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You Can Never Tell

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New to me author Sarah Warburton offers up a twisted and dark tale about a woman who is reeling from the aftermath of being betrayed by her best friend, set up for a crime, fired from her job only to move to Texas to start over only to realize that it isn’t easier to trust people in a new place either, especially with serial killers in your midst.

A fresh start is what Kacy and Michael think they need to get past the trauma of the previous year in New Jersey. They relocate to Sugar Land, Texas, a suburb of Houston, buy a house in a charming subdivision and Kacy begins to make friends with some of the neighbors. Elizabeth, a Canadian transplant who appears to have the perfect life, Rahmia, a Middle Eastern woman who is overtly friendly but also evasive and Lena, who lives directly next door and is outspoken and blunt.

For the first time in a long time, Kacy begins to feel her life is finally getting back on track. She joins a charitable women’s group and learns she is pregnant, but their sense of safety quickly turns into one of horror when Lena goes missing several months after Kacy’s baby is born.

The way the story is told both from Kacy’s perspective and the interspersed transcripts of the podcast, the identity of the serial killers is revealed fairly quickly, but the reader is left with high anticipation of what the killers will do next, giving the reader a heightened sense of tension. It was also evident to me that the killers were possibly stalking Kacy and her husband, but that fell a little flat too. It’s assumed that they are potentially the next victims, but the reader doesn’t know for sure.

I enjoyed the story and thought Kacy’s actions, for the most part, were believable and realistic, but I wish the ending had a bit more bite for all the build-up the story gives. I came away after finishing feeling that the story lacked a final punch.

The audio narration by Jorjeana Marie was quite good. The performance drew me into the story with the right amount of emotion and personality so that I would connect to the characters and empathize with them

My Final Verdict: Overall, this was a good story that cautions us to be careful of who we trust and invite into our lives. You may have a serial killer in your inner circle. Fans of mysteries, thrillers and suspense novels will enjoy this, as well as fans of true crime podcasts.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of You Can Never Tell from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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After being framed by her supposed best friend, Amy, Kacy and her husband Michael move from New Jersey to Texas as a way to start over. Kacy fortunately wasn't convicted for embezzlement but her hesitation to remain in the art world is palpable. Soon after moving in, Kacy befriends her next door neighbor Lena and her husband, Michael also hits it off with Lena's husband, Brady. The two couples become fast friends. One night, Michael goes out to hang with Brady and discovers a gruesome secret about the couple. Next thing you know, he's rushing Kacy and their baby to the police station to report a crime. If Kacy thought her best friend framing her for embezzlement was bad, she never could have imagined what Lena was up to.

I really liked the narrator of this audiobook. She has a nice clear calming voice which was easy to listen to. She is much better than other ones I've heard. Usually I enjoy books that have a podcast aspect to them, as I am someone who listens to true crime podcast,; but in this case it didn't seem necessary to the story and was a bit confusing on audio. I was trying to figure out what these chapters were for about half of the book. Overall, I really enjoyed the storyline and would look to read other novels by the author. Thank you, Netgalley for access to the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Dreamscape Media, Sarah Warburton, and Netgalley for this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. This is a definite quick read/listen as I started this four days ago and am finished with it. The narration was well done. Though it was a little predictable, I still enjoyed this story very much and definitely would recommend it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 solid stars from me!

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While I am trying to not read as many neighborhood or marriage drama thrillers, the true crime podcast elements convinced me to try this. In the beginning, I wasnt hopefully because it starts slow but POWER ON because the second half is so thrilling and heart pounding

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This was a slow burn of a novel. I would consider if more domestic suspense than a thriller, but I do see how the comparison can be made to Liana Moriarty. I liked the inserts from the true crime podcast in between chapters; that gave this a very realistic feel to it. Ultimately it lacked the twists I was hoping for, but was a good read nonetheless.

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for this advance listener copy in exchange for my honest review.

Great book! I found this one to be "un-putdownable". It was fast paced and truly thrilling.

In this book we are introduced to Kacy, a former museum curator who recently relocated across the country with her husband after her best friend, Aimee, frames her for embezzlement. Kacy has obvious trust issues and finds it difficult to navigate the social scene in her new community. That is until she meets Lena, her next door neighbor and instant best friend. Kacy and her husband Michael quickly become very close with Lena and her husband Brady. All is going extremely well for Kacy until one day when Lena goes out of town for a few days. That day, Michael discovers the truth about their neighbors.

I found Kacy to be likeable and relatable and I was rooting for her the entire time. Great characters, great writing and great story. It's interlaced throughout with the transcripts from a "true crime podcast", which really adds a fun element to it. I enjoyed the audiobook especially for this reason. I wasn't the biggest fan of the narrator, but she was alright. All in all 4 stars. A really good book.

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* really loved this book! i liked the podcast part as well, would read again and would buy

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I have very mixed feelings about this story, really liked the overlapping story lines but felt it was super predictable. 3.5 stars

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Kacy has had a rough year--having been framed for art theft by someone she thought was her best friend. She and her husband have moved to Texas to begin anew, but trouble seems to follow, as her neighborhood is plagued by what appears to be a serial killer. But, they are befriended by their next door neighbors, making it all seem bearable. What happens next will surprise you and keep you in suspense for most of the rest of the book. I found the first few chapters to be a bit on the slow side, but the pace quickened and it turned out to be a suspenseful and even shocking book! Give it a try!

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3.5 stars. There is a lot going on in this book. Multiple storylines that overlap. The story itself was okay, but it was extremely predictable. I was frustrated with the absolute obviousness of the main character. I could see what was going to happen from about 25% into the book. I also would have liked this a little more if the podcast portion of the story was a bigger part of the book.

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Yes, yes yes!!!

This was the perfect blend of skilled writing and expressive narration resulting in a captivating audio experience.

Reader dive deep into Kacy's life and quaint little town she lives in. It quickly becomes evident that not all is as it seems and readers will constantly be playing catch up as the twists just keep on coming! I loved the author randomly pulls readers out of the story by offering a podcast perspective. It felt modern, relevant, and was an interesting way to give readers more information.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for a copy of this book for an honest review. I already know I’ll be recommending this book to readers and audiobook lovers alike

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ 4.5 stars 14+ rating

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Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for the ARC audio book in exchange for my honest review.

This was a catch from the get go. I really enjoyed the narrator, and the mix of perspective from a true crime podcast. It definitely kept you engaged with the story.

There were quite a few twists and I did not see some of them coming. Overall, it was an enjoyable listen with a psychological thriller aspect to it that I would recommend if that is your scene.

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The narrator does an amazing job of bringing this story and characters to life. She uses subtle nuances in her voice to differentiate between characters.
The story is fast paced and keeps your attention. Lots of great action. It also keeps you guessing. It was hard to turn it off, just wanted to listen I one sitting.
#youcannevertell, #netgalley

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I could not have listened to this audiobook quicker! I was glued to the unfolding of Kacy's life and the happenings in the town she is living in. I loved the addition of the podcast perspective. Podcasts are very modern and current and this POV made the book feel more 21st century. Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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one, though, I was hooked and eagerly wanting to find out what's next. It's not a story where you follow a serial killer and witness gruesome killings. Rather, the story is told in alternating POVs between Kacy's POV and a podcast discussing the murders. It builds on the story of a friendship that forms and then takes a disastrous turn. Although others have enjoyed the interjection of the podcast, that was one element that I didn't really like. Maybe it's because I'm not a big podcast listener, but I didn't think that helped the story and could have been done differently. Overall, though, I loved the twisty turns, and I thought the audiobook narration of this story was well done. I did see after I listened to the book that the author was inspired by some real murders. I would recommend this one for other lovers of psychological suspense, and I’ll be watching for more books from this author. 

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the audiobook to listen to in exchange for an honest review.

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You Can Never Tell tells the story of Kacy, a shamed museum curator (framed for embezzlement by her former best friend) and her husband. They move from New Jersey to Texas, to escape the shame and situation with almost having the embezzlement charges pinned on her. Once in Texas, Kacy settles into her new life, trying to blend in with the different women she encounters, and make a new name for herself. She also looks to fill her time, since she is unemployable in her chosen field. When different things start to happen, Kacy turns to her neighbors, but especially next door neighbor Lena, for support. When something terrifying happens, Kacy doesn't know where to turn, and the story unfolds with all the twists and turns you would hope for in a domestic thriller.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I felt like it was different enough to be engaging, and the twists were ones that I didn't always expect. I've read a lot of domestic thrillers, and while this one is not exactly plausible or realistic (how much bad luck can one family have?!) it quickly gained my attention, and made me want to continue reading through to the end. I loved reading about a main character who grapples with the same things I do, at times (forgiveness, doing the right thing, etc.) and Kacy was the perfect embodiment of that kind of flawed, but relatable character. She did always want to do the right thing, even if she struggled with her feelings on it, at times. This story would be perfect for those who love a good domestic thriller, and surprise twists and turns along the way.

I also wanted to relate that the narrator was fabulous and easy to listen to. I enjoyed her voice for the majority of the narration, and the voices she did for each of the characters. Her voice was a soothing blend of easy to understand and easy to listen to. I would highly recommend!

Thank you to the author, publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This one is a little bit of slow burn mystery but once you get a little more into the story it picks up and gets pretty good. I really liked the unique aspects to this story. It was a really interesting take on serial killers and thrillers. Some parts of the story were a little predictable but overall I still really enjoyed it. I liked the podcast aspect but I wish that we had gotten Michael's side of the story too. The narrator for this one is fabulous.

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Loved this quick read! I didn't expect to be so engaged in the story, but listening to the audiobook, I couldn't wait to go for a walk so I could find out what would happen next!
We all think we're a good judge of character, right? But how often have you realized over time that someone you thought was good and kind was not? (Or visa versa.) I love how this story unfolds and we feel the world tilt for Kacey and her husband.
She's been wronged already by her former best friend, hesitant to trust again. I thought the author did a good job of putting the reader in the moment, unfolding the scenes as we guess at what will happen next. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of this audiobook!

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Thanks to #netgalley, #sarahwarburton, and
#dreamscapemedia for #YouCanNeverTell … suspense novel that I finished in days, especially as I was lucky enough to get the audio version.

The author and narrator kept a steady pace throughout the whole book telling the story of Kacy, a young woman recently betrayed and starting over in a new place with new people, only to be met with danger.

If you’re looking for a suspenseful yet breezy read [listen] You Can Never Tell is the one.

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Thank you Netgalley for an audio copy of You Can Never Tell audio version in exchange for an honest review.

Kacy and her husband, Michael, have recently moved to Houston to restart their lives after she was falsely accused of embezzling at her former museum job. Kacy obsesses over her former best friend, and maintains that she was set up by Aimee who is real thief and con-artist. Kacy struggles to make friends in the exclusive suburb but joins a neighborhood club where she meets Lena a strong willed fun and exciting new friend, who happens to be her next door neighbor. When Lena suddenly goes missing and her husbands secrets come to light Kacy and Michael begin to uncover the truth about their neighbors—and it's more terrible than anyone could have imagined.

You Can Never Tell is an okay thriller told from Kacy's perspective but cuts in with snippets from a true crime podcast talking about Kacy's events. I struggled to connect with Kacy as a character she was a little plain and generic. The story had a nice pace but was missing a good twist, everything was very predictable. There were a lot of unnecessary side characters that never really went anywhere but could have been used much better. I had the audio edition narrated by Jorjeana Marie. I did not really enjoy her performance and noticed that some the characters voices changed through out the reading. Overall, the story kept my attention but wasn't that memorable.

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