Member Reviews

This is such a great comedy of errors. He likes her. She likes him. He one? This confusing tale is as mixed-up as the title, but it's a great comedic read. This book sets the stage for he likes him and she supports it. A positive book about all sorts of love (although, it was supposed to be a simple he likes her and they pair up, but she misses it).

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me access to this digital advanced copy to read and review.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book! The title and this beautiful cover drew me in and i was excited to read this book! I will be recommending this book to others for readers advisory.

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This was such a sweet manga! I loved our feisty female lead wishing fatness and baldness on all the gorgeous idols she sees. Then she meets o e and learns that there's more to him than just a pretty face. It is perfect for fans of Ima Koi. I can't wait for the next volume.

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Adorable, sweet, and slightly funny with all the secrets miscommunication, and flustered emotions you might expect from high schoolers.

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I found this story enjoyable and combine with the artwork, I thought it was a well rounded manga. I think anyone who picks it up could enjoy it and will want to know what happens next.

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This was a really cute story that gives you the drama by the third page or so! A super quick read I enjoyed! Romance and confusion in a manga. What else do you need?

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This was just about the cutest thing! Of course the first manga I download has to turn out queer and suuuuper romantic! My boyfriend laughed at me when I described the whole book to him. This is extremely cute and adorable and I wish there was an anime version of this honestly!

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First, anyone reading this review, please go read the book blurb's description of the story, I don't have time to rehash it because I have soooo much gushing to do.
OMG Y'ALL!!! I was expecting cute and sweet, but OMG!!! This was SO MUCH MORE than I was expecting! This is so adorable, so absolutely delightful (a word I don't throw out there lightly), I just can't entirely handle it. The characters are just SO GOOD, I need to be friends with all of them, and seriously why can't I go back in time to high school and have Ida be my boyfriend, I am so in love, you don't even know. I'm not a big fan of love triangles, but Wataru Hinekure has somehow perfected the love triangle into something transcendent! I squee'd so much while reading this! So much misunderstanding going on, we're talking Shakespearean levels of misunderstanding, and then at the end BAM!!! here's a huge cliffhanger misunderstanding and it just AAUUUGGGHHHHHHH!!!! And the FEELS, omg the feels, I'm ded T_T I can feel all the feels in my heart so hard, and so much of that is due to Aruko's artwork, which is just SO PERFECT for the story, you've heard of "a match made in heaven," right? This match-up, the writing and art, are a perfect example. Watching the confusion of emotions growing between Aoki and Ida, I think my heart exploded at least five times, and then THAT ENDING!!!
Can you tell I enjoyed the heck out of this? Just read it, it's the most sweet and adorable experience I've had in a long time!

#MyLoveMixUpVol1 #NetGalley

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I will review this on my IG page and blog. This manga was absolutely adorable and I can’t wait for volume 2!! This is perfect for anyone who recently finished Heartstopper and wants something else to read.

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I received this volume as an ARC from NetGalley.

This manga has been my favorite of the ARCs I've read so far. It was super fun, from the gags and hilarious expressions of the characters, to some of the smaller, incredibly adorable scenes where I could start to feel a sense of romance blossoming between the leads. The art, especially Aoki's wild faces, was very enjoyable.

Originally, I had thought a romance built on miscommunication would only frustrate me, so I had put off reading this series. However, I was really blown away by how much of a good time I actually had. Aoki, Ida, and Hashimoto are all loveable in their own ways. There isn't really anyone I hate, and I loved that even as Aoki's feelings have started to shift toward Ida, he doesn't suddenly give Hashimoto the cold shoulder or ignore her completely. They could've had her fade out into the background, or turned her into a petty, jealous rival when Aoki realized his budding feelings toward Ida, but she became a closer friend who understood and encouraged him instead.

On top of that, Hashimoto is going through her own development, as she wants to become someone who can speak up and be true to herself instead of having Aoki constantly "saving" her. Aoki realizing that she had a completely different view on how he was helping her, and understanding that she wants to change without taking it as an insult, was also sweet.

Honestly, Aoki might end up becoming one of my favorite leads in romance manga. He's kind without much bias (which is why Ida thinks he actually loved him from the start), and tries his best to always keep the mood lighthearted for everyone. It's a shame he's not able to be fully honest about his feelings with others, but seeing Ida back him up and encourage him in a sense, was great. I really like the slow progression of friendship to possibly something more between them so far. Plus, Aoki being flustered by Ida's straightforward compliments (which Ida considers more as simple truth than flattery) was lovably fun.

I just hope the current miscommunication doesn't drag on for too long in a way that makes it annoying rather than comedic or interesting. This first volume has set my expectations pretty high, so I'm excited to watch over the progress of the several relationships here--both romantic, and platonic.

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So this was a cute read, starts off with the most confusing of situations. Boy moons over girl, girl lends eraser, and boy drops said eraser (so happens to have her crush's name) only for the crush to pick it up and let the confusing games begin.

However, it shows how our feelings can grow and change.

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This manga is adorable! The story is a fun love triangle with a fun twist. The humor in the manga is great, and I loved the illustrations. I found myself laughing out loud, and I love the relationships.

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This story really caught me off guard because at first I wasn't sure where it was going but then was delighted by the turn it took. Aoki has a crush on a girl in his class and ends up borrowing her eraser which happens to have the name of her crush Ida on it. Ida sees Aoki with the eraser and misunderstands the situation thinking that Aoki has a crush on him. This felt adorably pure and sweet. It works so well because everyone is sincere towards their crushes and feelings. Ida who has never experienced love is caught off guard but is so willing to try to get to know Aoki, and Aoki is crushed but wanting his crush to be happy. The love mix-up works so well because they are so kind. It's very believable. The art is also pretty and there is enough comedy in it to make you laugh while your heartstrings are being pulled. I highly recommend this.

Special thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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What a great start to this new series. I love a good misunderstanding, and this one is adorable. I love Ida so much, and Aoki's facial expressions are hilarious.

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Very good new manga, which has great characters. I love the lgbtq storyline and hope it continues to be good.

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This is really cute. Adorable fluff at its best! My Love Mix-Up! is a sweet story of miscommunicated feelings and high school crush fiascos. While I probably won't continue reading the series, I can see this being a very popular manga, and I'm happy to know there's some good LGBTQ rep in the industry.

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I don't read manga. I absolutely ADORED this manga and cannot WAIT for the next volume. Genuine, adorable, and absolutely hysterical.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Viz Media for this ARC

I adore this Manga! Leaves this leaves a wonderful warm, squishy feeling. Recommend 100%

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This is an absolutely wonderful manga about a simple misunderstanding setting off a chain of delightful high school love hijinks. It's one of my favorite manga series, and I can't keep it on my library's shelves!

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