Member Reviews

This was such a lovely, gentle romance. It’s soft and cozy, much like the cabin Rooney and Axel share for the majority of the book. It’s a slow-burn, marriage of convenience, grumpy/sunshine delight.

Rooney needs a space to relax while living with a flare up of an autoimmune disease, so her BFF Willa offers her the Bergman family cabin as a retreat where she can relax. She thinks she’ll be hiding out alone, so is shocked to discover Axel is in residence as well. Rooney and Axel have liked each other for years, but Axel has never made a move because he knows a sunshiney extrovert like Rooney isn’t for him.

When an opportunity to help Axel as well as the Bergman family comes up, Rooney doesn’t hesitate to step in to assist, even if it means marrying the man she’s carried a torch for. The two keep their marriage a secret, while circling around each other in Axel’s tiny cabin, as they figure out their next steps.

It is a SLOW burn. A very, very slow burn. Some people may love that!

It was a teeny bit slow for me through the middle, really not a lot happens and they are pretty isolated. I missed the comradery of the whole Bergman clan, that’s why I love this series so much, so without the family around to interfere it was missing a little of that magic for me.

Overall though a great addition to a beautiful series, one that speaks of the importance of everyone deserving love, even if they don’t think they do.

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Thank you to #NetGalley and author, #ChloeLiese for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

This is the fourth book in the #BergmanBrothers series, which I fell madly in love with. I didn't even need to read the synopsis to know I must read this book. Every one of Chloe's books are full of humor and romance and they make you feel good. Her characters seem like real people you'd love to get to know, and I simply cannot wait to read what comes next in this series.

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*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
This author. She knocks me on my ass every single time. She has such a deft hand with complex characters that feel like people I know.
This book finds Rooney, Willa’s best friend, and Axel Bergman attempting to avoid one another. Rooney has been blindsided by her attraction to Axel. She cannot manage herself around him and suspects that her friend and his brothers are attempting to meddle in that dynamic.
Axel is the grouchy brother. When his emotions get high, he locks up and cannot speak. He tried to keep everything close so he doesn’t hurt anyone or become uncomfortable. He’s decided he’s better off isolated. Except now he cannot even paint, which has been his saving grace.
I loved both of these characters so much. They both feel misunderstood in their families. They both keep some important things really close. Watching them navigate this situation they are in and learn how to trust someone else was so beautiful.
It is not an action book. It’s a much more internal story. We all have parts of ourselves that it is hard to share. This author captures all that nuance so beautifully. There are lines in this book that I had to stop and process.
This series is one of the best I’ve ever read.

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I feel like every single book from Chloe Liese is better than the last! This is the story of Axel Bergman and Rooney, who is Willa’s (from Bergman book #1) best friend. Willa offers up the Bergman family A-frame to Rooney, who is in need of a break from law school and is recovering from a flare of her IBD, Ulcerative Colitis. She swears the A-Frame will be empty, but instead Rooney finds her mega crush (who she also maybe kissed at a Bergman game of charades), Axel and a giant mess. Determined to let Rooney stay but to also not give into his feelings for her, Axel goes to great lengths to make her comfortable (giving him his bed in his cabin while he sleeps outside in a tent, for example) while avoiding her as much as possible. When the A-frame needs serious repairs, Axel knows he can fund them if he marries and stays married for a year - a stipulation of his inheritance from his uncle. Would Rooney do this to help the family out?

One thing I especially love about Chloe’s books is how she takes great care in writing characters with a multitude of abilities - Rooney struggles with IBD, Axel is autistic. You can tell these aren’t just slapped onto characters with no research - Chloe even acknowledges those who helped her at the back of the book. I appreciate the authenticity in her books!

Also, I’m from Pittsburgh and she is as well! I’ve got to support a local author who writes such amazing stuff!

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The Bergman Brothers series holds a special place in my heart, and WITH YOU FOREVER might be my favorite entry so far. I’ve been so excited to read Rooney and Axel’s book ever since it’s been hinted, but this book exceeded my expectations. They are the epitome of the grumpy/sunshine trope, one of my favorite romance tropes. It also meant so much to see Rooney having to deal with her chronic illness while falling in love. While it’s integral to her story, it’s not about a sick person overcoming their illness to find love. That and the neurodivergent rep helped make the story feel well-rounded and realistic. ALSO THERE IS A DOG AND A KITTEN AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

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I absolutely loved this! I have a chronic illness and while mine is different than Rooney's (she has ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune/inflammatory bowel disease and I have a different autoimmune disorder), I was incredibly impressed with how authentically and how kindly Chloe Liese portrayed chronic illness and chronic pain. This is a fake marriage/marriage of convenience trope romance, which I often enjoy, especially in cases like this where the two main characters are secretly very attracted to each other. I liked the growth I saw in both characters as they figured things out, both in their relationship and in their individual lives. I also love a contemporary romance with great pets, and this one had an amazing dog AND an adorable and rascally kitten, so I was very into that element. The premise of this (Rooney is told by her bff Willa that she can use Willa's boyfriend's family's cabin in Washington while she takes leave from law school and tries to ride out a bad flare, but the cabin turns out to be in terrible shape and she has to stay in Willa's boyfriend's brother's [Axel's] cabin and it's awkward because they are both into each other but haven't admitted it; and then Axel has to marry someone so he can get the money he has inherited on the condition of marriage because he needs it to completely overhaul the family's cabin) is a bit far-fetched, but somehow it feels really organic between these characters. I think part of that is that I've read one other Bergman Brothers book and the whole "meddling family" theme appears to be strong in all of them. Highly recommend, especially for other chronically ill folks looking for some representation in romance novels!

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Fantastic! Superb! Another amazing book to add to the series!
We met Rooney in the first book, the beautiful upbeat best friend of Willa. We see later her attraction to Ryder's reclusive artist brother, Axel.
Oh this book!
Rooney needs a break from law school to handle/recover/adjust with her chronic illness she hasn't "burdened" anyone with and Willa offered the Bergman families A-frame.
Axel has a cabin near the A-frame and happens to be there but as the family's cabin is in need of repairs he offers her his cabin while he sleeps in a tent outside.
The chemistry between these two is intense. So much so that he stays away from her on purpose. He doesn't think she would want to live the life he's comfortable living or that she would want him.
Rooney we find out was a surprise pregnancy so has felt unwanted and has tried to prove that she deserves love her whole life. Oh God my heart! I may over love my babies a bit, but I would never want them to feel any sort of feelings other than unconditional love feelings from me. To have those thoughts of negativity in your brain's arsenal on your bad days is the worst.
There may be an marriage of convenience for a will which is the only way you could wrangle these two together but I'll let you read about that.
This book made me cry, gave me so many goosebumps, made my health issues just life and not what defined me, and oh wow it turned me on lol!
Being accepted fully for all your little imperfections is beautiful. And no one is perfect, we all have some little or big thing, visible or invisible happening. We don't share these things unless we are comfortable or have found an area of like minds or bodies. To have books representing us is the definition of romance to me.
I say US as in the non perfect woman with the perfect body, boobs and miscommunication issues 😉 Btw at one time I was trying to get my sister to read a romance and her only feedback was when do they go to the bathroom? 😂😂
If you need a sensitivity reader for migraines or misophonia, ( apparently it's genetic and 23&me said I have the markers 😩 oh Goodness it's bad) I'm your girl!
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥

Thank you victoryediting and netgalley for the e-ARC for my honest and voluntary review. Can't wait to add to my collection!

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I read all 4 Bergman Brothers books in about 2 weeks and this was my favorite of the series!

I was excited to see Axel and Rooney since she first started swooning for him in book one!

This was a super slow burn and I loved the ending. This hit a bunch of fun tropes such as marriage of conconvenience, keeping it a secret and one bed among others.

I do like that Chloe Liese writes real characters and this is an Own Voice book.

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Every time. Every time I finish a Chloe Liese book I’m certain that it’s my new favourite. Then I read her next book and I’m proven wrong yet again! I could not love this book more, I loved the delicious slow burn, I love the way this author writes with authenticity and sensitivity. I adored every single word. I also love that it is an OwnVoices story, I have a son with autism and this was written so well. I’m excited for more of the Bergman Brothers!

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Chloe Liese never disappoints with her Bergman Brother books and “With You Forever,” the 4th in the series continues to show why she is such a fun and unique romance author. Her books make you feel good and help you escape for a few hours, something I desperately needed right now. This can be read as a standalone but I would recommend all her books because reading about the Bergman family is always a treat.
Up until this point in the book series, Axel has been a periphery character, appearing in small scenes and talked about but never front and center. Rooney has been much larger presence, even though she’s not technically a Bergman, a fact that is brought up often in the series. But anytime they’ve been in a scene together, the chemistry has been there, and readers knew it was only a matter of time before they got their own book. So in many ways, this is the ultimate slow burn romance, stretched out over 4 books and finally culminating in a fake marriage. I must admit that marriage of convenience is not my favorite trope because I find authors struggle with making the reason behind the marriage believable and it pains me to say that I will continue to search for that elusive great marriage of convenience plot after reading this book. It’s the only blip in an otherwise fantastic (and realistic!) romance. I just couldn’t buy Axel’s motivations for wanting the inheritance he was promised if he got married. Despite my not liking that part of the story everything else worked for me. The stray dog. The close quarters. The comical surprise drop ins by family. The well-meaning, supportive friends. Everything came together wonderfully.

What I like most about Liese’s books are the diverse characters she writes and the realism with which she writes them. In each book, there is a character, and sometimes multiple characters, that are diverse. She herself is Autistic and several of her characters are as well, including Axel, but she includes other characters that are living with things that make their lives different. In the case of this book, Rooney has IBS, a chronic disease that she has kept hidden from most of the people in her life. At the same time, Axel has kept his Autism hidden from everyone but his immediate family. Part of what makes this story a lovely romance is seeing the walls each of these characters have erected start to come down as they fall in love and open their hearts to each other. The trust they show each other is beautiful and because this is a slow burn romance, their feelings are allowed the time they need to develop. There is a bit of angst thrown in towards the end but these 2 get their happily ever after, complete with a grand gesture that felt true and heartfelt. I was definitely smiling at the end of this book.

Chloe Liese has become one of my favorite authors and I sincerely hope she starts to get the recognition she deserves for writing smart, funny, and diverse romances. Rooney and Axel’s love story was adorable and filled with little moments that had me swooning. I can’t wait to read about the next Bergman brother!

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With You Forever
Book 4 of the Bergman Brother series
Rating: 4 stars (3.5)
Thank you to the publisher for the ARC given through NetGalley for review. All opinions are my own.

With You Forever was a great read. Axel and Rooney had a very intense physical attraction towards each other. They felt awkward being in the same room and his family enjoyed placing them in those kind of moments. For the most part of the book they fight against their attraction because they don't know how one feels for the other. Once they do those moments become very special because they begin to realize that their attraction goes beyond the physical. They begin to admit the truth in their hearts. I enjoyed reading those scenes of how things kept going wrong when they finally wanted to be together.
Harry and Skugga were so cute!!

I look forwards to reading more of this loving family!!

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Even at the half way part, I could tell this book was going to be my favorite of the 4. Axel gives off real Mr. Darcy vibes and I can’t handle it!!

After finishing, it was solidified that it is by far my favorite of the series. I am so in love with it! I kept smiling the whole time.

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With You Forever is the fourth book in the Bergman Brothers (siblings) standalone series. We finally get Axel and Rooney's story. I am a huge Chloe Liese fan in terms of her writing and her as a human. I love that she is writing romance books with underrepresented experiences and addressing ableism.

Rooney takes a break from law school to focus on her health and she heads to the Bergman A-frame for some rest and relaxation. Only to run into Axel who is trying to fix the A-frame without letting his family know how serious some of the structural issues are. Axel has to come up with a plan to get the money he needs to fix the A-frame since he hasn't been able to create any art in a while.

Axel has been a silent mystery until this book and I love that Chloe put us inside of Axel's head. He loves differently than the rest of his family and sometimes feels like he doesn't belong in the loud boisterous Bergman clan. Axel doesn't know how to handle the way just simply being around Rooney makes him feel, so he avoids her at all cost. He just struggles with understanding his emotions are times. I loved how he denied that Harry was his dog and that he made sure to get gluten-free sweets for Rooney.

Rooney, my sweet sweet Rooney, she just wants to be loved. She is coming to terms with what her life truly looks like with her ulcerative colitis diagnosis and flare-ups. Life with a chronic illness isn't easy, add in the stress of law school and it's no wonder she wasn't doing well. I love that Axel loved Rooney and affirms her in her moments of doubt and insecurity. Rooney understands that Axel needs time to process and that sometimes he just doesn't want to be touched. Together they help each other understand that you can't control the way people love you or their feelings. But you can open up your heart to love even if it might mean you get hurt.

I loved the glimpses of the rest of the Bergman siblings and that we got to meet more of the world around the A-frame, which has been featured in the three previous books. The interactions with Ollie and Viggo made me laugh and have me excited for their stories.

Chloe writes realistic relationships that don't have unnecessary drama. From the one small step forward to two giant leaps backward, I was right there with Rooney and Axel in their struggles to open up and trust. Everyone deserves to be loved and a love story. I cannot begin to thank Chloe enough for this book and this series. The neurodivergent representation, specifically the spectrum that is autism, as well and the chronic illness and mental health rep just makes this book (and series) a real love story.

I seriously cannot recommend this book and this series enough. The slow burn is *chefs kiss* and just the reality of what it's like to have autism or chronic illness makes the vulnerability displayed in this relationship that much more meaningful to me.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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THE TENSION! I was ready to slap these two dummies if they didn’t make out, and then they did and it was totally worth the wait. Technically I’ve been waiting for this since book 1 in the series! @chloe_liese continues to explore the human condition in the sexiest way possible, and does the grumpy sunshine trope so well. I could not stop picturing Axel as Roy Kent, which is not a terrible problem to have. And though I missed the rest of the family for a big chunk of the book, the seclusion and focus on the man couple made the story even more intense. I would like to attend Christmas in the A-frame now, please.

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*Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.*

This was a grumpy/sunshine pairing for the thoughtful reader. I was immediately drawn into Axel and Rooney and their awkward but compelling chemistry was so endearing.

The chronic illness and autism representation was done with care (from what I can tell as an observer). I worked with a close friend who had a bowel dieses for many years and I had some of the very conversations in here that were portrayed with the characters. That really made it feel so authentic to me and I had such sympathy and love towards Rooney in some of awkward situations she found herself in.

When these two get thrown together by Axel's meddling family, I couldn't help but laugh but also feel mortified for him that his secret obsession with Rooney is about to get called out. I love reading about neuro-divergent characters when the authors are able to bring their own experience into it. Axel was so unique and quirky and it was very moving to see how he was processing or not processing different parts of himself.

This was a very pleasant book to read, even through the struggles. I loved the communication in parts of it and the acceptance from family members and it makes this series so warm and cozy and beautiful. I can understand why it is a favorite of so many people.

The steam was also very moving and I freaking love discussion about consent and working together to find a beautiful way to be together that works for both of them.

All in all, this one did get a bit too angsty for me, but I do understand how these characters had to go through that to come to a believable HEA, so a lot of this comes down to preference for me.

I think a lot of readers with IBD will feel very "seen" by this book and I am so happy it exists to help them feel understood.

4/5 stars from me. And I can't wait for the next one.

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With You Forever was so soft and tender. It feels like I gain a little insight into Chloe and her heart and also a deeper connection to the Bergmans. I loved that the conflict was low and the tension was high. I liked getting glimpses of the family and meeting Parker and Bennett and Skyler. This is a warm hug of a read for a day when you need a cup of coffee and a blanket. 4.5 stars <3

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With You Forever is the story of Axel Bergman; artist, family grump and on the autism spectrum. It’s his turn at the family’s A frame cabin. It’s in dire shape and he’s desperate to fix it up without the family knowing he paid for it all.

Rooney, a Bergman family friend, is in chaos. Her life is a mess, she’s taking time out of law school and her IBD is flaring up when her friends offers the A frame cabin to recover.

Axel and Rooney have been crossing paths for awhile. They have a strong connection but each thinks the other can’t stand them. Spending a prolonged period of time together is about to make all those feelings come to the surface.

I loved this book and it may be my favorite of the series! The characters have a great connection, are so honest and real with each other. We also get cameos of the Bergman family and fun animal sidekicks.

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I loved the slow-burn and gentle build of this book. Axel and Rooney were well-developed as characters and as a couple. Liese’s representation is always on point and I liked this take on marriage of convenience. It only could have been improved if we’d gotten to see a little more of their time together and happy! 4.5/5

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Chloe Liese sucker punched me in the heart HARD in this one. I couldn't hold back my tears while I was finishing this book and I'm okay, okayyyy. Axel and Rooney are superb main characters who will captivate you instantly. Their love story is that slow burn romance you so much crave in your books. They're so adorable and their story is very cozy, set in the woods at a cabin ALONE. So lots of forced proximity but also a very good spoon of marriage of convenience.

There is a cute doggie, an adorable kitten, hilarious family members and supporting characters, and a lot of more you are definitely going to enjoy when you're reading With You Forever. I love that Axel thinks he's having something, like heartburn, because he has never been in love and what he feels for Rooney is so foreign to him he never really thinks he is in love with her. He's a precious giant of a man who blushes 100% whenever Rooney is in the same room.

The Bergman Brothers series really is super great so I highly recommend everyone to read them if you haven't! I'm still missing book 2 and 3 but for sure I wanna read them. I so want to own these books in paperbacks because they're so fun! And the romance IS OUT OF THIS WORLD. I've always loved reading a romance series about a big family and each of the members get a happily ever after of their own. This series is like that!

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The fourth book in the series follows Axel, the family loner who lives a quiet life in Washington, and Rooney, who finds herself needing time away and turns up at the family’s mountain cabin.

I think this is my favorite in the series as I loved both Axel and Rooney’s characters. Axel is on the autism spectrum and Rooney suffers from chronic illness, and I enjoyed watching them be their authentic selves and slowly open up to one another about their experiences and needs. I love the tension that builds in forced proximity stories, and appreciated watching Rooney’s sunshine personality thaw Axel’s grumpy exterior.

We got less of the full Bergman brood here, but I was fine with it because I wanted Rooney and Axel 24/7. Like Chloe's other books, it’s a slow burn romance with some open-door steam, but so tender with real-life challenges navigating friendship and love.

Thanks to LoveARCtually and NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for a review. I've enjoyed reading this series and can't wait to pick up more from Chloe Liese.

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