Member Reviews

A nice overview of cozy mysteries that are going to be published.
A great professional resource for librarians who are tasked with recommending books to patrons at the RA desk.

Glad to see some old favorites are in the mix.

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I am a big fan of M.C. Beaton and cozy mysteries, so obviously had to read this. Plus now I have a few more authors I will be looking out for!

Thank you #NetGalley, St. Martin's Press & Minotaur Books for giving me the opportunity to read this!

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Cozy Case Files, Volume 13 is the perfect teaser, leaving cozy mystery fans wanting more.

Chapter and Curse includes two chapters.
Getaway with Murder includes five chapters.
The Cure for What Ales You includes two chapters.
Petals and Poison includes two chapters.
Down the Hatch includes two chapters.
Jane Austen’s Lost Letters includes three chapters.
The Twelve Jays of Christmas includes four chapters.

You will, for sure, want to grab the individual books after you read this sampler.

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Huge Cozy Mystery fan and I appreciate getting a sneak peak of amazing stories. I look forward to reading and/or listening to all these great authors and their full stories.

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This is a great way to sample writings of some of my favorite mystery authors. I like the samplers because they help me decide if I want to read the new offerings of these authors, and how to spend my money on books (which I always do). Thanks for providing this sampler.

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These readers are always helpful for discovering new voices in genre fiction, in this case cozy mysteries. Thank you for the opportunity to sample different authors.

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While I personally don't read previews of books very often, I feel like this is a great way to try new authors or new to you series. I would especially recommend this to anyone new to the cozy genre.

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I loved this sampler and getting to read several of the different voices of cozy mystery authors. There are several authors whose books I now want to pick up and read!

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This is an eclectic sampler made up from the first few chapters of several different authors. Some of them I am familiar with, some not, although to be honest, I picked up on the basis of something from Donna Andrews being included. I won't attempt to summarize the various samples and will simply say that although I wasn't familiar with all when I began, I am definitely going to seek out some of these authors. True, it was somewhat frustrating to just be getting into a story and, poof, it ends, but an excellent way to introduce readers to authors they might otherwise not discover. I do find it difficult to rate this selection, however, as although I found most of the stories intriguing, some of the others simply weren't my kind of reading. Perfectly sound stories but just not for me, hence the four rating.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #StMartinsPress / #Minotaur Books for the ARC and peek at these books.

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This sampler is just what the title says, a few chapters of seven cozy mysteries for the reader to dip into. For cozy fans, there's quite a variety here, including:
*An American mother and daughter in England attempting to reinvigorate an old village bookshop
*A woman opening up a rustic resort in the mountains of North Carolina
*A cozy set in a German themed small northwest town full of craft breweries and festivals
*A flower shop setting with a New Age owner and her wise old backwoods granny
*The redoubtable private detective Agatha Raisin
*An antiques auction business in New Hampshire
*The madcap Meg Lansdown and her crazy family in Caerphilly
Cozy fans will find something new here to add to their list of favorite series. Thanks to the publisher and to Net Galley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is my first time reading A Cozy Mystery Sample. What a great introduction to 7 new to me authors and a few chapters of their books. I have to say there were three stand out stories that I will definitely get the books to read the full story.
The first is Chapter and Curse by Elizabeth Penney. I like how it takes place in England, where my family originated from and that it revolves around bringing back to life an old family bookstore on the brink of having to be sold.

The second story I really enjoyed was, Getaway with Murder by Dianne Kelly. In this snippet we are introduced to Misty who has just amicably divorced her husband of 20 years and moved on to a completely new adventure. She bought a run down lodge that she’s stayed at in the past in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Misty and her beloved cat Yeti have a few mishaps when they first arrive. It seems like a rather intriguing story I’d like to finish.

The third story I would like to read in full is Jane Austen’s Lost Letters by Jane K Cleland. This one is a no brainer for me as I’m a huge fan of anything Jane Austin.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for me free electronic copy of Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler, Volume 13.

Check out my other book reviews on Instagram at erin_leigh_reads

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Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler, Volume 13 is a mystery sampler, with chapter from 7 different writers and their novels. I had not previously read any of these writers, although I was familiar with MC Beaton and the Agatha Raisin tv series. I have decided that Elizabeth Penney (Chapter and Curse) and Jane K Cleand (Jane Austin's Lost Letter) were exactly what I wanted to read. Both of these authors offered samples of books that intrigued me. Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler is the perfect way to sample books for later purchase. I appreciate the publisher and NetGalley for making this ARC available for me to read.

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Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler, Volume 13
by Donna Andrews; Diane Kelly; Elizabeth Penney; Ellie Alexander; Jane K. Cleland; Jess Dylan; M. C. Beaton
Pub Date 10 Aug 2021 |
St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books
Mystery & Thrillers

I am reviewing a copy of Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler, Volume 13 through St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books and NetGalley:

In the thirteenth edition of Cozy Case Files samples of the latest cozies by authors such as Ellie Alexander, Donna Andrews, M. C. Beaton with R. W. Green, Jane K. Cleland, Jess Dylan, Elizabeth Penney, and Diane Kelly.

In this book the reader gets to dip into two series debuts! In Chapter and Curse, follow Molly Kimball as she heads to Cambridge, England to help run the family bookshop. In Getaway with Murder, Misty Murphy celebrates her fiftieth birthday by ending her marriage, emptying both her nest and her bank account, and purchasing a dilapidated mountain lodge at the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

In The Cure for What Ales You, Spring has arrived in Leavenworth, Washington, but despite the festive spirit Slone Krause is brewing over her past. And speaking of things in bloom, Petals and Poison returns readers to a flower shop with a knack for attracting trouble as well as customers.

Agatha Raisin, the beloved heroine is back in Down the Hatch, where a newfound hobby, power-walking, leads Agatha to a dead body and right into her newest case.

In the The Twelve Jays of Christmas you can get into the Holiday Spirit while finding that a snowstorm brings to light not only a murder, but an elopement within the Langslow family.

I give The Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I always enjoy these mystery sample. I discover new authors and they whet my appetite for new series. This was a particularly exceptional collection.

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I love finding these 'book teaser' previews because readers can sample authors new to them and often read teaser chapters from favorite authors' upcoming books. This one contains the beginning chapters of seven cozy mysteries and I've already marked three to buy when they are published (and I'm only halfway through this little book)! If you are at all a fan of cozy (no gore) mysteries, pick this one up. Helpful hint: the TOC is at the very end.

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This is an excellent way for me to read samples of new books before they are published to help me make informed decisions about whether or not to read the full story. Cozy mysteries and I don't always get along so being able to sample a novel lets me make a decision without committing to the entire book. The books offer from one to five chapters (depending on length of the chapters and how long it takes to set up the premise) and that amount proved to be enough for me to form an opinion. Four of the authors were new to me so I liked having the chance to see how they began their plot and introduced their characters. Three of the authors I had read before so was more interested in how the story struck me and whether or not I wanted to read more.

I will definitely make sure I read one of these stories and probably read one other. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press Minotaur Books for an e-galley of this sampler.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing the ARC.

The sampler is always a good way to check out new books. I’m looking forward to reading twelve jays of Christmas by Donna Andrews.

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Fantastic glimpse of what’s coming up from the cozy mystery genre. Two new series on tap !

This book was provided to me compliments of #NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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I generally like to look at these case files as they give me some great books to look for. This one did not disappoint. I ended up adding quite a few new books to my wishlist. I am looking forward to reading them when they are released.

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Cozy Case Files, A Cozy Mystery Sampler, Volume 13 5 stars

As soon as this one was offered I snapped it up. Who can resist the 2021 fall mysteries from Minotaur Books. I was fortunate to receive ARC's for three of the books from the sampler. I have already read the Jane Cleland and look forward to reading the ones by Ellie Alexander and Elizabeth Penney. The excerpts from the other featured authors did not disappoint. Diane Kelly's new series "The Mountain Lodge Mysteries - Getaway with Murder" will be on the top of my "must read" list along with the Christmas Meg Langslow book "The Twelve Jays of Christmas". (Rob and Delaney are announcing their wedding!) The other books are by Jess Dylan and M.C. Beaton which I'm sure will be excellent.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for this ARC.

P.S. I hope that Ms. Kelly will continue her Paw Enforcement series - there is still a wedding to arrange and more comments from Bridget.

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