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petty petty petty... this book was not an enjoyable one for me. None of the characters were likable and the entire premise was gossip girl meets Downton Abbey, which sounds nice but just didn't work this time.

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I guess I will firstly take the moment to thank Netgalley for allowing me an ebook in repsonse for my honest review. I will also take this moment to express the "triggers" I came across during my reading experience.

1. Bad crowds 2.Bad friends 3. Rich people problems 4. partying minors 5. broken friendships 6. rape 7. fake friends 8. temporary home 9. love 10. big scandal 11. Drinking

SO at the very start of this story you meet Georgiana on a ledge who in turns meets Frances with a flask. Frances is a dark skinned young woman who comes from money and lots of it, her father happens to be Lord Campbell a very well respected gentleman upon the upper class. So you would think i
his daughter is prim and proper but thats not the case. Georgiana and Frances end up sharing a flask full of cognac on a ledge then disappear together into a room and get into the party hosts closet and tries on her clothes and role plays, until Frances' mother finds her and sends Georgiana on her way.

The Burtons' are Georgiana's aunt and uncle who are NOT rich or upper class, who took her into their home and care for her only temporarily tho. Georgiana is secretl;y poor, but Frances is under the impression she's just like her so in turn decides to call upon her and introduce her to the bad seed group as everyone in town refers to the group. The group is made up of Frances, Johnathan, Cecily, and Christopher. One other important factor about Georgiana is her love for a good library and a good book.This is how I relate to the character.

Just saying at the end there's a big scandal.. The book is a slow burn up until chapter 20 then it really kicks it up 10 notches. Definitely a must read if you can hold on long enough.

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I hate to say it but I did not get on with this book. I think that it is entirely my fault though. I love Jane Austen's works which is what made me want to read this book. I went into it with her writing on my mind which is entirely unfair to this author and this book. That being said the description that I read for this book said it was like Jane Austen meets Gossip Girl which I suppose would be very exciting for some except I know nothing about Gossip Girl. I gather the clickiness, alcohol, meanness, drugs, and partying all fall into the Gossip Girl realm. I am not a fan of reading about such things so that really took away from the enjoyment of the read for me. At one point I actually wanted to DNF the book but felt bad about that so I kept reading. There were a few parts in the story in which I did enjoy. Those parts in the story had to do with the letters being exchanged between two characters and toward the end about 90% through.

The main female character frustrated me so much she was too eager to please and fit in no matter the expense to herself or others around her. I did not enjoy the company that she kept throughout the book as I found them to be mean and miserable characters not only to each other but themselves as well. I did however enjoy reading about Betty and Thomas and their relationship with the main character Georgiana. I do not want to say to much about them though or the parts of the story that I liked because I do not wish to ruin the story for others wanting to read it. I will say though if you like kind of period era type reads with partying then chances are you will enjoy this book.
Trigger Warnings:
violence/pressuring woman

I want to thank NetGalley and the author for this advance reader copy.

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I got such a kick out of this book. I expected drama, scandal, and parties, but I got DRAMA, heavy topics (done well), and debauchery! I loved it far more than I expected.

Georgiana is a 20-year-old, regular lady, who gets dumped off at her aunt's and uncle's place because her parents need some fresh sea air. At her very first party, she meets Frances, a higher-ranking-socially young woman, who immediately makes her feel like she is living an exciting life. Frances adopts her into her friend group, who all enjoy drinking, drugs, parties, and being just generally somewhat offensive. Georgiana goes to parties, gets plastered, and keeps running into the brooding Thomas Hawksley (who I mentally have cast as Nikesh Patel), whom her friends say is a boring stick-in-the-mud. But Georgiana doesn't agree with them, and over time, cracks begin to show in the friend group, scandals erupt, and Georgiana has to make some decisions on how and with who her time should be spent.

If you love Mean Girls, Bridgerton, and Jane Austen, then I highly recommend this book. Hawksley is a fantastic love interest with a golden heart, and Betty Walters, a friend that Georgiana reluctantly makes, is a sweet cinnamon roll that deserves the world. Georgiana isn't necessarily the most likeable, which I think makes her all the more relatable. We have an excellent Victorian villain in Frances, BIG AUNT ENERGY from Georgiana's aunt, and so. much. thick. drama. that you could swim in it. It was a wild ride, and one I didn't want to end.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the e-ARC,

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4.25 stars

This one was a fun mix of (loosely) historical romantic fiction combined with some interesting anachronisms (largely in some speech patterns and phrases). The description of this story as a blend of Gossip Girl and Bridgerton with touches of Jane Austen also fits. The characters and plot were dramatic and relevant, if a bit predictable at times, but they were enjoyable, and it was clear that the writer was trying to appeal to contemporary audiences with some of her choices. Overall, I did like this one, and I’ll keep an eye out for similar work from this writer in the future.

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by Lex Croucher
St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin
Pub Date: Apr 5

What a wild Regency romance! And such fun!

Georgiana Ellers lives with her staid aunt and uncle after her parents abandon her. Once quiet and bookish herself, she finds life changes radically when she meets free-spirited Frances Campbell, a member of a rich clique who abhors polite society.

Frances' world includes drunken parties with handsome men -- activities that certainly sully reputations valued most highly in rigid Regency times. So much so that Georgiana wonders if her involvement isn't a mistake, especially after meeting Thomas Hawksley, who seems to catch her at the worst moments.

How can the two true? I won't share details but know that if you adore lively histfic romcoms with flawed but compelling characters, REPUTATION is for you. Highly recommended!

Thanks to the author, St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Griffin, and NetGalley for the ARC. Opinions are mine.

#Reputation #lexcroucher #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this advance listener copy and advance reader copy.

Description from NetGalley:
Abandoned by her parents, bookish and sheltered Georgiana Ellers is spending the summer with her stodgy aunt and uncle at their home in the English countryside. At a particularly dull party, she meets the enigmatic Frances Campbell, a wealthy member of the in-crowd who delights Georgiana with her disregard for so-called “polite society.”
Lonely and vulnerable, Georgiana quickly falls in with Frances and her wealthy, wild, and deeply improper friends, who introduce her to the upper echelons of Regency aristocracy, and a world of drunken debauchery, frivolous spending, and mysterious young men. One, in particular, stands out from the rest: Thomas Hawksley, who has a tendency to cross paths with Georgiana in her most embarrassing moments. Sparks fly, but Thomas seems unimpressed with the company she is keeping. And soon, Georgiana begins to wonder whether she’ll ever feel like she fits in––or if the price of entry into Frances’s gilded world will ultimately be higher than she is willing to pay.
Set against a backdrop of lavish parties, handsome men on horseback––and in a time when one’s reputation was everything––this edgy, hilarious romantic comedy explores sex, consent, belonging, and status through the eyes of an unforgettable heroine that Austen herself would have cheered for.
Having both the ebook and audio for this was delightful. It was very immersive and great to hear the accents. The narrator did a great job. The plot is definitely the “grass isn’t always greener” and a finding out who you are kind of story. I loved Georgiana and felt for how uncomfortable she felt in the fancy/rich world, “polite society.” I also felt for the others because of what society would expect out of them.
If you are a Pride and Prejudice fan, then I highly recommend this book, both written and audio.
Overall: 4/5

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Thank you for an advance copy of Reputation.

Star Rating: 3 stars
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
Pub Date: April 4, 2022

This book was an interesting combination of Jane Austen, Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls, and maybe even a little bit of Heathers thrown in for fun. This is a coming of age tale, and the main character, Georgina, learns the ups and down of navigating the "in crowd."

Overall, I liked this book okay. It was a (sometimes) fun read that had a lot of dark moments (drug abuse, alcohol abuse, rape, etc) that I wasn't expecting. I was actually a bit surprised at the darkness of the book's tone from start to finish (hence the reason it made me think of Heathers, for some reason). The main character does a lot of growing in the story and of course, a lot of falling in love (believing her feelings are unrequited).

That being said, the story felt forced at times, and I think the book was trying to do too much in one story. I do think, though, that I might re-read this one when I am in more of a mindset to read in on the off chance I missed the value of the book, especially given the high Goodreads ratings. For me at this moment, the book just didn't do it for me, though. It was good, not great, and I felt like the story was a bit chaotic at times.

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This is a witty regency era historical influenced highly by today’s standard of Mean Girls. If you haven’t dipped your toes in historical fiction/romance yet and want to see what it is all about this is the perfect book to get you started, and hooked!

Ordinary Georgiana has recently moved to a new town and is staying with her aunt and uncle, who might be slightly dull. While at an equally dull dinner party she makes the acquaintance of Frances who is a high society young woman with old money. Georgiana soon finds herself the newest member of an exclusive group of young adults who prioritize parties over all else.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, I liked the characters and felt that the interactions they had were perfectly regal and fitting for the time period; while still introducing themes that we see today. However, I felt the author tried to include too many pressing issues into one book. There were a few plot ideas that were brought up that weren’t necessary and then were never spoke of again. Overall I enjoyed my reading experience and would read from this author again.

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Gossip Girl and Mean Girls meet Pride & Prejudice in Reputation by Lex Croucher, out April 5.
Georgiana Ellers is taken in by her boring aunt and uncle after being pushed aside and forgotten by her parents. At a stuffy party, Georgiana meets Frances Campbell, an upper-class young woman who takes Georgiana under her wing, inviting her into the world of lawless socialite society. Georgiana, or George, as her new friends call her, realizes that these people may just have the appearance of class, and maybe aren’t as happy as they appear.

This book had me hooked. I was wondering what the characters were doing while I wasn’t reading. I was simultaneously rooting for Georgiana and wishing for her demise. She was likable while doing terrible things with terrible people. The author lifted a few iconic Mean Girls quotes, which I loved. This book also had strong Dickinson vibes and even had a background Emily/Sue dynamic going on.

I would definitely recommend this book to fans of any of the aforementioned shows/movies. Thank you so much to St. Martin's Press, Macmillan Audio, and Netgalley for this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

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OMG, could this book have been any more fun!? It's like Mean Girls set in regency-era England. (Jane Austen is SPINNING in her grave!)
Reputation is the story of Georgiana Ellers, a young lady who is sent to stay with her aunt and uncle, the Burtons, while her parents decide to travel and basically leave her behind. She meets Frances Campbell, a wealthy member of the in-crowd and quickly falls in w/ her crew. They seem to live a life that Georgiana has only dared dream about. However, as rich and fun as these friends are, they're definitely improper and the price of high society may be much more than Georgiana is ready to pay...

*Special thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Griffin for an e-arc of this novel.*

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This book was a nice and easy read. Good writing style. My biggest struggle with this book is that it took more than half before the heroine had really any interaction with the hero. The romance was possibly not even the biggest plot of the book, which wasn't what I wanted from a romance. I will say it picked up a lot in the second half, and though I was worried at the 50% point, it did pay off to a satisfying conclusion. Book was interesting, just would have preferred maybe a shorter build up in the non-romance plotline.

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When I first say this book being released it immediately went into my wish list, so thank you to net galley for letting me read this.

Let’s get right into…

The beginning of the book took me a lot to get through. Georgiana was impossible to like when she was with her new high society friends. She’s a young girl in the recency era testing life and her reputation, makes sense to rebel, but she was just unnecessarily mean sometimes.

Once you get past the endless parties (which set the foundation of the book) the character growth and self discovery was a great delight! The ending was my favourite part, it gave a conclusion to everything you needed and a prelude to exactly what you wanted.

The best way to describe this book is Mean Girls Meets Recency!

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Why, why, why was this book set in the Regency period? It in no way followed any of the periods societal rules and in fact was laughable in that these unmarried women were running around and partying like it was 1999 or 2020s or even the 1960s. I could not find a reason for picking this time-period other than the shades of Emma, Pride & Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility sprinkled throughout the book. Did I mention that the Regency period is one of my favorite genres? You probably think I’m a purist. I’m not at all but this drove me nuts while trying to read this book. I did enjoy parts of this book, but the mean girl vileness got old really quick (even though they were acting out from extremely poor parenting). Why didn’t she pick something like the 1950s? Where the rules were still pretty stiff, but things like the parties would be more believable. Based on other reviews, I believe my opinion will not be appreciated, but hopefully it will be helpful to someone. Now, I loved Thomas and Georgiana (when she woke up) and those letters to each other were the best part of the book. The book was well written and I believe dealt with rape and the aftermath well. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing a copy of the book for an honest review.

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The deal: Imagine Mean Girls but in the Bridgerton cinematic universe. (PS - I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for this review.)

Is it worth it?: If you’re into relatively fluffy rom-coms and said Mean Girls x regency crossover, you’ll probably love this. I found the back half a bit disappointing — enraging in an “ugh, really?” way vs. a “these crazy kids, c’mon!” way. The beginning also had me stoked for this being queer as hell, and it’s only like, 8% queer. Womp, womp. Alas, if you willingly sat through HBO’s Gossip Girl adaptation, this should be fine.

Pairs well with: Everything mentioned above and also the surprisingly delightful NBC “Bachelorette but make it recency” situation — The Courtship


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thank you to NetGalley for giving me this arc in exchange for an honest review!

so a little while ago, I marked this book as a temporary-dnf and talked about going back to it eventually but since then, I think I'm just going to finally admit to myself that i will not be finishing this book.
my main qualm with this book based on what I've read as well as some of the reviews that I've been reading is that this book is just not what it was packaged to be at all. "Reputation" is described as being a funny rom-com and it most certainly is not. setting aside the fact that this book is much more intense and dark, it's barely even a romance. i had gotten well over 2/5 of this book and the main interest was only ever seen on two occasions and from the reviews that I've read, that seems to be a running theme. i also hated frances' character and how she was written. it felt like the author put most of the representation into a single character and ended up making her the worst person in the book. amongst a cast full of white people, the black bisexual character is the toxic "Regina George" of the universe and that does not sit right with me at all.
i might have enjoyed this more and been able to get through it had it not been as long as it was. i felt like from the first page forward i was constantly forcing myself to read and even after everything that i read, so little of substance had actually occurred.
Of course, it goes without saying that i am in no position to fully judge this book as i did not finish it and if you want to try this out and it seems interesting to you, by all means read it. but please take the time to look at trigger warnings because this book is not the fluffy rom-com it is packaged as being.

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I wasn’t a huge fan of this book; while it had some incredible one-liners, I think the overall writing style just wasn’t for me. But the humor was great, and the story was super interesting!

I don’t post reviews on social media or in my column for books I didn’t love, so this is the only place my thoughts are going!

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Mean Girls meets Jane Austen in Lex Croucher’s Reputation. Except… the girls are REALLY mean. I was expecting the scandal, gossip, and partying based off of this book’s premise, but I really just didn’t like any of the main girls. They are entitled, they complain, they put themselves in bad situations, they treat other people like dirt, and they’re just plain awful. Betty, a side character whose conversation skills include talking about gravel for long periods of time, and Thomas, a respectable man with a library (heyyyy) were the only two likable characters. The ending had some redeeming arcs for the characters, but overall, this just wasn’t for me.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Griffin for the ARC!

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Georgiana Ellers has practically been abandoned by her parents as they move off to the seaside for better air. This leaves Georgiana with her aunt and uncle where she still feels utterly alone. When off to one of their boring parties, Georgiana meets the enigmatic Frances Campbell and is immediately thrust into the fold of the rich set. Of course, their reputations are something more to be desired...

However, Georgiana finds that although they imbibe in a few raucous activities, she feels as though she belongs and is no longer lonely. The mysterious Mr. Hawksley has her intrigued, and the summer is looking like it will be such an adventure.

This Regency era romp was so good and hard to put down. I was a little sad when it ended. Georgiana's character is very likeable and has the reader cheering for her throughout the tale. Adversities are faced and lessons are learned, and friendships prove to stand through any trial.

I highly recommend Reputation by Lex Croucher, a very fun and loveable read. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the digital ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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When I saw the premise of Reputation, Mean Girls meets Jane Austen, I was intrigued. I like Regency era stories as much as the next person, but I find them hard to navigate, as the complex social rules are so foreign to me as to make the characters' circumstances feel rather remote. Am I qualified to evaluate the historical accuracy of this book? Certainly not. Did concerns of historical accuracy affect my reading experience? Not at all.

I love stories that resist the impulse to make historical settings stuffy and let its characters have full, messy lives. I wanted a salacious historical melodrama in the vein of the Bridgerton series, and that's exactly what Reputation offers. All the best Regency balls, social class drama, and courtship will-they-won't-they in a more raucous hedonistic setting.

I appreciated the author's efforts to include LGBTQ+ characters, a multicultural setting, and various relevant social issues to counterbalance the tendency to romanticize the era by recognizing how stifling it could be for individuals who don't fit the strictly defined social mores. These themes were not always introduced elegantly, given the tone and story, but I appreciated them nonetheless. I would offer a trigger warning for sexual violence, as it becomes a major plot point in the third act. While the resolution of this plot line was a little too neat to be believable, it was nice to have some wish fulfillment in a setting where rich men had absolute power over the women in their lives.

Despite some uneven pacing and tone, I couldn't put the book down. Maybe it was a little trashy, but I had an absolute blast.

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