Cover Image: Chef's Kiss

Chef's Kiss

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Oh my gosh! This book!

I loved everything about this book - the plot, the characters, the artwork!

I especially loved the character development for Ben as well as his relationship with Liam.

Basically this book is teeth-rotting sweet!

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Thank you Netgalley, Oni Press and Jarrett Melendez for this fabulous ARC!

This was so much fun!

I didn't know much about this going in and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Loveable characters, gorgeous graphics and a sweet, funny story. It was also pretty inspiring!

This graphic novel essentially follows Ben Cook as he navigates young adult life. He searches for a job and ends up in a very unexpected work place. His new job comes with some surprising benefits - lots of food, learning new skills, new friends and a particularly handsome colleague.

There was so much packed into this graphic novel. It explored the difficulties in adjusting to life post university/college, such as finding a job, choosing a life path, wanting to please parents and managing to balance work with social life.
All this was covered alongside lots of funny friend moments, copious amounts of cooking and a gorgeous gay romance.

The thing that really made this book though was Watson the pig. I would read it just for him honestly!

It made me smile, it made me laugh and it made me pretty hungry.

The main reason this is a 4 star instead of 5 is because I am greedy and I want more!! I would have liked to see a little more build up of the romance, the ending felt a little sudden for me. I also wish the situation with the parents could have been a little more resolved, even if it was Ben standing up for himself more. I am hoping there may be more of the story to come...?

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Just finished Chef's Kiss & it was stinkin cute❤️More of a palate cleanser & comfort read after all the dark romance I've read🖤.

The story starts with Ben, who is a fresh college graduate navigating his way through job hunting & the reality of rejection you'll receive along the way😞definitely something I can relate to after finishing college(the number of rejection letters😭).

Loved the friendship circle that Ben had, as they were all very supportive of each other & it was endearing to watch.

Loved all the chefs in the restaurant (well, except the head chef...I did not like him😑). Let's not forget the adorable Watson🐷.

I didn't like the unnecessary drama that the parents pulled & ofc the head chef, but...I brushed it off anyway as I finally got the kiss (*wink-wink chef's kiss❤️)

The story was exactly what I needed as it was a nice break from reading. It was cute, sweet, fluff, HEA & beautiful illustration.

*Received an ARC from the publisher Oni press through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my gosh, this story was just too cute and I was hungry for more!

I've been wanting to get into more comic books/graphic novels and the cover pulled me in right away. And as soon as I read the synopsis, I had to get my hands on this.

I loved that we see all of Ben's struggles with what he wants to do next in his life, a while how it affects everyone surrounding him. Being pulled between writing and cooking, will there be a way to balance both for a future career.

Being the romance lover that I am, I was very happy with the little side story between Ben and Liam.

Chef's Kiss was a fun and quick read with the right amount of romance fitting for this story. The artwork is absolutely stunning and now that I know Jarrett has a cookbook, I'll be on the lookout for that. This comic made me so hungry!

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I cannot say enough good things about Chef's Kiss! This new adult queer romance graphic novel checked so many boxes. There were so many relatable situations including struggles of parents trying to push their child's career in one direction to not being able to find a job right out of college; roommate disagreements to maybe-my-boss-doesn't-like-me. I am putting this near the top of the list of my favorite graphic novels and I highly recommend everyone pick this one up for a feel-good read.
Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this graphic novel in exchange of an honest review.

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This was too cute. Fresh out of college, Ben is trying to find a job with no luck. He stumbles upon a restaurant's help wanted sign and our adventure begins. The owner issues Ben three challenges to earn his place in the kitchen. If Watson, the owner's pig, approves of his dishes, he may move on to the next round. It doesn't hurt that super cute chef Liam is there to help, and of course Ben's friends who are always down for free food!

Super cute, new adult graphic novel about life and how sometimes things don't always pan out how you think. I hope we get more of these characters in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley for in eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was SUCH a cute read. I loved this story, the art and the whole experience did reading it. Chef's kiss is about a recent college grad figuring out life and love and career and friendships through a series of sweet moments, minimal drama, and some unbelievable tales of a pig. All of this is done with truly beautiful drawings that will draw you right in and keep you there.

Unlike many of the queer stories I've been reading recently, while Chef's Kiss does feature a sweet romance, this is not really a 'love story'. The way Ben struggles to find himself and to get a job with 'no experience's felt so real to me as a fellow recent grad. The friendships in this story hold true and lead to a found family dynamic in moments of trouble with Ben's family. If that all didn't sell you (which it totally should have) there is even an adorable pig named Watson for you to love.

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OH MY GOD. ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH THIS BOOK. It’s a little above level for my students, but I wish I could order it because it’s so GOOD. It shows the importance of following your own intuition and not doing something for the sake of you parents or anyone else. I think that’s so important for kids to understand. I loved how much it focused on the food. I loved Watson. The illustration was incredible. I love that it didn’t fall prey to the graphic novel issue of world building that just falls short. I just….I want to give this 30 stars. I loved it so much.

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I was really excited for this title, but it fell flat. The idea that the MC's parents forced him into an English major and were disappointed he didn't take a copyediting job was too unrealistic as was the possibility that this guy who has never had culinary training would be the first person to think about putting maple on a sweet potato. Also, the romantic payoff at the end fell flat. Maybe this is good for middle schoolers who want to read a "big kid" book, but trying to sell this as adult will be difficult.

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One of the best graphic novels I've read to start 2022 on a high note!

Ben is an escapist character in that his parents want him to write and he is drifting because no place will hire him without experience, for proofreading or copywriting 0r the other PR positions. It's hard to find parents that are supportive about a BA in English, let alone pushy about it. He sees that one job requires no experience -- to work in the kitchen at a restaurant. All he has to do is make dishes good enough to serve at a table, and feed a pig.

I got sucked in almost immediately. You get a whirlwind of lighthearted drama, and some good cooking tips like how to arrange pear slices for a tart. Ben is sympathetic though not without his little dramas. (A word to the wise: ALWAYS pick up your phone when your parents call.)

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I have never felt a craving this strong for a sequel!!!
This is honestly such a fun and dear read! I loved the art, too. I couldn't get it off my mind to the point where I dreamt about it. And the message-- I felt the dilemma. The struggle of choosing between passion and purpose, of meeting the expectations of parents, is all too relatable. But the way he arrived at his decision was so nice. The friendship going on + the romance also made me smile and squeal a lot, haha! Their relationship is so well-paced and sweet. I don't think I can find a fault in a book as adorable as this (except maybe for the cheesy title?).
I badly need the physical version for me to reread over and over again.

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Wow, what can I say about this? I absolutely loved it! From beginning to end.This a graphic novel, and I'll be honest, I haven't read one in *cough cough* too many years to count. But this was superbly done. The visual artistry was amazing. Beautiful graphics, which told the story, even without the words.Ben, a recent college graduate majoring in English, moves in with his three friends, and begins the inevitable job hunt. While unsuccessful with his graduate field, he finds a job at a restaurant, where he is given challenges to see if he can work there full time. The "judge" is a pig named Watson (who's "backstory" when told is laugh out loud hilarious), who seems to have a bit of a crush on Ben. Liam, the dreamy chef that Ben meets is sweet, and supportive, and exactly what Ben would want in a boyfriend.There were several laugh out loud moments in this graphic novel. There was also the very real challenge that many people Ben's age have of "what should I do for the rest of my life". Young people are often challenged to know this, even though they've barely finished growing. Ben finds this challenge with his parents, who believe that his becoming anything but a writer is beneath him. As Ben becomes more confident in himself, and his skills, he is able to decide what it is HE wants to do with his life. And he gets to kiss his dream man.This graphic novel was so much fun, and I can't recommend it any more. Grab it, sit down with a glass of wine, and a gourmet vegetarian meal, and just enjoy it. Adorable, cute, a little sexy, and all kinds of fun. Worth every second!5 pieces of eye candy

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I thought this book was so sweet! It was just so genuine and cutesy and such a pleasant read. I’m also a huge sucker for pigs so that’s a bonus. Not sure what pigs have to do with a culinary chef romance graphic novel?
Then I guess this you’ll have to read to find out.

This graphic novel is definitely a lot more silly, so there’s not really a lot of tension involved. However, I’m usually not a huge fan of her meds so that works fine for me!

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I haven't read a comic book in so long but this was so perfect! The style of images was beautiful, I really enjoyed the sunset scene.

I really loved how the story had a bit of everything in it happiness, low points, friendships, relationship development and also humor, Watson's story was so funny!

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This book was so adorable and funny too! We follow queer nerd Ben as he flounders after graduating college. Deciding to take whatever job he can get he finds a job at a restaurant. But to secure the job he has to pass three challenges and work closely with Liam who he starts to develop feelings for. With a bunch of quirky side characters this book showcases so well how important friendships and found family can be and that the path you think you might what isn't always best for you.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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This was a good type of cheese, especially Watson. This was super cute and I loved the awkwardness that Ben has around Liam, is he, isn’t he? I really loved the illustrations in this.
Ben and some friends have moved into a house together. Newly graduated, Ben needs to find a job as a writer, he goes through a number of interviews however is finding it quite difficult. There all looking for professional experience. For many students in today’s life, have this problem, how do you get a job when no one actually gives you experience!!
When Ben finds a temporary job where a cute guy works, Ben starts to question his career path.

I will definitely be picking up more graphic novels by Jarrett Melendez.

Thank you NetGalley and Oni Press for giving me an arc and have the opportunity to read this early.

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I liked the chemistry and all, but please tell me this isn't a standalone? I need more. I want more. Chef's Kiss looks like a graphic novel that is an introduction to their world and needs to have other volumes to know more about the characters.

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This was such a fun read, I never thought I would laugh so hard at a fictional pig! In "Chef's Kiss" we follow Ben who has just finished college, and has moved out with his friends. He tries looking for a job in writing but struggles, until he comes across a job in a local restaurant. In the restaurant he meets Liam who is a chef, as well as Chef Davis who sets Ben a challenge before he will be permanently hired at the restaurant. Ben is unsure to start with about the restaurant, but starts to make friends with Liam. We see Ben over the course of the book, develop feelings for Liam but struggle to express them. It tells the story of not giving up on something that you have a passion for, and to go with your gut, as well as showing that a good support network is everything.
This book is filled with brightly coloured illustrations, and I found myself rooting for all of the characters.

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This was such a cute, quick read! I just wished it was longer…. I loved all the characters including Watson, and the art style and coloring was so vibrant. I can’t wait to get a physical copy after it releases!

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Okay. This was like the perfect mix between a rom-com and a cooking show. I absolutely loved it. Loved the ambiance, loved the characters, and the bonds they created throughout the whole story. Ben won my heart in his first lines, because I guess we've all been through this, right? Figuring out what we really want to do with our life, what we actually love. And I think "Chef's kiss" talked about it with great humour, honestly and a lot of wit. It's a huge win for me.

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