Member Reviews

The Hunted • Lisa Childs

This is the second book in a series, I found this out after starting this book.
I definitely would recommend reading the first book if you wish to read it.
Overall this book was ok. I was very lost starting and through a lot of it. I almost didn’t finish it, as I felt like there was so much going on. 80% in I finally got into the book but it was a little too late.

I did however enjoy that every couple chapters we would have the view from the killer for a brief period.

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The Hunted by Lisa Childs brings plenty of mystery, violence, and secrets to the second book of the Bane Island mystery series. It’s set on an island off the coast of Maine during winter and picks up soon after the end of book one. It features Olivia Smith and Sheriff Deacon Howell.

Olivia travels to Halcyon Hall on the island, desperate to get away from the pressures of her singing and songwriting career as well as a stalker. Halcyon Hall is an exclusive spa and treatment center that caters to the wealthy and celebrities. Deacon found his first body there when the hall was closed down and still known as Bainesworth Manor. But that was 25 years ago. Since then, he has found more bodies there, include that of this wife two years ago. Now another body has been found. As Deacon tries to investigate that death and works to protect Olivia from her stalker, more evil arises.

Olivia is independent, well respected in her career, and has plenty of secrets. She has turned her bad childhood situation into an inspiration for others. Readers also get a lot of insight into Deacon’s relationship with his teenage daughter, Holly. The secondary characters play pivotal roles in the story. Some are supportive and some provide conflict. But who can be trusted? Who will survive?

The prologue will capture a reader’s attention, but it isn’t quite as strong as that in book one. Similar to book one, readers get glimpses of the antagonist. But who is it and what is their motivation? The world-building was perfect for this novel with cold, wind, snow, and treacherous roads. The plot is intriguing and gripping. The story has several twists and turns and plenty of action. However, there are also emotional and heart-wrenching scenes as well as some romance. A volatile climax leads to a satisfying ending. Readers can also derive the thread that will lead to book three. The book definitely held my interest and kept me engaged. Themes include murder, relationships, family, romance, physical abuse, trust, misunderstandings, secrets, and much more.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, which was suspenseful and entertaining, and has plenty of action and drama. I found the writing style relatable, vivid, and irresistible. I am eager to find out what happens during the next book in the trilogy. I recommend this to those that like romantic suspense and crime thrillers. This series is best if read in order. There is background information in book one that will enhance the reading of the second novel.

Kensington Books - Zebra and Lisa Childs provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel via NetGalley. This is my honest review. Opinions are mine alone and are not biased in any way. Publication date was November 30, 2021. This review was originally posted at Mystery and Suspense Magazine.

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This book was very entertaining.The characters were likeable and plot kept you wanting to keep on reading.I,didn’t know this was the,second book in the series and I now have now bought the first book as I enjoyed the second one so much and it really didn’t affect the enjoyment of the second book.

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The atmosphere of this book was everything you want from a secluded former asylum owned by a questionable family that is known to be notoriously cruel and full of secrets. It was easy to picture the dark and mysterious island that holds secrets with more questions than answers.

Deacon is the sherif of the island that is determined to solve the murders of women on the island and has always disliked the Cooke family since childhood. Dr. Elijah Cooke just wants to be left alone to run his health spa that was once the home of an asylum. Neither of then men like to be in each other's presence, but somehow they always seem to run into each other. The tension and banter between them was realistic and sometimes humorous.

Deacon's daughter Holly is your typical teenager that hates the world, but she has good reasons. Her mother ended up dead on the island while visiting the health spa, and though the death was ruled a suicide, Deacon and Holly both have always questioned that decision. Holly is able to meet her idol, Olivia, who is at the health spa running from her problems and past.

Of course, Deacon and Olivia have an instant attraction in the mist of all of the things going on on at the health spa and surrounding island, and Deacon constantly almost dying.

While I thought this book had a good mystery and quite a bit of action, I didn't really enjoy the overall love interest. I'm usually a sucker for romance in any of the books I read, but I felt like this time it took away from the actual mystery of the book. I really wanted more of the Cooke's family secrets and less of the constant running away of problems.

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The setting for this series has a lot of potential: a former sanitarium/asylum (where nefarious things happened) converted to a fancy, private, exclusive health spa and resort run by the same sinister family that operated the asylum. The isolation (we're on an island) is palpable, the hold this place has over the rest of town eerily strong. So this book should be really creepy. It's not. There are hints of a creep factor (like the guest who hears the dead) with a whole lot of romance. Love develops very quickly and very passionately on Bane Island!

There is resolution to some of the big mysteries left hanging from The Runaway (book #1 in the series). While many chapters end in cliff hangers, The Hunted has a greater sense of closure while leaving plenty of fodder to fill up the series finale. These are quick, easy reads. I'll tune in to find out how it all ends, keeping my fingers crossed for more creep.

This ARC was provided to me by Kensington Books and #NetGalley for my honest review.

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This was a really great thriller in ,y opinion. I couldn’t put the book down and had to know what was going to happen. I loved the characters and plot line

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Now I understand why I was a bit lost at the beginning of the book, there was another book prior to this one.

This book reminded me of The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse, and I always enjoy a book that looks into former asylums and the ghosts that are left behind.

Deacon and most of the characters go through so much pain and suffering and I felt for the characters. Overall I found the book engaging, suspenseful and thrilling.

Will definitely get a copy of the first book to be up to date.

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I think I would have enjoyed this book more if I had read the first book in the series as the story continues in this one. Sheriff Deacon returns home to the island after his father becomes unwell, but things to not go well for him. His wife apparently commits suicide and his daughter blames him. Olivia is running from the stress of her success and a stalker and lands herself in the middle of more trouble at Halcyon Hall. Deacon is trying to solve the murder of a body found in the first book and someone doesn’t like it and tries to kill him. During the investigation Deacon and Olivia get close but because of their pasts neither of them are very trusting and misunderstandings get in their way. I found this book a little depressing as everyone seemed to have had some sort of trauma in their lives. I liked the setting and the characters and I know this is a romantic suspense book but I would have liked a little relief from the drama. The story is not fully resolved and expect another story with Elijah & Edie as the main characters which I would like to read as I want to know how everything works out.

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Having not read the first in this trilogy, I was lost from the beginning. Refreshing the memories of readers about the first book would have been helpful. The idea of an asylum being made into a high class spa was creepy. Readers will need to read the first book in this series to really enjoy this book.

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I was expecting much more of a mystery just from the description. It’s book two in the series of which I haven’t read the previous one. I was confused for several chapters, I wasn’t sure what was going on. The only thing I do know is that someone is trying to kill the sheriff. I’m sure it will appeal to some but it was just ok for me.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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This is a stonking thriller with an old Manor House as it’s central point. Home now to a luxury resort and spa, but with a much darker history as a sanitarium. Women have been found dead here and not everybody believes that the deaths were suicide.

Deacon, the local sheriff knows all to well about this house’s history - he first found a body here as a child, in latter days the body of his wife had been found here too. He just can’t seem to get away - his life in the city being curtailed by his father’s poor health, his daughter choosing to work at the hall. And then there is Olivia Smith! Surrounded by his history, family drama and childhood enemies can Deacon stay alive long enough to make sense of all what is happening and keep his family intact at the same time.

I really enjoyed this book, however certain parts would have made more sense had I read the book before - the ending also leads into what maybe a follow up book as the full story has yet to be discovered, which is a bit frustrating as I really want to know and will have to wait!

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle by Kensington Books, Zeba and #NetGalley for my honest opinion.

I didn’t realize this was the second in a trilogy yet it was quite entertaining. I’m a fan of Lisa Childs that was a bonus.

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Sheriff Deacon Howell is the Sheriff of the small, remote Bane Island off the coast of Maine. Deacon grew up on this island and his father was the Sheriff before him. When he was a child the large estate on the island was a mental hospital. Now it has been reborn as an exclusive spa for wealthy people who need to get away for a while. Deacon is now a widower with a teenaged daughter who is working at the Spa where all kinds of things have happened that Deacon is trying to get to the bottom of. Olivia Smith, a pop star who is seeking a break from it al, is residing there and Elliott, his childhood friend / nemesis is in charge of the facility. This is an action packed whodunit and well worth the read. It gets a little weird at times and I can't figure out the reasoning of any of the characters most of the time,.but it is overall an enjoyable page-turner.

I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Kensington, and author for the arc to review.

Like many other reviewers, I did not realize that this was a sequel in a trilogy. So unfortunately I was lost and confused in the beginning of the book. I think that definitely hindered my progress and interest in the beginning.
However, I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the setting a lot. This felt more of a romance, but I like romance, and the suspense and mystery added was a hit for me. I thought the ending was well done.

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This was my first Lisa Childs book but it will definitely not be my last. What a wonderful author and book.

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I was really looking forward to this book in the series and I was completely blown away. Again. My high expectations were met. I loved it. Thrilling and suspensful as always xx

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This book was sent to me on Kindle by Netgalley for review…this book is full of mystery and intrigue and the reader keeps wondering what will happen next…who are the good guys.. The not so good guys…the building that is presumed haunted…the ghosts…the past…present…all included in this novel that reads almost as if it is nonfiction and could have happened…. The story does go along somewhat slowly…

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Sheriff Deacon Howell holds a deep hatred for Halcyon Hall, a former asylum known as Bainesworth Manor turned health spa. When the place claims another victim, he intends to catch the murderer. However, someone does not want Deacon to expose Bainesworth Manor’s oldest and darkest secrets. He never expected to be fascinated with one of its residents, a woman with her own deadly secrets. Can Deacon find the murderer before they kill again? Or will he lose more to Bainesworth Manor?
Olivia Smith is a famous pop star. She checks into an exclusive spa in Maine to escape her stalker. Olivia soon learns about the place’s horrific past. During her stay, she finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation. Olivia trusts no one, especially not the handsome sheriff on the case. When her stalker strikes again, she wants to run but impassable roads keep her at the resort. Will Olivia become another victim of Bainesworth Manor? Can she learn to trust Deacon?
Deacon is a man haunted by his entangled past with Bainesworth Manor. The place has always been his greatest downfall. I empathize with Deacon over his rocky relationship with his teen daughter. He truly cares for Holly and her wellbeing; he just does not know how to communicate with her. What I admire the most about Deacon is his integrity. He refuses to follow in his father’s corrupt footsteps. Instead, Deacon intends to bring all the past wrongs to light at great risks to his life.
Olivia is an inspiration for women and mistreated teens. She is a woman who has survived an abusive and neglected childhood. I admire how Olivia used music as an outlet to purge herself of the toxicity from those experiences. She could have bottled up all that negativity until it corrupted her soul. What I like the most about Olivia is her ability to recognize other tormented souls. She understood the turmoil and pain Deacon and Holly were experiencing. Olivia may not have set out to help father and daughter, but she did help the two to bridge the gap between them.
THE HUNTED is book two in Lisa Childs’ romantic suspense series, BANE ISLAND TRILOGY. I have not read the first book, so there were instances when I felt that I missed some vital information. However, it did not hinder my ability to follow the story’s plot. I wish the author would have stuck with just the hero, the heroine, and the villains’ point-of-view. The others seemed to boggle down the story’s pacing.
THE HUNTED is a thrilling tale of two people learning to accept their shortcomings during a terrible time. I hope the next book is about Edie and Elijah. I cannot wait to learn the rest of Bainesworth Manor’s lethal secrets.

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I didn't realize this was part of a series until after I tried to read it. I had a hard time following things, which may not have been the case if I'd read the prior book. I liked the setting, but I was a bit lost for most of the story. I wasn't interested enough, so I doubt I'd go back and pick up the first book in the series.

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I've really enjoyed this trilogy and looking forward to the third. The characters are intriguing and steady. There is a realism yet fantastical feel to the stories that really pulls you in.

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