Member Reviews

So first off I love kendare Blake’s writing I fell in love with her writing through her popular 3 dark crowns series. And this one was just as good as that first book!

In Every Generation is a fast paced must read for anyone who likes books about vampires.. or hunting them. This is my oldest request on NG due to the fact that I kept putting it off because I am admittedly someone who never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But after reading this book I just might. Kendare Blake does a great job of filling in enough of the back story that I didn’t feel lost. I loved the cheesy quips and quick wit of the dialogue and felt the characters were well written. It is a fast paced, fun read that I finished in one day. My only regret with this one is not reading it sooner.

Give me everything Buffyverse and inject it into my very veins. I even have a 5 by 5 tattoo (iykyk). I love that a new generation of slayers is coming out to play with different writers!

This book is a fan favorite and for good reason. Kendare Blake is already a pretty successful YA fantasy writer, so getting to see how she writes Buffy is so awesome.
It's really nice to see something new and not just the same story and characters used over and over again (though don't get me wrong I love a lot of the spin offs and perspectives that have made a resurgence lately). Blake's story will hopefully introduce the world of Buffy and vampire slaying to a new generation and new fans while still captivating those of us who are nostalgic for our favorite 90s series.
The coming and going of original cast is a nice shout out. There is something a bit lacking in the plot, but it feels like a set up to something much more in-depth. Blake's story has me ramped up for the current Buffy wave and where it might take us!
8/10 a very fun read!

Kendare Blake's take on Buffy? Yes please!! This was a funny, fast-paced, fresh take on some classic 90s nostalgia. A total delight.

It's been 13 years since Buffy Summers the vampire slayer and her friends did a spell to awaken all slayers worldwide. Now Buffy's best friend Willow and her daughter Frankie Rosenberg may be what's left to save the world. It looks like all the slayers including Buffy may be dead. We find out Frankie's parentage is a mystical one. Her mother Willow is a great witch her father, if you had to describe him, was mystical energy. Frankie has trained as a witch under her mother and now seems she is also a Slayer…? Frankie and her best friend Jake who is also Oz's nephew are looking for a way to help all the Slayers including Buffy.
This book takes place after season 7. This history does not follow the same as the comic books it's a whole new take. However, it does have regulars from the series like Willow, Oz, and Spike.
While I don’t think this is canon like the Dark Horse comics are this is an interesting way to go. I like the idea of Frankie’s parentage. Not sure how I feel about the return of Oz. I like Frankie as a character. The other characters are…okay.
On the downside, I don’t feel there was a lot of plot. It was mostly an introduction to the new characters. I also don’t feel this book would bring new readers or new fans. I think it would make sense to those of us who have watched the show but confusing to those who have not watched it.
I hope they keep writing books and comics to keep the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series alive. I know there are going to be 2 more books in this series and that there are 2 other prequels out now (one on Spike and the other on Tara). Anything that keeps the series active I will enjoy.

This is a buffy-licous book that was way too fun for my buddy obsessed self. I absolutely adore Buffy the Vampire Slayer and just got way too excited for a chance to dive back into the world of Scoobies that I loved so much.
In Every Generation followed Frankie, Willow’s daughter and they find out that the slayers may all be dead! My heart was pounding.
Blake brought together a new gang of Scoobies to try to stop the hell mouth from reopening. Now this book might not be for everyone, but I do think Blake did a relatively good job giving back into a world we know and love.

first, thank you for giving me this book in exchange for an honest review.
Ok where to start. I LOVE buffy the vampire slayer. the movie and the show, though the show is so much more. This book is such a great addition and continuation of the original story. I absolutely loved being thrown back into the buffyverse
Is this a set up for a much better version of the overall story? no. I think that the original is going to be a tough one to crack. But that doesnt mean its not worth the read.
I liked the characters, the nods to the original cast and their interactions, and the continuation of a story that I fell in love with growing up and even now as an adult.

In Every Generation is the beginning of a new series that takes place in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer world and is marketed as: "the next generation of Scoobies and Slayers who must defeat a powerful new evil." In this installment, we meet Frankie Rosenberg who is currently a sophomore at New Sunnyside High School. Willow, her mother is slowly teaching her magic, but she has to promise to use this magic to make the world a better place. A girl named Hailey brings the news that the annual Slayer convention has been targeted and that Buffy, Faith, and Vi (Hailey's older sister) are possibly dead. Due to all these elements, this means a new Slayer for this generation must come to be...and that may just be Frankie as the Slayer. As Frankie becomes the Slayer, she has help from Hailey and a werewolf named Jake and they are all trying to solve what happened to Frankie's Aunt Buffy and to prevent the Hellmouth from opening once again.
I really enjoy Kendare Blake's books and when I saw In Every Generation, I knew I would want to read it even though I really did not know about it. Later to learn this is a book that takes place in The Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe and I must admit I have never watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer...I know, I know it is iconic and it was on the air from the years of when I was 2 to 8 years old. So, I was young for it, but could have caught the reruns once I was a tad bit older, but I did not.
I think due to me lacking in my Buffy knowledge, it really deterred me from enjoying this book with its characters and atmosphere/world. I did not get the references since you know, never seen the show. So, for the most part I did struggle and just found this to be mediocre.
However, I did enjoy Frankie as a person and I did find myself a bit engaged with the book with wanting to know what was going to happen and how were all these issues going to be solved.
Overall, this was an okay book that still engages you, but to be honest-skip this if you did not like Buffy or have never seen or known the world of Buffy. If you love Buffy, then this book/series is for you.

As an avid Buffy fan, I loved this. Blake was able to capture the Buffyverse, and it expand it. I am really looking forward to the rest of the series and can't wait to see what new Scoobies get up to!

I love BTVS so getting to return to this world was so much fun! Really enjoyed all the cameos and references to the show, however there seemed to be some inaccuracies. The plot and characters where interesting enough. I didn't enjoy how Willow's sexuality was treated though. Overall, it was pretty enjoyable and I would still give the next book a try.

This was a great fantasy read. The world was fun and the magic system was creative. The characters felt authentic to the world and were interesting too.

In Every Generation is fun call back to the good old days and yet a fresh new take on the Buffy-verse. Whether you're new to Buffy the Vampire Slayer or are a Buffy aficionado, there is something here for everyone. Personally I loved seeing what happened next and being able to get to know the next generation. I love the Scooby gang, and to see Willow's daughter get her own book with Oz's nephew/cousin. . .awesome!
I completely recommend this novel to newbies and teens, and for us oldies that loved the series so much. Kendare Blake is an incredible writer and sucks you in the first few chapters. What happened to Buffy and what is happening to Frankie? You'll have to read to find out.

Stars: 4/5
A new Slayer for a new generation...
Frankie Rosenberg is passionate about the environment, a sophomore at New Sunnydale High School, and the daughter of the most powerful witch in Sunnydale history. Her mom, Willow, is slowly teaching her magic on the condition that she use it to better the world. But Frankie’s happily quiet life is upended when new girl Hailey shows up with news that the annual Slayer convention has been the target of an attack, and all the Slayers—including Buffy, Faith, and Hailey’s older sister Vi—might be dead. That means it’s time for this generation’s Slayer to be born.
But being the first ever Slayer-Witch means learning how to wield a stake while trying to control her budding powers. With the help of Hailey, a werewolf named Jake, and a hot but nerdy sage demon, Frankie must become the Slayer, prevent the Hellmouth from opening again, and find out what happened to her Aunt Buffy, before she’s next.
Get ready for a whole new story within the world of Buffy!
**I received a free advanced copy from the publisher and have chosen to leave a review**
I enjoyed this one! I grew up watching the original Buffy movie, so I was really interested when I heard about this book. However, until I read this book, I had no idea that there was a tv series made years ago, so I went into this pretty blindly. This made the book a little confusing at times, but I was able to google most things I was confused about, but I highly recommend having a little background knowledge on the show before you start this series.
Even with those few confusing moments, I still thought this book was pretty great! I liked Frankie as a character and her relationship with a certain someone to be really enjoyable! On top of that, this book was hilarious and had a lot of sarcasm and funny moments between this great group of characters. Go check it out!
If you are interested in more reviews and bookish content, follow me on Instagram @3am_bookmarks !

I received an advanced digital copy of this book from the author, publisher and NetGalley.com. Thanks to all for the opportunity to read and review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
If you loved the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you're going to love this new novel that returns you to the world of Sunnyvale and its inhabitants. Sunnyvale's gotten a little darker, still stayed funny and gotten an excellent new character in Frankie.
5 out of 5 stars, especially for the awesome feeling of nostalgia. Extremely entertaining read.

Unfortunately, I DNF'd this book at 16%. I was looking forward to it because I will read anything with vampires. However, this was based on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is a story I have not seen. The way this story was told felt like it expected you to already know the story of Buffy. I found myself feeling incredibly lost with who was who and all the connections.

Fans of Buffy will enjoy seeing all the main Scoobies as parents. Blake captures the voices of Willow, Xander, Spike, and Oz brilliantly. Subtle details showcase the author's depth of knowledge about the show and its fandom. The adventures of the new slayers, however, are less enthralling.

Listen, Buffy was one of my first crushes. I have a very big place in my heart for her and I was SO excited to read this because I've loved Kendare's dark style in the past.

I was a huge fan of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV series so I was excited to have the opportunity to read a continuation of the story. Unfortunately I didn't watch the TV series through to the end so there are some references that set the back story that I don't remember. The introduction of Frankie as the next gen leader to handle the evil is enjoyable. The new mix of magic and demon fighting was exciting. I do look forward to another book in the series, but I want to watch the last season of the TV show.

I really did love this book. It is a such a fun book and i really this take on the tie in elements. I have always been a big buffy fan. This book was exactly what I wanted. Willow was my favorite character in the OG series. I really loved that becasue this book was so stteped in history and the OG character were really intergral to this story. I loved that it folowed willow daughter. I also loved how frankie was such a diffeerent main character from buffy and really enjoyed how this scooby gangs deveoped thoughtoutt his read. i loved seeing past characters and I am so curious to see where the rest of this series goes!!