Member Reviews

This was a nice easy breezy beach read and I wish I was sitting on a beach reading this book versus sitting on my couch watching the rain fall! Easy characters and a fairly predictable plot but enjoyable nonetheless.

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This is just what I needed. A sweet, kind, hopeful story about Rachel, a single mom trying to keep it all together. She’s good at her job and enjoys it. She’s an amazing mom and is raising a happy little girl with the help of her very kind and loving mother. Her child’s father has the maturity level of a 3rd grade boy and is of very little help. Most of the time he is more of a hindrance than actual help. In one moment the job she adores is gone due to a lie, and is blackballed by her ex-boss who valued money over a loyal employees safety when she’s assaulted by a guest. Out of desperation she applies for a job far away. A new start might just be the thing she and her daughter need most. She’s sells everything she can, packs up the basics they need and hits the road to their new adventure. When she arrives at her new job she’s crestfallen. She’s been lied to about…everything. If she had a place to go back to she would, only that no longer exists as her mom sold their home and she has only what fit in their car. Mason is mired in his own emotional turmoil and knowingly lied about everything to suit his needs. Selfish is the nicest thing he could be called early on. And so begins the road to both of them finding their way, finishing up the brewery inn, new friendships and maybe even love. It’s a lovely fun, sweet fun read to their eventual HEA. Cannot wait to read what comes next.

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I absolutely loved Float Plan, and almost immediately after finishing I picked this up. It was so so good. I love Trish Dollar's writing and her characters. She crafts her stories with characters that feel like people you know, and does in such a way. I was completely obsessed with Rachel & Mason's story. Can't recommend this enough!

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I’m afraid my experience with The Suite Spot was a touch more sour than I’d have liked.

I just finished this and, while it had some genuinely cute moments, to be honest with you I was just a little … bored. It felt a bit like being at a restaurant and anticipating a decadent dessert, only to have the waiter bring me a plate of saltines. *sad face* Not dissing those reliable little salty squares of goodness, but they don’t quite compare to sweet, yummy chocolate lava cake, right?

Rachel Beck is a single mom to young daughter, Maisie, living with her mom and working for an upscale hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, until she gets unfairly fired. When an opportunity arises to manage a brewery hotel on Kelleys Island on Lake Erie, she and Maisie make the big move, leaving behind her man-child boyfriend/baby daddy, Brian, and her mom. In her new home, she meets the hotel owner, Mason, who comes off guarded and grumpy for reasons the reader finds out later. It’s pretty run-of-the-mill rom-com, Hallmark movie stuff … just with a little dirty talk and a couple “hungry” *cough, horny, cough* adults.

Rachel was nice, Maisie was sweet, the Kelley’s Island community members were fun, and Mason was an honorable, supportive man/boss. Everything was just TOO … perfect. Even the requisite rom-com “trouble comes to paradise” moment was remedied in blink-and-you'll-miss-it speed, and the ending felt so abrupt.

I liked it well enough, but it lacked the zing I hoped for. Perhaps those who met Rachel in the previous book of the series, The Float Plan, felt more invested in her as a character. I just didn’t connect much with her or Mason, though they did grow on me. The best characters were minimally seen side characters like yoga instructor, Avery, and Rachel’s sister, Anna, and Anna’s boyfriend, Keane.

Having said ALL that, much of the problem is that I listened to this on audiobook while reading along on my Kindle, and the narrator’s voicing of Mason just made him sound too robotic and stiff to be very likable as a love interest. Perhaps if I’d only read this, I would’ve imagined his dynamic with Rachel differently, so perhaps print is the way to go with this one?

Bottom line: The writing and humor is pretty cute, and if you like slightly spicy, minimal drama rom-coms with a grumpy/sunshine trope, this might hit the spot for you!


Thanks to St. Martin’s Press, NetGalley, and author Trish Doller for this ARC. I’ve given my opinions freely and honestly. This is now available.

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After reading The Float Plan last year, this was one of my most anticipated books. I love how Trish Dollar tells her stories, and that she doesn't shy away from hard subjects.
Rachel & Mason are the focus in this story (although we do get an appearance from Anna & Keane). As individuals, they both had some really hard things to deal with, but I loved how they both worked through these things. This was a sweet story, and I loved seeing everyone's dreams come true (as well as all the healing that happened).

TW: While this book was a feel good story, it does discuss life while dealing with the loss of the child.

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I enjoyed "The Suite Spot" quite a bit. It's a contemporary romance, but for me it lacked the emotional punch of Doller's first book, "Float Plan" (which I loved).

While "The Suite Spot" had a lot of great things going for it--relatable main characters, a sweet romance--it felt a bit slow at times. At times I felt like the inclusion and diversity of some of the characters in the book was a little forced (LGBT side character? Check!). This made the story feel a little clunky at times. I seek out diverse books to read and promote, but it should feel natural and not like something that is included just to tick that box.

Overall, however, I really enjoyed this book. I would definitely read another book by this author.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this sequel. I hope there are more Beck Sisters stories coming. It was a quick read and I also listened to some of the audiobook and it's well narrated.

Rachel Beck is a single mom, looking to follow her dreams, like her sister Anna did. She'll find that sometimes your dreams require sacrifice and occasionally you'll get more than you expected.

I have got to check out more of Trish Doller's other books.

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What a sweet (suite) story. I was looking for something cute and lighthearted and this definitely fit the bill. After reading the Float Plan and falling in love with those characters, it was lovely getting a chance to meet the other Beck sister in a bigger way.

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Although this is book #2 about the Beck sisters one should still read this even if they haven’t read the first one. Rachel is a wonderful character and it’s admirable how as a single mother she always puts her daughter first. This is a slow burn romance that will be a great beach read. Looking forward to more about these sisters.

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I liked this one even better than the Float Plan, and it handled a deep issue with grace. I loved the setting, the characters, everything was great. This is a great book when you want a HEA but also want some depth. There were a few things I found hard to enjoy, but overall it was a good, solid read.

Will link to full review when posted.

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The Suite Spot is told from Rachel's point of view and I don't think I missed anything from not having Mason's side of the story. Grief, growth, family, moving forward and finding the meaning of home is at the center of this beautiful romance. Float Plan was definitely why I wanted to read the other Beck sister’s story and I was most definitely NOT disappointed.

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I entered the Trish Doller world with the Suite Spot, though now that I've read this one, I'm looking forward to reading Float Plan.

Rachel's life is kind of a mess when she learns of a unique opportunity to work at a brewery/hotel on Kelly's Island, located in Lake Eerie. So she packs up her south-Florida life and her precocious daughter and makes the move. When they arrive, the property, and the owner, Mason, aren't quite what Rachel had expected.

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the curvy girl rep we got in Rachel, the softie with walls up in Mason, the way that trauma and grief were presented, and the community of the island. Though I got frustrated about some very avoidable 3rd-act drama, this ranks high among the romances that I've read.

A book club I belong to zoomed with Doller, and it was great being able to hear about her rationale for the setting and context here, as well as to get some insider details about the third part of this series. I'll definitely pick up the next book, and I'll also certainly go back to read Float plan after this one.

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Griffin, & St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book before it's publication date! This in no way affected my review, opinions are my own.

Love, love, LOVED. I loved Float Plan (this is technically a "sequel" to that, but you can read them independent of one another) and I LOVED Suite Spot. My absolute favorite thing about this book? The conflict. I loved the conflict. LOVED IT. I loved how real it was, and I love how it in no way whatsoever cheapened the love story between these two characters.

There's a chance, looking at it with super critical eyes, that a lot of the characters are surface level and you don't really get to get into their lives, maybe. There's a chance it's not dramatic enough for some people, maybe. There's a chance others won't like this book.

But I do not care. Because I loved it. And honestly, as much as I use fiction (and especially romance) to escape? Sometimes it's nice to see something reflected in books that just feels REAL. Where there's not one moment of "yeah, in an exaggerated world I could see that happening." No - every single part of this book was just ... real. And beautiful. And lovely.

And also has this super non-beer drinker gal strongly considering a trip to a local brewery with her husband for a flight.

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At this point, I consider myself a Trish Doller megafan. I love her shift into adult romance. Of course, if Doller decided to write more young adult books, I would not complain. The Suite Spot is Doller’s latest and features Anna from Float Plan‘s sister Rachel. The Suite Spot was like a warm blanket and a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning — pure comfort. I loved this book so much. I had zero regrets about preordering it (I preorder maybe one or two things a year). This book is going to have a special place on my shelf next to Float Plan and honestly, I am starting to buy Doller’s back list in physical copy so as to give them special places on my shelves too.

The Suite Spot by Trish Doller was like a warm blanket and a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning -- pure comfort.

The Suite Spot opens with Rachel’s life falling apart. She has this job at a high end Florida resort. However, one of the guests assaults her and well, given the patriarchy, Rachel is not believed and loses her job. She has to do something for income — given she’s the primary parent for her daughter Maisie. Rachel’s friend gives her a lead — to a position on remote Kelleys Island in Ohio at a brewery hotel. Soon, Rachel is packing up and taking the leap to Kelley Island. There, she works for Mason Brown who is kind of gruff but also really handsome and thoughtful. Also? The job is a total dream for Rachel. She begins to help design what the hotel rooms will look like and rise from the ashes, so to speak, of her mistakes from Florida. Oh, and there’s some pretty intense chemistry between Rachel and Mason.

When I say this book is so warm, I 100% mean it. You know how sometimes you read a book and you shake your head because the drama feels so manufactured. Like, drama that happens because of a miscommunication because of the romantic leads and they just won’t talk to each other and resolve the issue? That doesn’t happen in The Suite Spot. Thank you to Trish Doller for not stressing me out with this book. I am already stressed out enough with my life.

I love that the romance between Rachel and Mason is healthy and sweet and just full of kindness and thoughtfulness. The conflict in this book is not between Mason and Rachel. And friends, we love a book that heals. I love the healing Rachel experiences by coming to Kelley Island. And how everything comes together with the hotel. The Suite Spot was the ultimate relaxation book and I am so obsessed. I cannot wait to reread this in another time of need/high stress.

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The moment that I knew of this book's existence, I knew I had to read it. I completely loved Anna's story. [book:Float Plan|54017982] was one of my favorite books last year and so I had really high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, while I did enjoy this one, I didn't love it quite as much as the previous.

There is nothing that I can say is wrong with the book. There are no huge flaws or things that prevented me from falling in love with it. The characters are likable, the writing was great and easy to read, the pacing was good, and the plot was fine. It simply didn't resonate with me the way the first one did. In short, there was nothing in this book that particularly stood out to me. Maybe it's because this is about the 20th romance novel I've read this year alone. Maybe this one simply wasn't for me. I don't know what it was, but this book was just 'ok' for me.

All of that said, despite how negative my review appears to be, I have to repeat the fact that I did actually enjoy this one! I read it in one day. It was a quick, cute, and heartwarming read and if that sounds like what you're looking for, I definitely do recommend this one.

Overall, this was a solid 3 stars. I liked it but personally cannot say that I will remember much of it as the year goes by.

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Please be aware this review may contain spoilers for both Float Plan and The Suite Spot.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Rachel in Float Plan because I felt like she was super dismissive of Anna and it bugged me. So I’ll be honest I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to muster up any sympathy for Rachel, but after reading this book I understand her motivations as a character so much better and I did end up liking her character a lot.

I enjoyed this book, but it didn’t wow me as much as Float Plan did. I did enjoy that we got to see a bit of Keane and Anna and I also liked that Rachel and Anna were able to work on their relationship a bit as well.

This was cute, but I don’t have much to say about it.

I received a physical ARC of this from the publisher and a good reads giveaway

CW: fat shaming, sexual assault (chapter 1)

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Although not a book I would purchase in my professional role, it is one that I will be recommending in my personal life! Thank you so much for allowing me to have access to the digital arc!
After reading The Float Plan, it was great to continue with her sister's story!

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Thanks so much to the author, St. Martin's Griffin, and NetGalley for the gifted, advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts. All opinions are entirely my own. { partner } All of my reviews can also be found on Instagram @Tackling_TBR and on my blog at

TW: death, loss of children, custody battles

This was such a sweet read! I knew from the description that I wanted to read it, and it definitely didn't disappoint, because it was just what I needed at the time - for the most part a light, easy romance, but with a few deeper and heavier subjects (check out those trigger warnings!).

Jumping in to talk about characters, both Rachel and Mason really won my hearts in this book! I found that I related to Rachel a good amount, and she was just overall a really easy character for me to root for. From the word go I just really wanted her to succeed and to get her happy ending. I mean, with a young daughter as sweet as Maisie, who wouldn't be in Rachel's corner?
But Mason was really my biggest takeaway from this book. I fell HARD for Mason. Without giving any details, I will just say that after reading the chapter when it was Rachel's birthday, I texted my husband and told him exactly everything that happened. You know, just in case he ever needed such information.

I will say that this is the second in a series (the first being Float Plan, following Rachel's sister and her story of finding love), so keep that in mind when reading. I have not yet read Float Plan, although it is among the books that are sitting on my bookshelf mocking me, but I didn't find that this story was at all difficult to follow without that prior knowledge. I would say that it can easily stand on it's own as a standalone story, the only thing you'd be missing is the background information on the sister and her love interest, who do make a few appearances in this book.

I would absolutely recommend this book to friends and readers who are looking for a fairly light and easy read. The steam is good but not too intense, the romance is easy to fall head over heels for, and the characters made it easy to feel invested. The best way to read this book would absolutely be going to the heart of the story's setting - sitting somewhere quiet, with lots of shady trees, and a tasty beer or cider.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Doller takes a sentimental approach to the sunshine x grumpy, and friends(ish) to lovers trope. Both Mason and Rachel are likable characters you can become easily invested in and root for. Even Rachel’s daughter Maisie is a sweet, pocketful of sunshine who puts big smiles on everyone’s faces with her insightful, hilarious and sassy comments. The romance is also a sweet slow burn that will make you smile!⁣

This is perfect for HGTV fans, and lovers and drinkers of beer. I learned quite a lot about how to create a perfect brew - and I don’t even drink beer!

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This sweet rom-com from Trish Doller was a great read. It redeems the sister from Float plan, which was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed Rachel and Mason's story. Can't wait for Trish Doller read!

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