Member Reviews

I did not get on with this book: it was too bleak, the characters rather miserable and, despite the dumpings of snow, it did not feel at all festive.

When Ruby and Zac are pitted head-to-head at work, suddenly it all becomes rather toxic. Both Ruby and Zac are essentially doing the same job: counselling those who cannot find work to ensure they are able to progress in their employment applications. Forced to share a tiny, dingy office, it soon becomes clear that management are deliberately putting them up against each other to see who comes out on top. Deliberately sending emails at unsociable hours, conveniently making sure one of the two are unprepared for meetings, and wanting the other to find out 'dirt' to slander the other's character... well, it was a toxic and unethical working environment that I have witnessed too many times. In fact, I could not understand how Ruby and Zac tolerated for it as long as they did and this just emphasised how miserable they were inside.

Ruby suffers from anxiety and panic attacks. Although taking medication, it is still a condition that dominates her life. It isn't helped by the threat of redundancy and intensified by her closet of a bedroom. A claustrophobic illness at the best of times, I appreciated how Lovering made connections to Ruby's anxiety, especially as her work office is also incredibly small. On the other hand, Zac is also harbouring an equally saddening past and, inevitably, the characters are drawn to each other. Seeking solace and support from the work crisis soon becomes an emotional prop when Ruby and Zac are honest about what is truly bothering them.

Despite being set at Christmas, I don't think this was a very festive read. It was a sobering story because of the work situation and then the character revelations. I liked the descriptions of the high street at Christmas time and how much snow falls in the story. However, it did not really make me feel warm inside, but only added to how sad and depressing so much of the novel had become. To be honest, I wanted to run away from York and the characters, hoping that they would find their own happy ending.

This book did not deliver in the festive cheer as I had anticipated. It was quite slow and saddening and this was not helped by the incredibly long chapters. It felt as dense as Ruby and Zac's work situation and I think I was expecting something that was more light-hearted for a Christmas read.

With thanks to Boldwood books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Ruby and Zac are competing for the same job, after their employers merge. Their bosses try to set them against each other, but as they start to become friends and understand what is going on in each other's lives outside of work will they become more than friends and colleagues.

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I do enjoy Jane Lovering's writing and I like the way that she is able to cover some deep issues in a book that also encompasses romance and humour. In this book, Ruby is forced to compete with Zac for one position after a company merger. They counsel people who are long term unemployed and help them find ways back into work. They'd like to hate each other but actually they quite like each other which makes life a bit tricky. The thing is, they both have their reasons for really, really needing the job!

Office politics and the pressures of work are explored in a very realistic way and I actually felt quite sorry for their boss who seemed completely out of his depth and uncomfortable at what he was having to do. Priya was a brilliant character, so straight-talking and a great friend to Ruby. A couple of the clients who Ruby and Zac were working with provided some memorable moments too.

This is a book which may have you giggling at times and then the next moment finding a lump in your throat. Jane Lovering is so good at giving her characters such real and relatable problems and making her readers really root for them. This book was interesting because although you are firmly on Ruby's side from the start, as you begin to find out more about Zac you can't help but be on his side too!

There may be cold weather and plenty snow making York look picture book pretty in this story but Jane Lovering has suffused her book with warm humour which brings a smile to the face. A Midwinter Match is a heart-warming, feel good read with more than a few moving scenes. A great book to curl up by the fire with this winter.

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Lovely story about two coworkers who go out of their way to not connect until circumstances force them to "see" each other and take the time to get to know each other properly. This was my first Jane Lovering novel and I've come to find that she is a fantastic writer. She knows how to write a story that is well paced and has all the sights and sounds in place. Her characters are realistic, and feel as if they're people I've known throughout my life. I definitely will be picking up more of Lovering's books in the future.

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Sometimes I can write a review based on the emotions I felt during my reading of a book, and at other times I must rely on the content itself. This is one of those latter times.
The story is a romantic book with the lead characters carrying some heavy emotional loads. They have an interesting job as well. Since I was unfamiliar with how unemployment works in the UK, I was intrigued by this aspect being tackled here.
After a disastrous breakup, Ruby now has problems at work too. She has been told that her job is in jeopardy until she can convince the people in the office of the necessity of her presence over that of a rival who did the same work.
What follows is a well-done sequence of events in terms of how the two get together and what happens after. The focus on mental health and its related prejudices was also a deep one. I just felt like it could have been a slightly shorter book because I felt bogged down by too many things happening to multiple people. The episodes with people cracking under pressure were explained in such a manner that it would be impossible to not feel empathy for them. I would still recommend it to readers of the genre who look for heavier undertones regarding the backstories.

I received an ARC thanks to Netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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A Midwinter Match is about Ruby and Zac who are vying for the same job after their two departments get merged in order to save money.
Ruby almost had everything she thought she wanted in life, and then it all came crumbling down when her boyfriend left her with a lot of debt. Zac however is dealing with his mother's rapidly declining health all on his own and is keeping it a secret from everyone. With the bosses trying to get them to pull dirty tricks on each other and both of them dealing with personal problems, they can either work together or make each other miserable.

Overall I thought this book was okay. It felt like it dragged on in the first half with them both not liking each other at all and trying to figure out how they could one-up each other in order to keep their job. The second half was more enjoyable but still dragged on at times. The last 20 percent was the most enjoyable with both of them working together for their clients and trying to help each other deal with personal problems as well. This book wasn't very Christmassy, but it was realistic when it came to dealing with anxiety as well as the stress of dealing with a parent's declining health.

The review will be posted in November in the lead-up to December and Christmas.

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I was totally engaged and fully present with them in the midst of their office chaos, clearly hearing the shuffling of papers and squeaking of office chairs over the drone of Christmas carols. The characters were endearingly quirky and struggling to do their best while in a difficult squeeze whilst in competition with each other for the same desperately needed job.

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Such a wonderful story! My first time reading anything from this author and it will not be the last. A Midwinter Match is a touching and heartwarming story with very relatable characters and everyday situations.

I received an ARC copy from the publisher and I appreciate this so much!

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This is just a really nice feel good book. Hey it's snowing what can go wrong right?

This is my first novel by this author and I have to admit she is an excellent story teller. Her writing is fluent and written at a good pace. The type of book for a wintry afternoon with a warm blanket and a hot chocolate.

I really enjoyed the book. I know its fiction but hey, we can all dream.

Yes, I'd recommend this to all who wants to dream.


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A wonderful winter read which is full of drama, conflict and atmosphere. A lovely read and I liked the characters Zack and Ruby. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me review this book.

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Well this book has just made me so excited for winter and to hopefully visit a Christmas market. I’ve been to York at Christmas once and it really is magical so I loved being able to relate to the scenes that Jane had created in this book. Even if you haven't been to York yourself you could still picture the scenes as Jane paints them so clearly with her words, and thought of being snowed in at work and walking through the mounds to get there and back bought back vivid happy memories for me.

You really can picture yourself walking down the cobbled streets and seeing the Minster. I read this while sitting on a beach and I could still imagine it clearly - that’s how good this book is! I would definitely say though that despite mentioning Christmas a few times this is more of a winter book and isn't full on festive so if you're wanting to read about snow, Christmas shopping and getting wrapped up in all the layers and hat and scarf then this is just the cup of tea (or hot chocolate) that you need.

The characters in this are really strong to, when I started reading this it was Zac that I was most intrigued by. You can tell that there is a lot more to him and I couldn’t wait to find out what the truth really was. Ruby is such a realistic character, who definitely has her own demons to battle. But these are issues that so many of us face in real life so it was quite refreshing to read about these in a ‘normal’ kind of fashion. I loved seeing how their working relationship changed as the story progressed and how they were able to both keep true to themselves despite being pushed or nudged in unwanted directions by others

A lovely read that will transport you to a wintery York, walks along the cobbles, and a competitive pairing that is sure to give you more than you’d expect! The way this book ended was just perfect and I'd love to hear more from both Zac and Ruby in the future... you just know they're going to be part of something special!

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What a brilliant read. I savoured this.
Ruby is a counsellor at a back to work department, she loves helping people get the best out of life.
She works for the feeble Michael. Her best work friend is Priya her lesbian BFF who along with her vegan girlfriend Nettie live vicariously through her.
Zac turns up one day when the offices merge and they are made to compete to keep a job. The company expects dirty tricks and they want them to be cunning to save their jobs.
This book tells of their journey to job decision day. It’s a really good read.
This arc was provided by netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.

A lovely festive read which handles mental health issues with sensitivity. Really enjoyed this.

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I loved this. It made me feel very nostalgic as it’s set in York where I used to live. It’s a beautifully written wintery tale with a good helping of romance. What’s not to love?

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A lovely book full of interesting and quirky characters all with their own stories. I loved Ruby and Zac and their slow burner romance and the sensitivity with which the mental health issues were treated. Lovely warm read.

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A Midwinter Match
By Jane Lowering
Pub Date 19 Aug 2021

This book was amazing I love all Christmas book and this one was just what I needed it was funny lovable characters writing style amazing full of drama friend and work was mainly the story setting
Ruby a great character funny makes you smile Loves helping people work committed to her job and zac love his job as well great chemistry between them x you love this book x

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I love these sort of covers so seeing this one I just had to stop and take a look at the blurb. I loved it as soon as I read it and saw that it was based in York which is about an hour away from where I live. It's such a beautiful place.

I loved this book and the main characters Ruby & Zac were amazing.

If you love funny, warm-hearted reads then this is the one for you

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A Midwinter Match is a pleasure to read and enjoy on any evening. The book follows Ruby and Zac who unexpectedly end up vying for the same position. What starts off as dislike towards one another slowly moves into friendship the moment they start to find out more about the other. As the story progresses, we come across strong friendships, heartbreak and rivalry that exists among the characters.

Though the book felt quite long drawn, I did enjoy it and I felt bad for the situation our main characters were in. Imagine fighting to remain in a job that you've been in for a long time. Imagine having to always prove that you are better than the other and try to put the other down. The author has handled these issues quite delicately and thus draws us in to a race to the finish. Eventually, it just makes sense to maybe work together towards a common goal rather than against one another.

This is a romance that has its moments of fun, sadness and eventually love. That's what makes this a great read!

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I received this book from NetGalley early! A love story is great to read at any time of year and in any setting, however there is something special about a love story when its set at Christmas when snow is on the ground and xmas lights a shining bright!
Rubys life is in a downward spiral and she needs to take her own advice! Romance is non existent, her finances are dwindling and she’s back house sharing. She finds herself competing for her job with Zac, however they decide not to compete but to connect with each other and realise they have so much in common.

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This was a great book for the heart. It touched on many important subjects, like mental health, and had a great flow. The characters were relatable and the story kept me engaged.

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