Member Reviews

Pepper and Auggie, finally!

I have always loved Pepper and Juno. They were always going to be a package deal, and rightly so. Auggie has been patient and he loves Juno, but he isn't into games, he wants to be a part of their lives.

This is Pepper and Auggie's story and because it's classic KA, there's a lot of backstory. It keeps you focused and rooting for the good guys

Talk about family drama though, geez, gotta say didn't see all that coming.

Now I'm hoping Cisco gets a book, I kinda like him, he may be a criminal but he has a heart. I'd be curious to see what KA would come up for him

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Pepper and Auggie, FINALLY! This book is their journey to finding their HEA and in usual KA fashion, it includes drama, steamy scenes, and lots of supporting characters with snark and heart. Everything we love in a good book. So, get your favorite drink and snuggle in for this delicious read!
Pepper has had her heart broken. No, not broken…shattered. She is in no hurry to put herself at risk again. Especially if that risk, puts her daughter’s heart on the line too. Auggie has been pining for Pepper since first sight. Even though Pepper isn’t ready, and pretty much tells Auggie to bugger off, he knows she is worth the wait and the effort. Auggie is all in!
Their time dancing around each other gives them time to really build a friendship that allows Pepper to start dropping her defenses. And lucky for Auggie he has some mysterious helpers working behind the scenes in his favor. Just when it starts to look like Auggie is making headway into Pepper’s heart, her ex decides he wants her back and her dysfunctional family resurfaces with grand demands. Will Pepper get lost down the rabbit hole or will she let Auggie help her save the day? Sometimes you have to be brave enough to reach out for help from others. Will Pepper allow herself to be vulnerable in order to get her HEA?
A fantastic read I highly recommend!

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This is a single parent romance which I typically don’t go for but it’s Kristen Ashley so I gave it a try.
Out of the series so far I would say this pulled at my heartstrings the most. I felt so bad for Pepper but at the same time wanted to shake her for fighting her feelings for Auggie. Auggie is the personification of “looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll”. The angst between these two was strong and I loved every moment of it!
I was surprised to get the POV of Juno but it didn’t take over the story so it was ok.
Not sure if this is the last in the series, but if so I would say this wrapped up the main characters stories nicely.

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I haven't read any of this series or the previous ones this spun off from.
It pretty much stood alone and I worked out the characters as I went along.
Pepper and Auggie seemed to be a well matched couple along with her daughter Juno. At the beginning it didn't seem like they would make it. She wasn't ready and was a package deal.
Both of them had some major baggage with their families and deserved their HEA.
There's a trace of suspense as the story started to draw to a close. A lot more going on then I know about with a hint of more to follow.
Good story, bit long winded at times but I still enjoyed it.

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Classic Kristen Ashley, I have waited patiently for Auggie and Pepper, these two are couple goals!

Pepper thought she was doing he right thing in keeping Auggie in the friend zone. Auggie, can’t get Pepper off his mind, he knows she wants him just as bad, but keeps him at arms length.

Pepper’s daughter Juno was such a great addition to their story. She knew Auggie made her mom happy, so she set out with help of Brett to make her mom see what she saw.

A great addition to the Dream Team series. As always, it great to catch up with past characters that feel like family.

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4.5 'My end all, be all' Stars!
ARC provided via Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review.

I am a sucker for single parent romance. I am also a sucker for all things Kristen Ashley. So, when I have those two things together? Well, I am sure a happy lady! Not only that, we are also having the amazing Dream Team crew back together, we have a heroine that lives for her daughter’s happiness (and is extremely afraid to love) and a hero that is all the protective alpha goodness I was expecting from Kristen. Yes, I do have to confess that I was a bit scared too because I have crazy high expectations when it comes to this author, but I am happy to say this time those were reached very early in the game.

So, Dream Keeper is the fourth installment in Kristen Ashley’s Dream Team series, and it tells the story of Pepper Hannigan and Augustus ‘Auggie’ Hero. We’ve been teased about this couple for a while now and it’s their time to finally get their happy ending. But it’s not easy at first. Pepper is decided to keep romance off the table while her daughter Juno is still young. She did not have the best luck with her last relationship, and she is definitely not ready for Auggie. But Auggie is nothing but patient (and Juno is more than happy to play matchmaker!). Our hero wants his two girls in his life and, while it’s not an easy journey, it’s oh-so-worth it. Even when there are many obstacles and difficulties on the way.

“I want you for you,” I stated. “I don’t want you for an orgasm. I don’t want you in order to get something out of it for me. To make myself feel desirable. To end a dry spell. To feel more solid in what we’re building,” I explained. “I just want you. To be with you. Just for you.”

We are back with Kristen’s typical style of writing and, once more, it was so easy to fall in love with these characters. I love the familiarity between this crew, it reminds me of how and why I fell in love with KA’s books. I love seeing the girls interacting, I love this crew of alphas being protective and loving their sassy women and I love getting new characters involved. But let’s focus on Pepper, Auggie and Juno. These three! What an adorable family they created! Juno is so sweet, and I loved how she manages to bring this couple together (with a little bit of help!). When finally Pepper and Auggie get to the next level, it’s all I was expecting from KA. And that is completely fine, because I love her style and how she develops her stories and characters. And of course, the chemistry. Not lacking on that department either! As well as some drama and suspense, which is always good to keep us more interested in the story. So overall, Dream Keeper is a great addition to the series!

“Is Auggie ours?” she demanded to know.
“He is,” she answered her own question (correctly, I’d add). “And we take care of what’s ours, don’t we, Mom? You take care of me. I take care of you. We take care of what’s ours.”

Therefore, I am rating Dream Keeper with 4.5 STARS because, as I said, it’s the story this couple deserved and a lovely addition to the Dream Team series. I loved Pepper and Auggie together, how they finally act on their burning chemistry and how they develop as a family together with the adorable Juno. I also loved seeing more of these characters and I am definitely excited to have more stories in the series (I really hope Brett gets his HEA because I am soooooo curious about this man!). So, if you are a fan of KA’s writing and you have enjoyed the previous installments, I am pretty sure you’ll thoroughly enjoy this one because it’s, for sure, one of my favorites in the series!

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Man did I want to climb into the book and slap Pepper across the head! Auggie's the real deal, the whole package, and madly in love with her and yet she resists and resists and resists... She's given in to her lust once, so Auggie knows she's interested. Why must she be so stubborn? All this makes it all the more fun when they finally get together.

It's often the little things that matter the most and Pepper is excellent at showing her excitement when Auggie comes over or listening and empathizing or sympathizing. Auggie's, sadly, never had that. Auggie maybe have been a little stunted emotionally by his crazy mother and passive (at least to mom) father but he's so into Pepper and her daughter, Juno. He's really good to them. Even when he's still struggling with Pepper, Auggie is so giving to Juno. Sigh.

There's plenty of stressors to add excitement to their story and keep the reader involved. I've enjoyed this series and this installment was another good read. Ashley creates interesting, complex characters with well written, involved stories. These two had to work particularly hard initially to get together but were so solid after that and I loved that. Not to say, it was easy going. There was plenty to distract and divide Auggie and Pepper.

Thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for the ARC.

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This one was this was the sweetest book in the Series, for me!

Augie is everything, Pepper is a very strong character, despite of her insecurities…. And Juno…. This girl is just awesome.

It was hot, angsty, funny, heartbreaking, with some really beautiful moments about, love, family (the one we are given, and the one we chose), selfishness and forgiveness…

And the cherry on top: having all those cameos/crossovers with my favorite Kristen Ashley’s Alphas!

And once again, I’m left wanting more, more stories, more about the main investigation, there are so many potential stories there!

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I really enjoyed Dream Keeper this would be one I've been waiting for but also these two have been a bit frustrating through out the series . Liked how the story was written Kristen Ashley is one of the authors that got me back into reading . I can't wait to read more by the author in the future and I hope to read more about some of my favorite characters .
stars 4
hero 4
heroine 4
secondary characters 4

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I wanted to love this book. I really did. Good Kristen Ashley books have been major hits with me in the past. And I really enjoyed the first book in this series. Usually, when I read Kristen Ashley, even if I don’t love the book, it puts me into a Kristen Ashley reread. I go back and revisit some of my favorites because I just love her writing style. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen with Dream Keeper.

Honestly, I did like both Auggie and Pepper on their own. At times, I wanted Pepper to get with the program and just let Auggie in already but I understood why she was wary. She’s been burned in the past by her ex and her whole family. The way things played out felt far less dramatic than other Kristen Ashley books. That’s been my complaint throughout this whole series. The heroines are “in danger” but not really. Things just seem to fizzle out instead. It leaves me missing the over the top drama and danger of the Rock Chick series. I wasn’t the biggest fan of family-in-a-cult plot even though it did tie into the overarching plot of the series. This book left that plot open so I guess I’ll expect more books in the future.

My biggest problem with this book was Pepper’s daughter Juno. Well, Juno as the matchmaker between Auggie and Pepper. It was supposed to be cute that she was pushing them together. However, Juno sneaks away and meets with the villain/good guy of the series, Brett Cisco. Instead of telling her mother, Brett gives her a cell phone to hide from Pepper and proceeds with plan how to get Pepper and Auggie together. This is an adult man, communicating with a child on a phone he gave her without her parents’ knowledge. Then Auggie finds out and doesn’t tell Pepper. This made me extremely uncomfortable. And worse, when the truth comes out, the inappropriateness of this isn’t addressed at all.

Honestly, I was just left unsettled and very concerned. The romance between Auggie and Pepper couldn’t erase that feeling.

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Not my first read by the author, she is actually my top favorite author and one I’ve read for years back in the day when I started. That said I really have been trying to give this series a good go and I truly did it’s just I honestly could not. I think a lot has to do with it because I read the Rock Chicks and did not like it at all, and so this kind of felt like it and I just couldn’t get into it. Another factor is that I truly love KA’s long books but this one particularly was just TOO LONG and I got BORED a lot of times. I as always love the KA writing style and can appreciate her sense for wording and keeping you engaged, unfortunately this series is not a favorite or for me but I did give it my best go.

Pepper is a character that well is perplexed and had a lot happening and going on that that is where I think my I GOT BORED came from is, that dare I say it THERE WAS TOO MUCH GOING ON that I did not see needed to be part. I know it’s an unpopular opinion to everyone but I am always honest in my review’s even if it’s my beloved TOP FAV author that I have read over the years. I hung onto that KA STYLE that I forgot everything else and when I did get into it I just could not connect. That said I will say that anyone who reads this book I would recommend reading from Book #1 and be prepared to really pay attention into it all to be able to fully get the feel. There is a lot of characters, a lot of romance, sweet, danger, suspense and hot scenes.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
Romance: ♡♡♡
Steamy: 🔥🔥
Triggers: Personal Dislikes
Standalone/Series: Series Book #4 Conclusion to Series
Type: All Tags at bottom of this page!

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It feels like I’ve been waiting for Auggie and Pepper’s story forever, but it was well worth the wait. I enjoyed every minute of their story, even the struggles in the beginning. KA never disappoints with how perfectly she creates her characters for one another. Once again, a perfect match.

I don’t think I would call this book suspenseful, but it definitely had some events that kept things super interesting! It was also filled with all the usual laughs of this gang. I loved getting to see some of my all time favorite characters, their appearances in her books never get old to me. It makes me feel like I don’t ever have to say goodbye to them and I love that about KA’s writing. You never know when or who could pop up.

Pepper…what can I say? She’s just fierce, and a heroine that freaking rocked. I loved the fact that above everything, she’s just a great mom. She went through hell and she’s all about giving her daughter a better life. Auggie…he’s just awesome all around. He’s great with her daughter, Juno and it’s one of the things I loved most about him. When he claimed Pepper, he claimed Juno too. Pepper and Auggie perfectly balance one another and I loved their story. I’m hoping this isn’t the end and we get to see what’s going on with Billy! 😉

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AHHHH!! You guys!! Kristen Ashley slayed Auggie and Pepper's book!! Dream Keeper was EVERYTHING!! If you love single-parent romance with alll the feels and swoons, do not sleep on this book!!! I could not get enough of these two and alllll the Commando cameos!!  

What can I say that hasn't been already said about this series? The fourth book in the Dream Team series delivered in a huge way and then some. Auggie and Pepper's chemistry and sizzling tension was combustible!! Juno was absolutely adorable and the breakout star of this book, hands-down!! 

Overall, this book was fabulous. I loved seeing all of this author's main characters from different series intermixed and one word: Cisco. He is LIFE!!! I could not get enough!! Buckle up and hop on aboard another KA blockbuster! 5 stars! ~Ratula

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KA is one of my go to authors and Dream Keeper was one of those stories that reminded me why! Loved getting to read Auggie and Pepper's happily ever after. He was perfectly alpha and once she found her backbone there was no stopping Pepper. Great addition to the Dream Team series!

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Loved, loved, loved this so much! Dream Keeper was emotional, sexy, fun, and adventurous and I loved every second. It starts with so much feeling and an amazing prologue that completely pulled me in. I loved seeing so many different people and I was thrilled for what was to come.

I loved learning about Auggie and Pepper’s history and about their families and all the dysfunction that comes with them. I loved the push and pull between them as Pepper fights her feelings. Auggie had such a big heart and I loved how he was all in with how he felt about her. I loved their vulnerability and passion as they open up and share and their relationship grows. It was detailed and layered and was filled with so much heart and emotion. There were so many incredible moments that made me happy mixed with the perfect amount of tension and drama. Auggie and Pepper had me laughing, smiling, and fanning myself. I also adored the fact that Juno, Pepper’s sweet daughter, had a voice too, and what a little matchmaker she was. I also completely melted at a special friendship she formed with another character which was absolutely priceless.

There were so many wonderful characters and scenes that had me grinning. I loved the camaraderie the men have and the bonds the women share. I absolutely loved getting more of Brett Cisco and seeing a different side of him. He is an exceptional character and antihero and I cannot wait for his story. I liked the intricacies and drama surrounding Pepper and Auggie’s families even though they stressed me out. I felt so much for Auggie as he dealt with his folks and loved the healing Juno and Pepper brought into the fold. I was fascinated by the crazy world Pepper’s family lived in and the dynamics involved. I really liked how some things weren't as they seemed, making for an awesome ending.

The overall storyline about the dirty cops that has continued over the course of the series was touched upon but it was not as in-depth as I thought it was going to be. I liked what was learned but it definitely isn't over. And that ending? Wow! There was a killer little teaser that left me wanting the next book as soon as possible. I am hooked! This was exciting to read and love how it all flowed. There was never a time I wanted to put it down. Excellent story and a fantastic addition to the series!

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Where do we begin? Let’s start with Lottie, Queen of the Dream Team:
“You guys have left me out of all the fun stuff. There’s one fixup left, one last chance, and I’m all in.”
And then realizing maybe some the shenanigans she had been left out of, when she was included, weren’t as fun as she realized. But then again, she got to give Mo a hard time for taking so long to get to her 😊. Or Axl snagging Hattie off a sidewalk as she was walking by and Mo hijacking Pepper’s car with Ryn and Lottie in it to stop them from other attempted hijinks?

Maybe we go for the full sweet and the chapters that Juno, Pepper’s daughter, gets and how she expresses herself, her feelings, and how she sees the world around her. Warning, if you didn’t love Cisco from the previous books in this series, you will absolutely fall for him here <3

But the book is about Auggie and Pepper, and them overcoming the internal barriers that are keeping them apart, so they can have their HEA like their friends. This isn’t easy because they both have scars and triggers buried deep that have formed them. In the game of “you think your family is crazy, wait until you meet mine”, they both, unfortunately, win. They both learn they are not alone anymore, they have someone by their side to hold them up, help them out, or hold them back, because they care. They take care of the big things, the little things, the mundane things, and the important things, of the people they love and care about. Once they get over that great big hump at the beginning, to get them together, these two are magic. They will give you all the feels, they will give you some laughs, they give lots of sweet, they have electric chemistry, and when they finally figure things out about themselves and each other, they were simply fantastic!
And, it would appear, Elvira and Lottie are scheming, the big bad still hasn’t gone down, so, yay, more stories to be told!!!!

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This book was so good!!

I was so pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this book! That cover is deceiving! It's much spicier, and more emotional and interesting than I thought, plus this is my first time reading from this author AND my first time reading a book from this series, but now I gotta go back and read the rest!

Auggie is the best, ultimate book boyfriend material right here, I want one to please! And Juno! And Pepper! All of these characters were so so great, I wish I read the other books too, I would've loved this book even more! It was unputdownable, it had all of my attention, and I wanted more!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever pub for the earc in return for an honest review.

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Kristen Ashley is my all time favourite author. I adore all of her books and this one was no exception!

I love that this series is a mash up of her Rock Chick and Dream Man series. You get to catch up with some of the gang from previous books. It’s great to see how the couples are getting on.

I love KA’s writing style, the way she creates worlds and her characters are flawless and leaves you not wanting to put the book down.

Auggie….KA is known for writing alphas with a heart and Auggie was EXACTLY that… with a lot of patience too! Learning about his family dynamic really got me, it broke my heart for him.

Pepper. I loved her. She has a little girl that is her number 1 priority in life. She hasn’t been with anyone since she split up with her ex.. 3 years ago! I love that her little girl is the most important thing to her. It was beautiful.

Juno’s chapters were such a great addition to the book. I loved them!!!

The character development was so good! Watching them grow individually and together was beautiful.

This book made me feel so much, it is ACTION PACKED, steamy, EMOTIONAL and so so sweet.

Thank you for yet ANOTHER incredible book Kristen.

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Book four of the Dream Team series and its Pepper and Auggie's turn for some drama. Thanks to Lottie and her matchmaking, it’s no secret that these two are up, and that they do have sparks. But the big thing that is holding them back is Juno, Pepper's daughter. What the two don't know, is Juno is done waiting and going to take matters into her own hands. Will her plan work out the way she wants? Or will all the outside drama keep Pepper and Auggie from actually becoming Pepper and Auggie? This was low on the danger aspect that we have come to expect from this series and I found that refreshing that this was a bit different from the others. I loved Auggie and Pepper together, Auggie has just the right amount of over the top alpha-ness and Pepper just the right amount of feisty sass. I give this 5 stars.

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Pepper is anti relationship and even though she wants Auggie, she resists. Sweet, funny and commando hot Auggie - last name Hero. Typical alpha - protective of those he loves. Lottie always gets it right! Auggie and Pepper are her latest. With the help of Juno, these two do not stand a chance. Single mom, hot commando and other great characters make this a page turner. Let’s not forget get the dash of danger and the protective alpha comes out in full.
Great series - reminds us why we live this author!

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