this as a standalone. Chloe Liese is one of those authors that brings such comfort and hope as both a human and a parent of humans that there is good in the world and it's only going to get better with books like this out there. I cannot recommend you read her enough!

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I had my hopes really high for this story and I can happily say it surpassed my expectations!

Rooney and Axel’s story had been simmering since they met many books before, with the kind of angst that can only come from seemingly unrequited love.

This grumpy sunshine & marriage of convenience book served all the best tropes from moment 1, all throughout a beautiful journey of self discovery and bravery that I loved. The character development was amazing on both parts, and I loved how the author showcased (as she always does), a rawness within her characters’ struggles and conditions that add greatly to the story.

Showing us a domestic Axel, taking care of Rooney, while they softly and quietly fall in love between house repairs, pets and fears was incredible.

I couldn’t put it down!!!!

I can’t wait for Oliver’s story (and Viggo’s, because my baby is a romantic like me).

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My love for Chloe and her books will never stop. She has a way of making people feel so seen in such a beautiful way. Rooney and Axel’s story is one I’ve been anxiously waiting on for what seems like forever and it didn’t disappoint.

The connection between these characters is so strong and electric. Chloe does an amazing job of letting their personalities play off of each other and also balance each other out. The banter was wonderfully written as well as the internal struggles they each face.

While each romance has that “relationship defining moment” I felt that this one wasn’t forced and felt completely natural based on the character arcs. While I don’t think anyone will replace my love for Willa and Ryder, Rooney and Axel come very close.

While this book can be read as a stand alone, I highly encourage you to checkout the other Bergman Brothers books because they are some of my favorite reads.

Thank you to Chloe and Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book so much it’s hard to put into words, but here I go! This story made me smile so hard, while also crying. I finished it so quickly because I could not put it down. This is my new favorite of the Bergman Brother series from Chloe Liese and I will be raving about this book for a long time. Axel is a grumpy, autistic, artist who likes his solitude in the woods. Rooney is a sunshine, law student, former soccer player, with an IBD chronic illness (ulcerative colitis). Rooney needs a break from law school with a flare up, so she goes to the Bergman a-frame cabin in Washington state for relaxation. During this trip, a marriage of convenience occurs and then romance follows. Every plot point and meet cute of this story works so well, and all of the side characters are charming and work well within the story. The communication between the main characters is beautiful and thoughtful, particularly concerning their sexual dynamic. Liese treats the many themes of chronic illness, neurodivergent romance, and complex family dynamics with care and grace. I have read all of the Bergman Brother series, and I believe that this is Liese’s best yet - she just keeps getting better and better. I highly, highly recommend this book for anyone who loves sweet, slow burn, open door, neurodivergent, and thoughtful romance. I never do this, but the author’s note moved me and made me realize why I loved this book and so many other romances so much during this turbulent time in history, so I am going to quote from it here about the message of this book:
“self-acceptance and self-love are multilayered and delicate, that the bridge we cross to entrusting that tender place within ourselves to worthy others is frightening, but it also a gift. I hope you feel affirmed by this story as a human who lives daily with your own fears and vulnerabilities, and that you remember this: you deserve to be safe, accepted, loved, and cherished for exactly who you are. Nothing less”
I truly felt this sentiment radiating from this story and the characters. I LOVED THIS BOOK.

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Book 4 in the Bergman Brothers series tells Axel and Rooney’s story. They’ve been trying to ignore their secret attraction for each other, but when they both end up at the Bergman family A-frame, it seems the universe is bringing them together. Axel needs to get married to access his trust fund left by an uncle, in order to make the needed repairs to the A-frame without his family realizing. Rooney is there and single, so she agrees to be his wife for a year.

I adored this one (and the whole series). The sweet family Axel and Rooney created with all of their pets made this one for me. Seeing how Axel handled Rooney’s chronic IBD and was on her side for everything was so endearing. Of all the Bergman couples, Rooney and Axel quickly became my favorite for how sweet and kind they were to each other.

I’ve been raving about this series and I will keep raving about it. I’ve seen where Chloe has said everyone deserves a love story, and her stories really epitomize that feeling. She is incredible at creating incredible neurodiverse love stories, and seamlessly weaving complex issues into beautiful love stories. If you haven’t read this series yet, do it. Now.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. With You Forever will be released on September 14.

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I loved books 1, 2 & 3. This is Axel and Rooney's book. Axel is the older, serious Bergman brother. Rooney is Willa's bff (Willa is in book 1). I think that you could read this as a standalone. You would miss a lot of the family dynamics. The Bergman family is large, but close. All of the siblings are so different, so you'll have no trouble telling them apart.
This book focuses on Axel and Rooney, but there are brief appearances from the Bergman family members Their meet cut-is like a meet again cute, since Rooney is a friend of the family. She's always had a crush on Axel, but thinks he doesn't have any romantic interest in her. Axel is the loner in the family. His brothers and sister.
Rooney has been stressed about her graduate school studies. She's had some chronic health issues that compounds her troubles.
Rooney takes some time off & is invited to stay in the Berman's A frame cabin (a house in the country that the family has owned for years).
Axel is living in a small cabin near the A Frame. He's been working on some much needed repairs.
Axel is getting a good price on the repairs but can't afford to pay for them on his artist salary.
The whole forced proximity-friends to lovers should be experienced as it unfolds.
Rooney's sunny personality is a major contrast to Axel's grumpy appearance.
Axel has a much different feeling on the inside. He's also been attracted to Rooney since he's known her. The marriage of convenience trope has been done a lot, but this has a very unique spin.
I love Rooney and Axel's personalities. The plot is original and unpredictable. I listened to the audios for the first 3 books. I was too anxious to wait this time.
I want to listen to the audio when it comes out. 4.25 stars!!

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Another day another post about a fantastic book by Chloe Liese. The fourth book in the Bergman Brothers series is about Axel and Rooney. I think it is my favorite so far. That's a bold statement but what can I say, this book made me feel all the feels.

Liese is known for writing inclusive stories with underrepresented characters. Boy did I love these two. Rooney has chronic ulcerative colitis and Axel is on the autism spectrum. The way these two communicate and care for one another (even as friends as they dance around their feelings) is beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Liese is a master storyteller, she has such a gift with words. I was lucky enough to chat with her and the Lovearctually crew the other night about the Bergman series. Liese explained that she doesn't want to write love stories where the characters are perfect and the only issue is communication. Instead, she likes the intimacy of sharing vulnerabilities. I think this is what makes her stories and characters so unique, real and relatable. Liese says everyone deserves their own love story.

In With You Forever, Rooney needs a break from law school to focus on her health. She travels to the Bergman Family's a-frame for a few weeks of rest and alone time, only to find Axel there. The Bergman family vacation home is in need of serious and expensive repair. But Axel, a painter struggling with artist's block, is strapped for cash. Short on time, Axel is left with one option - get married so he can receive his inheritance from his uncle. Can Axel handle entering into a transactional marriage with the woman he has long secretly pined for?

With You Forever is full of heart. Definitely add it to your TBR! It will be out 9/14, so hurry up and start with the first book now!

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This was such a lovely, gentle romance. It’s soft and cozy, much like the cabin Rooney and Axel share for the majority of the book. It’s a slow-burn, marriage of convenience, grumpy/sunshine delight.

Rooney needs a space to relax while living with a flare up of an autoimmune disease, so her BFF Willa offers her the Bergman family cabin as a retreat where she can relax. She thinks she’ll be hiding out alone, so is shocked to discover Axel is in residence as well. Rooney and Axel have liked each other for years, but Axel has never made a move because he knows a sunshiney extrovert like Rooney isn’t for him.

When an opportunity to help Axel as well as the Bergman family comes up, Rooney doesn’t hesitate to step in to assist, even if it means marrying the man she’s carried a torch for. The two keep their marriage a secret, while circling around each other in Axel’s tiny cabin, as they figure out their next steps.

It is a SLOW burn. A very, very slow burn. Some people may love that!

It was a teeny bit slow for me through the middle, really not a lot happens and they are pretty isolated. I missed the comradery of the whole Bergman clan, that’s why I love this series so much, so without the family around to interfere it was missing a little of that magic for me.

Overall though a great addition to a beautiful series, one that speaks of the importance of everyone deserving love, even if they don’t think they do.

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