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Electric Idol

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Electric Idol is a slow starter but the ending makes up for it.
I was a little sad we didn’t get to see more of Persephone and where she’s at in this book, but I loved Psyche and her trials and tribulations with Eros.

The only reason I’m giving this book 4 instead of 5 stars is the slow start and a chunk of book that’s a touch redundant with sexual encounters. A few sexy scenes are fantastic, but I don’t care for close to an entire chapter of the same sex scene, or multiple accounts with minimal variation. If that makes sense.

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I was so excited to receive this ARC, I was obsessed with Neon Gods and knew I'd love this. In true Katee Robert fashion it was sexy, romantic and suspenseful. I really enjoyed it! It had less spiciness than Neon Gods it was bit more tame, but still as captivating. It sucked me in from the first chapter. It was a little fluffier, with more sweetly romantic moments (which I loved), but there is still that dark and foreboding overtone that I loved about Neon Gods. There was a fake marriage/dating, 'I was sent here to kill you.' tropes.

Eros looks like he could kill you but is a cinnamon roll, he is Aphrodite's errand boy and clean up crew, she sends him out to kill her enemies (mother of the year right there). Making Eros think of himself as this evil, irredeemable monster and doesn't deserve anything good. You can see his attraction to Psyche straight away and as they get into they're fake marriage you see him develop real feelings and its just so cute!

Psyche is a cinnamon roll but could kill you. She hides an amazing smart mind behind the glitz and glamour she's forced into. She's also so unapologetically herself when she needed to be and is confident in her looks, even when people are mean to her. The body representation in this book is amazing! Psyche is plus size and doesn't hide it and Eros is into everything about her. There's defiantly some insta-lust with them but it's the content we are here for!

Eros was just so obsessed with psyche but he was also insecure with himself, he doesn’t believe someone as amazing as psyche could love him (which just made me want to squeeze him), but he slowly opens his heart and lets her in and he can’t stop. I loved their scheming to solve their problems, it showed how smart they both were and I loved their dynamic. The smut was great, I do wish there was some more intense scenes like in Neon Gods.

Overall, I loved this book. The plot was intensive and has some twists. It was romantic yet dark and suspenseful. You got see a lot more of the characters mentioned in Neon Gods and you got to see their stories progress. I'm excited for the next book in the series as big plot points were teased at the end of Electric Idol! Thank you KR and Source Books for letting me read this ARC.

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Katee Robert once again takes us into modern Olympus with this dark, dramatic and sexy tale. I adored getting to know Eros and Psyche, seeing them fall in love and fight for survival. Cannot wait to see what else Katee has in store for this series.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reading copy! This is Katee Robert’s second book in the Dark City series, and this one features the characters of Psyche and Eros. Psyche is sisters with Persephone and daughter of Demeter, from the first book in this series, and is a plus sized social media influencer in Olympus. Eros is the son of and an assassin for Aphrodite. Aphrodite wants Psyche dead, but Eros can’t go through with the hit - instead they enter a marriage of convenience and sparks fly. Overall, this is much like the first book, but I will say there is less steam and more world and character development. Robert is great at dark romance world building, while showcasing steam and chemistry. Overall, if you like the first book in this series, Neon Gods, this book is a good continuation of the Olympus character arcs. I recommend this book for fans of Katee Robert, dark romance, high steam romance.

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Another enjoyable mythology retelling from Katee Roberts! This book had so many things that I liked! Arranged marriage, star crossed lovers- I was here for it! I loved Eros from the start as he was a morally gray hero that quickly started taking for Psyche. Psyche took me slightly longer to connect with as she seemed to be caught up in multiple webs and trying to figure out her own identity. I did love the slow burn vibes and the relationships with the other members of "the thirteen" as well as with Eris, Helen and the rest of the crew. And I also enjoyed hints of what relationships may be coming in future books. If you love a good mythology retelling - don't miss this one!

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This was a "nice" read. It's enjoyable and pretty creative. Psyche has been navigating the shark filled waters of Olympus when Aphrodite's son (somebody's son) limps into a party. That set their lives into a course that no one saw coming. I think the concept of this Olympus is interesting, there's elections, there's heirs, and of course plenty of intrigue. Greek Mythology is catnip for me and while this doesn't follow the story of Eros and Psyche closely, it definitely is influenced by it. The chemistry between Eros and Psyche is apparent and I enjoyed knowing how much Eros was the one who was enraptured first. There's a thrilling edge to this one as they try to come out on top when the Thirteen are all working against them. It also leaves enough to keep you intrigued on the next in the series.

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Electric Idol stepped up the game from Neon Gods. Eros and Psyche’s relationship was absolutely wonderful to watch. It actually felt like enemies-to-lovers. I mean he is sent to kill her, so you know it’s going to be good from there. I loved that neither of them tried to pretend to be something they’re not. It seemed like since they weren’t trying for a relationship from the beginning, they didn’t feel the need to put their most attractive side forward, making them feel more real. Both characters were wonderfully written and had incredible development. Eros obviously gives off the appropriate bad boy vibe and if you’re looking for some steam, look no further. For me, this was a 4.5/5.

If you like dangerous men, getting married to save a life, or want some excellent plus-sized representation, this is the one for you. (This can be read as a standalone if you want)

I received a digital copy of this book free from Netgalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this series. This plot was somewhat clunky when it came to Aphrodite, and could get repetitive, but the leads are so good together and the world-building continues to keep my interest. Very sexy, as expected. I can't wait for the next one.

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“You might be a monster Eros, but you’re my monster.”

I devoured this book. I would’ve read it in one sitting if I didn’t have work the next day.
The tropes and romance were very well written. And I fell in love with the characters. Psyche, one of Demeter’s daughters, is a strong-willed plus sized baddie. Eros, Aphrodite’s son, is basically his mother’s personal bounty Hunter. Their parents hate for each other ultimately brings them together.
This story includes marriage of convenience, steamy scenes, and cute/funny banter.
It’s really easy to get into and I would definitely recommend it for getting out of a reading slump.

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Body positivity, and scorching hot love scenes?!?!??!?! UM YES PLEASE!!

I absolutely adore Katee Robert and this book is no exception. As a plus sized woman I really love how well Robert wrote Psyche's character and what issues she encounters on a daily basis. I think my favorite part was when Psyche was thinking to herself about how she loves herself and her body but that some days are harder than others and I felt so seen and heard through this character. I also loved how Psyche takes on the clothing industry and calls them out on the BS they put plus sized people through. When one measurement (like hips, bust, or waist) goes up, all our other measurements don't also go up as well! I'm so happy to see that in print.

Seriously, this book is amazing. I loved Neon Gods, the first in this series, and I will anxiously await the next book. I have already recommended this book to several others, who unfortunately have to wait for the book to be published.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Casablanca, and Ms. Robert for the opportunity to read an ARC of this title. An honest review was requested but not required.

OK, so despite the rocky start (I mean, he WAS literally planning to murder her) and a slightly rushed finish, this was great. As I said in my review of Neon Gods, I love mythology and I love a retelling and I LOVE a mythological inspired romance. Eros and Psyche is less well-known, and definitely less frequently adapted, than the Hades/Persephone matchup. I'm pretty familiar with every name I come across here, thanks to many many years of reading Greek (and other) mythology, so it's always nice to see familiar names and stories being used in fresh new ways.

I actually really liked that Ms. Robert adapted the Eros/Psyche story and made it both a little more contemporary and a little different. Eros, here, is a man who survived a childhood full of what he doesn't quiiiite realize is actually abuse and trauma. Psyche, whose childhood was also fraught but significantly happier, is perfect for him. The two of them had really great chemistry together and, despite their hasty beginning, I could completely buy into their happy ending. I loved that Hades and Eros shared a moment at the end where they both recognized that they finally had family.

Frankly, this novel really shone in the side characters and while I can tell the author will be utilizing a few of them in future stories, I am REALLY HOPING (PLEASE SAY YES) that she will work a certain surprise pairing into a full-on novel. Please. PLEASE. I feel like there's far more to work with there than just cramming their story into background scenes of other characters' books. I don't want to spoil who it is, but WOW, how could you not want that one first and foremost?!

I really enjoyed this, and I'm fine with rounding my solid 4.5 stars up to a 5 for the GR rating. I will be ensuring that my library has a copy of this and I'll be first in line for book #3 :)

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Electric Idol
by Katee Robert
Pub Date: January 18, 2022
* Romance * Fantasy * mythology
This is book #2 in the Dark Olympus series. This book is intense and heavily plotted, but there are numerous sweet moments between Eros and Psyche. I’m not particularly familiar with Greek mythology, and though I was aware of the general story for the first book in this series (you have to be living under a rock not to have heard of Hades and Persephone), I didn’t know who Psyche or Eros was. Despite this ignorance, I loved Robert’s shallow socialites interpretation of this ancient mythology.
Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC. I was introduced to this series and kind of liked it.
4 stars

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Really enjoyed Katee's take on Psyche and Eros. They are one of my favorite Greek mythology couples and I was so happy to see them in this series!

Loved that Psyche was a gorgeous plus size heroine and that Eros was alllll about her beautiful body. Thus couple had great chemistry and a beautiful emotional connection too. I also really enjoyed the snow whits/huntsman spin on this story too.

Loved it and very much looking forward to the next.

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I absolutely devoured this novel. It was fast moving, lots of sexual tension and hate while also being close proximity troupe. I actually loved this one more than Neon Gods, the first in the series. Katee really went all out and introduced new characters as well as deeper background on some of my favorites. Also left the ending on so many questions! it doesn't end in a cliff hanger but I needing the third book sooner rather than later! You won't be disappointed!

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Katee Roberts returns to her Dark Olympus series on January 18th with another Greek myth retelling that’s sexy and sweet. Electric Idol, a modern take on the story of Psyche and Eros, shows how truly powerful and dangerous love can be.

I was unfamiliar with the original Psyche/Eros Greek myth prior to reading this book, so I thought I wouldn’t enjoy this book as much as I did Neon Gods, but I was very wrong! This book was fantastic!! If you're a fan of the I-was-sent-to-kill-you-but-ended-up-falling-for-you-instead trope then this is the book for you! It’s steamy, it’s heart-breaking, it’s twisty, but all in the best way possible!

As I said in my review for Neon Gods (Book One in the series), I loved the setting of Olympus and the inner workings of the rulers there and the fact that we get to see the Dimitriou Family again is just a pleasure. But to further get to know Eros, a seriously dangerous man who is secretly so broken, just fall for Psyche just made my heart melt. This pairing was so well done and I loved reading about the hot hitman who doesn’t know love falling for the plus-sized socialite/influencer who doesn’t let fear stop her from doing anything to protect herself and her family.

I seriously can't recommend this series enough for my fellow spicy romance fans! This retelling needs to be added to your 2022 TBR immediately!

*I received an ARC from Sourcebooks Casablanca via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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After reading and loving Neon God's last year I knew I had to read Electric Idol! In this book for are following Psyche who is the daughter of Demeter and Eros the son of Aphrodite. After Eros is charged by his mother to kill Psyche he decides to change the game and marries her instead. Im not a huge fan of the marriage of convenience trope but I did enjoy this one. What starts out as a way to stay alive turns into so much more and I enjoyed the journey both took but especially Eros. He might be my favorite character so far in this series. I love this world so much and can't wait for the next book!! Thank you Sourcebooks Casablanca for my gifted copy for review.

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3.5 stars.

This time, I knew what I was getting into with a Katee Robert’s book. This one was romancy and sweet and def 18+. But even those scenes were on the sweet side. I liked it, but not loved it.

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Did this book give me everything that I was expecting it to give, yes it did. Am I so excited to know that this series will be continuing and getting better and better, yes I am. Well I do think that the pacing of this story, and all of the action of the set up can make it feel slightly Insta lovey, ultimately I was so invested in this story and in this couple. Psyche and Eros had a chemistry that popped for me. I loved the positivity that psyche had about herself, that she was aware that she was a fat woman who was still hot as hell. She did not let any moments of insecurity cloud over all that she knew and loved herself. Eros was a complicated character who had a very complicated family and a very complicated history with them. That made for a very compelling story because he is very unsure about how to accept care and affection from somebody because he has never had that before. Well I do wish that the pacing issues had made it feel like they were fighting for each other longer, ultimately I still shipped the hell out of them. I wanted them to win and I was so eager to see them prevail, it was an amazing story I rushed through because I couldn’t get enough of it.

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Morning book fam! It’s a snow day here ❄️ , have you guys gotten any crazy weather this week? I’m about to start a new novel and wanted to get this review up for you guys before I start my next one. ⠀⠀
“Electric Idol” by Kate’s Robards is set to release this month, and I had the pleasure (pun intended 🤔) to read an advanced copy . — thank you @netgalley ! ⠀⠀
This is second book in the Dark Olympus series, the first book being “Neon Gods” centring on Hades and Persephone . ⠀⠀
Book 2 is all about Psyche & Eros- one of my all time favourite myths . ⠀⠀
If you’re here for a retelling similar to the myth, that’s not what this is . Eros is a dark character, a fixer and does the bidding of his power hungry mother, Aphrodite . It follows the myth that Psyche offends Aphrodite by being more beautiful and Aphrodite orders her to be killed. What happens instead is Psyche and Eros fall in love thanks to Cupid . In this modern tale they use a marriage of convenience to stop Aphrodite from killing her . Because apparently her line is not murdering her son’s wife . ⠀⠀
I really enjoyed this book, even more so than Neon Gods because it felt like there was more plot. Aka it wasn’t just about sex, for me there was more substance . ⠀⠀
My only gripe is that I couldn’t quite figure out where fantasy and reality came together . Are they real Gods with powers? Or just power hungry immortals? They’re physically described as otherworldly, and live in Olympus — but Olympus is basically described as somewhere like New York . I don’t recall anyone have magical/special abilities . I’d you’ve read either book and Dan provide clarity- please help a woman out 😂 ⠀⠀
Eros is one of my new fav fictional characters. I do love me a dark and damaged man 😆 and his chemistry with Psyche was 🌶 x5. ⠀⠀

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Electric Idol was the perfect first romance of 2022. I needed something to distract my anxious brain, and Eros and Psyche were the perfect distraction.

Electric Idol, which is a modern reimagining of the myth of Psyche and Eros, is one part star-crossed lover, one part marriage of convenience, and one part pure heat. It all adds up to a scorching hot, gods-damn delight. Robert has a true knack for creating compelling contemporary counterparts to the ancient deities--with all their foibles and vendettas and penchant for drama. They feel modern and classic, all at once. Katie's unique spin on the Greek mythos is just *chefs kiss.*

If you loved Neon Gods, Electric Idol will not disappoint. I didn't think Katie could top Neon Gods, but honestly, I may love Electric Idol even more! There's something so beautiful about a couple that truly embrace the best in each other--and the worst. And did I mention the curvy girl representation?! Psyche doesn't fit the standard Olympus beauty mold, and while it's taken her awhile, she's fully present and comfortable in her skin. And Eros is HERE FOR IT. (Content warning: there are a handful of fatphobic comments made by other characters in the book, but it's very obviously NOT COOL™.)

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