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The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy

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The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy is such a delightful read. You have so many emotions flowing through this one that will have you glued to the pages. This is one of those lovely old college rivals reunited and over coming grief. I love Kennedy so much. She is a sweet city girl who just wants to help. This fabulous doctor never saw the small town charm coming. Maverick is that cowboy that will win you over from the very start as you really get to know him and what he's gone through. I love the banter between Maverick and Kennedy so much. There is so much chemistry between them that you feel as they spend time together. I love how Kennedy steps in where she is needed and all the changes in Maverick as he spends time with Kennedy. This is one of those reads you do not want to pass up where wedding crashing never seemed so much fun. Such a cute sweet read of finding love in a small town when you least expect it.

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A great small town vs city story that shows what kind of dilemmas affect all kinds of people and how they deal with them. The romance part is sweet and heartwarming.

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This is a new author for me.

Kennedy receives a call from a good friend that is drunk, but not sure he wants to get married. Since she can't get back in touch with him, she and her friend Andrew go to the wedding venue. She only wants to spend I night and talk to Reid and head back home.

After arriving she realizes this is the home of Maverick her college nemesis. Maverick thinks she is there to cause problems and warns her to not make trouble for the Inn.

Maverick and Kennedy were always competing with each other in college. She is now a doctor and trying to get a job in Boston which is a long way from California.

Maverick is still trying to get over his girlfriend who passed away from ALS. Kennedy ends up staying for a week and they soon start testing each other again.

I really wanted to love this book, but it seems slow and a little to drawn out. The chapters would have at the beginning the days until the wedding or 3 years previous to that day.

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This book is the perfect getaway to a beautiful Inn overlooking both the mountains and the ocean, making it the ideal backdrop to crash your exes wedding and run into your college nemesis! The Wedding Crasher and The Cowboy is a title to get you hooked with lead characters to reel you in. Kennedy Martin is the perfect mix of sweet but strong, caring but feisty, smart and determined, while Maverick Owens is calm but infuriating, durable but get-under-your-skin exasperating, vulnerable and troubled – giving us the Wedding Crasher Doctor and the Cowboy. Both characters have a past (which includes the other) giving them relatable qualities to every reader. Moreover, the fact that both are good looking doesn’t hurt the situation for us or for them! Plus – the best friend in the story is a hoot!
What would you do if you ex – who you are still that good of friends with that he calls you from his bachelor party – tells you that he is having second thoughts about getting married? Well, of course you drive six hours to the wedding venue to speak to him! And of course, the Inn is owned by the family of your enemy from college. Maybe an unlikely narrative but it does get completely tied together in a sweet, romantic way that will leave a smile on your face for sure.
This book makes you question – what if? What if things were different back in college for Kennedy and Maverick; instead of acting like they hated each other what would have happened if they gave each other a chance. Would things be different now? Would all the pain that happened in between never have occurred? Or did they need those experiences to become who they are today, at this exact moment, to give the future a chance. Kennedy and Maverick begin to see that maybe they were not enemies, but in fact positive influences pushing each other to achieve their goals.
Robin Bielman was able to incorporate some tough issues into this novel with grace and ease. This adds more of an emotional depth than you see in most rom-coms, combining love, loss and the bonds we all share with friends and family.
I loved the enemies to lovers’ storyline and I think Bielman’s next book needs to have Andrew, the best friend, as the lead character! This book was cute and fun to read. It was predictable (I was able to call exactly what would happen) but I didn’t mind that a bit. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and would definitely recommend it to others!

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My love of all things Robin Bielman is no secret, and just when I think I couldn’t love her any more than I already do, she drops this.

“Maverick Owens. The bane of her small, private undergrad existence.”

A feel-good romance that brought all the feels, Kennedy and Maverick’s story packed a punch with past heartbreak and healing but eased my heart with their love-to-hate competitive relationship, sharp witty banter and burning chemistry. Throw in a colourful cast of secondary characters who added even more humour into the mix and you have the icing on an already perfectly made cake.

If you’ve read Robin’s books before you won’t be disappointed with this one, I think it’s some of her best writing and if not, it’s the perfect introduction to her wicked small-town romance skills featuring characters you come to think of as friends. Fingers crossed there are more visits to Windsong in our futures.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! If you want an enemies to lovers where there is character growth so it makes sense that they go from hating each other to loving each other then look no further. Both Kennedy and Maverick are strong characters in their own right, challenging each other in a way that doesn't feel grating but rather amusing, and so the development of their relationship is one you want to root for rather than wonder how the author is going to make it make sense. The supporting characters surrounding the two of them are also fully formed - they aren't there as background fluff but actually help move the story along and are enjoyable to read when they are on the page. The premise of this book is that Kennedy is crashing a wedding to talk to the groom about his potential cold feet, and that felt like it was resolved pretty quickly, but I wasn't too upset by this as I was much more interested in the relationship developments between Kennedy and Maverick. I was able to read this book very quickly (slightly over a day), and if there was another book set in this world I would be excited to read it. There are so many other great characters that we meet and I would love to continue seeing what happens with Kennedy and Maverick while they assist their loved ones. This was a very cute book and I am glad I had the chance to read it.

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This is my first book by Robin Bielman and I loved everything about it. City girl (Kennedy) "crashes" a wedding of her friend/ex to help make sure that drunk phone call to her didn't mean he was having doubts or regrets. Not in a "I want him back sense" but Kennedy truly wanted him to be happy. After experiencing a divorce of her parents, she wanted Reed to be certain.

Andrew, Kennedy's best friends, tags along to a ranch in a small town. Once on the property, Kennedy realizes the ranch is owned by her college nemesis. Someone she battled with and butted heads with. After running into each other, Maverick and Kennedy, can't help being drawn to one another and spending time together. The story of them re-connecting and discovering deeper feelings is magical yet not over the top with sweetness.

Woven into the story is heartbreak, wounds of the past, career/travel decisions and family drama. All help build a wonderful story of how two people with wounds and misconceptions, can heal together and ultimately find love.

This would make an amazing movie and I could totally see Hallmark picking it up!

My only negative would be the title. I hate to have Kennedy classified as "the wedding crasher" because it sounds like she is coming to steal the groom, which is not what was intended at all. However, I understand the premise and it does make some sense.

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Wedding Crasher And The Cowboy follows the story of Kennedy and Maverick. She is a lively and altruistic city doctor, and he is a broody and dependable small town cowboy.

Maverick's ranch is now converted to a destination wedding place and it's there that he meets again Kennedy, his old college enemy who came to crash her ex boyfriend's, now friend, wedding, only to be sure he isn't doing a mistake. They were two competitive students who had their quarrels more than once, but now, years later, the lingering attraction between them is pretty clear. Is this the right time for them to explore their connection?

Kennedy and Maverick are opposites but it was nice to read about them and to know them better because appearances can be deceiving. They hide two good personalities under her big smiles and his frowny face.

I loved everything about this novel, the main characters bantering, the funny animals, the supporting characters that add so much colour at the story, and I also appreciated the more serious moments that the author tastefully wrote.

I recommend to read it and I expectantly waits more of the Owens' Ranch stories.

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I’m in love with this adorable book!
This is everything I could ever ask for in an enemies to lovers romance. I love how Kennedy and Maverick jump right in to bickering after the years apart. I’m obsessed with their back story on how they would try to one up each other in college.
I love how it’s set in a small town and in the country. The author truly captured the small town feel and I found myself dreaming of it at times.
I am in love Maverick’s family! The love and bond is strong and the closeness is everything.
I am so happy that this book is done in duel POV as it really adds to have insights into both characters.
I loved the steamy scenes! There is a camping/ outdoor sex scene!!! So hot!
One thing I wasn’t expecting was for there to be some strong emotional scenes. At first this book is like a rom com but at the end it crumbled and put me back to pieces!!!
Beautifully written and I can’t get enough!

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Oooh, y’all. The Wedding Crasher & the Cowboy delivered an enemies-to-lovers story that fell right into my wheelhouse: snappy banter, fizzy bubbly feelings against their will, and an underlying sweetness that completely stole my heart!

There were definitely some emotional punches delivered in this story. In fact, it touched on a lot of some heavy/serious issues which I think is an accurate representation of the challenges and trauma that most of us are carrying around, sorting through, and trying to find happiness in. Maverick and Kennedy felt like real, authentic, wounded characters – each struggling with the weight of their own worlds – and each finding some relief from that in each other.

There were moments in this story that took my breath away with their sweetness. I adored the sort of gentle way that Robin Bielman had Kennedy – a city girl – embracing small town life. I loved how the similarities in these opposite characters were revealed with a sense of wonder and awe and a gradual opening of each other’s hearts to each other. It was just a lovely romance.

Both Kennedy and Maverick experienced a tremendous amount of healing and growth over the course of their story. Neither one outshone the other – they were both these amazing people and I found it impossible not to root for them. I loved how they gave themselves space to heal, and how sweet their happily-ever-after felt in the end.

I also loved so many of the secondary characters in this book. Maverick’s family is filled with intriguing characters begging for their own stories, but it was Kennedy’s best friend Andrew who stole the show for me. I loved the added layer of love, loyalty, and friendship that he brought to the table (as well as a fair amount of zaniness). It just created this whole package that was impossible to resist.

In the end, this story was pure, old-fashioned, romantic goodness. I loved every moment I spent with Kennedy and Maverick (even the decidedly more emotional ones) and could not be happier with the story they were given.

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The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy by Robin Bielman is an adorable, “rivals to lovers” story set in an amazing little town!

Crashing a wedding was not on Kennedy’s plans but when her ex and future groom has second thoughts, she has to help.

Maverick is responsible for his ranch so when he finds his old college nemesis, Kennedy, trying to ruin his business, he has to stop her and keep an eye on her. The thing is he likes what he sees.

Maverick and Kennedy used to antagonize each other in college but when they start spending time together, they find that they have more common things than differences. Their relationship is sweet and fun, but it has a time limit. Kennedy has to go back to her life as an ER doctor and Maverick needs to move forward leaving his past behind.

I loved Maverick as a character. He is solid, caring and smart. He has lost his ex girlfriend in a tragic way but you can see how he slowly moves on. Kennedy is curious, funny, strong but sometimes a little over the top. I liked how Maverick handled their rivalry with humor but Kennedy sometimes pushed too much and she was a little overdramatic towards the end.

The time they spend together and their dates are entertaining and great to read.

Also, I was really charmed by the small town life and the setting. The secondary characters are wonderful and I would love to see more of them.

My biggest problem is the wedding crashing theme. It’s a little unbelievable to rush to convince an ex to get married. It would have worked better if she was just a guest who ran into her old frenemy.

The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy is a feel good story with an idyllic setting! This is a lighthearted love story, perfect for fans of uplifting small town romances!

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What a great rivals to lovers story! I loved the characters in this book, all of them! The book felt really fresh and I enjoyed it immensely. Kennedy was such a fun heroine. And I fell in love with Maverick the same as Kennedy did! The banter and chemistry between them was fabulous. Plus the story had a lot emotions that pulled me in immediately. I really hope that there more stories to come from some of the other characters because I really want to go back. I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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i read this a couple weeks back and forgot to review, i hate when i do that... and now am trying to catch up and do all my reviews and I have a couple of them to do. So .Kennedy gets a drunk call from her ex a couple days from his wedding and he has some doubts about his wedding and she decides to go and find out if he needs help getting out of wedding or convincing that she is the one. While there she runs into her medical school nemesis, Maverick who unbeknownst to her apparently to her had something of a thing for her, but now he is grieiving the lost of his fiance but can't help the attraction that he has for Kennedy. They of course act on this attraction but a misunderstanding happens and Kennedy runs since she also has some baggage, which I kind of wish we had more info on besides just mentioning. but anyway we supposedly get a hea. It was ok .wish we had more umpf

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Hooked on this author and her books. What can I say. I liked this book. Must read. Do it. If you do anything else. Read this book today. Great read and enjoyable.

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⛔️ ⛔️ warning some spoilers in the second half ⛔️ ⛔️

3.5 “shortcake” stars

…where to begin…

Well, The Wedding Crasher & The Cowboy is my first RB read & you know what? For the most part, I liked it.
-The positives-
📌 Maverick | I thought Maverick was a pretty solid & very likable hero…basically a cinnamon roll in a cowboy package 🤠😉. He wasn’t perfect, but I liked how on a few occasions he could put himself in check & apologize when he knew should before letting something fester. He’s a kind, smart, hardworking, strong, a little grumpy, sweet hero.
📌 Kennedy & Maverick together | Their banter was cute & they were rather sweet together. I just wish the chemistry was a little more consistent. I’ll explain later down below.
📌 Location | I enjoyed the setting of a ranch & the small town nearby with Cheers “where everyone knows your name” vibe. Although it wasn’t a typical large operation type of ranch with hundreds of head of cattle, it was interesting the ways Maverick’s(H) family made their living off of it.
📌 Maverick’s family, a few residents of said small town & Andrew | I wouldn’t say every last side character was a hit. There are several solid ones. Maverick’s younger brother(Hunter), his niece(Jenna) & Kennedy(h)’s bff(Andrew) were my favorites of the bunch. I’m wondering if this might be the start of a small series the way Hunter was written. It seemed like he was just asking for it to be a hero in his own story. Then their little sister, Nova. Some of Andrew’s shenanigans during the week of the wedding had me actually 😂 a little, especially the bounty hunter - tbh, mostly because I was a little caught off guard. Jenna was a cute, little handful 😂.

-The gray area-
📌 Kennedy <b>|</b> I had trouble warming up to her at first. Once Maverick was around, I did begin to like her, but it was more of a gradual incline, I suppose. I mean, yeah, she was a little dense in a situation or two, but most of the reasons why it took time to connect with her lean more towards byproducts of others things that I’ll get into below than simply just her character.

-The negatives-
(…none of the following are too big of a negative on their own, but together though they do make the difference between liking tWC&tC instead of loving tWC&tC…)
📌 The initial premise | I get wedding crasher makes for a punchy title, but the premise of what brought Kennedy to Maverick’s family ranch & back into each other’s orbit was flimsy at best. <spoiler>Honestly, I just don’t think an ex/now friend’s drunk dial qualifies as reason enough on its own to drop everything & crash his wedding. I think a sober check-in with him the next day & he’s still unable to hide melancholy feelings doubting his impending nuptials would’ve been far more plausible for her to come running to his aid. jmo 🤷🏻‍♀️ - as is everything in this review of course. ⛔️ ⛔️ <spoiler>The groom turned out to be almost more like a nonfactor to the story (besides getting her there) & the few times he did appear, I just couldn’t find it in me to give a hoot 🤦🏻‍♀️. A single scene aside, the bride is basically a footnote. Idk, I thought if he was important enough to drop everything, he’d be a bit more present as a side character.</spoiler> ⛔️ ⛔️
📌 The bouncing back & forth timeline | True enough, it was only for a few chapters, but imho it was a few too many, especially when it wasn’t even a flashback into their past. For me, it’s partly what was a bit inhibitive to getting into the story early on.
⛔️ ⛔️ ⛔️<spoiler>📌 No college flashbacks | After the previous point, I know what you’re thinking, but this is different. Promise. One or two extended looks back into their college days 7 years prior I think would’ve given a more accurate impression of the vibe of their rivalry back in the day. Cause I wasn’t sure if it was competitive, hostile, or ‘I’m more pissed I’m attracted to you than anything’. Perhaps it was intended as a combination? Idk.</spoiler> ⛔️ ⛔️
📌 AND 🥁🥁🥁…written in the third person | Yes, I’m aware I’m sounding a broken record…
…& my apologies for the possible nuisance, b-but BUT it’s no less true 🙈. I tend to feel disconnected third person POV in contemporary romance (yet it doesn’t bug me half as much outside of CR 🤷🏻‍♀️). Why read any at all? 1. I love authors such as Lauren Layne, so there’s always a chance for exceptional exceptions 😉. 2. I’m noticing I suck at remembering when blurbs are written TP POV when I request netgalley books 🙈🙈🙈. Be that as it may, 3.5 stars is NOT a lost cause & remember I did say I liked it. It’s simply not quite consistent is all. Where the TP POV disconnect lies was in the first few chapters, some of Kennedy’s actions, a couple of K&M’s physically intimate moments. In that aspect, the rest were fine or pretty good. Had there been first-person POV here, I might’ve considered 4 stars, even with the other stuff(although it might’ve assisted or solved some of the previous).

‘Kayyy. This went more rambly than I thought this would go.
So I’m gonna wrap it up here. All in all, a pleasant read. If you don’t have my tp POV disconnect hangup, I think it might be even more enjoyable.

<I>**This ARC is provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**</i>

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4 / 5 stars
- Enemies to lovers
- Slow burn
Such an amazing read I did not expect how emotional this book would be. I totally adored Kennedy and Maverick, they have lots of chemistry and you can tell since the beginning. I loved due the situations and past of one of the characters how the romance evolved. I would loved to see more of them (like an epilogue) but I hope to get the story of the Owens' brothers (Hunter).

Thank you NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for giving an ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley.

Kennedy Martin is living her best life when her ex Reed calls her from the bachelor party stating he thinks he is making a mistake by marrying his fiancée. He wants her to come to the ranch where a week of festivities leading up to the wedding is being held so he can talk to her. Now, is this drunk dial for real? Kennedy decides to enlist her BFF, Andrew, to help her figure this out.

While trying to be a wallflower and stay out of the way as she is totally crashing this party, she runs into Maverick Owens. The hot cowboy was her nemesis in college and drove her nuts. Great, his family owns the ranch where the wedding is being held. He warns her - no funny business - this wedding is important to the ranch and they cannot deal with any bad publicity.

Now Kennedy and Maverick keep running into each other and playing on each others nerves. As they reconnect and share stories about their lives and histories since college, can they be friends? Can they be more?

Holy cannoli - I really enjoyed this read. I look forward to more reads from this author.

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The story takes place because Kennedy goes to crash the wedding of her ex-boyfriend, and it is being held on Maverick's family's ranch. This is a great enemies to lovers book. Both of them have some baggage, as do some of the secondary characters, and some of it is really heavy topics, but for the most part Bielman addresses it in ways that feel hopeful or help the characters grow rather than just being overly sad. As Kennedy and Maverick realize their true feelings, there are lots of sweet moments and humor between the two of them, and good teasing/challenging each other.

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The Wedding Crasher and the Cowboy is a fun, easy read. Kennedy gets a text from her friend, Reed, saying he’s not sure he wants to marry his fiancé, Elle, the following week. She decides to step in with help from her BFF Andrew to attend the weeklong wedding events at a ranch in order to make sure Reed just had a case of cold feet. To her surprise the ranch is owned by the family of her college nemesis who is working there now. Will the wedding crashers get booted off the ranch? Will Maverick, the gorgeous cowboy, not let on he knows they weren’t invited? Will they stop the wedding or help to reassure Reed that he is in love?
A fun story which is well written with very realistic characters. Their flaws are explained by past experiences and makes them more loveable. I enjoyed this one very much.
I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for an e-arc!!

This is my second Robin Bielman book and I LOVED it. Maverick and Kennedy were such fun characters and I really enjoyed the rustic ranch vibes. The main characters were great, but I loved the secondary characters here as well and really thought they all had such an important part in the overall trajectory. This was enemies to lovers but competitive and so so fun. It was great to see Maverick and Kennedy progress from college rivals to fully being in love with each other. It was so sweet. There were so many aspects I enjoyed and I couldn't put it down. The banter, the warm and loving family, the past traumas, were all so layered and fit in so nicely. I was definitely tearing up at points too and I literally want to get my hands on all of Bielman's books. I seriously cannot recommend this one enough and I seriously live for small town romance!!

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